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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=6310125


    I really thought Manny was going to have a hard time getting into the hall of fame before this but, after this I think he has no chance.


    Also I was wondering about something that I wanted to see what some of you would comment on. A-Rod opted out of his contract the during the 4th game of the World Series and pretty much became bigger news at that point then the World Series. This upset a lot of people in the baseball community. Now a lot of people are outed it seems by baseball when they do something that pisses the game off or MLB wants to make itself look like they are doing everything they can to clean the game up. A-Rod opts out, upsets Bud and company so a year later they get their payback outing one of their key players as a payback method. A-Rod never got suspended and nothing happened outside of him looking dumb.


    Now I know this seems far fetched but I wanted to see what some of you think about this theory.

  2. The only way I'd ever be ok with a Triple Threat match for Taker at Mania now is if they did something creative like HHH being a super heel again and being hell bent on ending the streak. So hell bent that he uses his connections (Steph) to get a rematch, but it's a Triple Threat...


    and participant three is: Shawn Michaels.


    You could do a long buildup of HBK playing the tweener that the fans are still embracing that isn't sure about what to do. In order to make sure HBK cooperates with HHH, Steph adds the Taker/Kane rule from their match with Austin: You can't pin each other.


    The match would have a ton of big spots with Taker surviving, Trips getting frustrated and bringing out the hammer on Taker. He goes for the pin but HBK pull him off. The two men argue and start fighting. We get HBK/HHH 1000 for several minutes while Taker recovers from a sledge shot or two. Finally, HBK hits HHH with the Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is going crazy and Taker is up. HBK turns around and gets tombstoned and pinned.


    Good drama.



    I always thought of a perfect way to retire Undertaker without him losing at Mania.


    So he faces someone at Mania..... Like CM or someone young. The Story line is Taker is a heel and the young guy was champ. Then he gets beat bad in a match and Taker's droid take him away from the PPV. Then you see video's of the young guy being beat and taunted by Taker. You see the young guy turn evil and he starts doing Undertakers bidding. After like a month and leading up to the Rumble you start to see the young guy fight Taker's power. At the Rumble you see him turn on Taker, but Taker gets a hold of him, but both get eliminated at the same time. Taker is mad and starts to punish the guy again. This leads to the young guy fighting taker back and at Mania they have a match where the young guy fights Taker's mind control and they put on one hell of a match. Taker wins in the end, but the young guy attacks Taker from behind. Now also at this Mania they would have to schedule a buried alive match as well. That way so the Young can attack Taker and bury him in the set. Then the lights go out and a big lightning bolt hits from the rafters onto the tombstone and it says R.I.P The Undertaker.

  3. I would like to see a triple threat next year for the Streak match. I think it would add a lot more to the story with it now being that Taker doesn't even have to be pinned to lose his achievement.


    I would go with it as Taker/HHH/Sheamus. If not Sheamus, then Orton or Punk. I think it would help the third man out a lot if he were to look like a serious threat to Taker, but somehow come up short with HHH getting in the way. In the end, Taker would win, but it would leave the possibility open with the younger talent.


    What about Taker vs HHH vs Shawn!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. So after last night and finding out that Cena and the Rock would wrestle next WM. Then reading today that Trips vs Taker rematch is also being planned I have already put the money aside for next year. If Hunter and Taker can put a third match on that is up to the standard of their last two together at Mania then I will be happy.


    Now just bring back MITB to WM. I think it's a match you know will be exciting and be a reason Mania is worth the 60 dollar buy.

  5. There is still a lot more baseball left. The Orioles will probably be right around .500 this season. Now that is just my opinion, who knows.


    Idk, i think the O's have a better overall offense then the Yanks. They are a more balanced team with speed and should score a lot of runs. They also have a talented fielding team.


    They one thing that to me will hold the O's back is the pitching staff. They had a great series against the Rays ( :( ) but how much can a pitching staff that didn't excite people last year really excite people for the long run this year.


    I am somewhat rooting for the O's because it sucks to be in the toughest division in all of sports. I hope they have a good season and prove.... hey I don't need 200 million dollar payroll like the Rays have done 2 of the last 3 years.

  6. Alright so I am extremely lost about something.


    The past two years Kurt Angle has been extremely nice to WWE and hypes them and says he would love to go back one day and crap like that.


    Now he got a new contract recently he's kind of bashed the E.


    Couple weeks ago he changed his stance from I would love to go back one day to I like WWE but I wont leave TNA for WWE. Then tonight he makes fun of WWE for using his moves, which doesn't make sense because wrestling moves are like wrestlers and gimmicks, everyone gets used and anyone can do it. So he bashed them tonight because of that.


    So I wonder when his last contract was up did he try to go back to the WWE and they said no or what he all of a sudden just loves TNA?

