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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. Damn, Satyr24 is a prediction machine in all the TNA diaries. :cool: Nice work!


    Bully Ray and Devon vs. Kurt Angle and James Storm

    Comment: As James says, Devon is probably here to be pinned but this should be a damn fine main event.


    TNA X-Division Championship

    Jeff Hardy © vs. Kenny King

    Comment: King would be best served if you moved him into the tag ranks or something now.


    Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniels

    Comment: Difficult one to call but Daniels is probably too good to be losing here.


    ODB vs. Gail Kim

    Comment: Gail Kim is one of the most underrated wrestlers in the business, period. She was so good. I could see her winning here to line her up for a shot at Velvet Sky.


    D.O.C. vs. Rockstar Spud

    Comment: Spud... SQUASH!

  2. Sorry friends, I missed that round of predictions. It dawned on me late last night that I hadn't gotten my picks in!


    Los Parks pull in surprisingly low match performances. Is that down to overness or are they just not that great? I'd have picked Laredo Kid's team to win that match because the Kid is money.


    Apolo! Straight out my diary and into yours :D "Mexican Batista", as my brother calls him, never stood a chance there did he? Easy work for the King.


    Now you've mentioned them, I'd like to see what the Von Erichs could do in the temple. Two old school wrestlers with a tough as nails daddy, it would be fun to see them mix it up here. If Kanegan will let you have them, that is ;)


    Looking forward to Fusion!

  3. TNA iMPACT #21 - Wednesday, Week 1, July 2004




    TNA iMPACT #21

    Wednesday, Week 1, July 2004

    Live from Grady Cole Center on ESPN

    Attendance: 2,556


    Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


    Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    We open the show with Big League making their entrance,
    Jeff Jarrett
    at the front with
    Don Callis
    Mike Awesome
    following behind. They weren’t here last week because although Double J emerged victorious at the 2nd Anniversary Show, they weren’t able to take home championship gold and the “Consultant” needed time to get them back on the same page. Mike Awesome is still pissed but that’s okay, he’s going to take it out on Apolo tonight!


    Kanyon takes the microphone next and says he heard what DDP had to say last week. It’s true that Chris has new friends now, better friends than Page ever was…
    ”The Jersey Triad is dead and buried, bada bang move on sucker!”


    Jeff Jarrett laughs, he played Roddy Piper like the acoustic equaliser. He’s TNA Wrestling’s answer to Cicero, he’s the master politician and he’s always one step ahead of everybody else. How does the old saying go?...


    ”Just when you think you know the answers, I change the questions? That’s right, you can all see who’s in contro-”






















    Mid-sentence, a hip-hop tune interrupts Double J and brings out
    Savio Vega!
    He’s got the rest of his clan with him, some veritable Puerto Rican Power!


    He’ll make it quick. He’s had his issues with Double J since day one and he can hear Jeff Jarrett yapping on about Piper but does he know the match has already been made? He’s stunned that he knows something Jarrett does not, the Commissioner has already made it official hombre...


    ”Savio Vega versus Jeff Jarrett at No Surrender, NO HOLDS BARRED!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Apolo vs. Mike Awesome (w/Don Callis)



    These two stuck around after the opening segment and both were able to get some ill feelings out of their system as they exchanged right hands and shoulder charges. These are two big dudes and Don West swore that he saw the ring move when Apolo sent Awesome crashing into the turnbuckles with a Hammer Throw. This turned into a battle of attrition and thanks to his deathmatch wrestling experience, Mike Awesome was able to better absorb punishment and come back swinging. After a big Lariat, he scooped Apolo over one shoulder and drove him into defeat courtesy of the Awesome Bomb.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    But the big man wasn’t finished even after referee Andrew Thomas called for the bell.
    Mike Awesome
    continued his assault, stomping away at his defeated opponent
    before signalling to the top turnbuckle for the Awesome Splash…



















    Ricky Banderas
    is here!


    Apolo’s tag team partner in IWA hit the ring at a rate of knots, charging down the entrance ramp to save his friend from further punishment. Awesome initially decided to tangle with him and they exchanged right hands with one another but eventually “El Mesias” was too much to handle. Dropping down to the canvas, Awesome escaped under the bottom rope and nursed his now-sore jaw as he backed up the entrance ramp to fight another day.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Backstage, a Japanese man was standing by with the mystery masked assailant that attacked Dragon Kid several weeks ago. He introduced himself as
    Ricky Fuji.
    Years ago, the Kid quit his dojo and Fuji has been pursuing him ever since. When he found out that Dragon Kid had fled to the United States, he followed him here along with his greatest student, the
    Somber Serpent!
    Unlike the Kid, the Serpent passed all his trials and tribulations and he will show no mercy to anybody who fights him inside the squared circle.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Dixie vs. Somber Serpent (w/Ricky Fuji)



    This was a dominant performance by the Serpent, catching Dixie early on attempting a Hurricanrana and planting him with a Powerbomb. He took his time as he drove his boot into the face of his opponent in the corner and showed off his athleticism with a Slingshot Crossbody. After a Tilt-A-Whirl Facebuster, he could have picked up the victory but he decided to pull his opponent off the canvas and finish him off with the Package Piledriver. As the Serpent stood over his foe, the arena went dark. When the lights returned Dixie was nowhere to be seen.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">


    An ominous watch but the Somber Serpent has laid down a marker with two easy victories on iMPACT so far. We cut to the locker room where
    AJ Styles
    is helping
    Jason Cross
    prepare for his match against Samoa Joe...






    He motivates Cross through his squats, demanding more, grilling him that he needs to push himself further if he wants to beat the ‘Samoan Submission Machine’... he needs to want it more, dig deep!








    All of a sudden,
    Christopher Daniels
    comes into the picture. Cross stands ready for battle but AJ tells him to back down because the ‘Fallen Angel’ is in slacks, a black cotton shirt and dress shoes. He’s not here for a fight, he and AJ went to a time limit draw last week but at No Surrender, there’s going to be no such luck for the ‘Phenomenal One’. Daniels has spoken to Commissioner Piper, he’ll see AJ in Texas when they compete in best Two Out Of Three Falls!


    ”That is, provided you don’t chicken out. I’ll give you some time to think about it AJ…”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    As Glenn Gilbertti makes his entrance for the next match, Mike Tenay runs us through what we can expect next week on TNA iMPACT…




    ”Ultimo Dragon will make his TNA debut, that’s right, we have signed Ultimo Dragon!...




    Jeff Hardy faces off against Scoot Andrews…




    Veronica will face off against the young Beth Phoenix…




    And the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting will be in action!”





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Ray Gonzalez vs. Glenn Gilbertti (w/Johnny Swinger & David Young)



    Of all the Puerto Ricans that have been involved with TNA Wrestling, ‘Mr. Rayting’ is perhaps the most talented. His technical wrestling prowess combined with his slick footwork and upper body strength make him a formidable competitor and he dominates early on, pulling G.G. into some chain wrestling he is ill prepared for. Johnny Swinger and David Young distract Gonzalez, jumping on the apron so Gilbertti can blindside his opponent with a forearm to the back. But it’s little trouble for the man formerly known as Rey Fenix and after a Rip Chord Left-Arm Lariat, he slaps on a Figure Four Leglock and scores the submission win.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Back from a commercial break and
    BG James
    has made his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. He tells us that he and Ron Killings have gone their separate ways but to be honest... that’s just him being politically correct! It’s more that ‘The Truth’ wanted to go it on his own in the singles ranks and BG respects that. Everybody should want to be World Heavyweight Champion, himself included.


    Ever since he arrived in TNA Wrestling he’s been a tag guy but now he’s a lone ranger, he’s fixing to give somebody an ass whipping. He tells the locker room that anybody can square up and he’ll be waiting.


    As Beware plays him out and James heads backstage…






    He passes
    Samoa Joe
    in the tunnel and the two bump shoulders as the ‘Samoan Submission Machine’ scowls and continues readying himself for his upcoming match against Jason Cross.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Jason Cross vs. Samoa Joe



    Despite all of his preparations, this was a difficult evening for the youngster. He was veritably mauled by the undefeated Samoa Joe and his best moment was a Swinging Tornado DDT counter to an attempted Urinage. Jason’s resilience was admirable but after a Leg Lariat and a Snap Powerslam, Cross was looking a bit punch drunk as he ambled back to a vertical base. He was sat down with a calf kick and then Joe murdered him with a Single Leg Dropkick. Once the Coquina Clutch was applied there was little hesitation in referee Slick Johnson as he called for the bell.








