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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Thanks man. In my head, this show was 'SummerSlam', in that some feuds ended, and others began or developed. Not like a WrestleMania or end of season show, but something to get people excited for the second half of the season. I'd like to think in Croft and Tombstone (two you mentioned) and of course Frogue and Belushi, I've built four top heels who look unstoppable at the moment. I think by the end of the season I'd have turned one of them face, but I'm not 100% on which one. I know which one it won't be though Glad you enjoyed the 3 on 3, and Joss's arrival. It's my first proper 'cinematic match', and it delivered ratings wise. It was also so much fun to write! I wrote it right around the time of the Stadium Stampede, as I really enjoyed that match! Hoping to do more matches like this soon. As for Doug/Riley, yeah, I mean, it's my main storyline afterall. With Swoop/Frogue right below it I think you'll like where that's going. Neither of them are going to be bringing out a song or anything though. Poor Doug. He's in love with Rebecca, and there's nothing he can do about her relationship with Blake. The most 'Beautiful' man in RAW. The Undefeated TV Champion. I mean, how does he compete with that?! Thank you so much for your comments It was a fun show to construct and write.
  2. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #c6d9f7; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> EPISODE #540 JUNE 2020, WEEK 4… On Commentary: Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Show Opening – Video Package We kicked off tonight's TV Special – The Mid-Season Finale, with a video package, showing some of the rivalries that are coming to a head tonight... The Main Event will see the return to in-ring action of 'The Alpha Dog' Swoop McCarthy, as he goes up against 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi in only the second ever Ladder Match on RAW TV... We're going to see six men (Captain Wrestling II, Will Beaumont, Luke Steele, Maurice Jackson, Lynx and Loxley Robbins) battle it out in a Six Pack Challenge to determine who gets the first opportunity at the winner of Swoop vs Belushi... Plus, a never-before-seen 3 on 3 Parking Lot Brawl, filmed around a week ago, in a 'Cinematic' style... Before all of that though, two former best friends clashed a few weeks ago, when Brodie Lachlan 'threw the towel in' during Matty Wills' only ever Quest Title shot against Tombstone... Since then, the disagreement has gotten personal, which is hardly surprising, since Brodie is dating Matty's sister Rose... Where will her loyalties lie when it's all said and done...? </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Brodie Lachlan believes he's the star of this team/friendship, and he was out to prove it tonight, but he still wanted to win in the cheapest way possible. Three minutes in, he had Matty Wills in a headlock, and shouted for Rose Wills to throw the towel in for Matty before he passes out from the pain. Rose looked conflicted, but she soon showed where her head was at by obliging and throwing a white towel into the ring to stop the match! Referee Tony Thorpe refused to accept the towel, as Rose was clearly on Brodie's side, and the match continued! Around 9 minutes in, Matty made his only mistake, as he attempted a straight kick to the gut on his former best friend. Brodie caught his leg, and ducked an attempted Enziguri, locking Matty in his patented Ankle Lock submission, and making him tap out!! 55 Winner: 'Bodacious' Brodie Lachlan w/ Rose Wills Finish: 'Ankle Lock' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Audacious From The Bodacious One Matty clutched his ankle, clearly in a lot of pain... His sister Rose got into the ring, and raised her boyfriend Brodie's hand... The pair had the audacity to stand over Matty and celebrate Brodie's big win... before leaving the ring without looking back... But that's not the last we're going to see of Brodie tonight... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Ain't No Party Like A Bogan Bus Party The Boy Band LiberTeen, along with their manager Raymond Royce, could be found on the Bogan Bus next, having themselves a little shin-dig... Beer was flowing, music... terrible music... was playing in the background... and then there was a knock at the door that startled everyone... Heath Murdock, Horton Ravenwood (Party Central), Marcus Kerr and Matt Stoppard (The 3am Boys), were stood at the door as Tye LiberTeen opened it... There was a moment of tension, broken by Ravenwood... Horton Ravenwood: “G'Day... Never turn up to a party empty handed right...?!?!” Horton and co. revealed boxes of beers they were stood in front of, and everyone (including the normally boring Raymond Royce) cheered... We saw everyone enter the bus from the outside, carrying beers, and then a time-lapse video commenced... At one point, Royce left, saying his goodbyes at the doorway... CJ LiberTeen came out to TC (Tactically Chunder)... He collected himself and went back in... The time-lapse stopped around six hours later, and the cameraman then began to walk towards the doorway... Heath, Horton, Kerr and Stoppard all burst through the door cheering, looking like they were heading to an after party... The scene on the bus can only be described as 'The Calm After The Storm'... All four members of LiberTeen were passed out in various places... CJ, with puke coming out of his mouth, was laid out in the Driver's Seat of the Bus, wearing a Limo Driver's hat!! Tye was a few rows back, but completely sprawled out across the aisle... In the beds, we found George, who was all tucked in, and looked like he might have been there for hours... At the back, in the area with tables and seating, Frankie LiberTeen held a beer in his left hand and a burnt out cigar in his right, but he was asleep... Face down on the table... but he did shout/mumble to Heath Murdock and co. to wait for him, because he was coming with them to the after-party!! He didn't... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Wherever Nathan McKenzie and Rahmel Goode go, they have a dark shadow over their heads, and it belongs to Montgomery Croft and Manhunter. Croft has it in for the two big, strong, fan favourites. He has a bigger, and stronger, bad man in Manhunter doing his bidding. Manhunter did most of the heavy lifting in this match too, with Croft only coming into the ring when McKenzie or Goode were down and in trouble. Croft was effective in his attacks on the Goode Brothers in fairness, and it was his ingenuity that ultimately lead to their victory. McKenzie went for his 'Spear' on Manhunter, but Croft shoved his giant partner out of the way, and McKenzie hit his Half-Brother Rahmel Goode with almost the full force of the move! Goode and Manhunter were the legal men, and Croft's next move was to take McKenzie out of the ring with a tackle that left both men down on the outside. Manhunter unleashed with his 'Big Foot' to Goode, and the win was theirs! 62 Winners: Montgomery Croft & Manhunter Finish: 'Big Foot' (Big Boot) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Croft Enterprises A clean win for Montgomery Croft and Manhunter, but their night was far from over... Nathan McKenzie and Rahmel Goode wanted to continue the fight!! Montgomery Croft: “Boys, boys, boys... Before you do this, know one thing... Tonight... Marks the beginning... of Croft Enterprises... A group that is going to RUN, this company... With Manhunter, and the other people I have in my group... RAW will never be the same again... So... Please welcome... My new protege... BRODIE LACHLAN!!” Joined by his girlfriend Rose Wills, Brodie strolled to the ring, holding her hand... He had a big smirk on his face... But it didn't seem to deter McKenzie and Goode... They still liked their chances in a fight... Until this man arrived on the stage to an incredibly loud reaction!! Dumfrey Pinn, the former 5-time DIW Champion was here on RAW!! Pinn versus McKenzie, who is a 6-time former APW Commonwealth Champion, was a 'Dream Match' people talked about for years in Australia. If the two smaller companies could ever join forces, that is a feud that could have headlined a 'super show' between DIW and APW... And now, they were both here on RAW... standing nose to nose... Croft broke the silence though... Montgomery Croft: “Now we just had a great match... Me and you 'Big Mac', we've have a few of them now... But I'm asking you both... One last time... JOIN me...!! JOIN Croft Enterprises... Just think of the success we can have!!” McKenzie punched Croft in the throat, and a brawl broke out!! Bodies flew all over the ring, in particular Brodie Lachlan's... In the end, Brodie locked Goode in his Ankle Lock, while Pinn and Manhunter held McKenzie's arms... and Croft told them enough was enough... Montgomery Croft: “Just remember boys... YOU had the chance to join us... and YOU chose not to... I already revealed your secret to the world... The fact that you're Half Brothers... But boys... There is MORE I know about you both... And I'm gonna hold it over you like I did the last time... because YOU asked for it!!” Croft gave his men the signal, and Brodie looked like he snapped Goode's ankle!! McKenzie broke free of his attackers and yelled out in pain at seeing his brother hurt, and then walked onto a 'Boss-A-Nova' (Deep Six) from Dumfrey Pinn!! The segment ended with the Goode Brothers down in the middle of the ring, and the group known as Croft Enterprises raising each others hands... