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Sco xY2Jx

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Everything posted by Sco xY2Jx

  1. COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud) COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur #1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic Can't imagine the boat will be rocked too much in the first show. Looking forward to it.
  2. Too slow on the predictions boat but a good show. Love the very unique format you use for presentation. Also continuing to do a fine job of making it feel like a proper wrestling soap opera. Continued excellence all around.
  3. A solid go-home show for the PPV. It's sure to be a great show! Enjoying the continued slow reveal of the masked men. Looking forward to the show, fella. Valiant vs Jimmy Hernandez and Lau vs Spade will be show stealers!
  4. Here is the prediction card for Malice In Wonderland for those who wish to participate. Comments and feedback on the diary is welcomed and encouraged.
  5. Main Event Tag Team Match Twenty Minute TV Time Limit HPW Tag Team Titles The Brothers Samoan [Kanikoshi & Tana the Mighty] versus The Dynamite Express © Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit The Texas Express versus The Bulldogs Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Harry Bradley versus Roy Goodlooks Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit "Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus Pixie Diamini Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit "The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Eddie Gallagher Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Morgan Stryker versus Mad Millie Morgan
  6. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #948787; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="IcgSmeA.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IcgSmeA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">JANUARY 2020, WEEK 4</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Episode #4</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Attendance:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 1,637</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Pre-Show Results</strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Savage Fury def. Local Talent</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Golden Fox def. Peter Valentine</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Brent Hill def. Jason Jackson</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Announce team</strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Micky Starr</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show Opening</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="</span></span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/my6bfA14vMQ" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">https://www.youtube.com/embed/my6bfA14vMQ"</span></span></a><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The theme for Hollyweird TV blares out through the arena as the pyro goes off and we are welcomed to the broadcast by Jason Azaria and the announce team.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> We're on the go-home episode before Malice In Wonderland and the announce team recap the events of last week and hype the events to come this evening including finalising the competitors for the Tag Team Championship and World Championship matches at the PPV.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 63</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Singles Match</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 15-minute time limit</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="M7xX7nA.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/M7xX7nA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ErLZ6iq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ErLZ6iq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="H8TOlK0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/H8TOlK0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Dark Eagle vs The Danger Kid</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Another strong opening encounter for the TV broadcast from our cruiserweights proving the competitiveness and passion of the division.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The Danger Kid picked up the win in tag team action that also involved Dark Eagle but this week the masked star picked up the victory with the Eagle Shock to prove that anyone can beat anyone in this division.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Dark Eagle in 8:54</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Finish:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Eagle Shock (Top Rope Razor's Edge)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Match Rating: 57</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Liberty's partner...</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="dBsqDQC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dBsqDQC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PgQ5pNC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PgQ5pNC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Bruce & Romeo enter the arena and walk the rampway towards the ring to jeers from the live crowd. They enter the ring, mic in Romeo's hand and are about to speak when they're interrupted by the pulsing guitar riff of "Liberty Song" by The Levellers.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="bOTTFsS.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bOTTFsS.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#00FFFF;">Liberty:</span></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"It seems you two are intent on causing quite the stir in HGC. Especially given that I was given a match with you both on a few days notice and told to find a partner... But, hey! It's no sweat off my back. Find a partner? I certainly did"</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="fe6T9iV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fe6T9iV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Leon Williams enters the arena, the US flag draped over his back and he stands alongside Liberty. An accomplished veteran of the business, he looks fired up and ready for a fight. The two walk to the ring as Romeo and Jack look stunned and try to formulate a plan.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 55</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Tag-Team Match</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 15-minute time limit</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="bOTTFsS.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bOTTFsS.