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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. As someone who would hit Preview Post multiple times to check the format before posting, this sounds a bit worrying. From my experience with Invision tho, things appear in the textbox more or less like they'll show up in the end, so hopefully it won't be that much of a hassle. Fingers crossed for you mate, glad to see you back running this!
  2. Are we just going to ignore how EWA is just a vanity project for Byron and his spawn?
  3. Also use dark theme, 5 and 11 are unreadable, 24 is hard to read. The rest are fine, even the purple ones.
  4. Looks like the more recent diaries are having issues getting imported in their entirety from the old forums, if that will happen at all, so people are starting new ones anyway. Speaking of which, I'd be interested to find up to 3 other writers and explore the possibility of an alt-RW diary using the Wrestling at War mod.
  5. I've been added to the group of "allowed html" users and the images now are displayed properly in my latest diary thread. Unfortunately, it still only shows the first post so I have to wait for the rest to hopefully appear, but it's a start. Thanks for all the work you put in, Arlie.
  6. First of all, good to know you're well and still around. In theory, once the transfer/compiling is completed and assuming you and kanegan are added to the HTML group, the diary should appear in full (all the pages) and look like it did in the old forum. So you could wait, but I understand if you want to do a new thread for full control and changes in appearance.
  7. Personally, until I see threads display all the pages instead of just page one or the first post, I'm assuming things are still compiling, so no edits or new dynasty posts on my part till then. It is indeed a waiting game, I know it's grinding on some nerves (mine for sure) but the wisest thing to do is wait till we get the final, full picture.
  8. Based on the rate of compiling so far, can we get a rough estimate of when the forums are expected to be fully operational* again? *as in, not only showing the first page of a multi-page thread
  9. Congratulations to the winners and another kind reminder for the August DotM nominations. If you're a user, look up the thread and submit yours, if you're a mod please pin that thread.
  10. DUMMA 4: Kaczmarek vs Eccleston Sunday, Week 4 of April 2002, West Australia, Australia Preliminary matches - Ronaldo Freitas beat Mark Lee via Knock Out (Punch) [Good] - Tony Ibsen beat Clinton Kent via Unanimous Decision [Average] - Evan Pizzaro beat Mauricio de Terreros via Submission (Kimura) [Fantastic] Submission of the Night - Sojuro Irye beat Mariusz Nowak via Unanimous Decision [Decent] - Kevin Portman beat Lachlan Bowen via TKO (Strikes) [Great] - Michael Klaughnshue beat Nestor Morozov via Split Decision [Poor] Heavyweight Rodolfo Camara (#19 CR, 0-0, 6-1) vs Dias Candido (#21 CR, 0-0, 12-5) The main show kicks off with a Heavyweight fight between two fellow Brazilian strikers. Dias Candido seems to have a slight weight advantage compared to yesterday's weigh-ins and also is the favourite here due to his experience, but only by a slight margin. Camara comes forward and Candido fires a counter jab to maintain distance; it misses, but then he hits Candido with a body kick. He's a Dutch Muay Thai practitioner, so we can expect plenty more of those. After a striking exchange, another kick lands on the side of Candido's ribs, followed by a jab and a nice straight right. Two more jabs hit home from Camara and then he scores with a leg kick. With one minute left, Camara glances at his corner and gets a few words of encouragement in response, he's been in control of the fight so far. He can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then hits a nice straight right. Candido has to adjust, so he moves in and out of range, hoping to tempt his opponent into a reckless strike and leave an opening to start grappling. Camara throws some strikes and a fast leg kick, but Candido is equal to all of them and even catches the leg on that last kick! Holding the leg, Candido tries for a takedown but can't get Camara down and loses control of the leg in the process. Camara looks confident, shortening the range as he looks to strike with a jab and then a body kick as the timer runs out. Camara opens round 2 with punches, he hits a left jab and then catches Candido with a right hook. There is now a noticeable gash above the hairline of Candido where a strike must have cut him. There's a lot of missed shots from both fighters after that moment, until Camara hits Candido with a straight right. He is still moving well, but he is definitely breathing a little deeper now, might be Candido's chance to turn the tables. Half a minute goes by with nothing significant landing, then Camara hits another straight right. This opens up Candido for a tentative jab, followed by a right hook. The clock is stopped as the referee wants to check the cut on Candido. The doctor checks the cut, but seems happy that it does not present too much of a problem. We're back underway with less than thirty seconds left! Camara dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a left jab and a left kick to the rib cage, but then time runs out. With one round left, Candido realistically needs to stop his opponent in order to win, he's been eating shots all night and not giving back much in return. They stand and trade blows but neither can land anything damaging for a while, until Camara hits a left jab and also scores a glancing blow with a right head kick. Candido answers with a left jab that goes wide but he connects cleanly with a right hand. It seems he wants to grapple but is clearly wary of his opponent's striking that's been giving him trouble tonight. Two jabs hit home from Camara and then he scores with a right roundhouse kick to the ribs, seems like he's not going for the killing blow but he's content to grind out points with precise punches and kicks. Candido acknowledges some instructions from his corner with a curt nod of the head and returns his full attention to the fight as both fighters meet in the center. Camara dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a left kick to the ribs. Candido misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Camara to attack with a jab and a left hook to the side of the body. Candido clearly respects his opponent's striking as he is very wary about getting close enough to grapple. Camara can't connect with a jab, but then hits a high right kick to the side of the head. Not enough stopping power behind it though, he is starting to have to push himself now, and his corner respond by urging him on a little louder as we enter the final minute of the round. Camara slips past a right hook and counters with a jab and a kick to the leg. Not changing what works for him, He slips past a right hook and counters with a left jab and a quick kick. Circling warily, Candido is looking for a chance to get close enough to grapple but time is running out. Camara hits one last spinning kick to the body and the fight is over. Official Result: Rodolfo Camara defeats Dias Candido via Unanimous Decision [Average] Post-fight interview: "Anyone you put in front of me, I will fight. If that someone happened to be Paulo Boas, I think it would make for a particularly good contest." Heavyweight Frank Analysis (#15 CR, 0-0, 39-20) vs Vitor de Melo (#17 CR, 0-0, 7-1) Vitor De Melo will enjoy a weight advantage here against the veteran Frank Analysis. Near the tail end of his career, Analysis is not expected to win here, but the tough American could just defy the odds and pull out a surprise win nonetheless. Round one begins, Analysis misses a right hook and gets countered with a clean right hand. de Melo stalks forward, pressuring Analysis. He can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then he lands a big right hand. de Melo seems to get the better of the opening exchange as the two fighters trade blows, looking to discern each other's patterns. By the halfway point of the round, Analysis misses a right hook and gets countered with a left hook. This scene replays twice more until the end of the round, with striking exchangings leading to a missed shot from Analysis and a solid right hook in response. de Melo, the heavy favourite, has stamped his authority on the fight in that first round. His confidence boosted, de Melo comes forward, walking down Analysis. Analysis throws a counter jab but misses, de Melo feels the distance with a jab that goes wide and hits a nice straight right. Nice one-two from de Melo, Analysis finally comes alive with a crunching right cross... Wait, he covers up? He should be going in for the kill... Analysis is retreating until pressed against the cage... He is on rubbery legs! He is hurt! de Melo moves in for the kill and lands a big right hand around the guard! Analysis is rocked again! The referee has seen enough and jumps in to stop the fight! Analysis wasn't offering enough intelligent defence. Official Result: Vitor de Melo defeats Frank Analysis via TKO (Strikes) [Decent] Women’s Bantamweight Hanae Maehata (#8 CR, #24 WR, 0-0, 6-2) vs Kaoru Nanami (#13 CR, 0-0, 6-3) This should be an interesting one, both ladies are close in performance and experience with similar career records. They're also hard hitters, with Maehata an established Tae Kwon Do practicioner and Nanami known for the bombs she'll drop, mainly aimed at an opponent's head. Betting odds favor Maehata but it really could go either way. They touch gloves and engage. Maehata is off target with a left jab but lands a left kick to the rib cage. Nanami is off target with a left jab but lands a right hook. Maehata slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a left jab and a glancing high kick. She then misses a right cross that leaves her open to the counter; Nanami attacks with a quick left jab and a big right hand that just misses. Strikes flying all over the place, Nanami dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a right hand right at the halfway point of round one. Maehata counters a right hand with a left hook and it looks like