    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">




    In The Lair,
    James Mitchell
    The Gathering.
    All of his children are on hand and ‘The Father’ focuses his attention very particularly on CM Punk. He didn’t ask him to go out there last week and interrupt Sting nor did he didn’t ask him to make a challenge for No Surrender. Speaking frankly, Mitchell has grown weary of the single mindedness of his student…


    ”The Gathering is a collective but you just seem to do whatever you feel like doing!”








    This remark angers CM Punk. He went down to the ring last week because he thought James Mitchell wanted The Gathering to have a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, he believed that their goal was to capture championship gold and every victory for CM Punk is a victory for The Gathering. It’s true that he marches to the beat of his drum but can’t Mitchell see the progress they’ve made? Whatever, says Punk...


    ”If you haven’t got my back, stay away from ringside at No Surrender!”


    Punk tries to storm off but Brother Julio cuts him off, putting his arm out to block Punk’s passing. They stare one another down with a degree of tension but after Mitchell’s forlorn nod, Julio stands down and Punk takes his leave.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Meiko Satomura vs. Nattie Neidhart



    Nattie Neidhart is the daughter of the legendary Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and has come to us from STAMPEDE Wrestling. During this match, Mike Tenay informs us that we will have a Battle Royal at No Surrender to crown the first ever TNA Knockouts Champion and he believes that these two should be considered among the favourites. For Nattie’s experience level, she’s a smooth technician in there but unfortunately, her opponent is one of the most impressive Knockouts we have seen so far. Satomura chipped away with well-placed kicks, grinding Nattie’s resolve down before putting her down with the signature Death Valley Driver.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    TNA World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match

    The Harris Twins vs. The S.A.T. vs. The New Franchise (w/Madison) vs. The Gathering (w/James Mitchell)



    This match is contested under elimination rules and it’s Ron & Don who take the advantage early on, using their superior size to bully Michael Shane and then Bateman after he was unceremoniously tagged in. But despite their early dominance, they are eliminated first when referee Rudy Charles catches them trying to make a switch. The ‘twin magic’ leaves the referee preoccupied ejecting Don out of the ring and that gives Julio the chance to nail Ron with Mitchell’s cane and pick up the pinfall.


    ”The Harris Twins have been eliminated!”




    But Julio doesn’t have long to celebrate because Jose Maximo springboards in and flattens him with a leaping Crossbody! He nearly picks up the pin but Bateman is in to break it up. As The Gathering duke it out with The S.A.T., the camera pans to Shane Douglas, gleefully smiling as he and his partner stay out of dodge. Julio is taken out with Stereo Missile Dropkicks and then the Double Spanish Fly puts Bateman down for the three.


    ”The Gathering have been eliminated!”




    Douglas gets the jump on the two high-flyers and Jose finds himself isolated in The New Franchise’s territory. Belly to Belly doesn’t lock this one down, nor the Picture Perfect Elbow Drop from Michael Shane. They can’t believe it! Worse yet, Jose manages to make the hot tag and Joel comes in like a house of fire. Taking them both down with leaping forearm strikes, he executes a Double Headscissors Takedown and soaks in the adulation from the crowd. But then he’s distracted…













    is up on the apron, doing her best to seduce the youngster. The beautiful young lady must have been just as impressed as our audience!


    Unfortunately for Joel, it’s all an elaborate ruse and she isn’t interested in him at all, only helping her team win this match. That jezebel! Having given her boyfriend adequate time to recover, she drops down from the ring and Michael Shane connects with Sweet Shane Music to give The New Franchise the W.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    As ‘Modest’ rings out through the Grady Cole Center,
    Jeremy Borash
    is on hand to interview the popular
    Jeff Hardy
    . Inside the ring, Hardy first establishes that to him, Roddy Piper is a part of the system. He controls things around here and he shouldn’t be surprised that “Hot Rod” wrapped a steel chair around his head and cost him his match against Jeff Jarrett. That sort of thing has been happening to the ‘Enigma’ his entire career.


    When JB tries to question whether that incident was an accident or not, Hardy is unconvinced. It was all a set up! He believes that Piper and Jarrett were in agreement, that they would pretend not to get along and the Commissioner would see to it that Double J won the match. TNA management could never get behind somebody like Jeff Hardy, he’s too alternative, he’s too free. They could never let him pin their “Chosen One” on PPV so they made sure it didn’t happen. It was cowardice on the part of the Commissioner…


    ”... and at No Surrender, Roddy Piper will have to answer for his transgressions.”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Ron Killings



    It was great to see DDP back in the ring again and Flair Country let him know, cheering him on as he enjoyed the early methodical pace. Killings might have been in awe but his recent attitude shift reared its head and he increased the physicality. He backed Page into the corner with a series of right hands and choking his veteran opponent, he waited until referee Rudy Charles had counted to 4 before breaking the hold. In the center of the ring, both the Truth and Consequences and the Truth Conviction delivered near falls and ‘The Truth’ grew frustrated at Page’s refusal to stay down.


    Back on his feet, the ‘People’s Champion’ rallied back, turning back the years as he drove Killings into the canvas with a Tilt-a-Whirl Slam. The Gutwrench Gutbuster followed and our audience could tell that the momentum had swung. Flashing the diamond, Page prepared to put this one away but Killings delivered a kick, one that looked a little lower than perhaps was intended…





    ”Do my eyes deceive me Don? Was that a low blow?!”



    ”I can’t believe that it was Mike!”




    Rudy Charles took exception to it too but treated it as accidental and allowed the match to continue. This one didn’t last much longer though, DDP was wounded and Killings delivered the Jumping Reverse STO. For a second successive week, that move took him to the pay window.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Ron Killings
    shoves Rudy Charles away as he tries to raise his hand. He snatched the microphone from JB and told
    Diamond Dallas Page
    , now staggering back to a vertical base, that last week was a warning. TNA Wrestling is not for the old and the Lie Detector was honest.


    ”For good measure, I’ma do it again!”


    For a second time, Killings delivered the Jumping Reverse STO, the Lie Detector planted Page face first into the mat. The Grady Cole Center made their disapproval heard but ‘The Truth’ simply planted his foot on DDP and basked in his own dominant glory as we went off the air.







    TV Rating

    0.79 (598,849 viewers)


    Final Show Rating



    Post Show Notes

    Glenn Gilbertti was not too pleased to be losing to Ray Gonzalez, but Dutch Mantell told him that the Puerto Rican had gone 50-50 with Jarrett and was well positioned on the card.

    He then agreed to do the honours without complaint.


    Similarly, Diamond Dallas Page had no problem putting Ron Killings over once agent Dusty Rhodes had gone over the finish with him.


    After praise from Sting and AJ Styles, Cheerleader Melissa was signed to an Exclusive Written contract.


    Scott Hudson aired his frustrations over his absence from the programming and was subsequently granted his release. TNA Wrestling wishes him the best in his future endevours.



    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #000000;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Prediction Contest Results

    James The Animator: 3

    DHK1989: 4

    TheBigBad1013: 4

    RKOwnage: 5

    Satyr24: 5

    Blodyxe: 2

  4. Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club

    Comments: Austin and Colten have Tony Khan's nudes.


    Mickie James vs Jade Cargill



    Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page



    Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes



    Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson



    AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

    The Young Bucks © vs ???

    Who is ???: The Beaver Boys

    Comments: It's time for Silver and Reynolds to take their rightful place in the spotlight.



    The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA

    Comments: I'd be happy if Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page never won a match to be honest.


    Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose



    The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes


  5. TNA Xplosion & iMPACT 21 Preview!




    TNA Xplosion!

    Friday, Week 4, June 2004

    Taped at The Asylum


    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #000000;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    1. In the interview room, Monty Brown puts the locker room on notice, the ‘Alpha Male’ is loose!


    2. Monty Brown defeated C.W. Anderson with The Pounce.


    3. Jerry Lynn defeated Glenn Gilbertti with the Cradle Piledriver.


    4. In the interview room, Kid Kash tells Amazing Red that he's coming after him and his TNA X-Division Championship.


    5. Lacey & Beth Phoenix defeated Daizee Haze & Sarah Stock after the Glam Slam from Pheonix to Stock.


    6. Did we enjoy having a break from Big League on iMPACT? Don Callis hopes not because they'll be back on Wednesday to address the events of the 2nd Anniversary Show now the encore has aired.