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="fe6T9iV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fe6T9iV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ErLZ6iq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ErLZ6iq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="dBsqDQC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dBsqDQC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PgQ5pNC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PgQ5pNC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Liberty & Leon Williams [vs] The Sex Gods of Rock</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Four men with something to prove were involved in this match. Romeo & Liberty fell short in their efforts to become World Champion and so were looking to bounce back. JB is looking to make a name for himself by whatever means he can and Leon is getting his shot in the big time. High stakes for all involved.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The match was fairly even with Bruce eating a beating for a good portion of it but things escalated and the experience of Heartthrob pulled through. He cleared Liberty from the ring, Bruce recovered enough to land a New York Minute on Williams and Romeo followed it up by locking in the Cupid's Clutch and few people survive it. Williams had to tap out.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The Sex Gods of Rock in 10:11</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Finish:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Cupid's Clutch (Million Dollar Dream)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Match Rating: 44</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angels for Hire?</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="aCd1dg6.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aCd1dg6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PnemDjH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PnemDjH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> We cut to a promo package. We revisit the dark, dirty and damp alleyway where we see a mugging take place. A man is held at gunpoint by a hooded figure. The two white-faced baseball wat wielding figures approach, proceed to beat the hell out of the thug. The man thanks them and proceeds to empty his wallet to them before running away.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> They pocket the money, sling the bats over their shoulder and go to exit the alley but are met with a blinding flash of white light as the feed cuts out.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 71</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 4 v 4</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> No time-limit</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="bAyujpH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bAyujpH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="YeOhfSI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/YeOhfSI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="KBlSE0Q.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KBlSE0Q.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Hy5Vuaz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Hy5Vuaz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="ErLZ6iq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ErLZ6iq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="IyfgUgI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IyfgUgI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="vnJWaNI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vnJWaNI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ru9ONkl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ru9ONkl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="OeodNUq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OeodNUq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage [vs] The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> These four teams have bounds of experience and fortitude between them with numerous reigns as Tag Team Champions all across the world to boot. BSC & The Flames have been rivals for two decades. The Vesseys and Demons have had their issues in recent weeks. This was gonna be a brawl.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> That it was with neither side letting up for a second and not even infighting between the foursomes. Both sides want to be the first ever tag team champions in HGC but on this night one side had more to give.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Naturally, chaos ensued and the referee lost control a bit as brawls broke out on the outside of the ring but Larry Vessey was wily enough to take control and takes advantage of the chaos by flooring Teddy Flame with his Sick Cycle to book his sides place in the Tag Team Championship match.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult in 12:53</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Finish:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Sick Cycle (Black Mass)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Match Rating: 62</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>The Brawling continues...</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The Vesseys clear ringside and leave up the ramp as the BSC soon follow realising that victory was theirs. The Demons slowly get their wits about them and realise that in all the brawling they lost the match as a result of one of the Flames being pinned.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Infuriated, they attack. A brawl breaks out between both teams with The Demons firmly having the upper hand. They brawl over the barricade and through the arena before security can eventually get some sense of control over the situation and it clears.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 59</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Meeting the Homicide? - Part 3</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> We cut to now-familiar grainy black & white footage that dips in and out of focus. Swift cuts of hardcore/deathmatch footage are viewed before a quick cut to black.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> In a continuation of last weeks footage, a lone spotlight still appears above Homicide. He grabs a fresh white towel and wipes off the trickles and splatters of blood that covered his head, face and parts of his red leather jacket. He then holds the towel up to the camera, covering the screen completely for a few seconds.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Once it's removed, we see him now wearing an almost identical jacket to before except that it is now a bright white as opposed to the deep red previously.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="mDQm597.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mDQm597.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Homicide:</span></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong> "I'm in a position to offer a great many things to the masses and to those who are willing to open their hearts. Giving is the most powerful tool you have at your command. If you give yourself over to me, Mr. Charlie Copeland, you'll have the power to control your own lives."</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>(The Man with the 1,000 mile stare lives up to his mantra as he looks blankly at us, still unblinking.)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"What comes out of our hearts through the words of our mouths determines what comes to pass in our lives. It’s the absolute truth. Come join me at Malice In Wonderland on my mission. Our mission."