Nanami has been cut under the eye. Maehata acknowledges some instructions from her corner with a relaxed nod of the head, while Nanami misses a right cross that leaves her open to the counter. Maehata attacks with a jab and a big right hand that just misses. Nanami misses a right hook and gets countered with a jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect before the bell is heard. In between rounds, the cut man tries to stop the bleeding of Nanami. Nanami misses with a big right hand, allowing Maehata to counter with a left jab and a left roundhouse kick to the body. This seems to be a thing in this fight, apparently Maehata is well prepared to deal with her opponent's hard but slow punches. Maehata slips past another right hook and counters with a left jab and a kick to the leg. Again, Maehata dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a quick left jab and a big right hand that just misses. She moves confidently around the cage, she's figured out Nanami alright. Standing and trading is not working for Nanami, so far in this fight she has simply been out-classed and out-struck. If there was any doubt, Maehata again slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a kick to the lead leg. Once more, right hook dodged, counter jab... and a roundhouse kick to the body that is too short. She is toying with Nanami now, she slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a quick head kick. Nanami backs off until pressed against the cage and covers up, clearly rocked! Maehata immediately advances, sensing that this is a chance to end the fight! Nanami eats a right head kick! She falls to the ground but is not out! Maehata senses victory and starts to unload with punches! The time is up, and that's the end of round two. Nanami was literally saved by the bell and fans are on their feet! It's the final round and we are back underway! Nanami misses a right cross that leaves her wide open to the counter. Maehata comes in with a left jab and a thumping kick to the thigh. Maehata tries again, she doesn't find the mark with a right hook but she also blocks the counter, a right hand gets absorbed on the gloves. Another bomb from Nanami goes wide and gets countered with a left jab and a left roundhouse kick to the body. She's been accused of being one dimensional and it shows here, not likely to turn things around as she's also starting to breathe a little heavier. Nanami misses another right hook and gets countered with a right hand, Maehata has her number and probably a guaranteed win if this goes to the judges, will she risk a clean finish or play it safe? There's an exchange of strikes at relatively close range but nothing really lands, Nanami is limping noticeably from all the kicks but with fourty seconds left on the clock, will Maehata be able to exploit it? Nanami misses a right hook and gets countered with a left jab and a head kick that is fortunately off-target. Nanami misses a right hook and leaves herself open to be countered with a low kick to the lead leg, time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight. Official Result: Hanae Maehata defeats Kaoru Nanami via Unanimous Decision [Decent] Featherweight ‘Black Belt’ Jay Dorridge (#6 CR, 0-0, 9-2) vs Jefferson ‘The Hitman’ Mndawe (#8 CR, 0-0, 7-0) Jay Dorridge steps into the cage as the big favorite to win. Betting odds have been on point so far, but the opening fight defied them so let's see how this one goes. The fight begins, Mndawe fails to find a home for his jab, but then hits Dorridge with a straight right. A jab is wide from Mndawe, but then he hits a nice straight right that lands hard. He's been the aggressor right out the gates, keeping his distance from Dorridge who's known for his judo trips and feared Rear Naked Choke. Mndawe lands one of three quick punches and then lands a low kick to the legs. Attacking with a quick flurry, Mndawe lands three of three punches and then scores with a massive right head kick! Dorridge collapses, that shot knocked him out! Official Result: Jefferson 'The Hitman' Mndawe defeats 'Black Belt' Jay Dorridge via Knock Out (Kick) [Good] KO of the Night Light Heavyweight Jon ‘Quick’ Silvers (#5 CR, 0-0, 12-1) vs ‘The Street Fighter’ Leon Banks (#6 CR, 0-0, 32-15) We can expect a stand and bang here, Banks may have weighed in the same as Silvers yesterday, but he clearly has a significant size advantage now. Still, betting odds favor Silvers. It's been a crazy night though, especially with how the previous fight went, so anything feels possible! Banks ignores the offer of a touch of gloves as they come together and strike. Silvers hits a left hand, Banks lands a right jab but misses a left hook. Several shots go wide, until Silvers scores with a left hook. Banks is quick to answer and nails a vicious left cross! Silvers goes down hard, he's out! Official Result: 'The Street Fighter' Leon Banks defeats Jon 'Quick' Silvers via Knock Out (Punch) [Good] Women’s Featherweight title match Vasya Kaczmarek (#1 CR, 0-0, 6-0) vs Sue Eccleston (#2 CR, 0-0, 7-3) The undefeated Kaczmarek is the big favorite here, but 35 year old Eccleston might just have enough fire left in her to go out with a bang as champion before retiring. Let's see how this plays out. The fight begins and the fighters touch gloves. They stand and trade blows but neither can land anything damaging, so Kaczmarek steps in and grapples with her opponent. She tries to pick Eccleston up for a slam and the Englishwoman has no answers, she gets lifted up and planted down! Kaczmarek ends up in guard. Time slips away as Kaczmarek successfully keeps Eccleston stuck against the ground, then begins trying to pass guard and get a better position. She passes, but only to half guard. The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left, she's clearly not smothering Eccleston for points but can she ecke out a submission in time? Kaczmarek keeps her opponent guessing with a few quick strikes, Eccleston tries to move from half guard to full guard, but Kaczmarek doesn't allow it. Wait, Kaczmarek unloads with big right hands and Eccleston is struggling to cope! Ah, not enough time left on the clock. A dominant performance still, feels like Kaczmarek's victory is just a matter of when, not if. There's the bell for the start of the round, Kaczmarek picks up from where she left and immediately shoots in for a takedown. She has the takedown and gets side control from it, looking to get a mount. She is too good for Eccleston, and gets the mount as she fires away. Eccleston is eating powerful shot after powerful shot! The referee has no option but to leap in and stop the fight! Official Result: Vasya Kaczmarek defeats Sue Eccleston via TKO (Strikes)[Great] Fight of the Night Post-fight interview: "I am beyond thrilled. This is one of the best nights of my entire career!"
  11. Sendai, Japan. Last Monday of April 2020 "Okay, get in touch with this guy and bring in his camera crew, but make sure they understand the vibe we're going for. I wanna keep up with the competition, but I don't want to glam it up for TV. It has to stay gritty, alright?" There was a knock on my door. I could see Fujiko's head pop out, so I waved her in and ended the call. She wouldn't take a seat though. "I want you to be the first to know. I want you to hear it from me and I wanted to tell you in person. Ogiwara made me an offer and I accepted." Apparently this is going to be a thing. Oddest pairing ever? We both screamed with glee and hugged. Most bookers would be furious to have their star join "the opposition" but I was genuinely happy for my best friend making progress in her career. "Okay, so it's a handshake deal. Non exclusive." she began, "They obviously won't be aknowledging that I'm wrestling for Warrior Queens, but I'm still allowed to take bookings here." "But you're still getting exposed to a much wider audience, so maybe we can reel some of them in to also check you out in your natural environment" I picked up from where she left off. "Oh for sure! I've even heard they're close to signing a broadcast deal, if that happens it'll be huge" she said with genuine excitement. "And even if it doesn't, you can be our agent on the inside. Lord knows 5 Star could use some genuine badassery" We both chuckled. "I'm gonna hold off your title match though." I said once I was able to regain my composure. "A deathmatch can be rough, but it was still a case of once a month. Throwing a full-on touring schedule on top of that..." "I won't injure myself, if that's what you're getting at" she cut me off. I smiled and shook my head. "No one ever plans to get injured. And even if you don't, that's still added wear and tear on your body. We're not doing ballet here, but I'm still worried about your well being. Let's not rush into things just yet. Last show we crowned tag champs. Can go with Genda and Takami for May, that one's been brewing for a while and needs to be paid off before people lose interest. I'm not taking the title off of you" I threw that last part in quick when I saw her raise an eyebrow "I'm just delaying the defence. Let's give it some time, see how this new schedule works out for you first. No need to make any rash decisions just yet, yes?" Her eyebrow was still raised. Even after all these years of friendship, I genuinely couldn't tell if she was unconvinced or just keeping up appearances to mess with me. "Woman, if you screw me out of my title, I'm siging an exclusive contract!" she hammed it up, shaking a fist for extra over-the-topness. "If you do, Warrior Queen's probably going down the drain so I might just call and ask you to put in a good word for me with Ogiwara and Karube" I answered. We laughed again. We hugged again. "I'm so proud of you." Cry of War Thursday, Week 2 of May 2020 WQ2020 Queens Heart title match MACHINE Takami vs Nami Genda Tag Team Deathmatch The Hooligan Sisters vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo Deathmatch Kitsune Danger vs Róisín Gross The Assassins vs Lady San Juan & Pinky Perez Deathmatch Etelka the Hun vs Naoko Majima
  12. Was never a fan of docdroid and code can be a lot of work if you're going for a more visually fancy diary, but that powerpoint/PNG trick sounds like a fair middle ground.