    7. Legend & Omega defeated Doring & Roadkill when Chris Sabin interfered, tossing a lead pipe to Legend behind the referee's back before he drove it into Danny Doring's skull.


    8. Post-match, Chris Sabin exchanges high fives and leaves with Scott D'Amore, Kenny Omega & Legend. He's joined Team Canada!


    9. In our main event non-title match, the TNA X-Division Champion Amazing Red defeated Scoot Andrews with the Infrared.



    Show Rating: 50

    TV Rating: 0.07 (53,722 viewers)








    TNA iMPACT! #21 Preview


    Wednesday, Week 1, July 2004




    The road to No Surrender passes through Flair Country as iMPACT comes to Charlotte, North Carolina for the first time. In the main event, Diamond Dallas Page makes his TNA in-ring debut against Ron “The Truth” Killings. DDP has promised to teach Ron some humility after his remarks last week whilst Killings is determined to prove that wrestling is a young man’s game. What will happen when these two stars collide inside the Grady Cole Center?


    Elsewhere tonight, we’ll hear from the Big League for the first time since Jeff Jarrett emerged victorious at the 2nd Anniversary Show. Will he rub in his victory? Or will the group humbly concede their tag team defeat to America’s Most Wanted?


    Speaking of AMW, a four way elimination shootout will determine the #1 Contenders for their TNA World Tag Team Championships at No Surrender and we’re hearing rumours that there will be an announcement in the Knockouts Division. All this, and more on TNA iMPACT!



    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    TNA iMPACT! #21 Predictions


    Apolo vs. Mike Awesome



    Ray Gonzalez vs. Glenn Gilbertti



    Jason Cross vs. Samoa Joe



    Meiko Satomura vs. Nattie Neidhart



    TNA World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match

    Don & Ron Harris vs. Joel & Jose Maximo vs. Shane Douglas & Michael Shane vs. Brother Julio & Bateman



    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Ron Killings



  6. I had a thought after reading his turn - I do think Sabin would be a good fit for Aces & Eights. I'm not sure why, but he's a rock and roll kinda guy and I think it could work.


    I was slightly surprised by Angle winning as I thought Bully vs. AJ was the more natural direction but I guess you could save that for Bound for Glory. The main event definitely had me leaning towards believing Sting was going to come out on top, good job on making me believe. :p

  7. <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #000000;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Prediction Contest Results for iMPACT! #20

    TheBigBad1013: 7

    James The Animator: 6

    IronWarrior22: 4

    Blodyxe: 5

    Satyr24: 5

    DHK1989: 6

    Kijar: 3





    AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

    Comments: Daniels is great but AJ is the bigger star. I'm kinda surprised you've got them going against each other after they both lost at the Anniversary show, so I'm intrigued to see what you do here.

    I've been watching WWF 1998 a lot recently and the idea of Styles and Daniels being my Triple H and The Rock came to mind with these two. I like pitting two hot prospects against one another and although Daniels is older in years, he's still TV young at this point. I would push him hard if he didn't prioritise NJPW over me. :(


    The Amazing Red, Jose Maximo & Joel Maximo vs. Kid Kash, Elix Skipper & Silas Young

    Comments: I assume Silas is here to job for one night, and the others are regulars.


    Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega

    Comments: So you’re booking the main events of tomorrow before the guys are main eventers, huh? I like young Danielson more, so I’m picking him to win.

    Welcome to the diary, it's always good to see new faces checking in. :)


    Silas is semi-regular, he splits his time between wrestling for me and his home promotion of APW. He's in a similar position to Sonjay Dutt and Chris Sabin in that I want to use them more but just haven't gotten round to it yet.


    It is true that I did Danielson vs. Omega just because AEW were doing it in real life haha. But I also desperately needed to get Danielson on the show. He takes NJPW bookings over TNA bookings but he's getting irritated with not being used on nights when he is available.


    The Amazing Red, Jose Maximo & Joel Maximo vs. Kid Kash, Elix Skipper & Silas Young

    Comments: Elix Skipper's my guy.

    He's been really good in this diary, much better that I expected actually. I envisioned him as a jobber to the stars type X-Division guy but now I wonder if he's ascended beyond this and can be used more seriously as a singles competitor. He's in a bit of a holding pattern right now, but longer term I do have plans for Primetime.


    Bonus question: will Dixie Carter fire or pardon Roddy Piper from the Commissionership?

    Well, firing a guy over a chairshot seems harsh, but why else would Dixie leave the couch if not to fire Roddy? Perhaps his backstage antics have caught up to him, it's possible

    Funnily enough he's been squeaky clean for me. No problems at all so far. He has been irritated since the start of the save though, I didn't use him in January and he hasn't let it go yet. :p But I decided to book him against Hardy and I think all of this is a better program than carrying on the Hardy-Jarrett feud that has been off and on since the first Impact.


    Xplosion will be up tomorrow along with the preview for the next show!

  8. TNA iMPACT #20 - Wednesday, Week 4, June 2004




    TNA iMPACT #20

    Wednesday, Week 4, June 2004

    Live from Hilliard Gates Arena on ESPN

    Attendance: 2,372


    Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


    Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    We kick off our broadcast with a heavy guitar solo riff welcoming the man that is still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion,


    Once in the ring, he praises AJ Styles for pushing him to his limit on Saturday and giving him one hell of a fight but more importantly, AJ earned his respect. They shook hands when it was all said and done and what can he say, the Stinger was just the better man on the night! Later on in this broadcast, AJ is facing off against Christopher Daniels and Sting wishes him good luck against the ‘Fallen Angel’. As for him, he doesn’t know what’s next nor where the next challenger is going to emerge from…


    ”The only thing you can be certain of with me is that nothing is for certain!”























    Sting would continue but
    CM Punk
    emerges from the entrance tunnel to interrupt…


    On Saturday, he hit the Devil Lock DDT and he pinned Ron Killings clean as a whistle. He wants us to cast our minds back to the #1 Contenders Four Way Shootout last month...


    ”AJ Styles - lost. Christopher Daniels - lost. Ron Killings - lost. The only person from that match who won at the 2nd Anniversary Show was me.”


    He tells Sting to take a good look because he’s staring down his next challenger right now. He’s been working towards this point for the last six months since he cast aside Raven’s “mentorship” and everybody can tell that he’s only getting better and better as time passes. Punk doesn’t believe there’s anybody in TNA Wrestling that can hold a candle to him right now!


    The next PPV is No Surrender and Punk thinks it’s appropriate because there’s no quit in him, he’s never given up on anything in his entire life and he never will. He’s straight edge, he’s never given in to the temptation of drugs or alcohol but can Sting say the same? Is he a man that will give up when the temptation to quit is just too strong? He has a proposition for the Stinger...


    ”Me and you, at No Surrender, in a Submission Match!”






    Sting agrees to the challenge, he’s happy to fight CM Punk at No Surrender but he wants to fight him and him only. Man to man, one versus one. At the end of the day, it’s about respect, can CM Punk earn that or does he want to spend the rest of his career under the wings of better men? First Raven and now James Mitchell, the only thing that Punk has proven so far is that he’s a good servant…


    ”When I put you in the Scorpion Deathlock, everybody will see who the real CM Punk is… a young boy that cannot handle SHOWTIME!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Ron Killings vs. Shane Douglas (w/Michael Shane & Madison)



    After defeat on Saturday, Killings was looking to get immediately back on track here. He was noticeably more aggressive in the early going, less showboating with more meaningful motion. Douglas used Shane & Madison on the outside for a distraction, blindsiding Killings as his attention was diverted. This enabled ‘The Franchise’ to take control but he spotted that neither of his two stable-mates were paying any attention to the match and this lapse of concentration gave ‘The Truth’ an opportunity to make a comeback. Killings caught Douglas in the end with a Jumping Reverse STO and that move was enough to capture the victory.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    After Chris Vaughn has made his entrance for the upcoming match, we jump to the interview room for pre-match comments from
    James Mitchell
    and the newest member of The Gathering,
    Dustin Rhodes
    . First off, Raven simply survived the Monster’s Ball and Mitchell respects him for that. Abyss may be bruised but once he’s done licking his wounds, he will unleash a newfound fury on TNA Wrestling! It’s up to Raven whether he’s on the receiving end of that or whether he starts to play nice with The Gathering now he’s tasted his own blood.