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quiz Time The Masterminds and Spin Doctor exploded into the men's locker room next, and found Captain Wrestling II and Will Beaumont, taping their fists... Quiz Master and Quizzical Mark Question shoved microphones in their faces... Quiz Master: “SILENCE...!! For I have a question...!!” Captain Wrestling II: “I didn't say anything, mate!!” Quiz Master: “I SAID... SILENCE...!! For I have a question...!! Tonight, Captain Wrestling II... and Will Beaumont... join four other men, in a six-pack challenge... for a shot at the RAW TV Title... Big steaks... High steaks... And we gotta know... With such a big prize on the line, are you two gonna be able to cooperate, or is it a case of every man for himself...!?” Quizzical Mark Question: “FOR THE RECORD... We think Captain Wrestling II is a weird name... And Will Beaumont... Will he what...?! I don't get it...?!” Captain and Beaumont shook their heads... and told The Masterminds that both men would do whatever it takes to make sure one of them wins tonight... Captain Wrestling II: “And uhh... Boys... For the record... Your names are weird too...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Rick Stantz knew what he had to do tonight. He had to be quick, and precise, and stay out of Tombstone's grasp. He did well for a few minutes, and frustrated the RAW Quest Champion well. But once 'The Skull Cracker' got his hands on Stantz, he squeezed the life out of him, and took the crowd out of things too. Stantz still had some good moments, but the turning point came when he attempted a lariat to Tombstone on the outside of the ring, but collided with the ring post. It wasn't long after that bad connection, that Tombstone had him locked in the 'Rear Naked Choke', and he had no choice but to tap! 60 Winner: and STILL RAW Quest Champion: 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone Finish: 'Rear Naked Choke' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Sydney Opera House Ceri Dordevic and Louie Louis were at Louis' place of birth next... just like they said they would, they didn't show up to the arena tonight... Ceri gave her usual spiel, and then asked why she and Louie have received so much criticism... / Ceri Dordevic: “We didn't show up for the Tag Team Tournament... and opportunities came up, that people say could have been ours... But Louie Louis didn't WANT to team up with anyone to become Tag Team Champions... Nobody is good enough to be his partner...!! We chose not to show up tonight too... What...? Do people think another opportunity was gonna come up...?? Like what?? Replace Rick Stantz and have to fight Tombstone...?! Replace Nathan McKenzie and have to stand across the ring from Manhunter...?! What SHOULD have happened, is Louie Louis SHOULD have been one of the six in the Six-Pack Challenge... We ALL know... Louis has a FAR superior Butterfly Powerbomb than Loxley Robbins...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Ace Up Their Sleeve It was time for the pre-recorded 'Cinematic' style 3 on 3 match in the parking lot, for the RAW Tag Team Titles... The Wayne Brothers arrived first, scoping the place out, and seeing what tools they had at their disposal... It was mostly just a bunch of older style cars, and the large Estate car that they showed up in... The lot was dark, as if it were night time, but it was indoors so difficult to tell the time of day... Everything was grey... The walls, most of the cars, the floor... There was a hint of smoke in the air, but it was more dusty than anything... Almost like someone built a set a handful of months ago but never came back to use it... As The Waynes got ready, a car approached... This one smaller than theirs, and a lot brighter... Out stepped the RAW Tag Team Champions... Echo and Nicky Gilbert... It was time to fight... Tony Thorpe (the referee) told the five competitors he was going to start the match, as Kerry Wayne shouted: “Where's your third guy?? If you have one...??”... Echo said he'd be here... but Thorpe asked someone off camera to ring the bell... The bell sounded old, and again, like it hadn't been used in some time... But it did the job... Then a door off in the distance burst open off in the distance, and daylight poured into the room... Our first indication of the time of day outside... It seemed like dusk... But that wasn't the only thing that poured into the room... A white Ford Ranger Raptor wheel-spun it's way through the door, causing an extremely loud noise... It sped across the lot, coming to a stop right alongside the car that Echo and Gilbert got out of... The Wayne Brothers anxiously awaited the arrival of the sixth man in the match, and Echo and Gilbert's partner... There are thousands of wrestlers in the world, but I doubt anybody guessed that this man would climb down from the cabin... Former USPW World Champion... Former 3-time 21CW World Champion... 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson was HERE on RAW!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> This match was wild. It was a fight from the very start, with very few wrestling moves. At times it resembled more of a movie than a wrestling match. There was a ring in the middle of the cars, but nobody actually used it, until the finish, which we'll get to. After a frantic brawl between the six men, the first thing of note that happened was that Joss Thompson beat up Kerry Wayne in the back of the Ranger Raptor that he drove in, and then jumped in the cab and took off!! The American newcomer drove out of the door he arrived in, with Kerry screaming to be let out!! This left it as Echo and Gilbert would have wanted it. 2 on 2, for their RAW Tag Team Titles. Kal and Kian were clearly rattled by their 'leader' departing so soon, but it didn't deter them. At one point, Kal kicked a wing mirror off the side of one of the cars. He waited for Echo to turn around, and he smashed the thing off of the charismatic fan favourite's skull! The mirror glass smashed and went everywhere, but Echo escaped with only a couple of small scratches and cuts. He was lucky, but he certainly had a headache too! On the other side of the lot, Gilbert and Kian were getting into a brawl. Kian tried to slam Gilbert on a car's windscreen again, just like the Waynes did to him on a recent episode of Attitude!, but 'The Natural' blocked it. When he realised what Kian was trying to do, he began to chase the youngster! Kian hopped into a car, and held the door shut. Gilbert pulled so hard the handle came off in Kian's hand. He jumped to the passenger side, as Gilbert got in the driver's side, then Kian got out as Gilbert lurched across to grab him. Kian got into the next car, and Gilbert chased him again. Before they knew it, they'd chased each other through ten cars, in a funny, but tense encounter. For the 11th car, Kian got in, and Gilbert rolled over the bonnet to meet the unfortunate youngster as he climbed out. Gilbert kicked the door shut on him, trapping his leg, and causing him to whelp in agony! Gilbert then beat Kian up, before throwing him back into the car he couldn't get out of! From then on, it became a tale of two men. Nicky Gilbert and Kal Wayne. The only two men standing. As mentioned previously, nobody used the ring that was set up in the middle of the parking lot until right at the end of the match. Kal was winning his fight with Gilbert, and even had enough about him to shove Echo off the apron. Echo fell hard into the door of a car, without smashing the window, somehow. Then suddenly, the Ranger Raptor returned. This time, it smashed into the car that Gilbert had shoved Kian Wayne into the back of! As Joss Thompson climbed down out of the cab, it was clear that Kerry Wayne was not with him! Joss attempted to get into the car that Kian was in. Back in the ring, Kal was in total control of Gilbert, but his gaze was taken by Thompson's return. Gilbert was able to fight back into it, pulling on Kal's goatee to hit a reverse DDT. But just when Kal was back on top, Joss Thompson appeared from out of nowhere to hit the 'Clean Cutter'. The referee fell into position, and Thompson pinned Kal for the 1, 2, 3! 76 Winners: and STILL RAW Tag Team Champions Echo & Nicky Gilbert, and Joss Thompson Finish: 'Clean Cutter' (RKO) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A Dastardly Arrival The third big debut of the night was about to happen... and the Brat Pack had no idea it was coming... They were talking with backstage workers about the match we just saw, putting it over as one of the best matches they'd ever seen... Just then, Mac Guffin and his new associate Alexander Banks walked up... Artemis Eyre-Rochester: “Ah hey boys... What's up?? Listen, TD3 and I were saddened by what happened to Spiffy Stan (Standish)... We were looking forward to fighting you guys for the RAW Tag Titles...” Mac Guffin: “Stan Standish's injury was the BEST thing that ever happened to Alexander Banks... He has ME now... and he also has a new tag team partner...!!” With that, Artemis was blasted from behind, and sent flying into a wall!! He hit his head, as Thurston Darcy III looked on powerless to stop it... He spun around to fight whoever did that to his best mate, but was then chopped down by Banks from behind... Banks and the newcomer, who was dressed exactly the same as Banks, in a blue jacket with black gloves, put the boots to The Brat Pack!! They shouted that it's 'their time'... Mac Guffin: “Boys... Say hello to Mr. Damian White!! Sorry he's not particularly 'Spiffy'... I'd say he was more... 