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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. Wouldn't you just start on a smaller network? McMahon or not, I heard one of the reasons Nitro was never brought back was because no network wanted any part of it (even under the WWE umbrella). Not that you would need it to succeed, but it seems to me that Shane would secure *something* for distribution. Then against, you could go the WWA route to start, with just the PPVs.
  2. I have Java out for 11 months with a broken neck, unable to appear in angles. If I get to that, I will be sure to let you know.
  3. BHK, it explains what I had in mind. I will see how daunting it is to write.
  4. I am not one to write out move by move to results to matches, usually more of a brief summary with some comments/questions as a viewer. How would you write out a Rumble? Just touch on the main points, winner, and storylines that got furthered? Do you put the order of entry, elimination, and how many they eliminated? Something else entirely?
  5. From the Booking thread, at my first event I have my Tag Titles on the line between Those Matthews Boys, Rock City Stars, The McWade Brothers and Savage Fury. I didn't choose the winner because in all my restarts I tend to choose the same people, so I keep booking the same things. I was fully expecting the AI to choose either Savage Fury or The McWade Brothers. To my surprise they went with Rock City Stars. So I was excited. Month 2, my title matches are usually 1 v 1 between champ and the person who didn't eat the pin the previous month. Well, both teams refused to lose clean to the champs this time around. So I figured I could either tick them off, or find a way around it. I went with the latter. Have Rock City Stars win against Savage Fury, but have the McWades coat them the match, spin off the two older teams to fight each other in who has been the most decorated team, and in the meantime build up Rock City Stars to where these teams don't mind losing to them. No complaints from Java or Tribal Warrior. Great! The match runs...Java suffered a broken neck! Out for 11 months, no option for surgery. What makes me laugh is that up until just before the show ran I was planning on Savage Fury winning, and running the rest of the above plan (build up Rock City, have the two older teams feud for most decorated team while fighting for the belt). That is to say I didn't have that particular feud fleshed out, but now I have had to scrap plans that could have gone into the summer (or until a retirement, whichever came first). Lastly, my backstage interviewer is off to do a cameo in a popular show in a few months. Hopefully that increases her skills or pop so that she doesn't drag segments down. Not huge right now since I am at tiny, but going to play with my match and angle focus to see if I can get higher ratings. If I was involved in a battle I would lose each month, even if just barely.
  6. Well, thank God I went with your suggestion. Java suffered a broken neck and will be out for over a year. Technically it says 11 months, but guessing there's rehab or something? It was no one's fault, thankfully (well, mine for booking it lol) but unfortunately no surgery available. Flush with cash, so I might keep them around anyway. Should be interesting to see what happens now. I will test Tribal Warrior with other folks, but more than likely he will be putting people over.
  7. Excellent work - a lot of these really capture that ECW feel.
  8. At my inaugural event, I had The McWades vs Savage Fury vs Those Matthews Boys vs Rock City Stars for the tag title. I decided to have the road agent pick a winner and it was RCS. I'm fine with that, gives me a chance to push younger guys (not that they're that young, but younger than the other 2). Well, now that I am setting up a match on my second event between RCS and Savage Fury, Java and Tribal Warrior are furious at losing. Dean and Dallas said the same thing when I checked. So that leaves me with 2 and a half or 3 options. 1. Hot shot the titles to Savage Fury, build Rock City Stars and have them take Savage Fury down. Not against it, since I am planning on long reigns on some other belts. 2. The McWades screw Savage Fury out of the title, and it leads to Savage Fury vs The McWade Brothers in a "Most decorated tag team of all time" feud. This can be used after hot shitting the titles off Rock City Stars as well. Then find feuds just above Rock City's range to build them up. 3. Push through and piss off Java and Tribal Warrior. Could then work to bring their morale up or pay them off. Then I can go back to the second half of 2 (Occupying the 2 Major Stars teams against each other, finding other feuds for Rock City Stars). For context, I have the Classic Balanced Product with Faces and Heels but not enforced. (The division is clear in my head but leaving it open for possible heel vs heel match ups or face vs face match ups). I could definitely see these two heel teams wanting to just beat the crap out of each other to prove who is better/tougher. I can't control retirements and whatnot, but would this be the most compelling option: Savage Fury wins the titles, The McWades attack them the following show. This sets off the Most Decorated tag team ever feud between them. During this time, I work on building Rock City Stars in popularity so the next opportunity they get against Savage Fury (or The McWades) they can go over clean.
  9. Didn't realize Joe Gacy (NXT's hilarious SJW character) was (A) 34 years old and (B) had been in a stable with Moxley and Callihan previously. Irrespective of their work elsewhere, I think this is the most enjoyable of the 3 characters in WWE - from Moxley's over acted Lunatic Fringe and Callihan's weirdly dressed hacker. Gacy still needs some polish on it, and he won't be winning any world titles with it, but can definitely see the character evolving.
