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Dave E Mac

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Posts posted by Dave E Mac

  1. As much as USPW tends to get described as the "land of the giants" in the fluff, 21CW's right behind them at worst... even with the Ivanoff's leaving and Patterson retiring you've still got seven guys classed as "big heavyweights" on your starting roster (six of whom have menace 85+ and so firmly fit into the monster role) while you have seven other heavyweights with a menace over 80. Literally 25% of your active roster are heavyweights or higher with high menace scores.


    I personally like one or two monsters to push on a roster. The issue with 21CW is with so many some of them have to lose. Which I guess is wrestling. But it’s hard as what makes some of those big guys who lose any different to the monsters I am pushing. I normally end up making those big guys who are losing bumbling idiots as how else could you be that big and lose?

  2. Also mega cheating for some. But my gm was a user created character. Cindy Smitten. An English wrestling mega fan. She came to fame on the hit reality show “Made in Essex”. Seen by many as just another ditzy blonde, it became clear she was much more than just sex on legs. With a fine business head on her shoulders she was intelligent enough to realise she could use her good looks to get where she wanted to go quicker in life. Jeff Nova used his media contacts to bring her in to try and bring a few more mainstream eyes on the product. Deliberately pretending to be ignorant of who many of the heels are drove them mad and won her many fans. Eventually she rose to the role of GM antagonising the Cornell’s or “Timmy and the other one” as she’d often refer to them as, much to their displeasure.
  3. <p>Can I just say 21cw is an absolutely brilliant place to start with TEW. It’s a fantastic size for getting to grips with a bigger fed but without bad many pressures. Honestly had the time of my life booking the Cornell’s in 16. They ran the place until Tommy’s ego being the greatest of all time drove everyone close away from him and turning Ed face for them to feud.</p><p> </p><p>

    I also had Mike Adonis run a great Brexit gimmick with a stable of British ‘n’ Powerful where basically he’d call out foreign wrestlers for coming to this country and stealing the beating he planned on giving from British wrestlers. That was great fun. I suppose being a Brit I found quite a lot of tongue in cheek comedy from running it. But at the same time you can experiment without the pressure of other feds on your shoulders. And with tommy he’s basically your ace in the hole making sure you get decent ratings if all else fails! My only critic of 21cw is the sheer number of big guys to push. My preference is to have one or two monsters on the roster but they are blessed with a few.</p>

  4. I agree with both of you; so far 2020 feels much more like a mechanical update (i.e. how you play the game) then a story/lore/c-verse based one for 21CW. It seems each edition there's been a couple of big moments for 21CW (notably Dark Angel and Tommy Cornell joing in 2013 and 2016 respectively) and there's no equivalent this time around; all the changes seem pretty marginal at best. I mean, that's certainly not the end of the world and if I hadn't played so much 21CW in previous years then all the stuff that made me fall in love with them is obviously still there... but I have played with them for years.


    Perhaps it's simply the TEW Gods telling me it's time to try out somewhere new...


    I've only recently grown to enjoy 21CW, so it feels a bit of a let down its not changed a super huge amount in this space of time. Those that have done well are no surprises either. I'll probably give it another go. I tend to enjoy turning Ed face rather than Tommy, so should be interesting to play out for a bit. But maybe its the same for me I should try something a bit different.

  5. Despite writing as much as I have above, it may be apparent that I'm actually struggling to find that much that excites me about 21CW this go around. That doesn't mean that my points above aren't correct; 21CW is still a great promotion for people new to the C-Verse or running a larger company to cut their teeth on and with the varied roster (both if terms of skills and characters) there should be something that catches your interest. It's very much a "me" problem; put simply 21CW hasn't changed a vast amount since the 2016 and because I play 21CW so much and so often do long-term saves with them I seem to have basically done almost everything already.


    Take the starting storylines for example. While the context for it might have been slightly different I've run a face Tommy Cornell against a heel Edward Cornell a bunch of times already. I've had Faust leading a stable of monster heels in almost all my saves and while I tended to have them slightly higher up the card I have run storylines pitting them against rising stars. I've elevated Leigh Burton to the main event scene repeatedly (although I've normally used Hot Stuff rather than Luke Cool as his foil) and with Muckletruck and War Machine in the Three Man Army storyline I can't help but have my mind go back to the Muckletruck vs Jeff Nova storyline I ran last time, even if the supporting cast is different. The only fairly new storyline is Apollo vs DBF but the description of it is so vague and generic that I'm struggling to generate much excitement.


    That feeling extends beyond the storylines to the state of the roster as well. Everyone's basically where they were previously; Hot Stuff, Wade Orson and the aforementioned Burton on the verge of the main event, a strong tag team division where despite bio's talking about how well certain members will do if given a solo push I don't feel a huge inclination to do it at this point, lots of talented but somewhat raw prospects to develop etc etc. Speaking of raw prospects, the new signings don't do a huge amount for me, simply because I've seen almost all of them before during those long games I played previously. In some cases that's literal; the NSW graduates are the same NSW graduates that were in the database last time and even a new character like Ruin... who does have a cool backstory... seems to be a retread: he's a young, monster heel who you can either fully develop (like I've done with the host of other young, monster heels 21CW has had over the years, notably Gravedigger who is still basically in the same role) or use his elevated popularity and ability to get it back to get other workers over by having him be a monster-of-the-month who they defeat (see Nightmare and to some extent Danny Patterson). Sebastian Koller being really close to the main event is nice but hardly exciting and honestly, the only things that do get my mind working when I look at 21CW itself are Harry Wilson becoming Antithesis and Leigh Burton... who I'd always had as a pretty white meat babyface... becoming a sociopathic heel without a clear explanation which does make my mind fill in the gaps in a good way. Unfortunately because the upper part of the card is pretty heel heavy (and the Burton vs Cool feud is already heel vs heel which kinda sucks) he likely has to become a face pretty quickly just to even the numbers up.