'Dastardly', if anything... Hahahaha!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> An amazing co-Main Event here, and a great way to follow the exceptional Parking Lot Brawl. Six of the best wrestlers on RAW in this one, all battling for a chance to become the Number One Contender for the RAW TV Title. There was a lot of stories taking place and continuing in this one. Firstly, Loxley Robbins struggled to gain any sort of foothold in the match, due to his nasty shoulder injury that he suffered on Attitude! this past week. Luke Steele caused the injury on that night, and he continued to focus on the same body part here too. Will Beaumont and Captain Wrestling II tried to help each other out, and tended to be saving each other from near falls more than anything else. Lynx was a stand-out performer. His in-ring skills continue to improve, and he continues to rise up the card. However, Maurice Jackson HATES him, and it was Jackson who made sure Lynx didn't win this one. They fought on the stage for a few minutes, until Jackson threw Lynx OFF the stage, and onto some equipment. The move took Lynx out, and it also shocked Jackson. Meanwhile, in the ring, Beaumont got a very close fall on Loxley Robbins, before Steele came back in. He slammed into Beaumont, and then threw Loxley over the top rope. 'The Real Beaut' landed hard on his shoulder again, and was in agony. Steele then held Beaumont up by his throat, squeezing the life out of the youngster. His mentor the Captain came in and put a stop to it, before hitting his 'Australian Slam' finisher on Steele and scoring a big win! Captain Wrestling II gets the winner out of Swoop McCarthy and Blake Belushi. 77 Winner: Captain Wrestling II Finish: 'Australian Slam' (Olympic Slam) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Taylor Cousins The announce team let us know that Isaac and Jase 'The Ace' Taylor will be in tag team action next week on Attitude! Since Jase debuted/returned to RAW, he's competed in a handful of singles matches, with Isaac in his corner... Next week though, the Taylor Cousins team up... taking on two fan favourites as their rise continues... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The two biggest stars on RAW right now, doing battle in an epic Ladder Match. Both men feel that they are the rightful TV Champion of RAW, so both of their Belts (Belushi's the real Title, and Swoop's a custom made personal Belt to represent the fact that he was never beaten for his Title). The crowd were really hyped for this one, and came unglued when Swoop hit an early 'Side Russian Leg Swoop' and began to climb. They really thought this was the moment. Belushi is undefeated in 2020, 14 and 0 in largely high profile matches, but he was down and out here. However, just as Swoop began to get close to the Belts, Belushi hopped up and grabbed Swoop's foot right at the last second, and pulled the 'Alpha Dog' down to the mat again. Swoop was in control now, and the crowd knew it. They could feel the winds of change blowing through the arena, and they sensed a Title change. Even though Blake has only been Champion for a few weeks. However, the change they could sense was probably the momentum shift that was about to happen. Due to the arrival of another former TV Champion: 'The Ultimate Trash Talker' Frogue Element!! Element strolled to the ring almost undetected, to no fan fair. The crowd erupted as he walked out, but it was mostly boos and jeers. Swoop and Blake didn't notice at first. And when he first got to the ringside area, he stayed out of the ring, and stayed out of the match. The announce team suggested that he might be about to climb the Ladders himself when the time's right, and grab both Titles. They asked if that would make him the Champion, but decided no, because then anyone could just come down and become Champion. Instead of trying to win the Title himself, Frogue waited for the ultimate opportunity to cost one of the competitors the match! Swoop had put Blake down with a vicious DDT, and he glared at Frogue. Then he turned his back on his former rival and began to climb. Frogue grabbed something from under the ring, and then slid in and pushed the ladder over!! Swoop hit the top rope hard, and fell into a corner, and Frogue was all over him. A wild flurry of punches and slaps, and then we saw what Frogue had pulled out from under the ring! A pair of handcuffs!! He grabbed Swoop's wrist, and cuffed him to the bottom rope!! The crowd booed louder than ever, and Swoop couldn't believe what had happened!! He could only watch and flail his legs in vain at the ladder as Blake Belushi slowly climbed, and grabbed both Championship Belts!! 79 Winner: and STILL RAW TV Champion: 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi Finish: 'Item Retrieval' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Rich and Beautiful Blake Belushi was exhausted as he slid down the ladder and collapsed on the floor, clutching both Championship Belts close to his chest... Frogue sat cross legged just out of reach of a furious Swoop McCarthy... They were essentially all in different corners of the ring... Swoop looked like a wild animal, chained to the bottom rope, and unable to get to his food (Frogue)... Then, someone we didn't expect to get into the ring slid in on Blake Belushi's side... Announcer Rebecca Richey sat next to Blake, and embraced the RAW TV Champion... Holding him, and stroking his face and hair... Blake took Swoop's custom made Belt and threw it out of the ring, and embraced Rebecca right back... The crowd booed the entire situation in the ring... Frogue trash talking a tied up Swoop, and then Rebecca and Blake clearly forming a couple... Right in front of poor Doug Vallence on the announce desk, who didn't know what to make of it all... We went off the air there... The Mid-Season Finale in the books... and we now look forward to the remaining six months of Season 11... </div> THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW The Stars Of RAW | The Champions Of RAW | Previous Episodes of RAW Attitude! The Sons of RAW | The Season 11 Schedule </div>
  3. Interesting choice. Skyscraper and Banks' original renders always looked similar to me! Hoping I can create some interest in the new team, managed by Mac Guffin Where are you? The reluctance against each other is gone, but neither man wants to be in a tag team. They both have their eyes on the Quest Title for sure!! Yeah keeping them away from the Titles is a tough ask. Right now, they're a level above the Champions (Echo and Gilbert). But Echo and Gilbert are probably a level above just about every other tag team! I'll need to build some strong heel units. Thank you guys. Glad you're enjoying the Masterminds. Yeah having that framework set out makes it super easy and fun every time I use them on camera. 'Silence, for I have a question' allows Quiz Master to take control of a segment, but if he's performing up against someone more powerful on the microphone, like say, a Swoop, or a Jackson, or someone cocky or dominant like Spiffy, or McKenzie, then they'll take back control over him. I use 'For The Record' every time, and I see it was them giving their opinion. Quiz Master is neutral, and just wants to ask a hard-hitting question that's on everybody's mind. Quizzical Mark Question wants to give them their opinion on the matter, usually to start a one-night feud with them! Here... We... Go !! *Oh, and unsurprisingly, nobody got the third partner for Echo and Gilbert...
  4. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #fafae6; margin:10px;background: #fffff2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> < < < RAW Attitude! presents – The Mid-Season Finale! June 2020, Week 4 (EPISODE #540) > > > Grudge Match! 'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'Bodacious' Brodie Lachlan w/ Rose Wills Grudge Match! The Goode Brothers (Nathan McKenzie & Rahmel Goode) [vs] Montgomery Croft & Manhunter RAW Quest Title Match! 'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone © Parking Lot Brawl For The RAW Tag Team Titles! Echo & Nicky Gilbert © & ???? [vs] Kerry, Kal & Kian Wayne Winner Gets TV Title Opportunity! Captain Wrestling II | Loxley Robbins | Luke Steele | Lynx | Maurice Jackson | Will Beaumont RAW TV Title Ladder Match! 'The Alpha Dog' Swoop McCarthy [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi © Bonus Questions! 1). Who is the new tag team partner of Alexander Banks?: __________ 2). Who is Montgomery Croft's new Protege?: __________ 3). Who is Montgomery Croft's new veteran arse kicker?: __________ 4). Who is the Mystery Partner of Echo and Nicky Gilbert in the Cinematic Parking Lot Brawl?: __________ 5). What will the Overall Rating of the show be?: __________ (within 5 gets 1 point, spot on gets 2 points) No Hashtags for this TV Special, but feel free to make your own! </div>
  5. Right, I was thinking Tag or maybe Quest... I never said have him win the TV Title... In a paintball fight!! I say this pretty much every time I read one of your shows, but that's my new favourite episode!! Just so good!!
