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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. Hanley is a douche for calling out the manager, especially the next day. Same day I can understand, but next day after you've had time to cool off?
  2. But they had access to those picks. It's just like you expect the Clippers to be good with that many top picks in basketball. The fact that they've been squandered by their front office doesn't take away from the fact that they had the picks to begin with.
  3. HAHAHA, that was awesome. How quickly did LeBron take that Cavs jersey off?
  4. Crowded bars. And bartenders who ignore you for 15 minutes before taking your order.
  5. All you need to know is that Doug Collins had MJ, and Rudy Tomjanovich had Kobe, and couldn't win titles. To his credit Rudy T did get the repeat when Jordan retired. On other notes, is it Game 3 of the Finals yet? That's right about when the NBA gets exciting nowadays.
  6. Fair point. I still think Cornette does and says a lot of these things for shock value. And he does that well I guess.
  7. Do we know this as a fact? Besides, in WWF wasn't Russo very filtered as to what he did, meaning McMahon had final say. Shouldn't that anger be directed at VKM and not Russo? Cornette can be entertaining, and he's clearly a bright guy in wrestling. But he's completely off his rocker.
  8. It may have been. But his current contract with the Dolphins isn't that large. And he's said a few times that he wants this to be his last year.
  9. For all intents, Ricky's last season is this one. And that incentive laden contract I thought was the one he signed with Miami (when Wannstache proceeded to run him into the ground -- and get him all those milestones).
  10. I would do away with the large sums of guaranteed money. Maybe spread it out over a few years. Ideally, yes, he'd have to give it back. If only there were more incentive laden contracts like the one that Ricky Williams took, just to not be in the spotlight.
  11. Remi, I'm not saying they have a recourse. What does Jamarcus care about getting cut? He's laughing to the bank to the tune of $40 million. Teams shouldn't be on the hook for that money any more than CJ should be paid a pittance given his performance.
  12. Remi, so if a guy underperforms in his deal he should give money back too? Only fair, right?
  13. What's the big deal on the Dez Bryant question. If you say your dad was a pimp, and then you say your mom worked for your dad, what's the next logical question? Should it have been worded differently? Possibly. But I found it funny to hear Mike Wilbon with his fake indignation over it. "It's irresponsible...Teams get away with everything...Players are never forgiven for anything..." Fine, then don't watch if you're so upset. Yeah, like that will happen. How is this different from asking (out of the blue) "Do you like to wear women's underwear?" or "How was it the first time you did heroin?" -- I mean, aren't those insensitive questions too?
  14. It's still April. Let's see it hold up past the All-Star Break.
  15. With the Mark Henry comment, remember early on they had a ton of money invested in him. Might as well find SOME use for him and pay him rather than release him and pay him. Shelton was meh.
  16. Isn't this how the whole thing with Molly turned out too though, all those years ago?
  17. I'm reading coasting in this case to mean that he was getting by on his in-ring talent rather than improving his mic skills as well. That's the only thing I could think of. He was super hot in the time with Angle and Haas (ages ago), and when he moved to RAW and had those matches with Michaels and Triple H. Aside from that, I think everyone agreed he was talented, but not main event talented (as all around).
  18. Somewhat related to the top phrase, is that why they say "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."? On the second point, they said his promos didn't match his talent in the ring...Don't think that has anything to do with coasting, more a lack of talent on the mic.
  19. That's also a valid point. I guess I could see that being the case.
  20. Thing is, they're not that good for people to want to spend money on both companies. Ideally, I'd cut back on the number of PPVs, like what WWE had before (big 4 and some specials). That way they're still paying for the matches, just not as many.
  21. My point is after the first time, they should have just done the new finish (to make it look less dumb). Have Orton yell something at Kofi on his way out in disgust, and be done with it. And yes, it got dealt with backstage, but not before making a spectacle of it out there.
  22. Couldn't they simply have improvised a finish quicker, and dealt with it backstage?
  23. Because he's not as talented as the people he's going up against?
  24. More gear grinders: People who can't spell. May have been mentioned already, but I had a funny story to go along with this. I used to work at this place that had the reader boards (where they put the week's specials). Anyway, one store in the district was advertising "CANED HAM" -- wasn't even the store I worked at, but I had to stop by and tell them to fix it. Worst offender was a mattress store (with mattress in the name) that spelled it MATTRES on the advertisement. I used to call stores that I noticed had spelling mistakes on the advertisements they put up. Sadly, where I live now, there is a lack of those reader boards. No more fun.
  25. What grinds my gears? People. Probably why the whole internet dating experiment was a fiasco.
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