  7. From what I've heard, the case was dismissed due to the statute of limitations having run out. In other words, they waited too long to sue them...


    They seem to be teasing that Kozlov may be replaced after he was attacked by The Corre at Axxess - one picture on their site shows a rather bad looking bruise on his shoulder. If that is indeed the case, I'm thinking it'll probably be Kofi they put in there.


    It was dismissed back in Feb of 09 and from what most internet sources are saying Kofi will replace Kozlov.


    One site had it being that leaving Kofi off the card was dumb due to the fact he is considered a bigger name in the company than Kozlov and had something to due with the Corre storyline.

  8. You forget, the Broncos drafted the dude currently taking snaps in Chicago. They also uncovered the gem that was traded to Miami (a fourth round pick traded for two second rounders). But I honestly don't know where you're getting the idea that I'm saying my team is better than the Bucs at it. See, I'm a fan that can be honest about their team instead of trying to slough it off or rationalize. Yes, the Broncos have suffered due to the 'benevolent dictatorship' style of management they've used for the last 15 years. It took several years (oh and, um, two Lombardi trophies) for the warts to become visible but that's always the case. You mortgage the future for the present and when the future becomes the present, you're stuck on stupid. We got lucky though and drafted a mobile beast to play the most important (and highest paid) position on the O-line. So that's one position that doesn't need to be filled for 10 years.


    Again as you said I am just point out your team is horrible at drafting as well. Marshall has been a nut case, Jay Cutler cried, then sucked, got good again, then cried when he got hurt. Clady was the only good player you guys drafted that is still with the team. I believe I also said the Bucs were bad at drafting with Gruden, in fact I said we only had three good picks. This best part is if you go back to where I posted the story I said


    "Crappy part is everyone wanted Michael Jenkins from USF who went a couple picks later to Cowboys. Jenkins is a pro-bowler (Talib would have been one as well this year if it weren't for the season ending injury) and is a lot more reliable."


    I never disagreed that Talib was a bad pick. You just went on to blast the team for something that wasn't warrented. I guess it's another "Me King Remi! My crap smells like Roses and I can chart plays for Pro, College, High School, Pop Warner, and even lingerie football... Play TEW, help get the Nets to Brooklyn, travel the world and do a bunch of other crap. bull





    So, one good season and you're willing to anoint Mark Dominik as the next Ron Wolf or Ernie Accorsi or Bill Polian (or Ted Thompson)?


    Again, just pointing out that Mark Dominik has been drafting well. Biggest issues with this post is you named some legends no doubt, but you also forgot that these legends had great coaching staff's pushing these players to be better.



    I take it this is a sore spot for you. Nowhere did I say or imply that my team has done any better. Although, producing a bonafide, legit #1 receiver from a fourth round selection is pretty impressive (people spend first rounders hoping/wishing they can do that - ask the Lions :p).


    I think I hit a sore spot honestly, this is now the second time in this post you have quoted that your team hasn't done better than my team.




    False. Deion Sanders had NOTHING on him coming out of college except his ego. Difference is, he could easily back up his swagger on the field (and didn't get arrested off the field). I'd rather have an egotistical game changer who does nothing untoward off the field rather than someone constantly dodging beefs of various kinds (getting into a fight at the Rookie Symposium? How bright is this guy?). By all accounts, Deion was a model teammate and even helped develop Larry Brown in Dallas while he was there. You're naming off people who were already stars before they got into trouble. Aqib Talib has done NOTHING of note yet. Stars earn benefit of doubt simply by being stars. Moss slipped in the draft due to his reported attitude issues. Heck, you should be familiar with that phenomenon considering the fact that that's how the Bucs got Warren Sapp (remember the positive test for weed?). LT's problems started AFTER he redefined the linebacker position. Again, degrees. You can't compare any of those people you named with Talib since they had all proven themselves top performers in the league at their respective positions (even Rodman was a defensive stopper and a rebound machine for a very successful, star studded Detroit franchise).


    Good points, seriously you did you homework.... So point here is it's not okay to have issues coming out of college, but once you have made it, it's all good. Well good thing for Talib he won DB of the year this year before his first felony charge so I guess he made it before he became a harden criminal. Shoot hopefully he doesn't start a dog fighting league or run a female officer over with his big SUV, be a suspect in a kids death in ATL during a superbowl weekened, do blow of some hookers belly (or date someone underage). Oh and on Rodman, the guy was a nut case before he even hit college.


    Also Moss was arrested before he even went to college. then he was busted for the pot while serving the 30 days of jail in a work-release program. He attended three different colleges before his red-shirt Freshman year began.