  6. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #fafae6; margin:10px;background: #fffff2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Greg Sluchinski of The Pro Wrestling Reporter here. A quiet week of news from the world of Professional Wrestling this week. BHOTWG held two shows this past week, and paid tribute to Koshihiro Ino, who sadly passed away, as reported last week. His NEO PRIME stable disbanded, but his legacy will live on forever. I want to talk a little about RAW in Australia now, and a couple of notable things coming up on their next TV Special – The Mid-Season Finale!! It promises to be a great show, and could be their best of the year so far. Headlined by what is going to be an epic Ladder Match for the RAW TV Title, between Swoop McCarthy, who never lost his TV Title, but had to give it up due to injury, and Blake Belushi, who is currently 14 and 0 in 2020, and is the current RAW TV Champion!! But the match I want to focus on right now, is the six-man tag team match, that will be competed in a Parking Lot Brawl!! Kerry, Kal and Kian Wayne will take on Echo, Nicky Gilbert, and an unknown partner. I already know the mystery partner, because the match has already been filmed!! In an attempt to do something a little different, the RAW Tag Team Title Match will be a 'Cinematic' style match. An interesting concept, and a new way of telling stories. Like I said, I know who the mystery partner is, but I won't be spoiling it for you. You'll just have to wait and see. Here is the results and ratings for RAW's most recent episode of TV. I'll catch you all next week. </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #fafae6; margin:10px;background: #fffff2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Okay, so we'll start with Brodie Lachlan and Matty Wills. I decided not to go with the 'friendly rivalry' thing. You'll see why next week, but I decided to take it up a notch with these two. I was keen to keep them as a tag team, but having reviewed their work together, I quickly realised they didn't have a lick of chemistry together. On reflection, this could be the best thing ever for Brodie's career. The kid has a ton of upside, and in my first six months here, we've only really scratched the surface with what he can do. Hack Greer from developmental has put on some serious weight, and not in a good way. I haven't seen him for a couple of months, but I went to check out an SOR show, and he looked like he'd eaten an entire cake before he went out there to wrestler. He's lost a lot of star quality, and certainly some sex appeal. His heavy smoking is probably not helping with his attempts to 'bulk up' properly. I still like his charisma and in-ring skills, so he'll stay in SOR for now and see how he develops. Greg Sluchinski was right when he said that the Parking Lot Brawl Match was a 'Cinematic' style fight, and that we've already filmed it! We were lucky enough to be able to get our new signing in this week, and so we started shooting with him, Echo, Nicky Gilbert, and the three Wayne Brothers! It's the match I'm most looking forward to at the Mid-Season Finale! I'm yet to see the final, fully edited piece, but the bits I have seen have been superb! Swoop versus Belushi is also going to be a highlight for me of course! </div>
  7. Yes he has! There aren't enough moustaches in professional wrestling anymore! Hope so, that's what I aim for for these TV Specials, especially one as big as the Mid-Season Finale.
  8. ??? (Team Price/Vessey) vs. ??? (Team Knight/McFly) The Queen's Court vs. Amber Allen and Claire Winters Skip Beau vs. Marc DuBois Lee Rivera vs. Erik Strong The Dynamite Express and The Brothers Cain vs. Thunder & Lightning and Generation Z Diablo Duvak vs. Antonio Del Veccio Demelza Wade vs. Laura Flame Bonus Question: Who will complete the teams of Price/Vessey and Knight/McFly at Total Elimination? Blockbuster and Dunn!
  9. Haha, which as you know, I do I hope you like how their 'press conference' angle came out this week. I thought the worker pics looked good! Very But it's great to have you on board. Damian Dastardly? Never heard of him. The tag division needs the Goode Brothers. I have so many great Main Event and Upper card level talents, but the tag division is lacking since the Next Big Things and the Melbourne Blondes broke up. I could have built my division around God's Gift, feuding with The Brat Pack, and the Wayne Brothers, but I always felt I needed one or two more top teams. So to lose Spiffy and God's Gift like that, has meant I needed to restructure the entire division. It's sadly meant that the Brat Pack have slipped down the card, as Echo and Gilbert, as well as Goode and McKenzie are establishing themselves as babyfaces tag teams to contend with. Will I pull the trigger on a Goode Brother Tag Title run? Not yet but don't rule it out in the future. Agreed. Lynx is in a nice little sweet spot between the Main Event and the lower card guys, but his skills are great. He's realistically never going to beat a guy like Frogue in this one.
  10. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #c6d9f7; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> EPISODE #539 JUNE 2020, WEEK 3… On Commentary: Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Press Conference Joined for a press conference in front of a large gathering of journalists, Swoop McCarthy and Blake Belushi were stood either side of RAW Authority Figure Jack Bruce... Jack Bruce: “Gentlemen... I'm going to ask you now to both hand over your Championship Belts to me... So that next week, they can both be hung above the ring for a truly historic Ladder Match... As we know this is only the second Ladder Match in RAW's History... and at the Mid-Season Finale, we...” Blake Belushi: “HOLD ON...!! Hold on Jack... Isn't this all a little bit pompous...?! I mean, sure... Take MY Belt... Hang it above the ring... Sure... But Swoop's...?! He bought that thing in a SHOP!! There are kids, in the front row of our shows, wearing Belts just like it... Why are we hanging them both up there...?!” Swoop McCarthy: “Ahhh Blake Belushi... Always seeing things through those rose coloured lenses of yours... In your world, you won that Title fair, and square... In my world... Sure... You won it fair and square, but you never won it, from the CHAMPION!! Whether I got this Belt from a shop... Custom made... Or whether I take that one from your trembling hands... It don't matter... All that matters is that Swoop is gonna be a SIX-TIME Champ... SWOOP... There it is!!” Belushi stood up angrily, but then smiled as he and Swoop stood nose to nose with only Jack Bruce's arm stopping them from coming to blows... 'Beautiful' Blake handed the RAW TV Title over to Bruce, and Swoop held his a little longer... As he passed it to the American 'Authority Figure', Belushi unleashed a cheap shot of a right hand to Swoop's eye, sending the former 5-time RAW TV Champion stumbling backwards!! Belushi fled the scene before Swoop could react... but Bruce was holding him back anyway... At the Mid-Season Finale next week, Swoop McCarthy puts his reputation on the line, as Blake Belushi puts not only the RAW TV Title up for grabs, but also his 14 and 0 record in 2020 is on the line too!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ w/ 'The Enigma' Echo w/ Nicky Gilbert [vs] 'Mr. Australia' Kerry Wayne w/ Kal & Kian Wayne Last week, the Wayne Brothers smashed Gilbert through a car windscreen, but he was still out here to support his tag team partner ahead of their RAW Tag Team Title defence against Kal and Kian next week. He could do nothing about Kerry Wayne's 'Fingernail Of Doom' though, which lead to Wayne hitting a Flying Bulldog from the second rope that looked like it crushed Echo's face! 71 Winner: 'Mr. Australia' Kerry Wayne w/ Kal & Kian Wayne Finish: 'Flying Bulldog' (From Second Rope) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Waynes On The Stage The Wayne Brothers retreated to the stage following Kerry's victory, chiefly because Nicky Gilbert had armed himself with a steel chair and was willing to smash it over the heads of his attackers from last week... He helped Echo to his feet... Echo: “KERRY!! D'ya hear that...?! That is the sound of the Fate Train... and... oh... wait... yeah listen close... Choo Choo... It's gonna run you OVER!! See next week, at the Mid-Season Finale... We're not just gonna fight your Brothers with you in their corner... So you can poke your girly little fingernail in our eyes and cheat us out of the Titles...!!” Nicky Gilbert: “Instead of a standard 2 on 2 Tag Team Match... We're gonna take this thing to where you tried to end my career... The Parking Lot... Kal... Kian... and Kerry... 3 of you... against the 2 of us... AND... we're bringing a friend with us... We'll still put these Titles on the line... But it's going to be a six-man Parking Lot Brawl!! See you and your Fingernail there!