  13. SWF Supreme TV Results [Fri. Wk. 4, Apr. 2020] From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy Wrapping up the month of April, before USPW and TCW fire the big guns in their respective Pay Per Views, Uprising was broadcast live from Chattanooga, Tennessee. 10.009 tickets were sold for this one while 6.447.366 sets of eyeballs were on their screens to see it live, plus more who caught up on their DVRs or the Supreme Network afterwards. SWF North American title match w/ ZWB © vs Dominic DeSousa (with Joe Sexy) Show opened up strong with a title match, though I will say the challenger put me off a bit. The announce team tried to patch this up by saying Joe Sexy pulled some strings to make this match happen, but the fact remains that DeSousa has been mostly losing matches and stands low on the totem pole still; I wasn’t expecting him to win and it’s not like they’d built this up with some storyline before to get me invested. For all my complaints though, the two men delivered the goods bigtime and I should look up if they’ve wrestled each other on the house show loop, because the booking was onto something with them having exceptional chemistry. DeSousa also put on a great individual performance, I’m told he’s been training down at the Supreme University and working with the likes of veterans like ZWB will only teach him valuable lessons. I could tell he’s improved and it seems a lot is expected of him down the line to justify this kind of an investment. For now, he took the loss in a match rated 79 and before I forget it, I should mention that they had Marshall Dillon providing commentary because this played a part in what happened next. So after the match, Dillon got in the ring and cut a promo, saying he beat Robbie Wright on Tuesday, the last man to wrestle Zimmy for the title on a big Pay Per View match, thus he was here to challenge the champion for the belt. Instead of ZWB responding, The Mission showed up to interrupt the proceedings and taunt Dillon, reminding him that on the same PPV he mentioned, he took a loss to his former tag team partner, Ranger. By his line of thinking, Matty Faith commented, this should mean that Ranger is ahead of him in terms of priority so Dillon better get back in line or face the consequences. Interesting how they weave this past rivalry into The Mission gunning for the North American title, can’t say I’m thrilled with Ranger and Dillon’s skills on the mic but this still was a hot angle landing a 68. Next up was the much hyped announcement by Krissy Angelle… which never happened, because Hollywood Bret Starr came out with Fame & Money to tell her to shut up because he had bigger announcement to make than whatever she had to say, the three of them had paid Eric Eisen a significant amount in order to book themselves in a match against Lenny Brown, Steven Parker and Mikey Lau, a match that would be happening later tonight. I’m not sure if we got swerved or if plans changed at the last minute, but for all this buildup, it felt deflating for Krissy. Maybe that’s what they’re going for, mistreating her in order to lead towards something. I mean, she left Brandon James as part of the feud with Starr, but it’s not like Bret needs a valet and he sure doesn’t have Brandon’s chemistry with her. Super weird to think of Angelle as a face though, no idea what the plans are, but another 68 for now and this promo. Ash Campbell vs Masked Patriot It’s no secret Ash Campbell left PSW and has been working matches on Elite, so it’s not like this was a big surprise but I dare say it could have been hyped up a bit ahead of time. Either way, this was very much what you’d expect out of the setup, a match meant to showcase Ash’s whole deal and to his credit, Patriot sold hard for the kid’s offence without ever turning this into a squash. In fact, the story told here was Campbell being vicious but never quite managing to fully beat Patriot, a fact that had him frustrated enough to eventually swing a chair in full view of the referee and get himself disqualified. I’m hoping they have plans for Ash, his debut match was good but not great, 56 will do. Classic heel stuff here, Supreme Dream Team cut a promo playing up the “one-legged” Spencer Spade as the victim of Ekuma’s “murderous” attack on Tuesday. The contention for mic time was there again between Spade and Allen, but it wasn’t the main focus. Instead, the group promised vengeance if Ekuma had the guts to step in the ring next Tuesday and wrestle Bear Bekowski. They’re clearly stretching this till the Pay Per View, but it’s fun so I don’t mind, 74 for this promo. w/ The Rat Pack (Starr, Huntigdon & Trescarde, with Krissy Angelle) vs Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker Another interesting case of the streams crossing, remember on Tuesday Lau complained about being left out of the title mix and interfered in the tag match, so he was added as the third man here with Starr on the other end to balance things out. Also of note, Krissy Angelle was at ringside but did not look all too happy, nor did she seem to pour her heart and soul into doing what ringside valets are supposed to do. Wasn’t expecting this to be as fast paced as it was, Lau’s addition seemed to fire up the babyface team who put the pedal to the metal to deliver almost a lucha-like trios spectacle. Even the heels, who were supposed to slow down the match to kill their opponents’ momentum and deflate the fans to earn heat, delivered some fiery brawling alongside fast double- and triple-team moves. In hindsight, this was less sports entertainment and a break for more spectacular pro wrestling, something the fans very much appreciated it seems. All hail these men’s stamina to go balls to the wall for nearly twenty minutes (which flew by like a breeze, by the way) until Brown hit The Star Treatment on Monty Trescarde to get the pin. Great match, 71 hands down. I forgot to mention, there were a few occasions during the match where the Rat Pack looked up to the entrance ramp, or even waved for their allies to run down to the ring, but it never happened. After the match, we got to find out why when a video got re-played: Rocky Golden stepped in to block Greed and Sensitive’s way to the ring. The heels pretended to walk away but turned around to jump Rocky, who took the hits but was able to come back and take out both men. Looks like he’s focused on Starr now that Davids is the #1 contender, let’s see where this goes, 79 from me. Returning from commercial, Remo made an entrance with the SWF World Heavyweight title resting on his shoulder as he entered the ring mic in hand to address his challenger. He congratulated Davids for earning his shot but berated them for not honouring their earlier agreement. “Then again,” he said, “I should have seen this coming from a man who stabbed his own tag team partner in the back”. Crowd popped for the reference of Davids turning on American Machine, but it wasn’t the only barb to be thrown in the promo. Remo said that’s because Davids is a fickle man: he gave up on college football, he gave up on MAW and Rip Chord who got him into pro wrestling, he even gave up on USPW to join SWF and all the fans cheering Davids on, he’s gonna give up on them too. “Meanwhile,” he said, “I’ve stuck with pro wrestling and I’ve stuck with Supreme Wrestling Federation since I was 19. At Master of Puppets in two weeks, the belt will stay where it’s supposed to and Des Davids will give up, like he always does, on his dream of chasing the title.” Straight fire, even though it kinda felt like a quite babyface promo for him, 85 for the big man. Quick hype for Tuesday’s Supreme TV before the night’s main event, Eric Eisen will tackle the developing situation between the Rat Pack, Rocky Golden, Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown and Steven Parker, there will be a three way match between The Mission and Marshall Dillon to determine the next challenger for the SWF North American title and Des Davids will be in attendance to respond to what Remo said on this night. w/ Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Valiant (with Hannah) Valiant can’t really get a break, can he? Last week he main evented Uprising again in a match against former partner Rogue, then he got attacked by Crippler on Tuesday and on this night, he was up against RBB and his group’s crusade against the older veterans at the top of SWF. Unsung hero if you ask me. Anyway, if the trios match earlier was full speed, this was the opposite, a slow burn twenty five minute spectacle which, if I’m honest, lost the fans at times when it felt like it drifted a bit. Still match of the night, as every main event should be, but I can’t help but feel it could be so much better if they were allowed to take their foot off the break more. Also, we had the inevitable distraction from Rogue, who showed up to tease interference and although he didn’t get to do anything, his mere presence was enough to momentarily throw off Valiant and allow Randall to hit the Running Enzuguiri for the three count. 84 for this one. After the match, Rogue raised his hands to proclaim innocence while the rest of Unleashed Awesomeness ran down to put the boots to a fallen Valiant. Joey Morgan rushed in to make the save, but he could not overcome the numbers disadvantage so he ended up getting beat as well as the show faded to black with Unleashed Awesomeness standing tall. Pretty basic stuff, but it’s always good to see the Awesomeness and Morgan got a good pop when he showed up, 76 for the end angle. Overall it wasn’t as stellar as Tuesday, but it was still a good episode that Mr. Eisen rated as an 82. Can’t strike gold night after night, but there’s a definite sense in the air that SWF are back to consistently producing quality televised pro wrestling. Quick results ZBW def Dominid DeSousa to retain the SWF North American title Masked Patriot def. Ash Campbell Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker def. The Rat Pack Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Valiant Prediction results Smasher1311 - 3/4 Welcome to the prediction game Herrbear - 2/4