</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>(There is an unnervingly long silence following this where Mr. Charlie continues to stare at us... through us. The package ends with a blinding flash of white light.)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 59</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Singles Match</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 15-minute time limit</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="F8BVtNi.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/F8BVtNi.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ErLZ6iq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ErLZ6iq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7fXRqaQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7fXRqaQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Paul Steadyfast [vs] Richie Pangrazzio Jr.</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Both men come into this with something to prove. Steadyfast wants to repair some damage done to "The Untouchables" brand through the lack of Tag Team success and Richie looking to bounce back from his World Championship tournament exit.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The match is surprisingly even with Steadyfast showing he shouldn't be taken lightly. He gains the upper hand and begins beating on the veteran before Richie ducks through his legs after an Irish Whip and rolls him up for the flash pinfall</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Richie Pangrazzio Jr. in 8:14</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Finish:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Roll-up.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Match Rating: 53</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Dusty's promo time</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="ddle0XW.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ddle0XW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QgMw5St.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QgMw5St.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> HGC new interviewer, Emma Chase, is joined by Dusty Streets as he looks ahead to his semi-final match vs Rip Chord in a bid to become World Champion.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#FFA500;">Dusty:</span></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"Let me cut to the... Chase.</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>(He chuckles lightly to himself)</em></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>I've been in this business a long time and maybe it's my own shortcomings, maybe it's the powers that be holding me back or maybe it's just plain old bad luck that I've never held singles gold but this tournament is gonna change that.</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong> Rip Chord and I go way back and we've had our tussles through the years and I've won my fair share. Tonight, I'll do whatever it takes to win one more and take one step closer to becoming your World Champion. If for no other reason than I'm gonna be a World Champion before Sid does... Rip, I'm coming for you"</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 70</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>The All-Stars celebrate</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="QIKlP2B.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QIKlP2B.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="IyfgUgI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IyfgUgI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="vnJWaNI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vnJWaNI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> We cut to the locker room of The All-Star Team where Bryan and Larry are drinking a couple of beers and congratulating each other as Coach Dick joins them. Seconds later we see Richie enter the room, fresh from his victory over Steadyfast.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="7fXRqaQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7fXRqaQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The Vesseys congratulate him as Coach places his drink down and stands up before approaching his son.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Coach:</span></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"A stinking roll-up? You had to beat a bum like him with a roll-up?</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>(Richie looks taken aback by the apparent displeasure of Coach.</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#800080;">Richie:</span></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"He gave me a good fight but a wins a win, I mean..."</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>(Coach snaps back instantly)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Coach:</span></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"Yeah, well he shouldn't have. You were crying about losing to a man like Rip Chord because he got lucky?! When you got lucky tonight?! These men fight like they want to be champions. Since you've come back you've been getting lazy. 7 years away from this world and it shows, Richie. If you want the help I'll give you it, kid, but you've got to want it. These men want to be champions and train like champions and by God come Sunday they will be! In 14 years you've never been a champion... ever! If you want to fix that? You come let me know..."</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>(Coach walks back towards Bryan & Larry whilst Richie looks dumbfounded at what just occurred.)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 63</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Singles Match</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> No time limit</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="2u5sKMg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2u5sKMg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ErLZ6iq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ErLZ6iq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="pYpppYJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pYpppYJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>BLZ Bubb [vs] Sam Strong</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> A place in the final to become World Champion awaits these two mammoth men. BLZ Bubb is a man/monster who can leave chaos in his wake whilst Sam Strong is the legend who never says die. Bubb comes into this fresh whilst Strong appears to be nursing the ongoing knee injury caused by Romeo Heartthrob.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> This match was two hard-as-nails characters slugging it out as the fans lapped it all up. 10 solid minutes of wild brawling took place before the match reached it's climax.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The Demon had the advantage over Strong and a series of powerful offense left the Icon reeling. Bubb attempted to lift Strong for the Hades Bomb but, in doing so, clipped the referee as Sam Sparrow fell to the mat. The Bomb was delivered but Sparrow couldn't make the count. Then...