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ The Goode Brothers (Goode & McKenzie) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor Rahmel Goode and Nathan McKenzie have been in great form in recent weeks, and beating two different iterations of LiberTeen pairings. Tonight was a step up in terms of quality of opponent though. The Masterminds are former 3-time RAW Tag Team Champions, and are not to be taken lightly. However, they were up against two bulldozers in Goode and McKenzie, and the half-brothers won it when Goode almost cut Quiz Master, who was holding the question mark cane, in half with a 'Spear'. 69 Winners: The Goode Brothers (Goode & McKenzie) Finish: 'Spear' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Montgomery Croft's Boardroom Having watched his rivals Rahmel Goode and Nathan McKenzie win again, Montgomery Croft was in his Boardroom next, with his 'muscle' Manhunter... Montgomery Croft: “The 'Man Hunt' is over... Following successful interviews, we have found the applicants we would like to take on... A protege for me... and a veteran who can kick arse better than most... We just need to finalise some of the terms, and the finer details... But pretty soon, Croft Enterprises will take... RAW... OVER!!” Next week, Croft and Manhunter will battle Goode and McKenzie in a grudge match... Will we see Croft's new 'recruits' making an impact...?! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> On The Bogan Bus On their tour bus, the LiberTeen Boys and their manager Raymond Royce were talking about the Mid-Season Finale... Tye LiberTeen: “So you're saying we don't have a match... AND we're not performing live...?!” LiberTeen were clearly unhappy about this news, but Royce said his hands were tied... Their in-ring performances haven't been up to scratch, and the last time they performed live on a big show, all hell broke loose... The four boys were trying to come up with something they could do on the historic show... Then CJ figured it out...!! CJ LiberTeen: “DANCE CONTEST!! We get together all the guys on RAW who think they can dance, and we BEAT 'em in a dance contest...!!” Frankie LiberTeen: “CJ... No... You can't keep livin' in the past... Okay, you won your dance contest at the Easter Golden Egg Hunt... Alright... We get it... We'll just have to buy a load a beer, bring it back to the Bogan Bus, and get drunk!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone Sullivan put in one of his best performances of the year here, using his speed to stay out of Tombstone's grasp. The RAW Quest Champion grew frustrated and angry, but it didn't force a mistake. 'The Skull Cracker' was still able to lock Sullivan in his 'Rear Naked Choke'! 69 Winner: 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone Finish: 'Rear Naked Choke' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Backstage On A TV Monitor Tombstone's challenger for the Mid-Season Finale, Rick Stantz, was shown watching the action in the back... When Marvin McKenzie (no relation) walked in... Marvin asked Stantz if he thinks he has any hope against the dominant Quest Champion next week... Rick Stantz: “Hope...?? Oh crikey, there's hope alright... Look what Sully (Rod Sullivan) just did, givin' him the run around like that... If I can get him frustrated... and angry... If I can give him the run around... I CAN win that Quest Title!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Wills Family Home Rose Wills' boyfriend Brodie Lachlan was at her house next... but he wasn't with Rose... He was in his former best friend Matty Wills' bedroom... The room looked like it belonged to a boy, much younger than Matty, who is 26... Wrestling figures, superhero figures, all still in their boxes, lined the walls... Brodie Lachlan: “So this is the room... The room where Matty sleeps at night... Where next Friday night, he'll come back... and cry himself to sleep!! Because next Friday, I'm going to beat him... and prove that I'M the star of our tag team... and our friendship... I mean, look at this place... He's like a child... Toys... Brand New In Box... What does he, think these superheroes, and wrestlers, are gonna be worth something...?!” Brodie turned suddenly, to reveal Matty Wills stood at the other end of the hallway... He shouted that Brodie shouldn't be here... and then ran at his former friend!! A dangerous brawl broke out at the top of the stairs, but Brodie was able to shove Matty into his room and get away!! The two will fight next week 1 on 1 for the first ever time... Will Rose Wills stay loyal to her boyfriend Brodie, or come 'home' to her brother Matty...?! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Cole Taylor & The Brat Pack [vs] Isaac Taylor & The 3am Boys w/ Jase 'The Ace' Taylor Strange ending to this match. The Taylor Cousins decided to leave the 3am Boys to it! Jase and Isaac left the ring and ringside area, and never looked back!. This allowed Thurston Darcy III to hit his 'Bail Out' on Matt Stoppard and pick up the win. 56 Winners: Cole Taylor & The Brat Pack Finish: 'Bail Out' (Double Foot Stomp) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Sydney Opera House Ceri Dordevic and her client Louie Louis were at Louis' place of birth next, in a pre-taped video... Ceri Dordevic: “Hi, it's me... Ceri... With my buddy, Louie... Louie, who was born... here... at the Sydney Opera House!! And did you know this...?? In 2015, I placed 3rd in the Great Australian Bake Challenge...?? I mean... can you think of a more A-List Pairing...?? No...?? Me neither... Now, next week on RAW Attitude! It's the Mid-Season Finale... The 11th Season of RAW is at it's half way point... But... Louie and I WON'T be there... We don't have a match... and we don't care what anybody says... Or thinks... We won't be attending the show... and that's final...” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Locker Room In the locker room, we found Maurice Jackson talking with Captain Wrestling II and Will Beaumont... Maurice Jackson: “I got it all planned out... There's six of us in the match next week... and what I'm thinking is, we all team up, and take out the other three... Lynx... Loxley (Robbins)... I'd love to bring them in too... But they're jealous of me... And (Luke) Steele... He's just a bully, man... We take those three out, and then we fight... See who the best man is... The 'real' winner...” Captain and Beaumont glanced at each other, rolled their eyes, and left the room... Jackson repeated himself as they walked away in total agreement that that is a bad idea... Jackson is probably the least trustworthy guy on RAW's Roster... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele Two of RAW's most prominent stars doing battle here. Robbins and Steele are both former RAW TV Champions, although Robbins has only won it once, and hasn't won it for 8 years! Steele was in trouble late on, as the crowd got behind the good-looking, clean cut Robbins! But just when he was in full control, he missed a spear in the corner and hit his shoulder hard on the corner post. Steele saw his opportunity, and he slammed Robbins' shoulder back into the post again, and then again! He then hit his 'Steele Crusher' finisher, and Loxley was clearly in pain. His shoulder took a beating in the final few minutes of the match!! 66 Winner: 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele Finish: 'Steele Crusher' (Shoulder Piledriver) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Locker Room Looking despondent following another loss earlier tonight, the 3am Boys (Marcus Kerr and Matt Stoppard) were talking about not bothering to go to a party tonight they've been invited to... But then Party Central (Heath Murdock and Horton Ravenwood) walked up... Horton Ravenwood: “G'Day...” Heath Murdock: “Unlike you boys to turn down a party... Must be serious, ey??” Horton Ravenwood: “Listen... We're goin' to a bar in Freo (Fremantle) tonight... AccaDacca (ACDC) tribute act... You boys should come... Be a good time...” Heath Murdock: “More than that... Why don't we take you boys under our wing...?? We're a little older... A little wiser... We've won Championships here... We can help you boys...!!” Kerr and Stoppard seemed to like what they were hearing... and the four men shook hands... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Executive Consultancy Office Alexander Banks was with his new 'Executive Consultant' Mac Guffin... Mac had previously told Banks he'd be meeting his new tag team partner, and behind them, a door opened... Due to where the camera was, we couldn't quite see who had walked in the door... But he was clearly wearing black gloves, and a blue jacket... just like Banks... Alexander Banks: “Ooohhh!! Mac... You have truly outdone yourself here... I wondered when you'd make it to RAW...!! Ready to have some fun...?!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] 'The Ultimate Trash Talker' Frogue Element Frogue was like a wild animal in there tonight, brawling all over the arena with the man he attacked last week; Lynx. The crowd came alive when Lynx fought his way back into it after a dominant performance from the former RAW TV Champion. But the wild and frankly scary Frogue won it in the end, coming off the top rope with his 'Frog Splash' finisher to pick up a big win on Television. 