    21CW's position in the wrestling world is also basically the same which leaves me struggling for motivation somewhat. In 2016 21CW were dominant in the UK with no legitimate challengers and primed for European expansion and in 2020 they're dominant in the UK with no legitimate challengers (I don't think USPW simply being on Reverie counts) and primed for European expansion. I've done European expansion already, I've built my stars popularity in Europe, I've done angles introducing the big European stars as I borrowed and/or stole them from other promotions... it's hard to get excited about doing it again, especially when 21CW are less popular in Europe then they were four years ago, meaning more of a grind.


    But what has excited me?




    Does it feel somewhat like cheating to look at RAW's roster, realise everyone but Swoop is on handshake deals, realise that their biggest stars can be signed for around $6,000 a month (a tiny amount you normally pay to your openers) on a written deal, realise that no-one has yet said "no" to me asking them to work in the British Isles and thus basically signing RAW's entire main event and upper midcard scene? Yes. Do they all start with popularity 0 in the British Isles and thus I'll have to spend some time building them up? Absolutely.


    But an Aussie invasion (complete of course with wrestling's take on the Ashes and backed by decades of sporting rivalry) is probably the only thing that's really made my imagination get going so far and expanding to Australia is an interesting challenge even if I am handicapping the main opposition by taking their stars. Is it going to be a slow burn process considering you start at 15 popularity over there and your current broadcasting deal only has tiny coverage? Yes. But the three years I have left on the UKB Prime deal (or less if I make enough money to justify a buyout) not only gives me something to aim towards, it also allows Reverie alternative CommPlanet to come into being or, alternatively, me to build up enough of a warchest to setup my own subscription service.


    I'm kind of the same. I really got into 21CW towards the end of 16. I was a bit surprised when firing up the demo theres no real clutch my pearls kind of moments looking at them. Still dominating the UK, no challengers. Roster is by and large the same, no one seems to have become a real break out star from it. Maybe I just need to give it a bit longer to get into it. But feels like not much has gone on.

  6. How dare people book how they want in this booking simulator.


    It’s a sand box simulator providing you do exactly what i want.


    I’m surprised time decline has gone. I for one used the creative meeting as like an overview of my company. Like a bite size quick look. I always imagined the creative meeting was essentially me sitting down with my right hand man. We’ve got a few minutes and he’s giving me an overview of what’s going on. Personally I think the next big thing is more harmful. Each time decline person I’d judge on an individual basis. Can they be used in a tag team, do they have one last big run in them? Next big thing is getting a monster push regardless.

  7. I'm also on the fence. I like the story and database in the new one, but i'm not sure I love the new version, particularity how the game basically forces you to book one way or get hammered, unless you just turn of penalties.


    I'm waiting to see what the final patches bring prior to retail, but right now I might be holding off and playing some more 2016.


    I don’t mean to hijack this. But what do you mean by booking in one way. I’ve had a little fiddle with the demo but seen so many negatives (and I’m not a huge fan of the UI) that I planned on waiting for the full release.

  8. I was wondering how you go about evaluating talent?


    Ever since I played EWR 4.2 I never really got used to the multiple ratings.


    Coming from FIFA or the EA Football Manager games one always had one "Overall Rating" that made comparison quite easy. Now with having multiple skills rating its harder for me to evaluate talent so I was wondering how you guys go about it and how you keep developing talent?


    Its harder with TEW than those games as different companies place higher values on different skills. So an amazing technical wrestler with no charisma wont be as much use in WWE for example. So its worth looking at what product your company has and then focusing on the stats that mean the most to them.

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Brushfire" data-cite="Brushfire" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I didn't think so! Any idea if it's a limitation of the coding or would be more trouble than it's worth? If not I might post it in the Suggestions section..</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What difference does it make?</p>
  10. Would be interested in hearing the argument for allowing diaries from other sites to be included in DOTM here. I believe it got pretty comfortably voted against last month but I suppose it makes sense to keep it in the poll in case some people missed it then.


    My thinking is it's best all round to have 1 central hub for all TEW diaries, that way you get all the best content without having to check numerous sites. I have no doubt that there's plenty of great diaries that aren't posting on here, but realistically you're not going to get most people visiting numerous sites so the polls won't be representative of the voters.


    I'm also sure everyone has their reasons for posting elsewhere but if somebody was posting somewhere but wanted to be included in DOTM it wouldn't be hard at all for them to just cross post and have a thread with links up. Many writers at the moment (Eisen-verse, myself, 20LEgend) are posting shows in other formats (pdf/youtube etc) but still posting it here.


    Personally I just think these forums are strongest when you have a decent amount of good quality diaries posting here. That way you have people reading each others, commenting on each others diaries and just in general there's more of a community. So whilst including other sites diaries into DOTM doesn't do anything directly to harm that, ideally anything that encourages people to post on GDS is a good thing, and if people want to be a part of DOTM then that's a good draw for this forum that should be protected.


    I suppose the issue with including diaries from other sites for me would be there is a great load of content on here which I don't get to read. I couldn't really vote for stuff on other sites.


    Personally I post my diary on a couple of facebook groups which I'm 99% sure alot of the members on here are part of. But thats mainly because I get alot more feedback on facebook and booking ideas from people than I do here.