</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="sVmw5c8.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sVmw5c8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Whistler appeared from through the crowd with bandages around his cracked ribs and a steel chair in his hands. He hopped the barricade, entered the ring and began to lay thick, heavy chair shots into The Demon. The former Army veteran was relentless in his assault with shot after shot cracking off The Demon's back and with every chair shot that connected Bubb seemed to only flinch, clearly feeling the pain but refusing to show it. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The chair was mangled and dented in appearance as Bubb slowly began to rise to his feet. As he did Strong rose also and before Bubb could respond to Whistlers barrage of attacks he was the victim of a Strong-Arm Tactic. This stunned The Demon but only left him stumbling slightly before Strong connected with a second one that floored him. Whistler cleared the ring, Strong made the cover and Sparrow counted to three with Bubb raising his shoulders milliseconds after the third count.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Sam Strong in 10:04</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Finish:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Strong-Arm Tactic (Bionic Elbow)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Match Rating: 79</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Never let him recover</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The crowd cheered in elation that Strong had booked his place at Malice. As Strong rose to his feet, Bubb also began to rise to his feet, albeit slowly. A moment passed before Whistler entered the ring again and cracked the steel chair into the back of Bubb's skull flooring The Demon.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Whistler exited the ring once more claiming that Bubb was still to be taught a lesson and that he'll see him at Malice In Wonderland!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angle Rating: 81</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="jcyUkK2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jcyUkK2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Singles Match</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> No time limit</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><img alt="HzLTiks.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HzLTiks.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ErLZ6iq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ErLZ6iq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QgMw5St.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QgMw5St.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Rip Chord [vs] Dusty Streets</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> These men have fought many times over the years. It showed. They knew each other well.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> An evenly poised affair throughout Rip became more and more reliant on underhanded tactics as Dusty displayed that infamous 'never-back-down' attitude that exists within the Streets family.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The match was reaching its climax with fans hanging on to everything that was being thrown at each man. Counters were met with counters, stiff chops were retaliated with even stiffer chops as the originally technical affair boiled down into, as they most often do in Hollyweird, a slug fest.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Rip came careering off the ropes for a stiff clothesline that Streets ducked under and instantly caught Rip in the hold for the Dust-Off. As he went for the move Rip wriggled free, caught Streets with a quick kick to the gut and went for his DDT but Streets stood firm and promptly slapped Chord with a sound that echoed and reverberated throughout the arena. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> As Chord stood stunned, Streets turned and hit the ropes before coming back at Chord looking to connect with a spear but as he hooked himself around the midriff of the man, Rip managed to simultaneously hook his arm around the neck of Streets and as they both hit the ground he planted Streets with the Rip Chord DDT.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> He still ate a spear but countered sufficiently to do more damage to his opponent. He slowly rolled Streets over, made the cover and booked his place at Malice to fight against his long-time rival for a shot at World Championship glory!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Rip Chord in 16:01</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Finish:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Rip Chord DDT</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Match Rating: 78</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Overall Show Rating: 75</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </div></span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52481" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick Results</span></p><p> Dark Eagle def. The Danger Kid</p><p> Romeo Heartthrob & Jack Bruce def. Liberty & Leon Williams</p><p> The Vesseys and Black Serpent Cult def. The Blazing Flames and The Demons of Rage</p><p> Richie Pangrazzio Jr. def. Paul Steadyfast</p><p> Sam Strong def. BLZ Bubb</p><p> Rip Chord def. Dusty Streets</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Contest:</span></strong></p><p> smw88 - 6/6</p><p> christmas_ape - 6/6</p><p> Historian - 5/6</p><p> Blackman - 5/6</p><p> Herrbear - 4/6</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prediction Wins</strong></p><p> M0xl3y - 1 win</p><p> Hitman74 - 1 win</p><p> falling_star - 1 win.</p><p> bonnie - 1 win</p><p> smw88 - 1 win</p><p> christmas_ape - 1 win</p><p> </p><p> Closely fought predictions this week again with another five of you partaking but it's smw88 and christmas_ape who share the victory and pick up a win each.</p><p> That's the go-home episode of TV booked with Malice In Wonderland coming up next. The card for that will be up in a few days.</p><p> Feedback is welcome and, as always, thanks for reading. </p></div></blockquote>
  7. Good work in here. Consider the Red Carpet Royal idea stolen/borrowed for my HGC story. Good job Vinsmoker and Self.
  8. I love the DeColts. Let's go Dalton! I'm so here for this!
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ironfist" data-cite="ironfist" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48528" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Here you go.<p> </p><p> <img alt="6BV8JtB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6BV8JtB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Such prompt service. Thanks, friend.</p>
  10. Can anyone with the skill set and the willing turn this fellas jacket from a blood red to a white? Ala Brodie Lee style? Thanks in advance if you can.