  14. Seconded, posting to keep this thread up on the first page until it gets pinned.
  15. Very much appreciate the input, AboardTheArk. Can't speak for my fellow co-authors, but as far as SWF is concerned, the brand split was indeed botched. I've mentioned before how this is my first time running them or even a company of this size, as I've spent most of my time resenting what they stand for, so mistakes are bound to happen. Figured the split would give their bloated roster more time for everyone to make an appearance, but in hindsight I should have made Uprising a B show from the start (it was initially presented as such, but in game terms it was still an A show). This meant I had to deal both with complaints from guys being left off of it, as well as the fact that its inferior ratings were causing me to lose popularity. As if this wasn't enough, I tied it down to a 3 year broadcast deal, which limits me from cancelling it or turning it into a B show now. So far I've played along, but now I have the Supreme Network to broadcast stuff for me and as the contract runs out, the money I have to pay to get out of it goes down, so you might see me bail out of it sooner than 2023. I guess the long term plan, what I should have done from the start, is focus on a single major show (Supreme TV) and have a B show to act as the bridge between RIPW and the big leagues. That should have originally been Uprising, it is currently SWF Elite. With all of the above, SWF is indeed in a transitional period. As if the significant pop losses weren't enough, we dropped in size after the January PPV (not taking it personally, I see it happen with the AI in every of my other saves too) and are still in a shocked phase, preventing us from rising back up. Giving away big matches on TV is a way to regain the lost fanbase, at least for now. Either that, or I have a pretty deep roster anyway and I've finally come around on how to book them properly. Also, I'm not sure if it's a super original thing to do, but I'm sticking with the default product, when most people I see tend to switch SWF either to Attitude Entertainment or Ruthless Aggression. Won't spoil any of the booking plans, Lau had his chance at gold and missed, though you could also blame timing since his contract was running out. Golden vs Remo.... eh, we'll see
  16. Buckets of Blood Thursday, Week 2 of April 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 518 fans in attendance Sometimes this gig makes you feel like you're stuck in a loop. There was another case of rental car shenanigans this month, this time with Dr. Yumaniac messing up Maneater's vehicle. As if that hadn't been settled in the past, I laid down the law and paid for damages from the good doctor's wage for the night, yet still Maneater somehow was surprised enough to be hyped about my call. Hope that makes her eat her words for my judgement last month. Other than that, Majima again found herself facing open criticism of her in-ring work by the ever shit-stirring Assassin #1, who I simply told to shut up. Feels like I'm up to my neck already micromanaging all this drama, I should talk to Henry and Umeko, see if they can deal with these cases so I don't have to bother before each show. Even on a crutch, Mizucore would not be held back and she opened the show with her best dance attempts while singing, a sure-fire way to piss off our fans and get them hounding for blood from the get go. This time I decided to up the ante and had a "superfan" girl from the crowd jump the barricade and join her for the performance. If Mizu sounds unbearable, you should see the heat this girl got for doing her act with the most terrible singing you could imagine. Of course, that superfan was a plant, Petra Fosberg, who I'd signed in the meantime for our roster. Not sure about her wrestling skill, but she played the part here and from the looks of it, a lot of our feuds down the line will involve musical taste, so why the hell not. Rating: 26 Three Way Dance of Death Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross vs Piper Hale Majima beat Gross in that Tables Deathmatch on February to earn a title shot she couldn't convert to a title win, so all three girls in the opening match were looking to rebound from their recent individual losses. This was also our first ever three way match, which means it had to be heavily scripted so that everyone knew what to do at all times to avoid a mess. Gross had a great moment that popped the crowd when she did a moonsault off the entrance light rig with a chair held in front of her chest, but the air was sucked out of the bout when Majima dropped an elbow onto a trashcan on the outside and landed at an awkward angle to very clearly pop her shoulder out of its socket. Fortunately she wasn't involved in the planned finish, but things still had to get a little rushed to make up for her reeling on the ringside floor, so Gross put Hale through a table with a Battery Driver and got the win. Rating: 32 Individual performances: Majima 47, Gross 43, Hale 42 Tag Team Deathmatch Fujiko Mushashibo & Kitsune Danger vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo I will not lie, Dr. Yumaniac gave me some receipts here, working extra stiff to pay me back for taking her pay to make up for damages caused. It didn't help that Fujiko seemed to have a bad night so I had to put in extra work and make up for her mistimings. To her credit though, she still took that double foot stomp onto a barb wire board and sold it like a champ. Not to be outdone, I had Onryo chokeslam me off the apron and through the announce team's table, with her following it up with a suicide dive onto me and the splinters. Dr. Yumaniac only agreed to eat an unprotected chair shot to the head and only if Fujiko was going to promise she wouldn't swing full on. Which is weird for me, since she was booked to pin the champion and set up a title match. Would expect her to go the extra mile when she's given a shine like that. Rating: 44 Individual performances: Danger 61, Mushashibo 38, Onryo 39, Yumaniac 43 MACHINE Takami & Romi Yamato vs Nami Genda & Pinky Perez I figured I've been rushing to set up title matches and immediately cash in on the match promised, so I decided to take some more time with Nami and Takami. Yeah she pinned her in that 5 vs 5 match, but that involved a lot of people so here was a tag match to further build up Genda. Since this wasn't going to be a deathmatch, I had the girls set up an absolute spotfest to highlight the athleticism of our junior division, though I feel that caused Takami to get lost in the rapid fire pace of things. Didn't help that she and Yamato seemed to have communication issues and kept getting in each other's way. Not a great showing for the champ, but she escaped with some credibility as it was Yamato who ended up taking the Flying Double Knee from Genda for the pin. Rating: 45 Individual performances: Yamato 37, Takami 17, Perez 54, Genda 43 After the match, Genda grabbed a mic and stated the obvious: She pinned Takami last month, she won the match tonight and she wants a shot at the title! Rating: 33 Four Way Tag Team Ladder Deathmatch for the Blood Sisters titles Cannibal Crew vs The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Unstoppable Monsters I was hoping the main event would be a big deal, and don't get me wrong it was, but the participants lacked the popularity of those in the semi-main event, so it was as good but not better. Also, while technically a deathmatch, I made sure the Assassins would only be involved in flashy high flying spots and taking the safest of bumps, no crazy hardcore stuff for them. Lot of protection if you ask me, but they weren't willing to do an all out deathmatch, so this was the compromise in order to get them on board. In all the chaos, the Hooligan sisters had a few chances to show glimpses of offence before they took a double powerbomb through a table. Etelka and Maneater were the ones who held things deadly with the big monsters, even agreeing to get powerslammed onto a structure of ladders and chairs to put Unstoppable Monsters over. Of course, it took too much time for the slow moving powerhouses to get back up and set up a ladder, so the Assassins came in to dropkick the ladder and knock a climbing Tai off of it. Ishimura punished them for their actions, but a chop block from Etelka clipped her just long enough for Maneater to climb up and retrieve the belts, making Cannibal Crew the first ever WQ2020 Blood Sisters champions! Rating: 45 Individual performances: Maneater 30, Etelka 35, Assassin #1 68, Assassin #2 51, Helena 39, Hannah 37, Tai 42, Ishimura 32 Show Rating: 39 Fan Predictions KyTeran: 1/4 Rhysrob: 0/4
  17. Friday Week 4 of April 2020 card Main Event Time Limits are for nerds Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Valiant Six Man Tag Team match Time Limits are for nerds The Rat Pack (Starr, Huntigdon & Trescarde) vs Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker Singles Match Time Limits are for nerds Ash Campbell vs Masked Patriot SWF North American title match Time Limits are for nerds ZWB vs Dominic DeSousa Plus: Remo addresses his challenger, Krissy Angelle's announcement, a message from Supreme Dream Team and more!