  11. I use him to push my lower and midcarders. Usually a tag team. I had them feuding with the Hart Foundation. I had Davey Boy turn on Owen in a tag match and had Neidhart turn on Bret against Ted for the IC belt. Neidhart had been stolen from WWF to keep Ted from cheating but everyone has their price! Set up great tag matches and singles for awhile for me.


    I’ve been doing my long term planning today and trying to do something similar in having Ted associated with a tag team. I’ve actually discovered an odd pair that have really good chemistry and are both late 20’s. So would be perfect to have DiBiase mentoring them in a way. I’ve got a fairly cool way of bringing them together as well. I quite like playing early 90’s mods as I think in encourages long term planning as that’s how it was back then. Feuds lasted months, even years. I find playing current day mods I end up doing the standard four week build to a ppv match and maybe stretch it to three months at most. But I find that really stunts any character development. You are just cramming as much in to build towards that one match. Where as early 90’s it was almost about teasing that big one on one encounter for as long as possible.

  12. Ted is a beast in the ring. I had him create the Million Dollar Corporation and they feuded with the Hart Foundation and then had Davey Boy and Neidheart turn on Bret and Owen. So many highly rated matches from that group.


    I'm a big fan of Ted's mainly because even now he seems like a decent guy. I follow him on social media and so many of those old wrestlers are just a mess now a days, but he seems to live a pretty happy life.

    Also I love the fact back in the old days he was basically given a budget to live like a million to keep the gimmick legit. So I just love the idea of him walking into a bar and buying everyone drinks and stuff like that. What a job, get to pretend to be a millionaire.


    I do like the idea of creating him a stable, as I think he really has alot to offer as a mouth piece, but also think he's the type of guy who needs to be protected from wrestling too often. There's no major rush, but I am looking at a neat way to split the Hart Foundation as there will obviously be a Bret Hart singles run sooner rather than later!

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="neslo024" data-cite="neslo024" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46792" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great show. Really enjoyed the rumble. Set up a nice snake vs take feud and I always love a heel win. Ted and Davey Boy should be able to have some great matches against each other.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Cheers for taking the time to read and glad you enjoyed it. I’m hoping to make something quite interesting from Bulldog and DiBiase <span class="ipsEmoji">👍</span></p>
  14. Following the Royal Rumble here is what the prediction table is looking like. Once we hit Wrestlemania the top three all get the chance to choose the challenger for the Heavyweight, Intercontinental and Tag Team title belts.


    Prediction Table


    1 - Munit - 10 (7 from the Rumble)

    2 - BHK1978 - 7 (7 from the Rumble)

    3 - Levinux - 5

    4 - Bigelow Cartwheel - 4

    5 - Neslo024 - 4 (4 from the Rumble)

    6 - Smasher1311 - 4 (4 from the Rumble)

    7 - Morti - 3

    8 - Christmas_ape - 3


    Thanks for getting involved!

  15. gqt4o6W.jpg

    WWF Royal Rumble ‘91

    Sunday Week 4 January 1991

    Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez (Puerto Rico)

    Attendance - 15,000 (sell out)

    Broadcasting Rating - 4.30

    The sellout crowd were going wild as the evenings announce team of Gorilla Monsoon, Lord Alfred Hayes and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper introduced the show. Running down the card from the World title match between Earthquake and the Ultimate Warrior, the grudge match between Sgt Slaughter and Hulk Hogan, and of course the 30 man over the top Royal Rumble! [87]

    The Hart Foundation (Bret “Hitman” Hart & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) © V Demolition (Crush & Smash)

    WWF World Tag Team Title Match


    Hayes -Well gentleman let me tell you I think we are in for quite a battle between these four men. With the technical brilliance of The Hitman and power of Neidhart it’ll be interesting to see if they can overcome the two powerhouses in Demolition and keep their tag team titles.


    In the early exchanges The Hart Foundation took advantage with all four men in the ring. Sending both Crush and Smash to the outside the team in pink and black were able to enjoy the appreciation of the fans for a moment who were going wild for the tag team champs. After a spell of dominance eventually Crush took the upper hand with Hart and the challengers, with a series of quick tags took advantage of The Hitman.


    Monsoon -Well it looks like it could be all over here for the Hart Foundation. Demolition are really doing a number on them here!


    But a moment of lapsed concentration allowed Bret to hit Smash with a clothesline and both men were down trying to get to their partners! The fans went crazy as Smash tagged out just as Hart reached The Anvil and made the tag as well. Neidhart came in and delivered shoulder tackles to both men and eventually a double clothesline took both of Demolition out of the ring. A recovered Bret rolled Crush back into the ring and a Hart Attack and three count later and the Hart Foundation retained their tag team gold! [69]

    Dustin & Dustin Rhodes V The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) w/Jimmy Hart


    Piper -Well Monsoon I don’t know why but the Nasty Boys haven’t been happy that The American Dream and his boy have been here in the WWF. I hope the Rhodes family teach these idiots a lesson tonight!


    It was the young Rhodes boy who was showcasing his burgeoning skills, a beautiful drop kick sent Sags through the ropes and a forearm smash from Dusty sent Knobbs tumbling back into his corner with a look on his face that perhaps they were regretting picking this fight!


    Hayes -Well would you look at that. It just goes to show you if you it’s probably not the best idea to pick a fight with wrestling royalty like the Rhodes family!


    The American Dream continued to toss Knobbs around the ring, using his own unique offence, constantly teasing a bionic elbow on both Nasty Boys. It was once his son Dustin was tagged in and a thumb to the eye behind the referees back to the displeasure of the crowd that finally the Nasty’s took advantage. Constantly goading Dusty into the ring, the referee would restrain him and Knobbs and Sags would take advantage choking the youngster.


    Monsoon -Come on taking advantage like this is pathetic, the Nasty Boys seem to be happy to win this match by any means necessary.