  10. I could see Van Zant making the jump. Get paid decent money to pretend, or get hit in the face for real in BKFC? Edit - Given her less than stellar performances in BKFC those dollars are drying up very soon.
  11. None on my roster, but there were 4 pregnancies in the first couple of weeks in my latest game.
  12. From the handbook: A company can change product during gameplay and there is no limit to how many times they can do it. However, each product change takes time to complete and may only be to a related product, therefore it may take several changes over a long period of time to move to a drastically different product base. So yes, you can certainly evolve the product. I think if you open your product screen in the office section it tells you the Core product and the Current product. It will take a while to go from backyard to Global, so I can definitely see that evolution.
  13. A for effort on their part. I have enjoyed what I have seen of the franchise so far, wasn't sure if I had missed this detail. Now, I, too can shrug and say that's just Michael being Michael.
  14. I haven't seen the entire franchise, but are Michael's "powers" explained ever? Dude must be pushing 60 by now and shows no signs of aging. Unless it's someone new by now, but I doubt it.
  15. Maybe this is working as intended, but just had a Battle Royal, didn't choose a winner. I did choose most eliminations, 2 workers who would end up near the end before being eliminated, and the last elimination. So presumably I'm letting the AI choose the the winner. Who do they choose? One of the last eliminations. Seems odd. Will force me to come up with a plan...but if I leave the winner open, shouldn't it not choose from the last eliminations?
  16. In Japanese companies where the roster is broken up by weight divisions, do you ever see matches across weight divisions? (e.g. a Cruiserweight vs a Heavyweight)
  17. From the 2010 thread, this is a template Remianen posted. You'll need to use the new system instead of card placement, but I think it translates well for a 2 hour show. Main Event - Major Star Upper Midcard - Star Midcard - Well Known Lower Midcard - Recognizable Opener/Enhancement Talent - Unknown Seg 1 - Strong match (or angle, with ratio of 80% or lower), usually featuring an upper midcarder who is not in a storyline Seg 2 - Short undercard match (lower mid vs ET/opener) Seg 3 - Short undercard match (lower mid vs lower mid) Seg 4 - Strong angle, usually featuring a main eventer who is not in a storyline Seg 5 - Midcard match Seg 6 - Midcard tag match (often with title implications, though NOT a #1 contenders match) Seg 7 - Weak angle, usually featuring some midcarders Seg 8 - Strong midcard match (often involving the midcard champ in some way) Seg 9 - Midcard match with storyline implications (upper mid vs mid) Seg 10 - Strong angle featuring main eventers currently in a storyline (but often not currently booked to work the show) Seg 11 - Semi main event Seg 12 - Strong angle featuring main eventers currently in a storyline (pre-match interviews are common themes) Seg 13 - Main event, often a main eventer vs strong upper midcarder or main eventer vs main eventer Seg 14 (optional) - Post-match kerfluffle/schmozz/goings on
  18. Glad you enjoyed the show. All you see online is talk about ratings, nothing about the show itself.
  19. Brand New company, so no history with me personally. But we're talking teams like Dirty White Boys, The McWades, Savage Fury - that are usually seen as a tag team first and only. They have enough pop to pop a rating, and obviously would look to pass some some of that popularity off to someone else from the retiring one.
  20. Is stamina raised by being in matches (as long as they are not in time decline)?
  21. Hit Row are a decent promo, but it's still a silly gimmick. And having B-Fab and and Electra Lopez added to the feud with Legado reeks of trying to extend a feud like old shows used to try to breathe new life by having a baby or bringing in a new character (Gazoo in the Flintstones, Scrappy in Scooby Doo). Really enjoying some of the new characters, even the more gimmicky ones like Tony D'Angelo and Andre Chase. Really interesting to see 2 annoying characters on the show getting pushed differently - Andre Chase will likely lose more than he wins, but Gacy will probably win more than he loses for now. Intrigued by where MSK goes from here. They are fun, but obviously I haven't been paying attention because I haven't picked up on what their gimmick is. And 2 of the 3 team they are going against next week have well defined gimmicks. Draft is before the show next week, so I wonder if they will get drafted and telegraph that the title change is happening. Overall a fun show. Didn't fast forward through anything, but B-Fab vs Electra Lopez was a strong candidate for that.
  22. Some great ideas. I will start planning for that and figure out the best course of action.
  23. How do you guys handle when one tag member retires, but the other one remains? Do you book the one who is left as a strong singles star? As someone struggling to find his way? Or do you let them both go - in as a package deal, out as a package deal? I have an idea where they will put another team over, and have an idea for how to write him out, but struggling with how to handle his partner.
  24. Doesn't Windows come with an extractor built in? At least I think that's what I use.
  25. How do you book an angle for a tag team promo, where one person does most of the talking and the other chimes in? Would it be Interviewer rated on Microphone, Tag1 on Entertainment, and the the "muscle" (Tag2) as entertainment but with limited involvement?
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