  11. 10 Minute Time Limit Match Shockwave vs. American Gold Comments: 10 Minute Time Limit Match Rajah vs. Rick Law Comments: Non-Title Match 15 Minute Time Limit Match Jaime Quine vs. Wendy Anderson Comments: 10 Minute Time Limit Match Ducont & Thatcher vs. Natural Storm Comments: USPW World Title Match TV Time Remaining Rich Money defends vs. Nicky Champion Comments: DQ Finish so the champion retains. Enjoyed the last show. Good to see you back here and putting out the usual high quality of show. Long may it continue.
  12. <p>That was some tremendous plans you had coming up that I'm sorry won't come to fruition in diary form.</p><p> You had a hell of a run, kid!</p>
  13. <p>Joey Morgan [vs] '<strong>The One' Primus Allen</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Dallas Cowboys w/ Hannah </strong>[vs] The Pain Alliance</p><p> </p><p> Jungle Lord [vs] '<strong>The Con Man' Sammy Smoke</strong></p><p> </p><p> Brett Biggins [vs] '<strong>The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright</strong></p><p> </p><p> '<strong>The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro</strong> [vs] Bear Bekowski</p><p> </p><p> '<strong>Every Woman's Dream' Valiant</strong> [vs] 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52481" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> Do we get to guess the partner? Is it a new signing? Is it Mr Lucha? If it's his first appearance. Be wary his contract ends in 3 months and you cannot resign him. Otherwise Monty Walker, but that would hardly be worth the secrecy.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be fair it wasn't something that I'd considered guess worthy at this stage but since you've inquired I'll give out a bonus point if you get it.</p><p> Clue: A veteran who is not already on the roster and is a patriot.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="christmas_ape" data-cite="christmas_ape" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52481" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> I don't know who was historically the first HGC, and whether that might direct you at all. Obviously Strong vs Chord makes a lot of sense as the first World title match (to the point where I'm persuading myself off my picks now) but no I'm going to pick the swerve. </p><p> </p><p> Enjoying this so far though, it captures the tension of a bunch of established stars and a bunch of promising rookies all sharing the same roster well.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I appreciate the positive feedback. The roster is precariously poised but I'm glad it seems I'm doing it justice.</p><p> </p><p> With regards to history, the first-ever world champion was Sam Strong who then dropped the belt at Total Mayhem 97' to Rip.</p>
  15. Here is the prediction card for the fourth episode of Hollyweird TV for those who wish to participate. Comments and feedback on the diary is welcomed and encouraged.
  16. Rip is always looking at the bigger picture. Train some fresh talent and get himself some allies in the process, perhaps? I've only had one relationship change so far with regards to a mentor/protége standpoint and it involved Rip Chord. Romeo and Bruce is just something that I personally found might be quite a fun pairing that could lead to fun storylines moving forward if it carries on.
  17. Missed the boat on predictions but that was a good show. Strong start to the year. Enjoying your efforts as always.
  18. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #948787; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> JANUARY 2020, WEEK 3 Episode #3 Attendance: 1,423 Pre-Show Results Steve Flash def. Peter Valentine Paul Steadyfast def. Jason Jackson Announce team Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Micky Starr Show Opening <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/my6bfA14vMQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> The theme for Hollyweird TV blares out through the arena as the pyro goes off and we are welcomed to the broadcast by Jason Azaria and the announce team. The announce team recap the events of last week including the first two matches in the World Title tournament as well as the announcements regarding the Tag Team & International titles. They also hype the events to come of tonights broadcast. Angle Rating: 72 Singles Match 15-minute time limit Monty Walker & The Danger Kid [vs] Black Eagle & Golden Fox A lively opening bout to kick off what is sure to be an exciting and wild evening of in-ring action. These 4 individuals brought flash and style to the ring with a wild array of holds and moves to draw in the interest of the crowd. In the end, it was the unmasked duo who came out on top as The Danger Kid landed his Tumbleweed Leg Drop on Golden Fox to secure the three count. Winner: The Danger Kid & Monty Walker in 8:09 Finish: 'Tumbleweed Leg Drop' (Somersault Leg Drop) Match Rating: 59 Dick hypes his All-Star 'Team' We drop backstage where we see The All-Star Team assembled in