    On the outside Jimmy Hart was constantly barking encouragement to his team as they continue to double team the young lad. Dusty was left on the outside looking concerned for his boy as the beating continued. The Nasty Boys kept going for the pin, but with a never say die attitude, and to their annoyance, Dustin kept getting his shoulder up at the last moment. Eventually the tide turned, ducking a wild right hand by Sags, Dustin taking a note out of his Father’s play book hit an elbow sending him to the floor. Showing no regards to the rules Knobbs came in to take advantage, but Dustin ducked the attempted clothesline and hit a neck breaker leaving both Nasty Boys laid out. The fans were going wild as Dusty was encouraging his boy to crawl over and make the tag. Dusty was bouncing up and down in the corner, pounding the turnbuckle as his son got closer and closer until…...TAG!!! The American Dream was in and he had the Nasty Boys in his sites! But no! The boos rung out as Jimmy Hart was on the apron gesturing to the referee whose back was turned and did not see Dustin make the tag! The official forced Dusty back out of the ring and his disappointment turned into anger at Jimmy Hart who he jumped down to chase around the ring. But taking his eye off the action inside the ring Sags with schoolboy and a handful of tights got the three count and a victory for the Nasty Boys! [65]

    Jimmy Hart skipped up the aisle like a school boy celebrating the victory with Dusty Rhodes still chasing him.


    Piper -Turn around Dream, turn around they’ve got your boy!!!


    The gesturing of the fans turned Dusty’s attention back to the ring, but it was too late. A beaten down Dustin had been dragged to his feet and was having his face rubbed in the sweaty, disgusting armpit of Brian Knobbs while they laughed loudly. Dustin ran back to the ring to try and save his boy, but the Nasty’s rolled to the outside and joined Jimmy Hart while Dusty tended to his battered and beaten boy.[77]

    Jimmy Snuka V Mr Perfect w/Bobby Heenan ©

    WWF Intercontinental Title Match


    Monsoon -Up next we have the Intercontinental title on the line as the champ Mr Perfect takes on Superfly Jimmy Snuka. And it seems Perfect has been rubbing people up the wrong way in the back as the boys have all chipped in and there is $50,000 on the line for the first person who can pin him and finally shut him up once and for all!


    Perfect came out second and Bobby Heenan had a large cheque with him, written out for $50,000 dollars, signed by “The Chumps in the Back” and the name was left blank. Snuka eyed it furiously, clearly desperate for the chance to finally put Perfect in his place.


    It was a fast paced match with both men starting off with a technical exchange, which was somewhat unusual from Snuka, however he was able to hold his own against Perfect. Heenan on the outside was constantly telling his man he was fine and to keep cool. However the words were in vein as Snuka took the early advantage after a technical start he went for a more basic attack with clubbing forearms to the back of Perfect’s head and a vicious powerslam causing Perfect to roll out the ring and begin walking up the ramp as he was clearly fed up already! The crowd booed and Heenan had to chase after Henning and point out the cheque that was sitting in the corner. This seemed to be motivation enough to get Perfect back in the ring.


    Piper -You see that Monsoon, he doesn’t want Snuka getting that money!


    Although Perfect returned to the ring the momentum did not change as Snuka continued beating down the champion, irish whipping him from corner to corner and hitting many different maneuvers getting so many near falls. Eventually Perfect was down and Superfly climbed the turnbuckle for the big splash.


    Piper -This is it Monsoon! Do it for the money Snuka! Do it for the title Snuka! Do it for the boys in the back Snuka! Just do it to shut Perfect’s mouth!!


    As graceful as he’d ever done Superfly flew through the air and crashed to the mat! Perfect had rolled out of the way. Jimmy staggered to his feet with the wind clearly knocked out of him, and with lighting speed Perfect was on his feet and hooking the veterans head and neck and hit the Perfectplex, 1,2,3! And Perfect retained his title and that money goes unclaimed! [79]

    Snuka sat in the corner looking dejected as Heenan and Perfect celebrated in the ring holding the Intercontinental title high in the air! Perfect called for a microphone.


    Perfect -Sorry Snuka looks like you’ll have to keep on begging for money for a new pair of shoes, and the boys in the back can sleep safe tonight knowing they don’t have to pay up 50 big ones. Actually this was so easy I’ll take on someone else.


    Heenan looked stunned and shook his head telling him not to do it.


    Perfect -No it’s fine, this was just a warm up I can take on someone else. Forget the title, someone come and get this cheque. Come on, send anyone else down to this ring now I’ll keep up my Perfect record! No, no, no you can stay here Snuka and watch another perfect performance, you can help the other bum to the back when I beat them.


    Perfect tossed the mic aside and waited, looking up the ramp waiting for a new challenger. After a few seconds the crowd went wild and Perfect looked puzzled as he could not see anyone coming down. But behind his back none other than Bobby Heenan had taken off his jacket and was starting to roll up his shirt sleeves with a determined look in his eye. Perfect turned around and burst into laughter.


    Perfect -You? You want to go one on one with Perfection? You want to try and win the fifty thousand?


    Heenen putting his fists up was nodding his head and the fans were going crazy. In the corner Snuka looked bemused, the referee looked bemused, from somewhere Heenan produced some wrestling headgear and was putting it on. Perfect still looked stunned but with a wry smile nodded his head and called for the referee to ring the bell!!


    Monsoon -I don’t believe it! It looks like Bobby Heenan is going to have a shot at this $50,000! Does this mean he’s cutting ties with Perfect!?!