    In my view, Talib was a bad pick because, despite his talent level, he didn't make the mental switch to being a professional. From the fight at the Symposium, to the fight with Donald Penn (and hitting another teammate in the head with his helmet) to all the various beefs he's accrued since, he's proven himself to be less than ideal for the #20 pick of the first round. It isn't JUST about talent anymore and hasn't been for several years. Besides, when you think of the opportunity cost (passing on CJ, DeSean Jackson, Jenkins, Keller, Dan Connor, Jermichael Finley, Jordy, etc), it makes it seem a bit worse.


    Again you are pointing out something I never disagreed with, I would have much rathered had Jenkins, he knew the Bucs, the stadium and the fans. You can't honestly say either that Jordy or Dan Connor were better picks and the Bucs passed on them since each were taken in the 2nd round


    But whatever. Keep tossing the mist of "but your team hasn't done better!" when someone calls your team on spending a high pick (and the money that comes with it) on someone seemingly destined to turn out just like his mama (a convicted felon). It's a good thing corners don't get endorsement deals or he'd have to deal with being dropped by... Oh wait, the "head case" Deion got a ridiculous deal with Pepsi while on the Cowboys. Hmm. Now why would a major corporation invest in a "head case", making him the center of their 'Pepsi Generation' spots? Maybe because he wasn't a....nah, that can't be possible! :rolleyes:


    Funny part is I am the one who came with your team is bad to, then you reacted with a pretty dull arguement about one LT who you wont have to draft for 10 years and two players who are no longer with your team.


    Edit: Also if Mark each year as a GM drafts 3 to 4 players that are going to contribute to a winning team like this year then I would say he is doing a pretty good job

  9. I am not sure if they get paid based on ratings. I thought ratings was just a measurement of how many people watched and this led to higher costing commercials to air. So if I am Doritos I pay USA network $250,000 for a 30 second slot during Monk but I pay $1,000,000 for a 30 second slot during Raw. I dunno I am just assuming. If someone knows how ratings draw money please inform.


    Well that's what I was talking about. WWE gets a certain avg rating then commerical space during their show is more expensive which would make higher ratings better for them and the network.

  10. For someone who is criticizing a team for drafting, you make me laugh. Your favorite team is the Bronco’s and they haven’t drafted well. Outside of the 06 draft with 4 players and Ryan Clady you guys have been the horrible. In fact three of those 4 players aren’t even with the team anymore because you guys slipped and hired McDaniel instead of Morris (thank you).


    The Bucs have drafted Davin Joseph, Tanard Jackson, Talib, Josh Freeman, E.J Biggers, Sammie Stroughter, Roy Miller, Mike Williams, and Cody Grimm who (outside of Tanard) played big roles this year in a 10 win season.


    Here is a great stat for you for EJ Biggers that you can start using when you track plays on Sunday’s




    The Bucs have developed talent a heck of a lot better than the Broncos have and have made better moves overall than them.


    If everyone gave up on every head case in the NFL or sports for that matter we wouldn’t have names like Randy Moss, Michael Irvin, Dennis Rodman, Dion Sanders, Brandon Marshall, Rey Lewis, LT, etc. A good portion of the players in the NFL have come from a rough path and sometimes that crap just stays them. Not everyone will be Tim Tebow like and make the NFL look good 24/7.


    Also you are right, Gruden got the Bucs a title (without Allen) he won it with Derrick Brooks, Simon Rice, Warren Sapp, Keyshawn Johnson, Ronde Barber, John Lynch and Monte Kiffin. They were all Dungey’s people and that is not lost of Tampa fans. Gruden however managed to cut Sapp, Lynch before they should have been, signed horrible vets to massive contracts, and his only pro-bowler he drafted was Joseph, even though Talib would have more than like a pro-bowler this year and won DB of the year.


    Talib was only a bad pick because of his personal problems. Again though, if every person who had legal troubles was passed on and not allowed to play in the NFL or other sports we wouldn’t know a lot of famous names.

    Also, Franchise QB’s are not a necessary part of a Super bowl team. Does it help…… Duh, but teams like Tom Brady’s first, Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, are just a few who weren’t or at the time weren’t considered Franchise QB’s.

  11. http://www2.tbo.com/content/2011/mar/29/291559/felony-arrest-warrants-issued-for-bucs-aqib-talib-/sports-bucs/



    This is funny to me for one reason. When John Gruden and Bruce Allen were in charge they did horrible in drafting people. Only two players were considered go draft picks. One being Talib and the other Tanard Jackson. Funny Thing is Tanard and Talib are very talented and many consider them the best at their positions within the division. Problem is Tanard was suspended for drug use and Talib's criminal history has only gotten worse in the past couple years.


    Crappy part is everyone wanted Michael Jenkins from USF who went a couple picks later to Cowboys. Jenkins is a pro-bowler (Talib would have been one as well this year if it weren't for the season ending injury) and is a lot more reliable.


    Also it sucks because no one knows what is going on with Jackson and with Talib out there goes the best two player in our secondary.