their locker room. Bryan & Larry are in their ring gear hitting punch bags and going through warm-ups as Coach Dick shouts on encouragement. We see Richie, dressed casually in jeans and a shirt, holding the punch bag for Bryan looking less than thrilled. Coach quietens them down and brings them in for a team-talk. Coach: "Alright boys bring it in. Bring it in. Now listen to me tonight's a big night, alright? We got... (He sees Richie seeming disengaged and a bit morose. He slaps him on the cheek to get his attention.) What's the matter with you, huh? You still moping? Huh? You'll get em' next time, kid. Get over it. Now listen. The quest for Gold begins here. You ain't gotta like who you team with but you gotta cooperate and we can do that. The BSC are veterans. They're smart. They're one of the best but they're also snakes. It's there in the name. Train hard. Fight harder. Don't be a bum like this guy, huh? (He chuckles and nudges Richie Jr. jokingly who nods and smirks but it doesn't seem sincere) Alright, get back to it!" Angle Rating: 62 Singles Match 15-minute time limit Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale A 34 year bitter veteran of the business who dislikes the youngsters of today's generation comes up against one and it's a stiff brawl. It goes to show that it doesn't matter which era you come from a fight will still be a fight this was a slugfest. Power used his knowledge of holds and submissions to put a real hurting on the Cowboy but RD is made of sterner stuff and wouldn't go down easily. Ricky Dale has some real power to him and it showed when he tried to take Powers head off with two Southern Justices to win this one. Winner: Cowboy Ricky Dale in 7:50 Finish: Southern Justice (Clothesline From Hell) Match Rating: 50 Show of Respect Ricky Dale celebrates a hard-fought victory in the ring as JP comes to his sense again. He's pissed at losing to a youngster and gives a disapproving look towards the Cowboy who extends a hand out. JP moves closer and slaps away the hand of RD whilst saying "You got lucky, kid! This isn't done between us!" and then stepping out of the ring. Angle Rating: 47 Meeting the Homicide - Part 2 We cut to grainy black & white footage that dips in and out of focus. Swift cuts of hardcore/deathmatch footage are viewed before a quick cut to black. In a continuation of last weeks footage, a lone spotlight still appears above a seated, leather-clad figure with severe rips in his clothing and spatters of blood surrounding him. Homicide rises from his chair whilst taking the barbed-wire crown off of his head as we see more blood trickle down over his face. He still hasn't blinked in this time and speaks again. Homicide: "Hardcore is a concept that you're just not ready for. Not like it is in my world. A cleansing process must take place first. I can fix the masses. I WILL fix the masses" Angle Rating: 64 HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier 4 v 4 No time-limit The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult [vs] The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury This was 9 minutes of action that moved by in a hurry. The ref lost control a few times, as expected in a match with this many competitors. Savage Fury & Nation of Filth look determined to put a hurt on anyone who stood in their way whether it resulted in a victory or not. They just wanted to make an impact. They did but in the end, the more experienced teams came through. The Vesseys and BSC worked surprisingly cohesively, if begrudgingly, and got the job done when Brian Vessey put away Stink with his Vessey Driver. Winner: The Vesseys & Black Serpent Cult in 9:08 Finish: Vessey Driver (Michinoku Driver) Match Rating: 46 Romeo finds a protége? Romeo Heartthrob is backstage preparing for his big match with Sam Strong later this evening. Accompanying him is Jack Bruce, the man he brought from the ring after his sneak attack on Strong last week. Romeo: "The thing is kid going out every week and looking for a fight will get you nowhere. You can still make a name for yourself while being smarter about it. You don't get to where I am in the game without being wise to a few things. Stick with me and we can do great things." Bruce looks on attentively when we hear a wry chuckle from off-screen as someone enters the room. Chord: "Where you are? You're a funny guy. Where exactly are you 24 years into your career? What have you done, Romeo? (He looks to JB and gives him a firm slap/chop to the chest) "Listen rock star. You ever wanna really get somewhere in the business? Come find me and I'll tell you everything you need to know. Same goes for you, Romeo! I'll even tell you how to beat Sam Strong!" Angle Rating: 64 HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier 4 v 4 No time-limit The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage [vs] Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists This was 4 tag-teams determined to do everything they could to prove they should be the tag team