  18. But what rating did Charlie Corner vs Original Sinner get?
  19. Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of March 2020 Moments after the end of WQ2020 Too Hot For TV I waited behind the curtain like I always do, so I was the first to congratulate Majima for that killer main event. Mushashibo was the winner, so she had to spend some more time celebrating and getting cheered before she joined us backstage. I ushered her into what we were using as a locker room, then flipped a crate of beer to stand up on. At the time, I was too hyped to wonder where that had come from, since drinking wasn't allowed backstage. "Alright ladies, I know I'm being a hardass sometimes, but tonight you hit a home run and I have nothing but praise for you" I began. Smiles spread out like an infection in my audience. Some even cheered or clapped for a bit. "When we held our first show in January, the pundits said people only showed up out of curiosity and a bit of nostalgia. After last month, they said the novelty has already worn off. They buried us in reviews and said fans would be better off spending their time and money on a SAISHO show, or watching those clowns at WLW. But we were never out to please the experts. We're out for the fans, and they've stuck with us despite the bashing. We're doing our thing because this is the wrestling we want to do, not toil away in 5 Star being cute and praying for a push that we know we deserve. And tonight, you hit the ball out of the park!" More clapping and cheers followed. I motioned for Perez, Majima and Hale to step forward. "You know I don't play favorites," -Maneater rolled her eyes at that bit- "but I give praise where praise is due. Ms. Perez here is doing us all a favor flying in from Mexico and risking her image with much larger promotions employing her." As I said that, I thought to myself that I really had no idea why she was taking our bookings. The money wasn't great, at least compared to what she was already making, she had way more to lose than to gain yet still she showed up whenever I booked her. "And not only that, she's consistently putting on clinics out there. Tonight she stood out among ten competitors in the opening match, which is no small feat. She's putting her back into this thing, when she could simply be coasting through on autopilot. I think you'll agree with me when I say she's simply awesome and someone to look up to for all of us." Most clapped, some rolled their eyes. Takami stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest, probably worried about her presentation and how long she'd still get to hold onto that title. "Then there's Mad Dog. Damn, girl. You blew us all out of the water tonight in that main event, Fujiko included. Three shows in and I'm pretty sure that was the best individual performance we've seen to date. People talk about me and Fujiko as the main feud of the deathmatch division, but they're wrong to be sleeping on you. Keep it up and they will see you for what you are, a hardcore wrestling legend in the making!" Majima smiled that very Majima shark smile, the kind you were pretty sure deranged killers had on their face before doing their thing. "Last but not least, Piper Hale. Everything I've asked her to do, she's done it without question. She's taken her losses without complaint and still gave 100% in all of her matches. I know she's still paying her dues, but the way she's doing it should be an inspiration for all youngsters. Also, I'd like to personally thank her for giving me a great match tonight." I hopped down and gave Piper a hug, which apparently caught her by surprise. Such shows of affection would usually fire up gossip about me favoring someone, but with Hale being so low on the totem pole, it was alright. I then turned to the others again. "Never forget to thank your opponent for your match. Hug them if you feel like you want to. This is a collaborative effort and we trust them with our bodies. Now go treat yourselves, just don't do anything too stupid, alright? I'll see you next month!" Buckets of Blood Thursday, Week 2 of April 2020 Four Way Tag Team Ladder Deathmatch for the Blood Sisters titles Cannibal Crew vs The Assassins vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Unstoppable Monsters Tag Team match MACHINE Takami & Romi Yamato vs Nami Genda & Pinky Perez Tag Team Deathmatch Fujiko Mushashibo & Kitsune Danger vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo Three Way Dance of Death Naoko Majima vs Róisín Gross vs Piper Hale
  20. Too Hot For TV Thursday, Week 2 of March 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 519 fans in attendance 5 vs 5 Elimination Match MACHINE Takami, Pinky Perez, The Assassins & Lady San Juan vs Rika Tsujimura, Romi Yamato, The Black Widow, Nami Genda & WARRIOR Koiso Show opened in chaotic fashion, with ten women in a match and a ton of spots to get the crowd going right out the gates. Koiso's daughter made her debut here, she goes by HEART but I figured it's only fair to continue the family tradition of her dad changing his first name depending on which promotion he was working for, so I turned her into WARRIOR Koiso. That's about all there is to say though, she's green as grass and most likely lost her head in there because she was all over the place. I'm pretty sure Takami went off script and forcibly held Widow down for the first pin, just to give me the middle finger, then Romi hit the Yamatotal on Pinky Perez to level the playing field. Rika Tsujimura was the next to go when the Assassins hit their tag finisher on her, Genda got a quick roll up over Lady San Juan, Takami cleaned house to pin Koiso. The Assassins picked up the scraps when they eliminated Yamato but their double splash on Genda missed and she scored two quick pins on their fallen bodies to take them out. In the end, it came down to Takami and Genda, I guess people expected the champion to easily win this but Genda was on fire after the double pin and she pushed through to score the winning fall over Takami, winning the match to set her up for a title match next month. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Perez 58, Takami 26, San Juan 37, Assassin #2 52, Assassin #1 47, Koiso 24, Widow 32, Yamato 48, Tsujimura 37, Genda 42 Tag Team Deathmatch Unstoppable Monsters (Unstoppable Tai & Monster Ishimura) vs The Hooligan Sisters Unstoppable Monsters made their debut next with a quick squash over the Hooligan Sisters, who were kind enough to take stereo spinebusters over barb wire boards in a spot that got a great reaction. Ishimura seemed a bit sloppy out there, but she did get to hit the Big Butt Avalanche and score the pin in the end, strong debut for our resident monster team. Rating: 35 Individual performances: Tai 45, Ishimura 22, Helena 38, Hannah 42 Deathmatch Kitsune Danger vs Piper Hale Piper gave me a pretty good match and I had it booked right down the middle to keep things exciting. She's still paying her dues and wasn't supposed to ever win here, but I made sure she got plenty of offence in to look good even in defeat, including a DDT to the floor outside that she hit on me. Of course, I got the last laugh with a corner Cradle Piledriver off the top rope. Rating: 52 Individual performances: Danger 55, Hale 46 Naoko Majima had some time on the mic next, which she used to praise Etelka the Hun for what she saw of her last month and challenge her to a singles match. Might give her something to do until Maneater recovers. Rating: 33 Sendai Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title Fujiko Mushashibo © vs Naoko "Mad Dog" Majima In light of her victorious performances so far, Majima got to work the main event for the title against Mushashibo and what a performance they put on. Sure, it wasn't a masterclass in in-ring psychology, but the two of them seem to have great chemistry in the ring and that elevated everything they did, including Majima's leg drop that Mushashibo barely rolled away from to have her land on a chair. That was the beginning of the end, the shift of the tide as Mushashibo zoned in on the leg and Majima tried to sell it as best as she could. After trapping the limb on that chair and stomping it more than a few times, Mushashibo left her opponent reeling and took a trip to the venue's balcony for a jaw dropping dive. Ref started the count, Mushashibo used the ropes to pull herself up by the count of eight and Majima stayed down for the full ten count to end their epic battle with the champion retaining. Rating: 54 Individual performances: Mushashibo 46, Majima 59 Show Rating: 47 Fan Predictions Herrbear: 4/4 Rhysrob: 3/4 KyTeran: 3/4
  21. DUMMA 3: Golias vs Dabrowski Sunday, Week 4 of March 2002, Queensland, Australia Preliminary matches - Saul Cervantes beat Moronobu Nakano via TKO (Strikes) [Good] - Jazz Snide beat Jonjo Whitley via Unanimous Decision [Great] - Brian O’Flaherty beat Garth Neill via TKO (Strikes) [Fantastic] - Tom Essy beat Jemaine McKenzie via Unanimous Decision [Good] - Chisaki Gojo beat Carina Costa via Split Decision [Decent] - Andoni Olano beat Rubenilson Augusto via TKO (Strikes) [Good] - Oscar Gomez beat Basil McCrystle vis KO (Punch) [Great] Women’s Flyweight Natasha Mellow (#4 CR, #9 WR, #22 PFP, 0-0, 7-1) vs Toshie Nishina (#13, 0-0, 7-2) Mellow boasts world and pound for pound rankings, so she's the obvious favourite coming into this fight. A jab lands from Mellow, but her big right hand follow-up misses, then both fighters seem to have the same idea and come together in a clinch, with Mellow as the aggressor. She attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Nishina to the ground but Nishina, desperate, grabs the cage to block the takedown! The referee spots it and gives a verbal warning! Mellow again looks to take Nishina down by setting up a judo throw and again Nishina blocks the takedown by grabbing the cage but the referee apparently didn't see it this time. Unphased, Mellow looks to take Nishina down again by setting up a judo throw and third time's the charm, a great inside leg trip sees Nishina get thrown to the mat and Mellow is left in guard. She tries to pass guard and eventually gets it, but only into half guard as we're into the halfway point of round 1. Mellow pounds away with rights, but Nishina covers up and only a couple manage to get through. The ground and pound continues, but Mellow doesn't really do a great deal of damage, she just throws a couple of punches designed to keep Nishina guessing. As the end of the round approaches, Mellow makes a last ditch attempt as she unloads with big rights, but Nishina covers up well and the bell rings. You can see the confidence rising in Mellow. She knows that this is her fight to lose now. Round 2 begins, the