  12. They stay PG because of Endorsements by Kmart and other companies that want them to stay PG.


    They make a ton more money nowadays off of endorsements compared to the Attitude era.


    Does TV make them any money now. During their heyday they would get 4.5 to 5.5 in ratings. Now if they get 4's they are happy.


    Also I have always believed that the E should move a show to wed. nights. Nothing good is on and it would be nice to have something on in a wed. night slot not called Superstar or Nexus.

  13. I was thinking Miz, Rock, and Cena would be in a triple threat match at Backlash to get the Rock back in the ring without having to come back to Main Event a one on one match. They are probably setting up Cena vs The Rock at Summerslam like others have predicted.


    I like that fact that Rock finally came out and said he likes being back and now that he has a been handle on his movie career could see himself doing more stuff with the E than before. I hope this is true like when he first started doing movies he'd go away for 2-3 months then come back.

  14. There not going back to PG-13 they never will because the numbers show that they are more successful haivng a PG rating even though some people might not like it. The only reason they are letting the guys like the Rock and Cena swear is because it is Mania season and in my opinion it seems that they give guys a little more lee way around this time of year. By the way Mondays Raw really pumped me up for Mania I can't wait until Sunday.


    I have just been reading that they are slowly being more loose with the PG restrictions. They aren't going back to PG-13 right away, but they are testing the waters. Personally I don't understand why stay at PG. Sure Cena's fans are the kids, but these same kids are playing games where you kill other people and jack their cars.

  15. Today's Raw felt like the respect show. Triple H giving crap load of respect to UT and Cena to Rock. I don't know if either played a heel tonight in there talk (Cena and Rock) they both talk bad about anyone, doesn't matter if they are heel or face. After Cena hit the FU though I marked so bad because I have been wanting him to turn heel for awhile. With Raw switching back to more of a PG-13 style I would love to see Cena as a Heel.
  16. Why would the Bobcats be a team that gets contracted? They are in the top 2/3 of attendance figures in one of the few parts of the country where basketball is equal to or greater than football- imagine the numbers they could do with a good team. I mean if we're talking bad teams with bad attendances, talk about Minnesota, the Nets, the Kings, and the Pistons. All have lower attendance figures and worse records than the Bobcats. And as bad as the Raptors record is, their attendance numbers are only 20/30 in terms of average home attendance. And some of these teams in large markets are still afterthoughts: nobody goes to 76ers or Nets games, despite the fact that Philly and Jersey dwarf a market like San Antonio (where the Spurs still sell out most games, due to being awesome every year). And one guy can turn it around for a team: the Clippers this year are suddenly selling out games despite still being terrible just because of Blake Griffin.



    Pistons 2 years ago were the number one team in attendance. Bobcats have never finished better than 21st. When Pistons are going good no one sells tickets like them. 76ers and Nets haven't been anything worth watching in a while ever since Kidd and Iverson ran the floor around there.

  17. I would disagree with the timeline but I understand your point


    Now, I don't think that parity and a salary cap have EVERYTHING to do with why the NFL is more popular than MLB, but I think it has a lot to do with keeping fans engaged.


    Going back to the original point that Capelli King brought up: fans like to think their team has a shot to win. On a local level, it's hard to market to your ticket buying customers when the league is structured so that big market teams have all the advantages.


    The NBA does need to contract, but beyond a few obvious teams like the King, Hornets, and Bobcats (for instance) how many teams can you get rid of? Eventually a hard salary cap encourages a competitive league which is good for everyone, whereas an open market is probably good for the league on a national, "network TV deal" level, but it eventually leads to teams in smaller markts- except in rare instances - being totally irrelevant . I can't speak to a salary cap in soccer in Europe because -from my understanding - teams can spend years and year in the middle of the pack, never winning anything, never being relegated and fans will still go to the stadium almost as if it's mandatory just for the experience. That isn't really what happens in American sports.


    And if there are fans chirping about *wanting* a cap maybe that won't continue in Europe forever.


    Now..here's the big HOWEVER in the NBA...the system in place now actually DOES encourage more parity. That's why Cleveland had more money to spend in their effort to retain Lebron than any other team. That's why there's a luxury tax. But when players are willing to exercise their rights and sign for tens of millions of dollars less to play with a better team...and when teams are willing to blow past the luxury cap every season ..what do you do?


    That's why I think the NBA CBA is going to take so long to negotiate. The owners are asking for checks and balances that already exist, but are simply ignored.


    Owners mainly want a franchise tag.


    I do agree with taking teams away. The Kings, Hornets, Bobcats, and Raptors. This would take the team down to 26 and I could even see Timberwolves, Nets, Clippers, Warriors be in trouble to. Clippers and Nets doubtful because of the market they are in.

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