champions. There were shades of teamwork on both sides but Mucha Lucha and TTTS have had their issues over the past few weeks, not to mention that The Demons of Rage and The Blazing Flames are two all-time great tag teams who have never crossed paths yet and needed to find a way to co-exist. The match itself was non-stop with neither foursome willing to let up. The finish came when most of the competitors had spilt to the outside leaving Oxford, Mr Lucha & The Flames in the ring and on the apron. Mr Lucha had Teddy Flame in the corner and connected with a splash which sent Teddy to the mat but as the connection was made Joey tagged himself in that the ref witnessed but Lucha and Oxford did not. Lucha tagged in Oxford, went to the top rope and hit his Master Drop while Oxford also came from the corner and connected with his Top Rope Kneedrop. He covered Joey for a 3 count but the ref didn't make the count that confused Oxford. Teddy Flame hopped into the ring, speared Mr Lucha and then followed that up with a spear to the clearly annoyed Oxford. He then climbed the turnbuckle and connected with his Swandive Splash and secured the 3 count before anyone else could intervene. Winner: The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage in 14:07 Finish: Swandive Splash (Swanton Bomb) Match Rating: 61 HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final Singles Match No time limit Liberty [vs] Dusty Streets A rising star vs an established star in a bid to prove they could be the next world champion. Liberty already has a pinfall over the iconic Rip Chord, in tag team action, in recent weeks which has added some legitimacy to his place in the tournament while Dusty has never held a singles championship in his career in the business. Dusty has a chip on his shoulder and a point to prove and he went all out here. This was a competitive back and forth affair with momentum switching from side to side but just as Liberty seemed set on securing victory via his Liberation Slam, Dusty wriggled free in mid-air and managed to connect with The Dust-Off to cement his place in the semi-finals. Winner: Dusty Streets in 12:39 Finish: The Dust-Off Match Rating: 61 A show of respect Disappointed but proud in defeat, Liberty rises to his feet and extends a hand to the victor. Dusty seems instantly hesitant but upon realising who it is he's in the ring with he has no issues in shaking hands. Dusty raises Liberty's arm in the air to cheers from the crowd as they exit the ring together. A strong showing from the charismatic cool dude but experience won through in the end. Angle Rating: 66 Chins up, gents In the locker room of 'The Untouchables', we see the three men looking slightly despondent. Steadyfast seems to be trying to perk the other two up while Bryant and Oxford are venting their frustrations at the loss earlier in the evening. As the venting continues there is a knock at the locker room door. Rip Chord walks in as the three men begin to hush up and almost stand to attention. Chord: "I'll tell you what gentlemen. Pissing and moaning about your problems will solve nothing. (He looks at all three for a moment each and then takes a deep sniff of the room) "There's real potential in here, fellas. Real potential. You were unlucky tonight. You're not gonna be the first-ever Tag Team champions? So what?! You're looking at the man who's gonna be the first-ever HGC World Champion. Who better to learn from? You guys ever want to be taken seriously... you let me know." Chord walks away as all three men look at each other and wonder what just happened? Angle Rating: 39 Strong feeling Strong Sam Strong stands backstage in his ring gear looking ready for the fight ahead. We see a bandage around his knee as he addresses the audience. Strong "Where for art thou, Romeo? Probably lurking somewhere with a chair in hand looking for any advantage you can get. That's fine by me, baby. You've taken shortcuts all career-long and been average the entire time. I'm feeling fine, baby. You caught me off guard last week, that's all." (He adjusts the bandage on his knee before addressing us once more) "Now there's no question that on your day you're great. But today is not that day, brother." Angle Rating: 76 HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final Singles Match No time limit Romeo Heartthrob [vs] Sam Strong These two locked horns several times during their days in the SWF in the '70s & '80s and despite being reasonably older now than they were back then they still put on a heck of a fight and a show. Sam's offense is all in his name at even in his 'aged prime' he's still as strong as an ox and it shows as he can still ragdoll his opponents when the notion takes him. Heartthrob is a stubborn opponent for anyone and can certainly give as good as he gets although as always relied on trying to outsmart his opponent. He does just that here. Despite Strong saying his knee felt fine, Romeo tested the resolve of that by continually targeting it and attempting to keep