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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. BTW anyone noticed the bleeding of the Undertaker's right arm? I think it happened because of a botch with the hells gate or somewhere around that time. Real glad the EMT's didn't rush in for it or would have ruined it all.
  2. Are you finished?.... Well let me retort (Doc Holliday in Tombstone for those who don't know) Have to concur with the general mehness of it all. And last years last ppv's where better Final Resolution and Turning Point as examples. 1. National Anthem: Crapptastic 1 2. Opening promo: Kinda flat meh 4.5 3. Tag Bout: This as opener and not MITB? too short, lacked flow. 5 4. three way: same old crap but better flow. 5.5 5. Female promo + Slim Jim: CRAAAP 1.5 ( +0.5 for the joke and cameos) 6. MITB: underwhelming and I like spotfests 6.5 7. Extreme rules promos: why waste time on this? 3 8. Hall of fame recapping: Took too long and is Gorgeous George or his wife inducted? 5 9. Sheamus vs Trips: same old crap with more time and some nice moves by Sheamus 5.75 10. Slim Jim commercial: A full on commercial at WM??? 1 11. Punk vs Rey: finally something good but too short 7 12. Bret vs Vince: took way too long making you almost sympathize for VKM and fell flat. Other matches needed this time 4 13. Atlanta promo: Again why waste time especially for something a year away? 2 14. Edge vs Jericho : Pretty good second best of the night but not super special, Striker ruined the start with his bs. 7.25 15. Divas: No place this high up the card and botchamania 1 16. Cena vs Batista: Could have been worse 6.25 17. Michales vs Taker: Not as good as last year as expected, still good 8 18. Michaels farewell: Pretty well done but he will be back 7.5 So overall meh. Flat crowd as well. Didn't have that true mania feel for me somehow even 25 felt more wresltemania isch. Hope next year will be better. Favorite fan signs: HHH fears Divorce, I Hope a Canadian wins ( Edge vs Jericho), McMahon: The richest there is, the most evil there was and the biggest loser there will be. And don't put this on me liking TNA as I am not the only one that feels like this and I followed the entire build. Also Wrestling Century read your review and then think again if it was an awesome show? See how many decent and bad you had in there?
  3. And I would be surprised if ROH was the first fed of any note that has used that system. Almost everything in wrestling has been done before.
  4. I think CM is more like Jericho, Michaels and HHH in the IWC's eyes not so much the marks. Thanks.
  5. On the streak it really depends on what you define young up and comer someone who has been around for a while and could use true solidification in the main event scene would not be a problem. CM Punk would be the current example. Some new super pushed midcarder would be a bad idea. Sheamus as a current example.
  6. Jericho vs Edge despite the crappy storyline Punk vs Mysterio Taker vs Michaels although it won't be as good as last year MITB
  7. What are people's thoughts on the ranking system? Seems Bisch is still a fan of it it seems. I think it just limits creativity too much and doesn't work in a storyline driven fed.
  8. It isn't was reported by PWI and/or WO and the WWE itself. Need to buy the DVD for the full show.
  9. Wouldn't a more interesting discussion be who you would move to which brand? As slowly but surely RAW and Smackdown have started to get some separate identity. Also you forgot the three unassigned ones: Vance Archer, Tyler Reks and Lance Cade.
  10. If you HAD to do it, then that is a decent way of doing it Jester.
  11. Afraid this might happen http://ui08.gamespot.com/2119/doublefacepalm_2.jpg
  12. Traci has been gone for a while now and Bisch is working on renaming and or rededicating the Global title. What is with the cutting of Sharky? He is a sympathy jobber and you do need those guys. He generates more sympathy then Yang and Funaki and is a better wrestler then them imho. As an undercard worker used once in a blue moon for a squash he is fine. Brutus is also fine in the tag scene.
  13. BTW props Stennick for not adding that financial troubles bs tagline that was added to that info.
  14. That's Terry Taylor's role but he can off course be overruled by Hogan, EB and Dixie. Same as John Laurinaitis who can be overruled by Vince and Stephanie. edit: Also a try out =not signed just ask Colt Cabana. Didn't count the nxt guys (8) so its not triple but two and a half. But by the same token with the E you see the same guys too much lolz. Not arguing mate TNA's roster is way to big but I think the one I outlined is manageable. current situation: TNA: 58/2 = 29 per hour per week lolz. WWE: 79/6 = 13 1/6 per hour per week. Not including Archer, Reks and Cade. My TNA: 42/2 = 21 per hour. Still hard but doable especially if you keep the tag teams dedicated.