    Both men circled each other in the ring. Perfect teased grabbing Heenan’s legs for a take down. Then with his trademark lightening speed Perfect dropped to the mat onto his back and Heenan dived on top of him. The referee looked confused as Perfect shouted at him to count, 1.2.3! And Heenan won! The fans were stunned, but soon this turned to boos as both Perfect and Heenan leapt to their feet and immediately Bobby grabbed the cheque. They stood in the ring with Bobby holding the cheque aloft and Perfect holding his title in the air. Bobby grabbed a microphone.


    Heenan -Hey Snuka you can tell the boys in the thanks for the 50 G’s. They’ll be the ones paying for our winners dinner this evening!


    Hayes -I think they’ve just hoodwinked the boys in the back just to win that money. I think Heenan and Perfect are one of the most despicable pairings in the WWF of all time. Disgusting behaviour from them here tonight.


    Both Perfect and Heenan walked to the back as the fans booed them carrying the title and cheque. [86]

    A video package showed detailing the rivalry between Sgt Slaughter and Hulk Hogan. Showing the introduction of Slaughter’s masked men AWOL and Slaughter’s new found hate for the USA and, in particular, the immortal Hulk Hogan![85]

    Hulk Hogan V Sgt Slaughter w/AWOL


    With both men in the ring the fans were going wild with HOGAN chants and Slaughter was shouting at them to stop while covering his ears. As the bell rung to start the match Hulk pointed to an American flag and gave it a thumbs up and this was a momentary lapse for Slaughter to take advantage, attacking Hogan from behind knocking him to the floor and putting the boots into Hulk’s ribs. Slaughter went for a quick cover to end the match early but Hogan easily kicked out. Sarge dragged Hulk up by his hair and continued his assault by slamming his head into the turnbuckle. When Hogan was on the mat Slaughter saluted the crowd and bellowed at them to stop their USA chants.


    Hayes -It looks to me gentleman that the support for Hulk Hogan is getting under Sgt Slaughter’s skin. But be that as it may he seems to be well and truly in charge here.


    Slaughter stayed on top, constantly going for pin fall attempts to put Hulk away, but was just unable to. Then Slaughter put Hogan in a sleeper hold and it looked as though Hulk was ready to pass out.


    Monsoon -That’s it guys Hulk’s arm has dropped twice, once more and this one is over and Slaughter has conquered American!


    As his hand went to hit the mat for the third time Hulk seemed to get a glimmer of hope as he kept it just from falling. The crowd went wild as Hogan seemed to draw strength from them. Making his way to his feet he landed elbows in Slaughter’s mid section causing him to break the hold. Hogan begun stomping around the ring, headshaking, and the fans were going wild. Sgt looked worried, shaking his own head in disblief, he land blows on Hulk that seemed to have no effect until Hulk stopped. Wide eyed the fans exploded as he pointed straight at Slaughter and started his own attack. Landing blow after blow knocking Slaughter to the mat. Clothesline after clothesline until Slaughter charged at Hulk and was hit with the big boot. Slaughter was out in the middle of the ring and the fans went ballistic as they knew it was the leg drop coming next. Hogan bounced off the rope but stopped in his tracks as Recruit J had jumped to the apron. Hogan looked around and pointed at him. Went over, fist back ready to knock him back down to the outside and just as he did on the opposite side Recruit B jumped up. Hogan stopped again, assessing his options. He pointed at J with his fist back, the crowd cheered. He pointed at B, fist back again and again the crowd cheered. Hogan went back and forth between the two until WHAM! From behind Slaughter hit him with a powerful double axe handle knocking him to the floor and in the middle of the ring he applied the Cobra Clutch to Hogan.


    Piper -This is it! He’s in the middle of the ring, there’s no way out for Hogan now, it just a matter of when he gives up not if!


    With the Cobra Clutch locked in Slaughter was leaning right back putting as much pressure on Hogan as possible. The fans were begging Hogan to hold out, they did not want to see the Real American give up. But Hulk was fading fast, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, Slaughter was barking at the official to ring the bell. Just as it seemed as though Hogan was out there was a spark of life he edged ever so slowly closer to the ropes. The fans went wild as against all the odds Hulk was moving at a snails pace towards the haven of the bottom rope. From what seemed like an impossible position Hogan made it to the ropes and his foot edge out and hooked the bottom rope. The arena went wild as referee Shane Stevens told Slaughter he had to break the hold. But he would not. Stevens begun his count. 1,2,3…..


    Hayes -Well he’s only got to the count of 5 or he’ll be disqualified!


    4…..5. Slaughter still would not let the hold go, Stevens tried to pull him off as the crowd booed but his gripe was too strong. Shane called for the bell.


    Monsoon -He’s ringing the bell I think he’s disqualified Slaughter for not breaking the hold![79]

    The bell was rung over and over again, but quick as a flash AWOL dived into the ring and started to beat Hogan down as well. All three men were putting the boots into Hulk over and over again. They finally dragged Hulk’s beaten body to the centre of the ring and stood above him to a wild chorus of boos while they mockingly saluted the crowd![95]

    In the back the British Bulldog was with Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart complimenting them on their victory earlier and preparing for his own Royal Rumble match. When Ted DiBiase walked in.


    DiBiase -Hey Davey Boy I just wanted to say thanks for agreeing to switch numbers with me in the Rumble. Heres your new number, good luck buddy.


    Ted clapped him on the back as he walked off.


    Hart -What?! You traded numbers with him Davey Boy? Why would you do that?


    Smith -Calm down Bret, me and Ted are friends now. I know what I’m doing. I know he’s going to be looking out for me out there tonight. Anyway wish me luck![77]


    The Bulldog walked off while both Bret and Jim looked at each other suspiciously shaking their heads.