Strong grounded. It worked and the Icon was clearly in pain despite trying not to let on. Stiff kicks, strikes and submissions were called upon by Romeo. He locked in his Cupid's Bow leglock and the two were locked in the submission for what felt like minutes with the crowd reaching a fever pitch of excitement but Sam refused to submit. It seemed he'd rather have a broken leg than admit defeat. He eventually clutched the ropes and Romeo reacted wildly out of frustration and knocked down the referee in the process. At this stage, his mind started racing. Jack Bruce sprinted to ringside with a chair in hand and slid it in to Heartthrob who held it high and pandered to the crowd. Whilst doing so, Strong rose to his feet. Romeo turned and went to swing wildly at Strong but a Strong Arm Tactic met the chair which then met the sexiest man alive skull and had him stunned. With the chair now on the mat, Romeo was stumbling and was again met with a second Strong Arm Tactic that laid him out. Strong made the cover and the ref slowly recovered making the 3 count as Bruce looked on in disbelief at what had just happened Winner: Sam Strong in 16:10 Finish: Strong Arm Tactic (Bionic Elbow) Match Rating: 84 Overall Show Rating: 76 </div>
  19. Main Event Six Man Tag Team Match Twenty Minute TV Time Limit Nicky Champion, Jimmy Chipolata, & Happy Elwood versus Deverell’s Army w/ Haley Buck Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Robert & Kyle Montogmery versus Chet Chavez & Flip Simkins Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit “Ms. Texas” Lacey Montgomery versus Melinda Perry Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit The Casey Brothers versus Brent Carpenter & Tyrone Shearer Opening Match Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Nebo Martell versus Porkchop Patterson
  20. El Texano, Michael Modest & Kevin Northcutt vs. Jamie Knoble, "The Ragin' Cajun" Lash LeRoux & The Navajo Warrior Big Ron Studd & Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. "Wildcat" Chris Harris & Tommy Rogers Southern Rebels ("Rebel" Chris Hammrick & Tracy Smothers) VS. Tatanka & "Mr. Texas" Tito Santana "'Bama" Bob Holly & "Cowboy" Erik Watts vs. The Headhunters The Rock N' Roll Express vs. The Titanics Bodacious Bart, "The Cuban" Fidel Sierra & Tommy "Wildfire" Rich vs. Dory Funk Jr., "Hardcore" Terry Funk, & Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy "High-Flying" Kevin Von Erich vs. Honky Tonk Man "Gentlemen" Chris Adams & "Sycho" Sid Vicious vs. "The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich & "Mighty" Chris Von Erich "Yellow Rose" David Von Erich vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler USWA Tag Team: The Bruise Brothers © vs. J & J Connection USWA Southern Heavyweight: Yokozuna © vs. The Patriot USWA Unified World Heavyweight: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper © vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts Heck of a roster you've assembled with nice presentation too. You've made a follower out of me.
  21. I clearly missed all of this the first time around but now that you're back from hiatus, I'll try and catch up on the recaps and be following now. Loved the gameshows. Nicely done.
  22. PREDICTION KEY BATTLEGROUND: Team Andrews vs The Syndicate TCW TV TITLE: Greg Gauge © vs ??? Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach The Behemoths vs The Mighty “The Hitman” Ernest Youngman vs T-Bone Bright Shocking Matt Hocking vs Bart Biggins The Supremacy vs Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx
  23. <p><strong>The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro</strong> [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jungle Lord & Bear Bekowski </strong>[vs] Sammy Smoke & Makutsi</p><p> </p><p> The Dallas Cowboys [vs] <strong>Des Davids & Primus Allen</strong></p><p> </p><p> 'Fastball' Oliver Kobb [vs] '<strong>The Beast' Remo Richardson</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mikey Lau & Spencer Spade</strong> [vs] Randy Unleashed & Hollywood Bret Starr</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden</strong> [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez</p><p> </p><p> Enjoyed the previous show. The road to the PPV is shaping up nicely!</p>
  24. Thanks, Arwink. I appreciate it. Especially from someone who themselves has had history with HGC in terms of writing dynasties. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't regularly rereading over your previous efforts with them to find nuggets of inspiration and ideas. Regarding the four weeks previous that is exactly how it played out but with Blackman raising a fair point and my sort of going off track with the original plan for the company anyway re: the world title battle royal, it could make sense to cal it episode #1.
  25. Here is the prediction card for the third episode of Hollyweird TV for those who wish to participate. Comments and feedback on the diary is welcomed.
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