  15. Some perspective: RAW: 36 including swaggle and bellas and mendes Smackdown: 35 including Serena as we know she will wrestle. Unassigned from ECW: Vance Archer, Tyler Reks Unassigned: Lance Cade
  16. Well if you start including those guys you can start including road agents and if you start including those you can start including production truck guys and camera men etc etc. Off screen without a debut (Suicide 3) or a cameo (Spike Dudley) or not actively wrestling (Hogan, Flair, Cute Kip) doesn't count as a wrestler imho.
  17. With some added info: Main Event: Angle H Styles F Joe H Daniels H Hardy F RVD F Upper Midcard: Morgan H Hernandez F Abyss F Wolfe H Dinero F Anderson H Midcard: Young F Homicide H Rhino H Kaz F Red F Tomko H Undercard: Moore H Shark Boy F Tag Teams: Hooliganz (Kendrick + (London)) Also X + Midcard H Motor City Machine Guns Also X + Midcard F Beer Money Inc. Also Upper Midcard H British Invasion (Magnus + Williams) Midcard and Williams = X H Generation Me Also X + Undercard F Lethal Consequences Also X + Lethal = Midcard, Creed = Undercard. F Women: (Del Ray) H Tara F Hamada F ODB F Wilde F Sarita F Daffney H Love H Rayne H Skye H Occasional Wrestlers/Personalities: Foley F Jarrett F Flair H Hogan F Sting F Raven H Backstage Interviewers: Borash F Hemme F Announce crew: Tenay F Tazz F Other: Bischoff H So Cal Val F Penzer. The referees. Still very big but much more manageable. That means gone/phase out: Nasties go OJ go Neal go Terry short phase out Hart go Bubba go Von Erich short phase out Suicide 3 go (that Jap guy they have on loan from NJPW) Kiyoshi go Nash phase out Hall phase out Waltman phase out 3D phase out Richards go If you keep the tag teams mainly dedicated tag teams and keep the occasionals and personalities in a supporting role instead of a dominant one and use the two undercarders as sympathy jobbers this would be a manageable roster. Edit this is where and how I would like to see them and using the Smackdown 6 rule kinda. As in you can have 6 guys be your go to guys.
  18. I counted 52 a while back still way too big though. Whoever did that can't do math. And I have made my ideal roster quite clear. Let me recount based on the list above. Ok that makes 58 if you count the tag teams as separate and don't include Hogan and Flair. That is still 10 off and way way too big.
  19. Yeah X-Cup should be this year. But with all the stuff going on atm I don't expect it till the end of the year if at all.
  20. Prolly not THE reason but a reason. So you can test how an 8-10 run does and duck competition like the NCAA final at the same time. Smart move.
  21. Yep plus like I said before a good tag division is a draw in and of itself adding to the amount of people the main eventers draw. Over simplified analogy: Good Main Event Scene, decent midcard, crappy tag scene: 2.0 Good Main Event Scene, decent midcard, decent tag scene: 2.5 Good Main Event Scene, decent midcard, good tag scene: 3.0 So a good tag scene means extra money for the promotion and all the workers involved in the promotion only the correlation isn't as direct as with Single workers in the ME scene.
  22. Vince in the acorn online on wrestlemania and TNA: http://www.acorn-online.com/joomla15/arts/features/53533-after-26-years-wrestlemania-is-still-special-to-wwe-owner.html excerpt on TNA: The wrestling landscape itself has also changed in the last six months. For years WWE battled rival World Championship Wrestling (WCW) in what fans remember as the “Monday Night Wars” because both companies had programs going head to head Monday night. WWE decisively won the war in 2001 with the end of WCW, but this month Total Nonstop Action (TNA) moved its wrestling program to Monday nights directly against WWE’s flagship program RAW. WWE isn’t sweating it though and the ratings have so far backed that confidence up, with millions more preferring WWE programming. Mr. McMahon even goes as far at to say TNA is “not competition.” “We’re in different businesses,” Mr. McMahon said. “We’re in the entertainment business and they’re in the ‘pro wrasslin’ business. It’s different markets. When they moved to Monday nights they threw the kitchen sink at us and only did a fraction of our audience. It doesn’t speak well for the type of product they’re trying to present with the tawdry, blood-soaked action. I don’t think that’s what the culture wants these days.” I think that is what a lot of the culture wants today and is the type of culture that was prevalent when wrestling was at its biggest. Anyways thanks for the press Acorn and Vince if you want wrestling go to TNA lolz.
  23. Yep it makes more sense for Goldberg to sign with the E and as Jester pointed out there is a bigger chance he will be used well there. In the TNA thread I made clear what I thought about him possibly in TNA. In short it was that he could be an asset but that he would have to be handled exactly right or it wouldn't work which would make it too big a risk given his cost.
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