    Royal Rumble Match

    Monsoon -Time for the Royal Rumble!! 30 men enter and only one man leaves. This is the one evening of the year when there are no friends and only foes! Lets find out those guys who drew number one and number two!

    Entrant #1 & Entrant #2

    Brian Pillman & Jim Duggan


    The Rumble started with a couple of fan favourites. Knowing there was a long road ahead for victory both men took the start quite slowly, with a few lock ups and head locks. But both men seemed to be waiting for the next entrant and with the fans counting down from ten the were soon joined.

    Entrant #3



    Joined by Bobby Heenan down came Haku to a chorus of boos and immediately took advantage by delivering nasty chops to the chest of both Duggan and Pillman knocking them to the floor. Haku dragged Hacksaw to his feet and tried to dump him over the top rope as the fourth entrant was about to join the match.

    Entrant #4

    Paul Roma


    Monsoon -One half of Power & Glory, Paul Roma is joining us next as Hacksaw is holding for his life. No friends, only enemies in the Royal Rumble, but what sort of force could Roma be if he’s joined by his partner Hercules?


    Sliding into the ring Roma immediately went to work on Pillman who was sat in the corner. On the opposite side of the ring to the delight of the fans Duggan had fought off Haku and was now dishing out his own punishment to a chorus of HOOOOOOOOOOOOOs from the crowd.

    Entrant #5

    Big Bossman


    HARD TIMES! The WWF’s resident law enforcement office The Big Bossman was down next, sprinting to the ring and delivering blows to all four men currently in the ring.


    Hayes -Well gentleman number 5 is not the ideal number to draw, but certainly The Bossman has to be an early favourite for this one with a whirlwind entrance like that!


    As the fans countdown from 10 for the next participant started there was the first elimination as Haku clotheslined Hacksaw Jim Duggan over the top rope.

    Entrant #6



    Tanaka, representing the Orient Express, entered the ring and came face to face with Haku, however he thought better of confronting him and went over to Brian Pillman and Big Bossman and stopped them from throwing Paul Roma out and took Pillman to the corner and started to work him over. Haku, from behind then tried to tip the Bossman out, but the blue shirt wearing policeman was able to grab hold of the ropes and prevent himself from being eliminated. Paul Roma crawled to the otherside of the ring and took a rest while the other competitors kept each other busy. But he was not alone long before another wrestler joined the fray.

    Entrant #7

    Nikolai Volkoff


    Volkoff walked to the ring slowly with a smile on his face hi fiving the fans as he ambled.


    Piper -Smart move from Volkoff there. In a match like this if you’re gunna win it you’re in there for a long time, so theres no point in rushing to the ring. Using his head here, I like it.


    As Nikolai entered the ring Haku dumped Paul Roma over the top rope and to the floor. Volkoff and Haku went face to face to loud cheers and finally the two men came to blows, both trying to lift the other man towards the ropes for elimination.


    Monsoon -Two big men going toe to toe here, this is what the Royal Rumble is all about!


    As they carried on with their tussle the next man was coming down the aisle.

    Entrant #8

    Barry Hardy


    Monsoon -Barry Hardy coming down here with Brother Love. The fans might like Hardy, but if I’m honest I don’t fancy his chances here tonight.


    With Brian Pillman, Tanaka, Haku, Big Bossman, Nikolai Volkoff still in the ring, Hardy joined the fray and the ring was quickly beginning to fill up. Tanaka and Haku joined forces at this point and took on Hardy and tried to get the latest man to join out early on.

    Entrant #9

    Greg Valentine


    Out next was yet another fan favourite, and Valentine joined forces with Bossman and Brian Pillman in trying to throw Haku over the top rope.


    Hayes -It seems, and I’d have to agree with them, that Haku has been identified as the biggest threat in the ring at the moment. He’s been having his way with almost everyone in the ring thus far and they seem to have quite frankly had enough.


    Although the trio got Haku up and over the top he managed to land on the apron and roll back inside and carry on with his path of destruction.

    Entrant #10

    Jim Powers


    Jim Powers came down to the ring and immediately attacked Haku and joined in trying to eliminate him, but over the other side of the ring Tanaka back dropped a charging Barry Hardy over the top rope and to the outside for another elimination. Powers battle with Haku didn’t end well as he was thrown unceremoniously over the top and Jim’s time in the Rumble was a short lived one.

    Entrant #11

    Dino Bravo


    Veteran Dino Bravo was the 11th man to enter the Rumble. Immediately putting his vicious style to good work. Showing no interest in making friends with anyone he went around attacking each of the existing participants one by one before settling on trying to put out the man who had been in there the longest, Brian Pillman.

    Entrant #12

    Bushwhacker Luke


    The fans erupted as Luke came out and was stopping to hug, high five and even lick the fans at ringside. Striding a couple of laps around the outside of the ring to make sure he greeted each fan. He finally made his way into the match everyone wanted to avoid him and his crazed stomping around the ring. Until finally Haku delivered a super kick knocking him to the ground to the displeasure of the crowd.


    Monsoon -Up next unlucky number 13…….

    Entrant #13

    The British Bulldog


    Hayes -I do not believe it! That snake Ted DiBiase swapped his number 13 with the Bulldog. Well this seems like an outrage, heaven only knows what number the Million Dollar Man will be coming in now.


    But the Bulldog did not seem to mind his new found early entry into the match. Tanaka had the first encounter with him and in an amazing show of strength he pressed slammed him above his head before taking on Haku in the corner immediately trying to heave him out over the top rope.