    Dustin says that he’s been called ‘The Natural’ before but that didn’t seem to fit him when he came into TNA Wrestling. He’s a veteran of many years experience, he’s been around the block a few times now and with Father Mitchell by his side, he’s going to channel all his knowledge and pent up frustration into dominating the squared circle. He’s ‘The Master’ and his ascension to the top begins in earnest.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Chris Vaughn (w/Simon Diamond) vs. Dustin Rhodes (w/James Mitchell)



    A predictably dominant performance from ‘The Master’ here, working over Vaughn with his signature uppercuts and catching him with a Bulldog early on. The youngster attempts his signature Standing Dropkick but Dustin holds on to the ropes and lets Vaughn crash to the canvas. After the Snap Powerslam, Dustin hits Lonestar State of Mind and picks up the decisive victory.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Returning from a commercial break, the Chairwoman of TNA Wrestling
    Dixie Carter
    is already in the ring with a microphone in hand. She asks for
    ‘Hot Rod’ Roddy Piper
    to come down the ramp and join us so that she can address his actions on Saturday.








    As the drums and bagripes ring out throughout Hilliard Gates Arena, there’s a mixed reaction for the Commissioner. Part cheers as how much of a legend he is, part boos at his errant steel chair shot that cost Jeff Hardy his match against Jeff Jarrett. Once in the ring, Piper apologises. He didn’t mean to get as involved in the match but what did everybody expect? He’s Roddy Piper and he doesn’t change for nobody! He recognises that it’s a shame he took out the wrong man but if you asked him whether he would swing for Double J’s stupid little head again, he probably would.


    Disappointed at the Commissioner, Dixie says he was put in charge to keep things in control and it was his temper that caused him to do the exact opposite. However, she believes in second chances so she won’t be firing him from his position of power tonight. Relieved, Piper cracks a smile but Dixie isn’t finished yet...


    ”In order to assuage Jeff Hardy’s anger for what you did, you will have to fight him in the middle of the ring at No Surrender!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Trios Match

    The Amazing Red & The S.A.T. vs. Kid Kash, Elix Skipper & Silas Young



    After his win on Wednesday, this match was something of a party for the new X-Division Champion Amazing Red. Tagging up with his cousins, they delighted the crowd with an array of high octane flying moves, culminating in one sequence where they delivered stereo Tope Con Hilo’s to wipe out their three opponents. This was a match of wit against agility, Skipper slowing things down by countering a Hurricanrana attempt from Jose into a Powerbomb. And although both Joel and Amazing Red imposed themselves, it was Jose that once again found himself victim to a big move, this time it was the Money Maker from Kid Kash that put him down for the three.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    In a pre-taped promo, we see footage of both
    AJ Styles
    Christopher Daniels
    losing their respective matches on Saturday, with comments from both men spliced between those scenes.


    Tonight, Daniels looks to move on from the X-Division. Hubris was his downfall but he won’t let that happen again. As for AJ Styles, he’s not going to let his first defeat of 2004 derail the rest of his year. The ‘Fallen Angel’ is exactly the calibre of competitor that AJ wants to fight and he’s backing himself to perform better than ever in picking up the victory.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Tag Team Match

    Veronica & Allison Danger vs. Daffney & Cheerleader Melissa



    After Veronica defeated Melissa at the 2nd Anniversary Show, this was a chance for revenge and it was clear from their exchanges that the issue between them is far from settled. As those two ladies cancelled one another out, Daffney was left to grapple with Danger and although Allison connected with a Swinging Neckbreaker, she was caught climbing the turnbuckles and taken down with a Frankensteiner. Shortly after, the ‘Scream Queen’ locked down the W with the Lobotomy.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega (w/Scott D’Amore)






    ”One day this could be a main event Mike, five star classic potential in the ring right here!”




    We haven’t seen ‘American Dragon’ for some time as he continues to wrestle just about anywhere and everywhere that will have him but it’s clear he’s becoming a seasoned competitor and he has the edge throughout here. Kenny Omega is seriously talented for a 20 year old mind you and he troubles Danielson early on, catching him with a beautiful Spinning Heel Kick after Monkey flipping his way out of a Greco-Roman Knucklelock.


    An explosive talent, the ‘Canadian Prodigy’ hits a Crossbody that Steamboat himself would have been proud of and his Northern Lights Suplex is impressively snappy. But Danielson uses his opponent’s languid agility against him, planting Omega on his stomach with a Release German Suplex. This takes the stuffing straight out of Kenny and despite D’Amore’s attempts to rally his student, despite kicking out of a Dragon Suplex and a Tiger Suplex, once the Cattle Mutilation is locked in it’s curtains for young Kenneth.







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    TNA World Tag Team Championship

    America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) © vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo



    Tenay praises AMW early on for accepting this match only several days removed from being crowned the first ever tag champions. And it’s possible they’re suffering from a weekend hangover because it’s all Siaki & Ekmo early on. Unlike their last match, when Ekmo charges Storm in the corner he manages to connect with a body splash instead of eating just turnbuckles. A quick tag to Siaki brings in the impressive stud and he scores a nearfall with a Samoan Drop but after tagging back out to Ekmo, the big man misses the Wild Monkey Splash from the top and that gives the opening for a hot tag.


    The ‘Wildcat’ is a house of fire, clotheslining Ekmo to the outside before catching Siaki attempting a Crossbody, dumping him with a Fallaway Slam. The sheer size of Ekmo halts the victory parade and he presses Harris above his head, dropping him straight into a cutter from Siaki. Thankfully, AMW’s reign is preserved by Storm on the outside, pulling Sonny off his partner and away from the pinning predicament. AMW tee off on Ekmo but they get a shade of good fortune when Siaki storms the ring and is sent crashing into his own partner, a clash of heads and a Last Call put the big man out of commission and the Death Sentence to Siaki duly delivers their first successful title defence.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">






    ”Diamond Dallas Page is in the building!”




    Through the entrance tunnel,
    emerges and he flashes the diamond as the pyrotechnics erupt. A multi-time World Champion, a veteran of the squared circle, the people’s champion, Page has done it all and he’s been watching TNA Wrestling after he does his DDP Yoga -
    ”remember folks, it’s not your Momma’s Yoga!”
    He’s seen his good friend Kanyon here, but bro, what’s going on between him and Jarrett? DDP was happy to see his buddy wrestling on national television again but he doesn’t approve of the company he’s been keeping...


    ”Bada Bing, my good friend Kanyon! Get on down here so we can have a talk bro.”



























    Unfortunately for DDP he doesn’t get Kanyon, he gets
    Ron Killings


    First, TNA Wrestling digs up the Rock N Roll Express and then they pull Diamond Dallas Page out of the legends conventions? This place is about the hungry young guys, not the dusty old men. ‘The Truth’ respects what Page has done in the past but it’s exactly that to him, it’s the past. If he thinks he can come in here, call out whichever brother he wants and have a happy retirement tour he’s got another thing coming. Killings is curious, is Page here to talk or is he here to fight?


    Page says he’s here to fight and considering Killings lost on Saturday, he should be more humble. But maybe humility is a lesson he needs to learn from his elders. DDP believes in helping the young guys find their way so he’s happy to fight Killings next week and he’s going to
    FEEL - THE - BANG!







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels



    This is a predictably fantastic main event between two wrestlers who can really do no wrong from a performance perspective. A candidate for TNA Match of the Year, these two are evenly matched throughout. They exchange arm drags and hip tosses early on before finding themselves in a stalemate hold for hold, something that surprises Mike Tenay, the Professor having remarked that he expected Daniels to have the advantage on the mat.