two fighters get up close and start wrestling for position. This time Nishina is the aggressor and she's looking to muscle Mellow back against the cage. Once she gets that, she uses some dirty boxing to punish Mellow while she is pressed up against the cage. A short left uppercut lands, then more dirty boxing until Mellow uses wrestling to nullify any potential damage. In a display of fighting intelligence and coolness under pressure, Mellow waits for Nishina to try and throw some strikes, then quickly turns her, creating enough space to escape away from the cage. The two reset in the center and clinch, with Nishina getting the advantage as she tries to push Mellow up against the cage again. Two out of two attempts for Nishina, she smothers Mellow against the cage, then uses her dirty boxing skills to her advantage. Mellow is trapped against the cage and Nishina hits her with a short left uppercut. History then repeats itself as Nishina tries to use her dirty boxing skills, but Mellow uses wrestling to prevent any strikes from being launched and round two is brought to an end as time runs out. Good aggression from Nishina, it all comes fown to the final round with everything still to fight for. There's the bell and they clinch up and start jockeying for position. Nishina manages to aggressively get a good position in the clinch and once more pushes Mellow up against the cage, pinning her. Couple of nice right hands to the side of the head, some more smothering to maintain dominance, then Nishina scores with a left to the side of the stomach. Mellow is controlled up against the cage and takes a few right hands via some dirty boxing, until she's able to wrestle free and circle back to the center. Reset, wrestling for position, Nishina trying to muscle Mellow up against the cage. Fans are hyped up despite repetitive moments, there's a real sense of struggle here as Mellow finds herself stuck with her back to the cage again. Nishina smothers Mellow against the cage, then uses her dirty boxing skills to her advantage, as well as a couple of nice right hands to the side of the head. Mellow is trapped against the cage and Nishina hits her with a short left uppercut, then we reach the time limit and this fight is over. Official Result: Toshie Nishina defeats Natasha Mellow via Unanimous Decision [Fantastic] Post-fight Interview: "I had to really work for the win tonight, Natasha pushed me and I have nothing but respect for her skills." Fight of the Night Women’s Bantamweight Cindy Dumas (#10 CR, 0-0, 10-1) vs “Vicious But Delicious” Tracy Garcia (#13 CR, 0-0, 6-1) Another women's fight is up next and betting odds have Amy Dumas as the favourite to win it, but given the two fighters' career records, it seems like it might be a close call. The fight begins and immediately they get up close to start wrestling. Dumas wrestles her way to a dominant position in the clinch and pushes Garcia, who finds herself stuck with her back to the cage. Dumas starts us off with a nasty knee strike to the side of the ribs, then tries to throw an elbow, but Garcia uses wrestling to prevent her from launching the strike. She tries again and this time gets a quick elbow strike in, then looks for another, but Garcia works enough space that she can pull clear and circle out. For a wrestler, Dumas seems to be tapping a lot into Muay Thai techniques tonight. The two fighters reset and clinch, with Dumas again in control of it. She uses some dirty boxing as she grapples with Garcia, attempting to soften her up so she can muscle Garcia up against the cage. Once she gets her there, Garcia takes an elbow to the face from the clinch. Seems to have woken her up, as she then uses her wrestling skills to prevent Dumas from throwing any elbow strikes and although pressed against the cage, Garcia still hits a few small punches to the ribs before time runs out. The crowd is buzzing after a very exciting round and already, the show is off to a great start. Round two, they come together in a clinch and Dumas aggressively gets to a dominant position using her wrestling skills to push Garcia up against the cage. With her opponent pinned, Dumas hits two knee strikes to the thigh and a glancing elbow strike from the clinch. That appears to have opened up a small gash underneath the eye of Garcia! Dumas tries to hit her with another elbow, but Garcia works enough space that she can slip out and away, back to the center. Reset, clinch, Dumas works her way to a dominant position but instead of going for the cage again, she immediately throws a knee strike to the body as they grapple, then follows up with some dirty boxing and a few crisp punches on Garcia as they grapple. Garcia gets caught with a couple of nice short punches as Dumas uses her dirty boxing to inflict some punishment and when she tries tries to wriggle free, Dumas controls her well and gets in a few close-range punches too. A pinning attempt is stopped when Garcia out-wrestles Dumas and avoids getting pinned against the cage, but time is up, and that's the end of round two. Dumas is asserting control and Garcia needs a finish if she wants to win, because the scorecards mustn't be in her favor. The cut man tries to stop the bleeding for Garcia in between rounds. It's the final round and we are back underway, they come together and start wrestling in the over-under clinch position. Dumas' aggression serves her well once more and she is able to use dirty boxing, even land in a few crisp punches on Garcia as they grapple. When the attempt to wriggle free comes, Dumas maintains control and gets in a few close-range punches too, peppering Garcia with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling. This isn't looking good for Garcia, who takes some more crisp punches and again, is unable to wriggle free, instead opening herself up to more shots. Dumas tries to throw an elbow from the clinch, but Garcia is able to stop it, then another attempt is blocked when Garcia pulls the clinch tighter, giving her no space to work with. Garcia goes to the ribs, then the head, with short punches, but Dumas catches her with an elbow to the face and Garcia is bleeding under her eye again, the strike has re-opened the wound! Dumas tries to knee Garcia, but she wrestles free and circles back to the center as the timer runs out, signalling the end of the fight. Official Result: Cindy Dumas defeats 'Vicious But Delicious' Tracy Garcia via Unanimous Decision [Great] Middleweight Frederico Vergara (#6 CR, 0-0, 8-0) vs Humberto “The Hit Man” Falcao (#17, 0-0. 15-10) The undefeated Frederico Vergara is the huge favourite in this fight, hopefully he can turn that into a dominant statement with a quick, decisive finish. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Falcao misses a big left hand, putting him off balance and allowing Vergara to attack with a quick right jab and an attempted shot to the body that gets taken on the arm. The striking continues with neither man landing anything of note until Vergara, with 14 seconds left in the round shoots and scores the takedown. Falcao pulls guard but time slips away and the clock runs out on the first round. You can see the confidence rising in Vergara. He knows that this is his fight to lose now. There's the bell for the start of the second round, both fighters meet in the center and Falcao counters a left hand with a right cross. No significant shots connect for the next thirty seconds, until Vergara manages a counter jab. Falcao throws a quick one-two but doesn't land either blow. Vergara is off target with a right jab and also misses a left hook. but Falcao can't get past the good guard of Vergara, two punches were simply absorbed. We are now at the halfway point of the round as Vergara dodges a left hand and counter-attacks with a right cross. Falcao misses an attempted body shot and gets countered with a right hook to the ribs as we enter the final minute of the round. They exchange strikes but nothing really gets through, then Vergara manages a counter jab. Falcao takes a chance with a right jab but finds nothing but air with a big left, then counters a hesitant body shot with a right jab and a left hook that is ducked. Time is up, and that's the end of round two. Final round begins, Vergara dodges a left hand and counter-attacks with a right hook to the side of the body. Falcao misses a left cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Vergara comes in with a right jab and a big left hand that just misses. Past the halfway mark in this round, Falcao hits a jab but doesn't connect with a left hand. Vergara hits a jab and also hits a right hook to the body. Falcao lands a right jab but has a left hand absorbed on the gloves. Vergara scores with a right hook. We move into the final sixty seconds of this round and Falcao is still moving well, but he is definitely breathing a little deeper now. Vergara notices and he dodges a left hand, counter-attacks with a right jab and a left hook that is avoided at the last second. Vergara chooses to shoot in on Falcao, the takedown is successful and he gets side control too but with only eight seconds left in the fight, time runs out and this goes to the judges. Official Result: Frederico Vergara defeats Humberto 'The Hit Man' Falcao via Split Decision [Decent] Featherweight Guilherme “Zoom” de Barros (#4CR, 0-0, 8-0) vs “The Dark Lord” Beau LuPone (#13 CR, 0-0, 7-2) Guilherme de Barros steps into the cage as a favourite by a huge margin, but if the previous fight was anything to go by, don't rush to make any assumptions about how it might play out. The fighters touch gloves, then go toe-to-toe with strikes but the flurry ends without any really damaging shots landing. LuPone finds a good angle and lands a nice one-two, de Barros responds with a right jab and also connects with a thumping kick to the thigh as we move into the second half of this round. LuPone comes forward to attack and takes a pair of jabs from de Barros, he throws a quick one-two but doesn't land either blow. Into the final minute of the round, LuPone is off-target with a jab but hits a kick to the leg. de Barros lands a right jab and also scores with a great left hook. LuPone steps forward and a striking exchange begins as de Barros hits two counter right hands. LuPone throws a quick one-two but doesn't land either blow as time runs out on the opening round. As expected, the heavy favourite de Barros is looking comfortable thus far. He looks very confident as he talks to his team. We are back underway, LuPone comes forward on the attack and de Barros scores with two counter jabs, then dodges two quick punches. LuPone misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. de Barros attacks with a right jab and a left hand