    Entrant #14

    Bushwhacker Butch


    And for the first time in the match we had a tag team to join forces, The Bushwhackers! Butch and Luke immediately took advantage of their new found numbers advantage and went around using their battering ram move on everyone in the ring. Butch’s head was being rammed into everyones mid section, knocking them to the floor and they were able to enjoy the fans appreciation.

    Entrant #15

    The Mountie


    Half way through the match and with the Mountie entering there was now 11 men in the ring and things were getting crowded! The Bushwhackers continued to run wild in the ring, using all of their usual tactics which included biting on Haku. Over in the corner Brian Pillman was hanging on while Tanaka was close to getting him over the top as the fans started to count down from 10 for the next man.

    Entrant #16



    Monsoon -Well business is about to pick up as here is a power house coming into this match, it’s going to take a huge effort to get Atlas out here!


    As Atlas came into the ring he came face to face with another powerhouse in British Bulldog, there was duelling chants for the two fan favourites. But before they could even come to blows Nikolai Volkoff from behind with a handful of tights tossed Atlas back out of the ring over the top rope back to where he came!! The fans looked stunned as Volkoff gave an almost embarrassed shrug of his shoulders to the fans. At almost the same time at the other side of the ring Greg Valentine threw Tanaka out and the ring was suddenly a bit less full than it was!

    Entrant #17

    Koko B Ware


    Making his way his way to the back Atlas was able to see his tag team partner Koko B Ware who was the next entrant into the Rumble. The fan favourite jogged to the ring and immediately joined the Bushwhackers and Brian Pillman in trying to get Dino Bravo out, but against the odds, and with the use of some eye raking, the veteran managed to avoid elimination.

    Entrant #18

    Marty Jannetty


    Piper -One half of the Rockers! We all know Shawn Michaels was taken out by a mystery man. But I worry is Jannetty’s high flying style suited to this match? It’s not the type of match where taking high risks pays off.


    In his trademark green trousers Jannetty flew into the match sliding into the ring and hitting a double clothesline on Brian Pillman and the Big Bossman.


    Monsoon -12 men in the ring now! I’m not sure we can take many more in there!

    Entrant #19

    Jake “The Snake” Roberts


    The crowd went wild for the arrival of Jake Roberts. Slowly pacing to the ring with a determined look in his eyes. He slid into the ring and firstly helped Brian Pillman in lifting Haku up and out of the ring, then went and helped Big Bossman toss Nikolai Volkoff out!


    Hayes -Would you look at that, as soon as Jake got in there he’s got straight to business and started eliminating people. It’s what you need to do if you plan on getting crowned the Rumble winner!

    Entrant #20



    And yet another tag team wrestler came into the ring and joined in with Marty Jannety in trying to get the British Bulldog out.


    Monsoon -Now how difficult is it for guys like Animal and Jannetty in this match? If they are so used to having a partner there to back them up does it put them at a disadvantage?


    Piper -I don’t think it makes a difference. You know if you’re going to win it eventually you’ve got to turn on your partner and put him out. So in a match like this you’ve got to expect to get stabbed in the back, its not a matter of if but when it happens!

    Entrant #21

    The Barbarian


    The big man Barbarian came out next and joined Brian Pillman, Dino Bravo, Big Bossman, Greg Valentine, The Bushwhackers, British Bulldog, Koko B Ware, Marty Jannetty, Jake Roberts, Animal and the Mountie in what was now an extremely full ring. A few of them were balanced on the top rope and attempts being made to put them out, however still no one seemed any closer to going over the top and out.

    Entrant #22



    Jogging down to the ring next was Tugboat. The fans cheered for his arrival, but yet again another man entered the ring, but no one else was eliminated.

    Entrant #23

    The Warlord


    Warlord entered and the powerhouse went to work on the Big Bossman tossing him aside with ease. Then moving onto Tugboat who was resting in the corner Warlord tipped him up over the top rope and to the outside. As the ten countdown begun Dino Bravo threw the Big Bossman out by his collar freeing up a bit more room inside the ring.

    Entrant #24


    Piper -It looks like things might pick up with Paul Bearer coming down here with that freak of nature The Undertaker!


    As soon as the Taker stepped over the top rope no one seemed to want to confront him and he was left in the center of the ring just looking at those around him who were wrestling. Taking advantage of the distraction The Mountie lifted Dino Bravo up and over the top rope. As Greg Valentine tried to avoid the Undertaker he walked straight into a perfect drop kick from Marty Jannetty that sent him flying over the top rope.

    Entrant #25



    The other half of The Orient Express, Kato entered the match. The Undertaker still stood in the center and no one had even confronted him yet.


    Hayes -I’m not sure I can quite believe my eyes at the moment. The Undertaker is just stood there and no one has even dared to look in his direction let alone wrestle him!


    The Bushwhackers used their numbers advantage and to the delight of the fans dumped a furious Mountie up and over the top rope.

    Entrant #26



    As Virgil was entering the ring The Barbarian threw out Koko B Ware as The Bushwhackers continued to celebrate their elimination of The Mountie in the ring. However, without realising it their celebration backed into the still stationary Undertaker, which seemed to ignite the deadman into action.


    Monsoon -Would you look at that, seems like the Undertaker is ready for action now.


    The Bushwhackers turned round and The Undertaker grabbed one in each hand by the throat! He walked them both over to the ropes and tossed them over the top rope with ease! The Barbarian came from behind and tried to attack the Undertaker. But the blows had no effect, and a vicious throat jab sent The Barbarian up and out of the Royal Rumble match!

    Entrant #27

    Rick “The Model” Marel


    Out next was the leader of The House Of Arrogance. He walked to the ring refusing to touch any of the fans in attendance. Kato tried to send the Model straight back however he ducked the incoming blow and back dropped the Orient Express member to the outside. Martel had a smug grin on his face, which did not last long as once again the Undertaker with a handful of hair sent Rick over the top to join Kato! Taker then turned his attention to Animal and dumped him out easily.