    Back and forth they go with near falls, neither the Phenomenon DDT or the Shooting Styles Press get it done for the ‘Phenomenal One’ and Daniels comes close with the Fall From Grace and the Last Rites. As both men, clearly fatigued, climb back to a vertical base, Daniels digs a knee into AJ’s injured ribs. He hooks Styles for the Angel’s Wings and once, twice, he tries to elevate the ‘Phenomenal One’ but finds his attempts blocked. AJ fights out and connects with the Pele Kick but as he hooks Daniels for the Clash, CD backdrops his way out! As they both start slugging it out with an exchange of forearm smashes, the bell rings because the time limit has elapsed.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    15 minutes wasn’t enough to find a victor between these two remarkable athletes but
    AJ Styles
    appreciates the calibre of opponent he was in there with and extends his hand. Disappointed not to have gotten back to winning ways,
    Christopher Daniels
    looks at the invitation. Though urged on by the Hilliard Gates Arena, the ‘Fallen Angel’ smacks AJ’s hand away, tells him this score isn’t settled and storms off from the ringside area up the entrance ramp.


    The awesome theme song of the ‘Phenomenal One’ plays out but any post-match celebration he can muster to send the fans home happy is a muted one. He watches as Daniels turns around at the top of the ramp and the show closes with the two competitors staring each other down from a distance.







    TV Rating

    0.91 (688,876 viewers)


    Final Show Rating



    Post Show Notes

    After watching her match, Sting told the producer Dutch Mantell that he likes what Cheerleader Melissa is doing in the ring.


    Before the show commenced, AJ Styles put pen to paper on an exclusive written contract

  9. THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

    Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

    Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Deonna Purrazzo

    Comments: Her and Britt have history, let's GOOOOO!


    THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



    CM Punk vs Darby Allin

    Comments: If Punk wins, I will accuse you of being an old folks home like WCW. :D


    Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

    Who is ???: Laredo Kid



    FTW Championship Match:

    Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage



    AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

    The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order



    AEW Women's Championship Match:

    Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa



    Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black



    MJF vs Chris Jericho



    AEW World Championship Match:

    Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page


  10. TNA iMPACT! #20 Preview




    TNA iMPACT! #20 Preview


    Wednesday, Week 4, June 2004


    The fallout from the 2nd Anniversary Show has spilled from Tennessee, through Kentucky and into Indiana as the Hilliard Gates Arena hosts TNA iMPACT for the very first time.


    Speaking of firsts, Diamond Dallas Page will be making his TNA debut! He recently announced that he is considering retirement from the squared circle and has asked for the floor to address the situation between his friend Kanyon and the Big League.


    The Chairwoman of TNA Wrestling Dixie Carter will also be on hand, making a rare television appearance to address the Commissionership of one ‘Hot Rod’ Roddy Piper after his errant chair shot cost Jeff Hardy his match against Jeff Jarrett.


    Speaking of Saturday’s matches, both AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels will be looking to rebound from their defeats but unfortunately, the powers that be have booked them to face off against one another in what promises to be a barnburner of a main event!




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    TNA iMPACT #20 Quick Picks


    Ron Killings vs. Shane Douglas



    Chris Vaughn vs. Dustin Rhodes



    The Amazing Red, Jose Maximo & Joel Maximo vs. Kid Kash, Elix Skipper & Silas Young



    Veronica & Allison Danger vs. Daffney & Cheerleader Melissa



    Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega



    TNA World Tag Team Championship

    America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) © vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo



    AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels



    Bonus question: will Dixie Carter
    Roddy Piper from the Commissionership?





  11. The Dark Order vs The Wingmen (JD Drake & Ryan Nemeth)



    Nyla Rose vs Tay Conti



    Ricky Starks vs Chuck Taylor

    Comments: He's gonna do the deal.


    QT Marshall vs Daunte Martin



    Death Triangle vs The Hardy Family Office (Hybrid2 & The Blade)



    Christian Cage vs Matt Hardy





    AEW Rampage- September 3rd, 2021

    Prediction Key:


    Cody Rhodes vs Aaron Solow

    Comments: Swolow Solow is gonna Okada AEW's Tanahashi, this is NJPW New Beginning 2012 all over again.


    Hikaru Shida, Riho, & Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch, Serena Deeb, & The Bunny



    Andrade El Idolo vs PAC


  12. MLW Azteca #3 Card


    1. Matt Cross vs. Mechawolf

    Reasonably confident he scores a W here after defeat last week.


    2. Steve Pain vs. Gringo Loco


    3. Death Match for the IWA Caribbean Championship: Savio Vega vs. King Muertes ©

    I don't see Muertes losing here but I could be surprised.



    MLW Fusion #138 Card


    1. Danny Rivera vs. Jordan Oliver


    2. Tag Team Eliminator: Violence is Forever vs. Von Erichs


    3. Baklei Street Fight for the MLW National Openweight Championship: Mads Krügger vs. Alexander Hammerstone ©

  13. Top to bottom it was an amazing show. Plenty of surprises, but they make sense. Splendid job, sir

    Thanks a lot man, appreciate your comments as always. <3


    Terrific show! I didn't do particularly well on the predictions but I did get some of them right, and the show had been built so well that it was difficult, at least for me, to see very many clear cut winners, which is a great thing for a PPV I think.

    Thanks for the kind words my dude! Appreciate it. :)


    I can't believe I haven't given this a proper read yet. I'll be catching up over the next couple of days. At first glance it's clear that you got a good thing going right now!

    Haha, my apologies in advance for the long reads I've given you :') Thanks for the comment man, probably going to be a little while before the next show is up for predictions so you have time to catch up :D


    AMW as the first tag champs is beautiful.

    Thanks for stopping in dude! I was tempted to make them NWA tag champs but I held off on that so I could give them this moment instead.


    The S.A.T. (Jose & Joel Maximo) vs. Team Canada (Legend & Kenny Omega)

    Comments: Don't like either of the teams, but the SAT seem to have won more. So just on impression, going with The Maximos

    Appreciate your comments Pitbull. :)


    I only added the tag match because I thought I need a cool down match between the semi-main event and the main event. But when I did my first runthrough, cooling the crowd seemed to hurt the main event. So I no longer needed this match but it was too late because I had already announced it in the diary lol.


    Ron Killings vs. CM Punk

    Comments: Punk is given a nice push, but Ron Killings was at his best in this time period so he takes the W.


    Monsters Ball

    Raven vs. Abyss

    Comments: His match, his win. Plus Ron winning over Punk splits the feuds the way they should. Raven will also make Punk.

    You were right about it being a mixed night for The Gathering but I just went the other way round. Abyss was between 10 to 12 overness points behind Raven, he isn't wrestling particularly good matches and I didn't think that putting him over one of my more popular guys was the right move. I'm sure his time will come as he keeps improving but even so, this match not getting at least a 60 was a disappointment. That's why I tried to reign in writing it as some kind of hardcore classic because in reality, the game judged it as bang average!


    TNA World Tag Team Championship Tournament Final

    America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Big League (Kanyon & Mike Awesome)

    Comments: AMW's chase is going on for some time, but Big League are positioned as main eventers

    AMW were actually more over than Kanyon going into this match but slightly less over than Mike Awesome. They're all in that Recognisable, bordering on Well Known territory. I was tempted to put Kanyon & Awesome over but I thought it was time for babyface tag champs since I've had heel champs for 4 to 5 months now.


    Special Guest Referee: Roddy Piper

    Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Comments: I imagine Jarrett will be willing to lose to Hardy here, and given that Piper has laid down the law in regards to interference...the only way I see Double J winning here is if the "Hot Rod" turns on Hardy in an epic swerve bro!

    I asked Jarrett if he was willing to put Hardy over and he said hell no he would block it with his creative control... For reference, Hardy is at 65 pop, Jarrett is at 71, it's unbelivable how unwilling he is to lose to anybody. But that's why I decided to change direction and set him on a collision course with Piper and I think this program is going to be better for the diary anyway.


    Ultimate-X 3 for the TNA X-Division Championship

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Kid Kash vs. Amazing Red vs. Jerrelle Clark

    Comments: Second anniversary feels like an event where you kick it off with an underdog title victory. I'm just not sure Clark is quite there yet, so I'm going with Red.

    Yeah, I just needed the belt off Daniels because he's so far ahead of everybody in the division. He's up to 51 overness now, closest to him was Red at 33 overness going into this match. Kash was at 31, Clark was at 18. It was time for a switch but I didn't want Daniels to get pinned because I have bigger plans for him and the Ultimate-X worked for that. High Spots match also made the new champion look really good haha.