81 Winner: 'The Ultimate Trash Talker' Frogue Element Finish: 'Frog Splash' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Post-Match In The Ring After the match, Frogue Element demanded a microphone and told Lynx to wait where he was... Frogue Element: “Earlier tonight, I promised Swoop McCarthy I would apologise to you Lynxy... and I feel like... I feel like I owe him... So... I'm a man of my word... and I am sorry for attacking you like that last week... I was... angry... and I hope you can forgive me...?!” Frogue outstretched a hand for a handshake... Lynx looked to the crowd... They all chanted 'NO!'... over and over... But in the end, Lynx decided to trust that the 'Ultimate Trash Talker' was telling the truth... and he was!! The two shook hands, and Frogue thanked his opponent for the excellent match, before leaving the ring... The crowd couldn't quite believe it... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Announce Team On The Screen Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey were also in shock at Frogue's 'niceness' towards Lynx... and they were on our screens next... Doug Vallence: “Well, after a strange night, with an even stranger ending... Let's take you through the FULL CARD for next week's Mid-Season Finale Becca...” Rebecca Richey: “Let's do it Dougie... First up... We're going to see a fascinating Six-Man Tag Team... Fight... as Echo and Nicky Gilbert and a mystery partner, go up against the three Wayne Brothers: Kal, Kian and Kerry... It'll be fought, in the Parking Lot... and the RAW Tag Team Titles are on... the... line...!!” Doug Vallence: “We've also got the RAW Quest Title on the line, as Tombstone looks to add another challenger to his list of victims... This time, the former Melbourne Blonde: Rick Stantz is stepping up... Looking to hopefully emulate his former tag team partner: Blake Belushi and win singles Gold in RAW!!” Rebecca Richey: “Matty Wills and Brodie Lachlan's friendship looks to be over... and at the Mid-Season Finale will see their feud boil over... and we'll also see Nathan McKenzie and Rahmel Goode... The 'Goode Brothers' if you will... taking on their rivals Montgomery Croft and Manhunter!! Croft has promised an expansion of 'Croft Enterprises', as he's hired a protege and a veteran arse kicker!!” Doug Vallence: “Six Pack Challenge time next... and we have a stacked line up for this one... Captain Wrestling II... Will Beaumont... Lynx... Loxley Robbins... Maurice Jackson... and Luke Steele, will all compete in a six-way match, for an opportunity at the RAW TV Title...!!” Rebecca Richey: “And finally... Swoop McCarthy... The man who lost the RAW TV Title without being beaten... and Blake Belushi... the man who is undefeated in 2020, with a perfect 14 and 0 record... and the current TV Champion... Both men will hang their Belts above the ring... and compete in the second ever Ladder Match on RAW Television!!” Doug Vallence: “All this and so much more Becca... We have to get out of here... but we'll see you all next week!!” </div> THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW The Stars Of RAW | The Champions Of RAW | Previous Episodes of RAW Attitude! The Sons of RAW | The Season 11 Schedule </div>
  11. Well I obviously want to see all your new renders!!
  12. Out of interest, where did Bach go in yours? He had offers from loads of companies in my save and ended up in SWF. Really interesting stat about him in my save: He won his first nine matches in TCW... Then lost eight in a row before leaving, and has lost TWELVE in a row in SWF!! Incredible stuff from someone with his pop and skillset!!
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="broke_and_tired" data-cite="broke_and_tired" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48528" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Facial hair on this Logan Wolfsbaine render? I use it as James Diaz's worker picture.<p> </p><p> <img alt="5ucq49Y.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5ucq49Y.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48528" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <img alt="JsfGg6H.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JsfGg6H.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="oHla07P.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oHla07P.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="GkezYh4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GkezYh4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Glieao0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Glieao0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> And then one that fits with King Bison's Raymond Diaz render:</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="r7bVXpn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/r7bVXpn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="wb2BZWg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wb2BZWg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I added facial hair to a slightly newer version of Logan. Both are by King Bison if I'm not mistaken.</p>
  14. Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way Dexter Mattell (2-Wins) vs Barney Mason vs Alyx Macquarie vs Nighthawk I don't think Dexter wins a third, sadly Dingo Devine vs Michel Bernard APW Tag-Team Championship Match Positive Energy vs Samoan Demolition Reggie Tate vs SubUrban Legend APW Commonwealth Championship Match Christopher Gerard vs Monday Next Close one! Could even be a draw!
  15. I like the idea of a separate poll to highlight just one diary. I'd ad in that winners are stickied, but are then unable to win again for a certain period of time (maybe six months?) I also like Mhero's idea. [DOTM] in the diary title. Or maybe some kind of image/badge scenario?
  16. I completely agree with this. It sounds like a wonderful idea, but we don't need lots of stickied diaries. Oh and thanks for the nomination haha
  17. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #fafae6; margin:10px;background: #fffff2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> < < < < QUICK PICKS for RAW ATTITUDE, JUNE 2020, WEEK 3 (EPISODE #539) > > > > 'The Enigma' Echo w/ Nicky Gilbert [vs] 'Mr. Australia' Kerry Wayne w/ Kal & Kian Wayne The Goode Brothers (Goode & McKenzie) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor 'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone Cole Taylor & The Brat Pack [vs] Isaac Taylor & The 3am Boys w/ Jase 'The Ace' Taylor 'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele 'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] 'The Ultimate Trash Talker' Frogue Element Don't forget the #hashtags below... Or you can make your own inventive ones: Rahmel Goode and Nathan McKenzie are in tag team action once again tonight. The Goode Brothers will face Montgomery Croft and Manhunter next week, but Croft has promised to bring in reinforcements to start a new stable. He's looking for a protege, and a veteran to join his cause. #CroftEnterprises 'The Consultant To The Stars' Mac Guffn has taken Alexander Banks under his wing, after Banks' partner Spiffy Stan Standish was severely injured and will miss almost 16 months. Guffin is setting up a meeting for Banks this week, where he'll meet his 'New' tag team partner! #MysteryPartner Tonight on Attitude! Swoop McCarthy and Blake Belushi will hand over their Championship Belts ahead of their historic Ladder Match coming up next week at the Mid-Season Finale. #SwoopBelushi Echo and Kerry Wayne will meet 1 on 1 tonight, after Kerry and his brothers put Echo's tag team partner Nicky Gilbert through a car windscreen! Nicky is here, and he will be ready for next week's Tag Team Title defence against Kal and Kian Wayne. #EchoKerry Lynx, Loxley Robbins, Maurice Jacskon, Captain Wrestling II, Will Beaumont and Luke Steele will compete next week for a RAW TV Title Opportunity in a six pack challenge match! Lynx, Loxley and Steele will al be in action tonight. But will things between the six men descend into chaos like they did last week? #SixPackChallenge </div>
  18. BEACH Wrestling on the Gold Coast (Mermaid Beach - Sat Week 2) Gold Coast Heavyweight Title: Pat Rigsby vs Surfer Dude Lucas Trey Tallman vs Jesse Tasman Tasman's charisma is through the roof if I remember rightly too! God of War vs Toby Tough Dee Lucketti vs D-Pod Both will be good for you!! Two-Face Tucker & Ice Ice Davey vs Moonchild & Wes Schnorfesst BEACH Wrestling on the Sunshine Coast (Coolum - Sat Week 3) Sunshine Coast Bubbleweight Title: D-Pod vs Wes Schnorfesst Trey Tallman & God of War vs Jesse Tasman & Toby Tough Pat Rigsby vs Surfer Dude Lucas Ice Ice Davey vs Moonchild
