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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. Well, this is interesting if nothing else...Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins) to work for TNA. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/billy-corgan-signs-senior-producer-tna-wrestling-article-1.2201649
  2. Thanks for the info. Once the season is over, will they put the whole season up? If so, I'll just wait until then to watch it.
  3. So I've heard good things about The Flash - but I went on Hulu and they only have episodes 15-19. Gotham, though not as interesting to me, only has episodes 16-21...is this common?
  4. Well, it's a down couple of years. But what's more disconcerting is Hank Steinbrenner being more of a "numbers/money" guy than a "win at all costs" guy. George, Evil Empire and all, was a terrific owner who wanted to win. From what I've heard, Hank isn't wired the same way. If they're able to turn it around, they'll look back on these few years like the mid to late 80s when the Mets were the team in NY.
  5. This was hysterical - the Marlins had a rain delay on opening and they have a retractable roof! Only in Miami... And yes, it's only one game, but there were already the snarky remarks of "Man, that retooled Marlins lineup can really score some runs."
  6. Bret lost to Owen at Wrestlemania X, then beat Yokozuna in the main event. Don't remember Owen cheating. And I think it is more than just about wins and losses - Rusev, Reigns, Lesnar, Rollins all looked strong (even before the cash in).
  7. Much like the music at work, I just tune it out. Didn't notice it once. On the other hand, NXT commentary is mostly refreshing, so I do notice a few things from it.
  8. This gives them the excuse...I think he had wanted to leave for Dallas for a while.
  9. Couldn't watch the whole thing last night, only got to right before the Divas match. I didn't find anything offensive in what I saw (as far as quality goes). But then again, I only watch PPVs, NXT, and stuff on the Network, so I seem to be insulated from the squash matches and other negatives. I'll probably watch the rest of the show tonight.
  10. If you want to subject yourself to the New York Times, they tend to refer to everyone as Mr and Ms/Mrs.
  11. THAT is something I could get behind. And honestly, if he stopped talking and had a better finisher than the falling (there's no diving/flying there) headbutt, I could take him a little more seriously. I mean Taz, Rhyno, and others have had a similar look and been successful. I stopped short of mentioning Bam Bam because he was far more agile than what I've seen from Bull.
  12. The problem with Corbin/Bull is there was too much Bull involved. I am surprised he hasn't taken over the Mojo Rawley spot of being universally hated by the fans. He seems very blah to me. My problems with Bull: 1. His look - he looks like a fatter Rhino + Roman Reigns 2. His finisher 3. He talks too much Corbin isn't great, as far as look goes, but he caught my eye with the finisher and the silent bruiser character. First time I saw Bull I was underwhelmed. The TKO angle - didn't they run this with Graves vs Zayn before Graves had to retire from in-ring competition?
  13. Thanks, the last thing I saw was the episode after R Evolution.
  14. I'm a little behind on my NXT watching. Why are Itami & Balor fighting?
  15. The point the radio host was making was more that so much is expected out of the three listed (add Brady, make it four) that regardless of the quality of the throw, the public would (unjustifiably) crucify them. He was saying that the public's expectation on Wilson is lower than on the aforementioned QBs. Because I agree, the throw itself was fine. But have Manning/Rodgers/Luck/Brady make that throw? No one would be talking about the play call. The Boston Globe had an interesting article with regards to the play call too: http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/02/02/statistically-seahawks-play-call-not-bad-you-think/9Tt9A9avhWuaZGXBlTdTDI/story.html
  16. Interesting comment on the radio today: if Peyton Manning (especially), Aaron Rodgers, or Andrew Luck throw that pick to end the game, they would be getting slaughtered as supposedly elite QBs...Wilson tries to take the blame for the throw and skates by with everyone blaming Carroll.
  17. You could see a Bray Wyatt interference to set up Bray vs Bryan.
  18. Carroll said it was him and the OC, but he was taking responsibility for it. Wilson then said he was taking blame for it. Great finish (regardless of playcall) - the circus catch (luck on the part of Seattle) and the undrafted rookie free agent making the right read (if they had run a different route, he would have missed the ball). Glad to see Belichick, Brady & Co get another ring. http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee200/CQI13/Pats-NWO.jpg
  19. Such awful playcalling at the end. Also, best of luck to Seattle putting pieces around Russell Wilson after his salry goes from $660k to $20+ million.
  20. Saw two movies not too long ago on Netflix that were awesome: The Intouchables Exam
  21. Not directly a TV show. But ex NFL player Brad Culpepper (who appeared on Survivor last season) is being sued by his insurance company. Since he was receiving disability payments when he appeared on the show, the company is claiming that he misrepresented the extent of his injuries (due to the physical nature of the game).
  22. I would have preferred Cena to win the belt and go on to face Reigns. I think THAT would be the real WM moment for Reigns. If Brock won't be there long term, there's a bigger payoff in Reigns beating the face of WWE. That also leaves Brock vs Bryan available. We'll see what happens from now until then.
  23. Levels of trash are debatable. But maybe the booking wasn't Russo's fault since they keep doing the same things after he's gone.
  24. My issue with Pete Carroll is that he reminds me of Ross from Friends - he has two faces and they both look like a mushroom.
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