to the body that is too short. Moving forward constantly, LuPone is pressuring de Barros but also takes hits, this time de Barros fires off a counter jab. LuPone throws a two-punch combo but de Barros avoids both as we move into the second half of this round. Strikes are exchanged and then with about half a minute left in the round, de Barros completes a takedown, it's a single leg that leaves LuPone pulling guard. de Barros pounds away with left hands, but doesn't do much damage as LuPone calmly deals with them until the end of round two. And here we go, one last round! LuPone must be feeling the pressure, he comes forward to attack and eats two counter jabs. He throws a one-two, but de Barros was equal to it and missed a counter jab. LuPone throws another one-two, de Barros again was equal to it. LuPone moves inside, into the pocket, looking to pressure his opponent and throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. We move into the second half of this round as they stand and trade blows but neither can land anything damaging. LuPone misses a big right hook and leaves himself open to be countered with a jab and a low kick that can't connect. LuPone hits a left jab and then scores with a right cross, then the fight comes to an end as the time limit expires. Official Result: Guilherme 'Zoom' de Barros defeats 'The Dark Lord' Beau LuPone via Unanimous Decision [Great] Light Heavyweight Magno Peres Arruda (#8, 0-0, 10-4) VS Russel “Russel Mania” McPhee (#14 CR, 0-0, 20-8) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Arruda has an opening and counters a missed roundhouse kick with a left cross, then blocks a leg kick to counter with a pair of jabs that are followed by a low kick of his own. More striking that leads to nowhere, though there are some impressive moments like when Arruda doesn't connect with a left jab and its follow up high kick or McPhee missing with a big right hand. Past the halfway mark in this round, McPhee hits a left hand and Arruda answers with a left jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook. Final sixty seconds of this round, Arruda misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing McPhee to attack with a quick left jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect. Pressing his advantage, McPhee uses a left jab but misses with a right hand while Arruda lands a left jab and a right cross. A left jab from Arruda connects but he has a right hand absorbed on the gloves, creating a chance for McPhee to hit a left roundhouse kick to the body. Arruda counters the next right hand with a jab and a low kick that narrowly misses, then the bell rings to signal the end of the first round. Not the most exciting round we've ever seen, hopefully things will pick up in the next one. We are back underway and the two fighters engage. McPhee lands a left jab and also lands a low kick. Arruda hits a jab but has a right hand taken on the gloves. He misses a jab but scores with a right hook. McPhee hits a left jab but misses with a right hand. More unexciting strikes follow, the only highlight being Arruda's right cross right at the halfway mark of this round. It looks like this will be the case for the rest of round two, McPhee only hits a jab but fails to land a body kick while Arruda connects with a quick head kick, but it's a glancing blow and round two is brought to an end as time runs out. With one round left, McPhee realistically needs to stop his opponent in order to win. He's been receiving a lot more shots than he manages to land. There's the bell and the final round begins! The two fighters come forward and engage, McPhee scores with a left hook but Arruda uses a left jab and also launches a stiff head kick that finds its mark! McPhee collapses, that shot knocked him out! Official Result: Magno Peres Arruda defeats Russell 'Russell Mania' McPhee via Knock Out (Kick) [Decent] Knock Out of the Night Lightweight Rogelio Quesada (#6 CR, 0-0, 8-2) vs “The Jester” Ron Chuckle (#8 CR, 0-0, 8-2) A show of respect at the start of the fight, they touch gloves. Chuckle comes in, looking for a takedown and gets it! Quesada pulls guard. Chuckle throws several small strikes at Quesada, always keeping close body-to-body contact so that he has no space to work with. From the bottom, Quesada throws out some punches, but Chuckle leans back to avoid them. He is in control of the distance and in control of his opponent against the ground. Time slips away as Chuckle successfully keeps Quesada stuck against the ground for the remaining one minute of the round. Round two begins, both fighters seem to have the same idea and come together in a clinch. Chuckle aggressively gets to a dominant position and pins Quesada to the cage. He tries to maintain control via his wrestling skills, but Quesada works enough space that he can pull clear and circle out as they reset and trade a few strikes. Seeing his opponent about to shoot in, Quesada is smartened up by now and times it well to move in and start a clinch. With control of the clinch, Quesada gets the takedown and this time it’s Chuckle who pulls guard. Instead of smothering his opponent, Quesada pounds away but doesn't do much damage until he gets pushed back thanks to a butterfly guard as Chuckle quickly scrambles. He may regret that choice though, as it gives Quesada the perfect opportunity to come over the top and get side control! Quesada throws a few strikes, but they are without venom while Chuckle pulls half guard and round two ends as time expires. Chuckle dominated the first one but he’s been a one trick pony and Quesada was able to use it against him in the second, it all comes down to the final round. The fighters get in close and clinch and Chuckle manages to aggressively get a good position in the clinch, wrestling Quesada back until he’s stuck with his back to the cage. No smothering this time, Chuckle looks for a takedown by grabbing both his opponent's legs and trying to trip him to the mat! It's ugly as sin, but Quesada does end up on the ground. He is turtled up on his hands and knees, Chuckle on top and facing him. Chuckle pounds away with rights and Quesada is eating some heavy shots! Chuckle fires away with punches, but Quesada doesn't take any undue damage and is too quick when he attempts to get back. Another clinch as we move into the second half of this round, Chuckle is the aggressor and trying to push Quesada so that his back is up against the cage, but Quesada isn't going anywhere. Chuckle adjust and opts for a takedown, which he completes successfully and Quesada pulls half guard. Chuckle throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath with less than a minute left to go. Quesada jumps on the opportunity and bursts into life as he tries to scramble into a better position, but there wasn't enough separation, Chuckle is able to catch him and secure side control. None of his blows land with any degree of power though and the timer runs out. Official Result: 'The Jester' Ron Chuckle defeats Rogelio Quesada viaUnanimous Decision [Good] Heavyweight Fletcher “The Drummer” Merman (#6 CR, 0-0, 13-3) vs Sergio do Vale (#7 CR, 0-0, 9-4) Both men are Heavyweights, but do Vale enjoys a significant weight advantage over his opponent. Let’s see if he can use it in his favor. They touch gloves to show respect and step in to strike. do Vale misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Merman to attack with a jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect. Merman’s following right hand is taken on the gloves, do Vale finds his right cross blocked, both men still going defensively as they try to spot weaknesses in each other’s game. Merman attacks with strikes., do Vale manages a counter jab but then Merman lands a left hand and then he scores with a right cross, first few good shots so far. His confidence boosted, Merman tries a right hook but misses. He is lucky though because do Vale’s response is off target and his right hand is taken on the gloves. Halfway mark in this round with things looking quite even. An exchange of strikes happens right in the center of the cage but neither fighter lands anything good. do Vale lands a left jab but has a right hand taken on the gloves, Merman scores with a brace of jabs and also scores with a right hook. He presses his momentary advantage as he comes forward to attack. do Vale tries to maintain distance with a counter left hand, Merman takes it and can't connect with a jab, but then he lands a right hand. do Vale uses a left jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook. Merman finds a way past his opponent's guard and lands a sharp one-two, it looks like he’s faring better in the opening round. Helands a left hook to the body, do Vale throws a left jab wide but connects cleanly with a right hand and the bell rings. Round two begins, do Vale comes forward, willing to take a few shots as long as he can get close enough to wrestle. Looks like he’s changing his approach, a stand up striking exchange hasn’t done him any favors so far. Merman hits a left jab and then hits a nice straight right. do Vale appears to have suffered a gash under his eye! Merman comes forward looking to force a striking exchange and steps into the pocket, avoiding a jab on the way in order to land a jab, hen he hits a nice straight right. Merman stalks forward, pressuring do Vale, who misses with a left hand in the exchange. Merman hits a left hand but do Vale avoids a big right. Merman comes forward again, do Vale fires off a counter jab, then a jab hits home from Merman and then he hits a nice straight right. He's been in control since the start, but he's slowing just a little as he starts to get into the gas tank a bit as we move into the second half of this round. Both fighters meet in the center, Merman slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect. do Vale misses a right hook and leaves himself open to be countered with a left jab and a right cross, then we move into the final sixty seconds of this round. For the first time, do Vale is also starting to breathe a little heavier, this might come down to stamina after all. do Vale scores with a jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook, Merman lands a left jab and a right cross, then a one-two. do Vale hits a jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook. Hang on, the clock is stopped as referee Brent Keith wants to check the cut on do Vale. The ringside doctor examines the cut... and signals that it isn't a fight ender. The fight recommences! They come together again and strike with just ten seconds left on the clock, Merman lands a left jab but has a right hand blocked. do Vale doesn't connect with a left jab but scores with a great right