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #000000;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Prediction Contest Results for 2nd Anniversary Show

    DHK1989: 5

    RKOwnage: 7

    TheBigBad1013: 4

    Blodyxe: 4

    Satyr24: 6

    The Pitbull: 6

    Kanegan: 5


    Prediction Contest Final Totals

    RKOwnage: 44

    Satyr24: 43

    TheBigBad1013: 40

    DHK1989: 38

    Blodyxe: 32

    Kanegan: 25

    The Pitbull: 9

    Kijar: 5

    Bshooter1994: 4


    Congratulations and a big thank you to everybody who participated, will start sending out prizes now.

  14. TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Bully Ray © vs. Sting

    Comment: There are legs in a Bully Ray title reign.


    TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

    AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

    Comment: Lone wolf sets up a showdown with Aces & Eights.


    TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

    AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson



    TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

    Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle



    TNA Tag Team Championships

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns

    Comment: MCMG chasing Bad Influence is the way forward here I think.


    TNA X-Division Championship

    Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy

    Comment: If I recall correctly, the X-Division needed rehabiliating at this point and Jeff seems like a good candidate to do that around.


    TNA Knockouts Championship

    Velvet Sky © vs. Tara

    Comment: Velvet Sky just... isn't very good.


    TNA Television Title

    Devon © vs. ???

    Comment: I've already backed a couple of title changes, so let's keep this one on Devon for now.

  15. TNA 2nd Anniversary Show - Saturday, Week 3, June 2004




    TNA 2nd Anniversary Show

    Saturday, Week 3, June 2004

    Live from The AutoZone Park

    Attendance: 14,400 SOLD OUT


    Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


    Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">





    Ultimate-X 3 for the TNA X-Division Championship

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Kid Kash vs. Amazing Red vs. Jerrelle Clark



    Appropriate for an anniversary celebration, we kick off with four exciting competitors putting on a show. Daniels pulls down Clark from the overhead wires but in a moment of ingenuity or blind luck, ‘Mr. 630’ falls straight into executing a Tornado DDT on the defending Champion. Kash and Red climb along together but once in the middle, their legs wind up in a tangle and they both fall to the canvas below with a nasty thud. Taking out all his competition, Daniels hits the Angels Wings on Clark, the Fall From Grace on Kid Kash and plants Amazing Red with a Urinage. But as he scales the wire, all three of the Champion’s opponents work together, grasping his foot and pulling him down. Money Maker from Kash, Infrared from Amazing Red, 630 Senton from Jerrelle Clark, Daniels is out!


    On the wire, Kash and Red climb across and find themselves kicking one another to try and take the other down. Clark pulls Kash down and together, they both try to pull down Red but the youngster falls into executing a Double Hurricanrana to both of them! With everybody put to one side, Red scales again but he doesn’t get very far before Kash joins him on the wire, extra determined to be the next X-Division Champion. Christopher Daniels staggers back in but as Red pulls his head above the wire and delivers an Enzuigiri to the butt of the jaw of Kash, he falls down and lands straight on top of the Champion standing underneath the X! There’s nothing or nobody to stop Amazing Red now, he straddles the red wires with his legs and unhooks the X to capture the TNA X-Division Championship for a second time.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">

    A big win on PPV for Amazing Red and all courtesy of his dogged resilience against his three opponents. He’s been on a roll since returning from injury and that culminated with tonight’s grand victory. As he celebrates, we shoot to the dressing room of Big League.








    Don Callis
    is with
    Jeff Jarrett, Mike Awesome
    Addressing their matches tonight, Jarrett starts out by explaining how excited he is to get his hands on Jeff Hardy. He was ambushed at the announce table several weeks ago and then Hardy called upon Savio Vega and some Puerto Rican power to bail him out on Wednesday. Tonight, he finds out what happens when you piss off Double J and he promises that there will be no encore after he wraps his guitar around Hardy’s neck.


    Don Callis speaks next and says that this group came together to win matches, win championships and dominate TNA Wrestling just as they’ve run the show everywhere else they’ve been in their illustrious careers. They’ve held titles all over the world and tonight they add the TNA World Tag Team Championship to their collection. It might be a night of celebration for this company but they plan on gatecrashing it...


    ”Those two outlaws Harris & Storm walk around here like they’re Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday! But they’re just a couple of drunken bums and tonight, they’re going to find out who enforces the law around here!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    D’Lo Brown vs. Samoa Joe



    Tenay remarks that D’Lo is surely not at 100% after he was choked out on Wednesday but he’s naturally resistant to show any weakness against a strong competitor like Joe. This is a brawl, a slugfest from start to finish. Brown manages to stick around and proves difficult to break down but he knows he’s in there with a different beast when he delivers a Clothesline and Joe just eats it, absorbing the impact before charging with a Leg Lariat to take his opponent down.


    After a Snapmare, Joe kicks Brown in the back like he’s kicking a field goal, the loud impact ringing throughout the AutoZone Park. Despite the continued punishment, Brown displays his resilience to get back into the match but he telegraphs the Sky High and Joe counters by delivering his signature Running STO. D’Lo backs to the corner but only to get a kick to the face with the Corner Enzuigiri and the ‘Samoan Submission Machine’ finishes him off with the Muscle Buster.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Tag Team Match

    The S.A.T. (Jose & Joel Maximo) vs. Team Canada (Legend & Kenny Omega w/Scott D’Amore)



    A late addition to the card but one that D’Amore’s duo are clearly unprepared for because they’re nearly put away early when Los Maximos have Omega primed for the Maximo Explosion. Fortunately for them, Legend climbs on the apron and pulls Jose down from the top turnbuckle, sparing Team Canada’s blushes. They work a ground and pound from that point onwards, forcing the exciting young tag team to mount a comeback. The action is all relatively standard and basic here and it’s not until the hot tag is made to Joel that The S.A.T. bring some much needed energy to the contest.


    With a Springboard Crossbody, Joel has Omega down for the pin but Legend interrupts and drags the ‘Canadian Prodigy’ to their neutral corner to make the tag out. The veteran sends Joel for a ride but is caught with an impressive Hurricanrana and he stands up straight into a Missile Dropkick from Jose. Together, they send Legend to the ropes and finish him off with a Double Spanish Fly.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Ron Killings vs. CM Punk



    After their time limit draw and both competitors participating in the #1 Contenders Four Way Shootout, Mike Tenay believes that the winner of this match could make a convincing case to be next in line for an opportunity at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. ‘The Truth’ is the better of the two early on, catching Punk with a Leg Lariat and the Truth and Consequences for a near fall within the opening minutes. But Punk fires back with the Pepsi Twist and puts a hurting on his opponent’s lower back with the Welcome to Chicago. Two dynamic wrestlers, they wrestle an impressively clean match to try and find the better man.


















    That is, until
    James Mitchell
    comes down the entrance ramp to observe the action. He was inconspicuous in his absence at the beginning and he makes his presence known after the Truth Conviction when he uses his cane to catch Ron Killings’s foot. This diverts referee Slick Johnson’s attention…


















    And out of the crowd,
    Dustin Rhodes
    hops the security rail! He rolls in the ring, hitting the Lone Star State Of Mind on Ron Killings before rolling to the outside. The official doesn’t know what has happened but Punk takes full advantage, pulling Killings back to his feet to hit the Devil Lock DDT for the victory.





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">



    CM Punk
    processes the sight of both
    James Mitchell
    Dustin Rhodes
    at ringside and has his arm raised in victory, he watches as Mitchell slings his arm around Dustin and leaves up the entrance ramp with him. Punk departs too, following behind the Father of The Gathering and its newest member who has helped them to victory tonight.







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    TNA World Tag Team Championship Tournament Final

    America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Big League (Kanyon & Mike Awesome w/Don Callis)



    Kanyon & Awesome have gotten here by defeating The S.A.T. and The Kru whilst AMW advanced to the final courtesy of victories over The Gathering and The New Franchise. Kanyon dukes it out with Harris early on and Awesome battles out with Storm, both members of Big League believing that they have the edge as singles competitors and can use that to their advantage. As AMW make tags and work together, Kanyon and Awesome have a tendency to work on their own. From the outside back in, Kanyon stands on the second rope and suplexes Chris Harris back into the ring but only scores a 2. When James Storm tags in, he’s slowed down by the power of Mike Awesome but shows the same resilience to kick out of a Powerslam.