  19. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #fafae6; margin:10px;background: #fffff2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Greg Sluchinski here, taking you through some of the biggest stories from around the world of professional wrestling. Courtesy of the Pro Wrestling Reporter. And we're going to kick off with some incredible sad news. BHOTWG star Koshihiro Ino has passed away at the age of just 43. Still working every single week, and still very much relevant in the business, Ino's death is a shock to everybody involved with Burning Hammer. We here at the Pro Wrestling Reporter send our condolences to Ino's friends, family, and colleagues at this time. A few other bits of news. USPW star Mick Muscles picked up an injury this past week, and he'll miss over a year! A Torn Rotator Cuff is a nasty injury, and at Muscles' age (44) it could spell the end of the big man's 26 year career. Also in the USA, Storm Spillane became the first man to stop Pablo Rodriguez this week, and took the COTT World Title from the legendary Mexican competitor. This win now makes Spillane the World Champion and one half of the Tag Team Champions within the COTT! Moving over to Australia now, and Deep Impact Wrestling have announced a slight change to their in-ring product. Moving from an 'Extreme Hardcore' product, to an 'Anti Establishment Hardcore' product. We're not exactly sure what this means, but given the loss of Dumfrey Pinn (to RAW), DIW had to do something big. I was expecting a signing to replace him, but they haven't done that yet. Speaking of RAW, below are the results from their latest TV Show. Another very strong episode from the Australian Sports Entertainment/Soap Opera company. I'm really looking forward to their Mid-Season Finale show already. Just two more weeks. </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #fafae6; margin:10px;background: #fffff2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> We knocked that show out of the park, and it was great to have Swoop McCarthy back on the show properly. He's fully healed, and he WILL be ready for the Mid-Season Finale. McCarthy 1 on 1 against the undefeated TV Champion Blake Belushi is going to be something very special indeed. Especially since we're now making it a Ladder Match! In RAW's history, there has only ever been one other Ladder Match. Captain Wrestling II won the RAW TV Title from Luke Steele almost 6 years ago, in September 2014!! My idea when I first came to RAW was to have 'careers', or 'stories' end at the Season Finale in December. But in June, in the Mid-Season Finale, it's going to be a place where people debut!! This year, three new faces will arrive at RAW to make an impact!! I'm not going to say who they are, but all three of them will be involved in big storylines on RAW. Here's a small clue. One of them is a fellow American! I think you'll all be pleased with who is coming in. </div>
  20. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #c6d9f7; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> EPISODE #538 JUNE 2020, WEEK 2… On Commentary: Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Opening Segment – In The Ring, The Return Of Swoop McCarthy The show opened as expected, with the RAW TV Champion Blake Belushi heading to the ring... 'Beautiful' Blake didn't waste any time... He called out 'The Alpha Male' Swoop McCarthy... Returning tonight after eight weeks out with a knee injury... Swoop didn't disappoint... Arriving in the ring to a huge ovation, and holding his own version of the RAW TV Title... The announcers explained that Swoop had to vacate his Title due to the injury, and then he got his own one custom made... Believing that he is still the Champion!! Swoop McCarthy: “Look, Blake... I'm just gonna SWOOP ON IN HERE... and explain a little somethin' to ya...” Swoop began to pace around the ring... Blake stood relatively still, but never took his eyes off Swoop, who was full of energy tonight... Swoop McCarthy: “That Title over your shoulder, right there... That proves that you, are more than just 'Beautiful'... It proves that you're a CHAMPION... I'm not out here... Holding MY Title... and claiming that you're not great, or that you're not a Champion... Because you are... IIIII'm just out here, lettin' everybody know... That I consider MYSELF the Champion... Until someone can TAKE it from me...!!” Blake Belushi: “That's all very well and good Swoop... You believe you're a Champion... Fine... But the record books show... that I am THE Champion... So if YOU want to be considered a Champion... You're going to have to take THIS Title... from ME!!” There was a pause... Swoop stopped pacing, and he began to stare at Blake too... Biting his cheek and adjusting his facial expression aggressively... Swoop McCarthy: “I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now... And... We're both kinda in the same boat... In my eyes... There's only ONE WAY... we can settle this... this... 'Dispute'... What we should do... What we HAVE to do... Is take your... Shall we say... 'fairly' won Belt... and my fairly won Belt... and hang them above the ring... Then, me and you fight, in a LADDER MATCH!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Number One Contenders Match: w/ The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne The Wayne Brothers were ruthless here, using all of their pack hunting skills to pick up a big win. For the finish, Kerry was his usual instrumental self, and he got up onto the apron while the referee's back was turned. He used his 'Fingernail Of Doom' to poke Thurston Darcy III in his left eye, which allowed Kian to hit his 'Shoulder Breaker' finisher and score the win. 60 Winners: The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne Finish: 'Shoulder Breaker' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Match Graphic On Screen We saw a graphic immediately following the match, showing the Mid-Season Finale Match for the RAW Tag Team Titles... Echo and Nicky Gilbert will put their Titles on the line against Kal and Kian Wayne... Kerry will once again be in his two Brother's corner... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Montgomery Croft's Boardroom We cut to Montgomery Croft's Office Block next, and found 'Million Dollar Monty' sat with his associate, and hired muscle, Manhunter... Montgomery Croft: “Yes Manhunter... I know you want to get your hands on The Goode Brothers, but we will have to wait... Until the mid-season Finale big man... We have more pressing issues to deal with today... I need to make some calls and arrange some interviews for the coming weeks... We have had some very, very, interesting applicants for our vacancies... Remember, I want a rookie protege... and an older, wise head to be a mentor for all of us... and I think I have some favourites based on their applications... Let's just see if we're on the same page come next week...” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen Montgomery Croft and Manhunter talk a good game, but Goode and McKenzie show up and wrestle a better one! They easily dispatched of Frankie and Tye in this fun match. At the mid-season Finale, the Goode Brothers will fight Croft and Manhunter in a tag team grudge match. 65 Winners: The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) Finish: 'Goode Bye' (Palm Strike to chest!) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Jack Bruce's Office Maurice Jackson entered the office of RAW Authority Figure Jack Bruce next... with a complaint about the Autumn Gleason situation... Jack Bruce: “I understand your beef Jackson... You beat Lynx in a match, that you both agreed to... where the winner would 'get' Autumn Gleason... and now it appears as if Autumn is with Lynx...?? Have I got that right...?? The problem for you is, that Autumn never actually agreed to anything... She's her own woman, and she can do what she wants... But listen, I'm going to give you a chance at revenge over Lynx... at the mid-season finale...” Jackson said he was looking forward to getting his hands on Lynx again... But Bruce said Lynx probably feels the same... Jack Bruce: “Aaaand, I haven't exactly told you everything... See... You've made a LOT of enemies around here Jackson... Lynx wants you 1 on 1... Loxley Robbins wants you 1 on 1... I'm sure there are others too... But at the Mid-Season Finale... It won't be you versus Lynx... It'll be you... versus Lynx... versus Loxley Robbins... versus THREE OTHER guys... In a six-pack challenge... The winner... Will earn a future TV Title Shot in the second half of Season 11...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone A non-title re-match from the last TV Special here. This one was intense, but the back and forth nature of the story soon turned into a family feud, when Brodie Lachlan and Rose Wills headed to the ring. Brodie had a white towel in his hand. Moments later Tombstone locked in his 'Rear Naked Choke', and Wills looked like he was begging for the towel to be thrown in. Lachlan ignnored him, and mopped his brow as his 'best friend' passed out! 65 Winner: 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone Finish: 'Rear Naked Choke' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Post-Match In The Ring After the match was over, Matty's sister Rose and his best friend, (and her boyfriend), Brodie Lachlan stepped through the ropes as Tombstone left the ring... Brodie Lcchlan: “My beeeest friend, Matty Wills... You might not hear this, because you are OUT right now... But I'll make sure Rose plays it back to ya... Matty... I'm better than you... I'm the 'star' of our tag team... and at the mid-season finale, I'm going to PROVE it!!” In two weeks, it'll be Matty Wills versus Brodie Lachlan for the first time ever!