hook and time runs out. There's the bell for the start of the final round, Merman comes forward to attack. do Vale hits a pair of jabs in the exchange while Merman can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then he scores with a right cross. Looking very tired, Merman clinches to try and buy some recovery time. do Vale gets control of the clinch though and tries to complete a takedown. It doesn't work, Merman blocked it and then takes control of the grapple! He tries to take do Vale down and his is successful, he is now on top of a turtled up do Vale. Merman pounds away with rights, a couple of heavy shots get through and rock do Vale but then the rest of his punches but do minimal damage. Moving quickly, do Vale scrambles but mistakenly leaves his back exposed and Merman seizes the chance to take it! do Vale is in huge trouble now, as Merman successfully gets both hooks in with an entire minute of the round remaining. Merman pounds away on do Vale, but few of the shots lands clean and he looks very tired out there. Exhausted but with both hooks in, Merman tries to flatten do Vale out for the rear naked choke. The rear naked choke is fully applied, Merman has do Vale flattened out completely, there is no option but to tap out! Official Result: Fletcher 'The Drummer' Merman defeats Sergio do Vale via Submission (Rear Naked Choke) [Good] Submission of the Night DUMMA Welterweight title match Procopio “Porco” Golias (#1, CR, 0-0, 16-6) vs Piotr Dabrowski (#2 CR, 0-0, 19-8) Dabrowski will enjoy a 6” reach advantage tonight, but Golias is still the big favourite to win the belt. An offer to touch gloves is completely ignored by Golias! Golias had looked like he was angling to grapple, but couldn't take the initiative. Dabrowski can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then lands a right hand. The scene replays and after taking another right, Golias is able to clinch with Dabrowski, muscling him with his back to the cage. The gruelling grappling contest continues for the next sixty seconds with both fighters looking to avoid leaving any openings. Dabrowski still gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh, more smothering follows until Dabrowski wrestles free and circles back to the center with less than twenty seconds left on the clock. Golias, wanting to grapple, comes forward. He appears willing to risk a few shots to close the distance. A jab is wide from Dabrowski, but then he hits a nice straight right. Golias takes it nonchallantly and seizes the chance to grab Dabrowski into a clinch, pushing him against the cage again until the end of the round. Golias looks very happy with that first round. He is certainly living up to position as being the heavy favourite to win this fight, even if he seems content to just control his opponent and score points instead of going for a clean finish. It's going to be a real uphill struggle for Dabrowski from this point onward, especially if he can't put some stopping power behind his shots. Round two begins, Dabrowski throws a quick punch but doesn't land. Golias gets hold of Dabrowski and backs him up against the cage once more. Golias hits a knee strike to the thigh and uses dirty boxing to punish Dabrowski while he is pressed up against the cage, taking some breaks to maintain control and smother him. The next minute or so sees them engage in close-quarters dirty boxing and with no real progress being made, referee Michael Robertson separates them. A jab hits home from Dabrowski and then he hits a nice straight right. Golias appears to have suffered a gash under his eye! This eats up some time and with just a few seconds left, Dabrowski comes in looking to strike and connects with a jab, but his big right hand follow-up misses. The cut man tries to stop the bleeding for Golias in between rounds. And here we go, round three! Remember, title fights and main events can go up to five if needed. Dabrowski can't hit a set-up left jab, but then hits Golias with a straight right. He throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either, then Golias aggressively comes forward, willing to risk getting hit so that he can grapple. Dabrowski fends him off as he lands a left hand and then hits Golias with a straight right. That last shot has re-opened the cut under the eye of Golias! Dabrowski moves in closer, ready to attack and throws a punch but Golias avoids it. For the first time, Dabrowski is starting to breathe a little heavier, all the smothering seems to be paying off now. Dabrowski uses a left jab, but his big right hand follow-up misses and Golias is able to grab him as we pass the halfway mark in this round. No doubt Golias is the better wrestler here, once more he pins his opponent against the cage but Dabrowski has seen this before and uses his wrestling skills to prevent Golias from getting the space to throw any knees. Using tight body-to-body control, Golias is slowly wearing Dabrowski down by pressing him up against the cage and leaning all of his weight on him. The rest of the round sees them remain there, hitting each other with short punches to the body and side of the head till the end of the round. Bleeding, Golias is attended to by the cut man between rounds. And here we go, round four! Dabrowski lands a jab and then hits Golias with a straight right. He moves in closer, looking to open up and attack. Golias probably wanted to exploit the shortening of the distance but Dabrowski aggressively took the initiative and hits a left jab and then scores with a right cross. Dabrowski can't connect with a jab, but then scores with a right cross. Golias finally gets hold of Dabrowski without taking too much damage and hits him with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling right at the halfway mark in this round. This continues for the next thirty or so seconds, until Golias tries to push Dabrowski so that his back is up against the cage but Dabrowski isn't going anywhere. Golias adjusts and tries to throw some close-range strikes as they grapple, but the attempts are smothered by Dabrowski. Another attempt by Golias sees him pin his opponent against the cage with thirty seconds on the clock. A quick elbow gets past Dabrowski's defences and round four ends. It all comes down to the final round! There's the bell for the start of the final round, Dabrowski throws a quick punch but doesn't land. With a clear opportunity, Golias is able to move in fast and clinch with Dabrowski. He hits him with some short strikes to the side of the head while grappling and a big knee strike to the body from the grapple. Golias then tries to push Dabrowski so that his back is up against the cage and does it, topping it off with a foot stomp. There's more smothering and a quick elbow strike, followed by dirty boxing, but Dabrowski is aware of the danger and uses wrestling to prevent any damage from happening. Golias sticks to dirty boxing and hammers another foot stomp, but his opponent's wrestling skills prevent any damage from happening. The lengthy period of stalemate results in referee Michael Robertson separating them. There's only two seconds to go though and Dabrowski merely lands a jab and a right cross before the fight ends. Official Result: Procopio 'Porco' Golias defeats Piotr Dabrowski for the DUMMA Welterweight title via Unanimous Decision [Decent]
  22. Sendai, Japan. Second Thursday of March 2020 "I'm a stranger in a foreign land, how the hell do you expect me to just 'sort things out' you idiot?" The noise of the arguing greeted me before the visual itself did. Widow was furious but Takami seemed indifferent, almost as if testing her patience. This could come into blows quick if I did not intervene. "She scratched her rental car while trying to park and won't pay up for the damage" Assassin #1 briefed me in, always one to circle drama like a vulture. Being bilingual was a blessing as much as it was a curse with this one. "Alright, that's pretty damn easy to fix, you caused the damage, you pay for it. Why the hell do I need to get involved in this, you're not children" I said, already sounding like a defeated parent. "Car's in her name, so if she doesn't give it back same as she picked it up, it's her they'll ask to fix things" I immediately got Takami's nonchallant response. The nerve on this one! Already I was starting to think if putting the strap on her was a good idea, if it was going to inflate her ego like this. "Well guess what, if you're not diving into your pockets, I am" I snapped back at her. "It's coming out of your pay tonight and I'll hand you the difference." "Like hell I am!" Takami said standing up to get in my face. I'd take that fury over her indifference, if I'm honest. "Not up to you, I'm afraid" I retorted. "You'll get what you're given and if you want to continue getting paid, I'd suggest you drive more carefully and own up to your shit." Over Takami's shoulder, I could see Widow smile. Can't have everyone be happy, but at least I felt like I'd made the fair call here. "Well at least if she's gone, you know you have a reliable worker to fall back as your champion" I heard Rika's voice from my left side. I turned around and stared daggers at her. As if I hadn't been wound up enough. Was she truly that oblivious at reading situations? "Not to take anything away from Takami, she's solid in that ring, but the attitude... tsk tsk tsk." she continued. "This place needs people who can actually wrestle. Barb wire stunts will lose their shock value sooner or later and when that happens, you can't rely on spot monkeys like Naoko here..." Majima was already frothing at the mouth, an apt reaction for someone bearing the "Mad Dog" moniker. Sometimes I'd wonder if she even had a gimmick or she was being her actual self inside the ring. Either way, I had to shut this down, fast. "Did I make you booker?" I asked Rika. "Must have taken a real nasty hit to the head if that happened, because I don't seem to remember putting you in such a position." Pretty sure she was going to miss the irony there, thick headed as she was. "If I need your opinion, I'll ask for it, Rika. Till then, your default mode should be 'shut up and respect the coworkers' alright?" What'd I miss?" "****ing hell, Fujiko!" I was, officially, fed up by this point. "I have enough shit to deal with already, can you at least try to be a pro and show up on time?" "Roger that, boss." She gave me a wink and a thumbs up. I threw my hands in the air and walked away. I had a show to do and a match to prepare, but as I walked away, I barely overheard one last parting comment, directed towards no one in particular... "Hammer's swung lighter if you're the boss' pal, I guess, huh?"
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