    A hot tag to ‘Wildcat’ swings the match back towards AMW, Harris catching Kanyon with a Fallaway Slam for a near fall. Awesome floors him with a brutal Lariat but Storm is on hand to make sure the match continues, breaking up the pin just before a three. After backing out of an attempted Awesome Bomb, Storm delivers Last Call and Harris clotheslines the big man over the top rope and down to the outside! Kanyon springboards in with a Lariat of the Buckshot variety, a young Hangman Page watches and gets an idea… he hooks up ‘Wildcat’ for the Flatliner but ‘Cowboy’ interjects and together, AMW drive the Innovator of Offence into the canvas themselves with a Double Flatliner! Shortly after, they hook up Kanyon and deliver the Death Sentence and although Awesome begins to stir on the outside, Storm cuts him off at the pass and America’s Most Wanted are your first ever TNA World Tag Team Champions.





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    Post match,
    Mike Awesome
    storms off on his own as
    Don Callis
    sees to
    and the two of them leave the ringside area together in haste. In the end, the established team defeated the two individuals and as previously announced, the
    Rock N Roll Express
    are here to do the honours.








    They emerge from behind the curtain, carrying plush cushions with the two TNA World Tag Team Championships sitting comfortably on display.








    Inside the ring, Robert and Gibson take a good look at the title belts, a good long look... before putting them around the waists of
    Harris and Storm.
    With championship gold finally in their possession, Storm calls out to JB at ringside and he tosses them both a couple of cold ones as they crack them open and finish off their celebration.







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    Standard Singles Match

    Veronica vs. Cheerleader Melissa (w/Daffney)



    A difficult test for Veronica here against the devious Californian cheerleader Melissa, herself a relatively battle hardened competitor of 5 years experience who has toured Japan several times. She’s more than happy to duke it out against her larger and stronger opponent and this winds up being a competitive match. Veronica is surprised by the moxie that Melissa displays when she kicks out of an impressive delayed Vertical Suplex at 1 and fires off a Forearm Smash, letting her opponent know she’s not going to be bullied. Melissa’s game is all about picking her adversary apart using a combination of strikes and holds and she does just that here, locking up Veronica in a Front Chancery and then a Headscissors before attempting the Inverted Cloverleaf but her opponent manages to squirm to the ropes to force a break.


    Allowing Veronica back to a vertical base proves to be a big mistake for Melissa, because she leapfrogs over her opponent charging in and then catches her with a big Powerslam to reverse the momentum. After a Fireman’s Carry into a Sidewalk Slam, Daffney at ringside is spotted covering her mouth lest she scream in incredulity and she watches on as Veronica hits the Standing Moonsault and then the Widow’s Peak to secure a decisive victory.







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    In his dressing room, we find Jeff Hardy seated in meditation. His head down, he appears deep in concentration. He then starts to tape up his wrists as he begins his preparation for his match later tonight against Jeff Jarrett. He monologues as he does so, trying to get himself into the right frame of mind before he goes into battle tonight with the ‘Chosen One’...


    “The system has always been against me.


    There’s always been a ceiling put over me and it doesn’t matter how high I soar or from height I’m willing to fall, there is always a Jeff Jarrett standing in my way to stop me. I was screwed out of the title when Don threw that belt in and he took me out with it.. but they didn’t give me a rematch, they simply told me it was hard luck, better luck next time.


    Tonight is that next time. Tonight, there’s no way out for Double J. Tonight, I level the score. My climb towards the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is a ladder and unlike a lot of people I am not scared of heights. Beating Jarrett tonight is me taking the step up the rungs of the ladder to destiny.”







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    Monsters Ball

    Raven vs. Abyss



    Having spent the last 24 hours in solitary confinement, both these two have had nothing to occupy their imagination but visions of the violence they intend to inflict on one another. The ringside area is littered with weapons and two barbed wire boards. The turnbuckles are covered by upright tables. Abyss entered first and he met Raven during his entrance on the ramp, the two brawling outside before Raven introduced a steel trash can lid to the head of ‘The Monster’. But with one hand, Abyss is able to deposit Raven into the steel security rail and then respond with a stainless steel baking tray, contorting it over the head of his rival to draw first blood.


    Once inside the ring, Abyss steadfastly introduces a bag of thumbtacks to the equation, painting the canvas silver with spiky steel...







    ”If he chokeslams Raven into these, this match will be over!”






    Raven fights out of the goozle with elbows to the ear of Abyss, knocking his equilibrium before rattling a singapore cane around his head and his shoulders. ‘The Monster’ staggers backwards ominously before Raven picks up a trash can lid, wraps it around Abyss’s head and finally he falls into the tacks! Sticking into his skin, Abyss sits up and shakes in pain as the camera zooms in to show them stuck in his bare-skinned arms. For many men, this would be the breaking of them but for Abyss it seems to be making of him. Once back to his feet, he puts Raven over his shoulder and just barrels him into the corner and straight through a table!


    Escaping to the apron, Raven crawls away but Abyss pursues like a man possessed as the blood continues to trickle down both his arms. They both catch a glimpse of the barbed wire board on the floor as they exchange strikes. ‘The Monster’ wraps his hand around the throat of Raven but the lone wolf goes downstairs, a kick between the legs bending Abyss over. Putting his body between his opponent and the board, Raven uses his body weight to drive Abyss from the apron straight into the barbed wire!


    With both men down and trapped in debris like the aftermath of a car crash, referee Slick Johnson spots that Raven is on top of Abyss. With his skin being pricked and his attire likely stuck against razor sharp wire, Abyss is surely unable to move but our official does his job and counts the 1-2-3.





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    Post-match, the urgency to get both men free from the barbed wire is noticed and the backstage staff hit the ring. Raven is okay for the most part. Though definitely bruised as his blood continues to dry across his face, he is able to amble away from the carnage of his own admission. Abyss is a different story. Armed with a pair of bolt cutters,
    Terry Taylor
    slowly extricates him from the wire as blood continues to leak from his arms and we catch sight of many thumbtacks still stuck in his skin.








    Brother Julio, Northcutt
    come down to ringside. The Gathering help their brother back to his feet and though he’s able to stumble, they put their arms around him and help Abyss from the battlefield back through the tunnel.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #ffefcd; max-width:100%;";">

    As our crew begin to tidy up the ringside area and change the canvas now that it’s covered in blood, a sea of thumbtacks, remnants of a table and all sorts; Mike Tenay throws us to the interview room so he can speak to
    Sonny Siaki







    Now that America’s Most Wanted are the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Siaki wants to remind them that he and Ekmo have unfinished business with the ‘Cowboy’ and the ‘Wildcat’. They had a match against one another earlier in the year and it was ruined by The New Franchise’s interference. They said back then that when the time was right, they were going to run it back...


    ”If you boys aren’t busy on Wednesday, we’ll see you in the middle of the ring!”


    Now Siaki has thrown down the gauntlet, the question is: will America’s Most Wanted accept?







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    Special Guest Referee: Roddy Piper

    Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Don Callis)



    Almost immediately, our special guest official is called into action as Hardy wails away with right hands and backs Jarrett into the corner. For all his claims in the last few weeks about wanting to get his hands on Hardy, Double J is on the back foot and consistently demands that referee Piper get his opponent away from him. Once the early intensity has died down, Jarrett finds his groove, targeting the left leg of the usually explosive and unpredictable ‘Enigma’. He can’t hit the Swanton Bomb if he’s on his back...


    It all has little effect to be very honest, Hardy is a glutton for punishment and the aches and pains seem to fuel him rather than slow him. Reverse Enzuigiri has Jarrett down and then he gets the Legdrop to the Groin. Jarrett hammer throws Hardy into the corner but only to suffer the sensational Whisper in the Wind. With a kick to the gut, Hardy looks for Twist for Fate but Jarrett tries to counter into The Stroke. Hardy fumbles towards the ropes and the action spills outside.


    Piper joins them, trying to get Hardy and Jarrett clear of the announce table. With the official’s attention occupied, Don Callis slyly reaches under the ring and puts a steel chair inside the ring. As Double J escapes back inside, he picks up the chair and shapes to cave Hardy’s skull in but Piper intervenes, wrestling the chair out of his hands. Jarrett is apoplectic at this intervention and makes the ill-advised decision to shove the referee!







    ”Jarrett is pushing his luck here!”