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Locker Room Captain Wrestling II was taping his fists backstage, when Luke Steele walked in... Luke Steele: “Fair warning for ya Warrior... I can push Will Beaumont around IF I want to... and WHEN I want to... and you can't stop me... You can't be with him at all times...” Captain Wrestling II: “You're right... But you can't hide from me... You push him around, like the bully you are, and you'll have ME to deal with... And since you're clearly looking for trouble, you've found some... I can't be with Will at all times, but I can be with him in the ring... In a tag team match... Tonight!!” Captain told Steele to find a partner, and face them in the Main Event!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor A very short squash match here. The local guy might never come to RAW for 'extra' work ever again. 32 Winner: Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor Finish: 'Ace Of Spades' (Last Ride) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Backstage Swoop McCarthy's return to RAW did not go unnoticed by Frogue Element... and the crazy former TV Champion was waiting for his rival in a corridor... Frogue Element: “Swoop...!! Ahh it's so good to see you man... Listen... I gotta address the elephant in the room here... I'm so sorry you got hurt, and had to give up your Belt... I feel terrible...” There was a pause, as Swoop considered how crazy Frogue had become that he thought Swoop would accept his apology... But he played along... Swoop McCarthy: “Well... I forgive you Frog-o Baggins... It'd be wrong of me toooo... SWOOP ON IN HERE... and just, throw my weight around... But listen, listen, listen... Shhhhhhh... shhhhh.... shhhh... Maybe... You should apologise to Lynx...?? I mean, was there any need to attack him last week...?!” Frogue Element: “I will man... I will... If that's what you want... I'll do it... I have a match against him next week, but I'll make sure I apologise after the match... I promise...” Swoop McCarthy: “Good... So now that's settled... I gotta go... I have a mandatory re-match to prepare for against Blake Belushi... He's going to be hard to stop, but I think I can do it... SWOOP... There it is...” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Number One Contenders Match: w/ 'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic Stantz and Louis are no strangers to one another, having been on opposite sides of the ring three times since Stantz came back to RAW around nine weeks ago. They had one win a piece heading into this one, and it was an even contest throughout. Ceri Dordevice barked instructions to her client, but Stantz was able to counter a 'Butterfly Powerbomb' attempt by landing on his feet, and then hit one of his own!! He then headed up to the top rope, and dropped onto Louis' chest with a Flying Elbow Drop! 56 Winner: 'Stunning' Rick Stantz Finish: 'Flying Elbow Drop' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Announce Team On Our Screen Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey commented on the previous match next... Rick Stantz will now face Tombstone for the Quest Title at the Mid-Season Finale!! Meanwhile, after an impressive few months in 2020, Louie Louis will be disappointed to not only miss out on that Title shot, but also miss out on appearing at another TV Special... Doug Vallence: “So... Becca... How are things with this wrestler guy...??” Rebecca Richey: “Really, really good thanks Dougie... I mean, are there things I'd change about him...?? Sure... He wouldn't be a wrestler for one... That lifestyle is just not for me... But it's early days and we're havin' fun...” Doug Vallence: “Well... You know if you ever need anything... I'm here for you...” Rebecca Richey: “You're a great friend Dougie... What would I do without you... Anyway, back to the action... We're getting reports here of a disturbance in the parking lot...” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Parking Lot There was indeed a 'disturbance' in the parking lot, as the RAW Tag Team Champions were being attacked!! Kal and Kian Wayne, the new number one contenders for Nicky Gilbert and Echo's Titles were beating the Champions down, but suddenly Gilbert and Echo sprung into life, and fought back!! Echo threw Kal over the bonnet of a car, while Gilbert tackled Kian to the ground with a double-leg!! Then out of nowhere, Kerry Wayne arrived and hit his trademarked poke to the eye using the 'Fingernail Of Doom' on Echo!! Kerry had Echo swinging blindly, as he couldn't see a thing!! The former two-time RAW TV Champion then delivered a big boot to Gilbert, and started ordering his brothers around... With Echo down and struggling, the three Wayne Brothers picked Gilbert up and took him onto the back of a truck... They then threw him with a hip toss off the back of the truck, and onto a car windscreen!! The car's alarm went off at the impact, but that was the least of Gilbert's troubles... The windscreen smashed upon his impact, and he was cut multiple times on his shoulders...!! The Wayne Brothers got out of there before anyone could come and reprimand them... Echo still couldn't see as the segment ended!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Mac Guffin's Office We cut to a pre-taped video now, at Mac Guffin's Executive Consultancy Office... He was with Alexander Banks... Mac Guffin: “Okay Banks... It's time to change it up... I'm seeing a new look for you... Blue jacket... Black gloves... Here, try these out...” Banks tried the new gear on, and seemed to like it... The black gloves made him look like a hired thug... Mac Guffin: “It's time for you to meet your new tag team partner, Banks... next week... I'll schedule a meeting with you guys...” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele Steele found himself a great tag team partner for this Main Event, but as great as Jackson is, it was clear that he had a lot on his mind. This became even clearer when Lynx made his way to ringside. Jackson couldn't take his eyes off the 'Pretty Boy'!! Loxley Robbins also arrived at ringside moments later too, and Jackson's attention was all over the place now. Steele needed a tag, but Jackson was berating Lynx and Robbins and it allowed Captain Wrestling II to tag in and hit his 'Australian Slam' to score the win. Jackson only noticed the count taking place when it had already gotten to 2, and he was far too late to react to do anything about it!! 72 Winners: Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont Finish: 'Australian Slam' (Olympic Slam) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Closing Segment – In The Ring Once the final bell rang, Loxley Robbins and Lynx got into the ring and started beating down Maurice Jackson... Captain Wrestling II and Will Beaumont stood back a little, until Luke Steele started shouting at them to 'do something'... So they attacked Steele!! Loxley and Lynx argued over who should beat Jackson up more, and their argument resulted in them trading punches themselves, and Jackson escaped their clutches!! Jackson then pulled Steele out under the bottom rope, saving his friend from Captain and Beaumont... Referees and Officials came out to make sure there were no more incidents... Because RAW Authority Figure Jack Bruce headed onto the stage with a microphone... Jack Bruce: “HOOOOOOOLLLDDDD IIIITTTTT!!!” Bruce's booming voice sounded like a heavy metal guitar riff... He gained everybodys attention!! Jack Bruce: “It is so interesting that you'd all be out here right now... I told Maurice Jackson that he, Lynx and Loxley Robbins would compete in a six-pack challenge at the Mid-Season Finale... Well... The other three men I'm putting in that match are Luke Steele... Will Beaumont... and Captain Wrestling II...!! And boys... How about we have a little preview... RIGHT NOW!!” Bruce endorsed the fight continuing... and Lynx and Loxley shoved each other as they tried to get out of the ring and chase Maurice Jackson... Captain Wrestling II and Will Beaumont did give chase, as Jackson and Steele staggered up the ramp and through the curtain!! The show ended there, and we now know most of the card for the Mid-Season Finale show in just two weeks!! </div> THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW The Stars Of RAW | The Champions Of RAW | Previous Episodes of RAW Attitude! The Sons of RAW | The Season 11 Schedule </div>
  21. "Doubt It!" That made me laugh Great to have you on board and thanks for the nice words. Any feedback about dialogue and locations etc will always be welcome from locals. I have a few 'Australian Correspondents' who have helped greatly with that side of things, but I can always do with more.
  22. Who will end the show with the RAW TV Title? Maurice Jackson Which member of the roster, not seen for quite some time, will make a return? Urrmmm... Skyscraper? Yet another family member makes a debut this week, but WHO are they related to? And HOW? (2 points) Gaaah'd this is hard. Could be anyone... Let's say Matty Wills has another sister!?
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