    ”And Jeff Hardy is starting to come back into the ring…”






    Roddy Piper cannot believe that Jeff Jarrett has put his hands on him and sees red, berating Double J about his power as referee and his invincibility; you never lay your hands on a referee. Jarrett responds by slapping ‘Hot Rod’ across the face! Piper is having none of this and he swings the chair, aiming to knock Jarrett’s block off but Double J ducks out of the way and the steel chair collides with Jeff Hardy’s head instead!


    The ‘Enigma’ crumples to the canvas in a heap and Piper knows what he’s done. He just stares at the lifeless Jeff Hardy, now flat on his back. Jarrett is stunned too but opportunistic as ever, he makes the pin and despite his misgivings, Roddy Piper has no alternative but to count. The 1, the 2… he hesitates, hoping that Hardy stirs and shoots up his shoulder but it isn’t happening, he’s out cold and Piper slams the canvas for a third time, gifting the match to the ‘Chosen One’.





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    There’s an air of disappointment at the outcome of the match, not that
    Don Callis
    minds it. He cackles and joins
    Jeff Jarrett
    in a smug yet muted celebration of their victory. He had been raising the ire of the Commissioner all match and Double J doesn’t stick around for any afters. He leaves relatively promptly as
    Roddy Piper
    waits around to explain himself.


    Jeff Hardy
    does come to, he refuses to accept anything that the ‘Hot Rod’ says and shakes his head at him before taking his leave too. In the ring, Piper cuts an isolated figure. He knows tonight was a dereliction of his duty and the man tasked with keeping the peace has done anything but.







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    Before our main event commences,
    Mike Tenay
    tells us that next time TNA Wrestling will be on PPV will be in four weeks time, a month from today when we present No Surrender live from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas!





    ”Tickets are on sale right now, head on over to TNAWrestling.com to find out more!”





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    TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Sting © vs. AJ Styles



    A quick handshake proceeds these two locking horns and it’s very quickly established that Sting has the power, height and leverage advantage. This sets the theme of the match with AJ having to rely on his technical ability, his athleticism, his pace and his agility to offset Sting’s size and strength. Sting strikes the body and tries to subdue AJ, locking a chinlock and leaning in, forcing his smaller opponent to carry his weight. To his credit, Styles is always explosive when on the offensive and busts out the Fosbury Flop early on, leaving the Champion on his back by the entrance ramp.




    ”You’ve gotta be kidding me! AJ Styles is so phenomenal!”




    Back in the ring and AJ proves that he’s not all high flying, hoisting Sting onto his shoulders with the Torture Rack and then sitting out with the Powerbomb. But after sending the Stinger to the corner and charging in with an attempted Jumping Forearm Smash, Styles eats only turnbuckles and his opponent spots immediately that he’s clutching his ribs. This gives a bullseye for Sting to aim for and he zeroes in his assault, digging his shoulder into AJ’s solar plexus and driving away with elbow strikes and knee strikes whenever he gets the opportunity to inflict punishment.





    “AJ Styles has shown weakness and Sting has seized his opportunity here Don, can the challenger mount a comeback?”




    Of course he can, there’s no bigger stage than this. AJ fires up with a salvo of forearm strikes and then hits the Phenomenon DDT. Instead of pressing his advantage, Styles waits for Sting to stand and comes from the outside back in, a Springboard Forearm takes the Champion down but still isn’t enough to score the decisive fall. It’s time for the Clash, AJ puts Sting between his legs but finds the weight and leverage advantage of the Stinger to be too much. After taking a Back Body Drop from Sting, AJ kips up, ducks a Clothesline and hits the Pele Kick!





    ”Who is going to blink first Mike WHO IS GOING TO BLINK FIRST?!




    As the two men stand in the middle and begin exchanging right hands, AJ gives him the Phenomenal Blitz. Kick to the thigh, spinning back fist and a discus Lariat - once again the Champion is down and to the top turnbuckle ascends the Challenger. He has so many ways he can beat you and we all know what’s next, the Spiral Tap! And that Corkscrew Senton Bomb is suitably fantastic, an incredibly impressive move with violent velocity on impact but only when your opponent doesn’t have his knees up. That is Sting veteran instinct coming into play and AJ crashes and burns, his already hurt ribs sustaining even more damage.


    ‘The Icon’ knows this is his opportunity and as AJ backs to the corner to try and get some rest and take some deep breaths, Sting comes charging in and squashes him with the Stinger Splash before bringing him back to center with the One-Handed Bulldog. There is still fight in Styles mind you, he kicks out of that but after the Scorpion Death Drop, the Stinger hooks the legs and turns his opponent over into the Scorpion Deathlock. With the pain surely shooting through AJ’s body, he holds on for as long as he can and reaches out to try and reach the ropes, pulling himself within several feet of forcing the break.


    Again, Sting’s experience kicks in. He pulls Styles back to center, re-secures his grip around his legs and renews the hold, bending back with all the force he can muster. Finally, it’s too much for the ‘Phenomenal One’ and he submits the match to fight another day.





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    A valiant effort by
    AJ Styles.
    For the most part, he was actually the aggressor of the match and he rubbished
    prior argument that he would fade under the bright lights of Pay-Per-View. The Champion knows that and as the dust settles and both competitors return to a vertical base, they size one another up in the middle of the ring.


    Sting nods, acknowledging that he was given one heck of a match out there and then extends his right hand. Disappointed and still hurt, AJ looks at his hand and thinks about it for a moment but he accepts that Sting was the better man on the night and the two competitors shake hands. Styles raises the Stinger’s hand but Sting shows his respect, pointing to AJ as the two stand facing the crowd on the hard camera side. Tonight was the night when TNA Wrestling turned two years old and although it was not the night for ‘Mr. TNA’, he proved that it may well be a case of when and not if he becomes the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.







    PPV Buy-Rate

    2.08 (1,404,764 buys)


    Final Show Rating



    Post Show Notes

    Christopher Daniels was complimented for his performance and for agreeing to lose his title without complaint.


    Sting was complimented for his match performance in the main event and for making AJ look like a star.


    Jeff Hardy was off his game tonight but was given some encouragement.


    AJ Styles came to Dutch Mantell after the Knockouts match and told him that he likes what Cheerleader Melissa is doing out there.


    In the road agent meeting, Dusty Rhodes praised Sonny Siaki as “money” on the microphone and encouraged more promo time for the Samoan stud.

  16. TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Match

    Magnus vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Comment: I never rated Magnus and I still don't.


    Bobby Roode vs. Gunner

    Comment: Remember when Gunner and Murphy were booked to be absolutely unstoppable? That was a fun few months.


    Velvet Sky and Mickie James vs. Tara and Gail Kim

    Comment: Should be a banger but I'm going for the team with the Champ!


    Non-Title Match

    Kenny King vs. Shark Boy

    Comment: Sounds one sided.


    Christian York vs. Eric Young

    Comment: E-Y is higher up the card for sure.

  17. The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

    Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle

    Comments: Wardlow does a number on him here.


    Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent

    Comments: Rizin and Fuego Del Sol have got this on lock. :p


    AEW TNT Championship Match:

    Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian



    Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti

    Comments: Deeb is here to eat the pin.


    The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order

    Comments: Buenos Hermanos can go winless in this diary.


    Malakai Black vs Darby Allin

    Comments: There can only be one goth in AEW. :D



    Lance Archer vs Joey Janela

    Comments: Blackout through the ring and Janela is never seen in AEW ever again.


    Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch

    Comments: I've got Deeb losing on Dynamite and Hersch lost recently too, so they can get some momentum back here.


    Chicago Street Fight

    Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR

    Comments: Hard one to call but I think Santana & Ortiz should win a match of this nature.

  18. But if you do get Austin, you're not denying that you'll call him Ice Dagger? :D


    WCW United States Title Match

    Sting© defends vs. Lord Steven Regal

    Comments: Should be a great match but the Stinger has got this one in the bag.


    Zodiac vs. Steve 'Mongo' McMichael

    Comments: Guilty pleasure.


    'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson vs. American Males



    Non Title Match

    Road Warrior Animal vs. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan

    Comments: In the immortal words of JR, this one should be bowling shoe ugly.


    Fabulous Fun Fan Signs(limit of 1): NEVERMIND THAT S**T, HERE COMES MONGO!


    Other Comments:

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