    Entrant #28

    The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase


    Piper -I don’t believe it the British Bulldog had number 28 and let DiBiase have it!! Well looks like Davey Boy is looking for revenge as these two are now face to face.


    The Bulldog and DiBiase stood toe to toe. They seemed to exchange words and with his trademark laugh Ted pointed back and forth between the two of them, as if to indicate they should team up. Even more unbelievably Smith extended his hand the two of them shook hands in the middle of the ring!


    Hayes -I’m not quite sure what this means for the Rumble match. Are these two now a team, if so it’s going to take alot to stop them!


    At that moment The Undertaker was just throwing Virgil up and over the top rope for yet another elimination to Paul Bearer’s delight!

    Entrant #29

    Tito Santana


    To a great cheer the second to last man entered the ring. The ironman of the match finally was thrown out by the Undertaker, with Brian Pillman flying to the outside after an incredible showing from entering at number one. But to everyones surprise Jake The Snake managed to flip the Undertaker over the top and to the outside!! The Taker landed on his feet and looked furious. Both Paul Bearer and The Undertaker stood side by side looking stunned while Jake Roberts stared at them both. Then Bearer started frantically shouting “IT’S TIME! OH IT’S TIME!” From behind the curtain stepped out a deranged, crazy looking person. He had long wild hair covering his face, walking almost hunched over to the ring Paul Bearer looked extremely pleased.


    Hayes -Who on earth is that man, he looks mad!?


    Piper -My god I know who that sick individual is. His name is Cactus Jack! He’s an absolute disgusting thug, he’s not interested in wrestling he’s made a career out in Japan just hurting people. What is he doing here?


    As this newcomer Cactus Jack walked to the ring Paul Bearer gave him a nod and Jack made a gun gesture with his hands and shouted “BANG BANG!” and stepped into the ring. He charged at Jake Roberts and with a clothesline took both himself and Jake over the top rope to the outside. But he was not yet done. Paul Bearer and The Undertaker started to walk away as Cactus Jack removed the padding from outside of he ring and hit a pulling piledriver on Roberts on the concrete floor.


    Monsoon -We need some medical help out here right now! This is an outright assault on Jake Roberts, he’s out of it.


    Piper -This is exactly what I said, all he’s interested in is hurting people, he’s not right in the head.


    As the fans counted down Cactus Jack was leaned over Jake Roberts beaten body just shouting “bang bang” over and over.

    Entrant #30

    Macho Man Randy Savage


    The last man to the ring was accompanied to the ring by Sensational Sherri was The Macho Man. With a great show of agility he leapt over the top rope and threw Marty Jannetty out.


    Monsoon -It’s either The British Bulldog, Warlord, Ted DiBiase, Tito Santana or the Macho Man who is going to be crowned our winner tonight.


    Macho then went over and with the help of Ted DiBiase put the Warlord out, leaving only 4 men. Savage tried to take advantage of things and throw DiBiase out, but the Bulldog stopped him, saving the Million Dollar Man.


    Hayes -There you go gentleman it looks like those two have made an unbreakable bond in this match up.


    DiBiase gave a nod of appreciation and pushed The Bulldog out of the way so he could clotheslines the Macho Man over the top rope, leaving only Tito Santana with them. Santana tried to throw DiBiase out and had him hoisted up on the top rope ready to tip him out and from behind Bulldog pulled Ted back down and threw Tito out leaving only Ted and Bulldog to the crowds delight!


    Monsoon -What happens now its only those two left, are we going to see them go toe to toe?


    With the crowd going wild DiBiase shook his head and pointed at the Bulldog and applauded he. He seemed to say something that surprised Smith and they shook hands again. DiBiase slowly walked to the otherside of the ring and climbed the turnbuckle and over the top rope. The Bulldog shook his head in disblief as the fans errupted as Ted stepped onto the ring steps!


    Hayes -BULLDOG WINS IT! I don’t believe it!! He’s partnership with the Million Dollar Man paid………


    While celebrating the Bulldog was flipped over the top rope by none other than the Million Dollar Man!!! He let out a huge laugh as a stunned Smith tumbled to the outside.


    Monsoon -I’ve never seen anything like it. DiBiase is a crook. His feet never touch the ground so he wasn’t eliminated. I guess that means our Royal Rumble winner is the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase!! [72]

    The Ultimate Warrior © V Earthquake w/Jimmy Hart

    WWF Heavyweight Title


    Finally was the Royal Rumble main event. We were only a few short moments away from finding out if the Warrior could contend with Earthquake’s size and power.


    The challenger came out first and waited in the ring and the Ultimate Warrior’s arrival was greeted with a huge ovation from the fans in attendance. In his trademark manner the Warrior ran straight to the ring and was shaking the ropes on all four corners of the ring, sending the fans into raptures. In the early stages both men locked up and to Earthquake and Jimmy Hart’s surprise the Warrior was able to hold his own against the much larger man. Quake was attempting to shove the champion to the floor, but such was his grit and determination the Warrior did not leave his feet. Earthquake challenged the Warrior to take him down and the champ ran off two ropes and tried to shoulder tackle Earthquake, which proved to be his mistake. Crashing shoulder first into the challenger this knocked Warrior to the floor.


    Piper -That’s what happens when your shoulder meets an immovable object!


    With the Warrior down Earthquake begun to work him over with elbow drops then some nerve holds, not allowing the champion back to his feet. He went for several covers, but to the delight of the fans The Ultimate Warrior would get his shoulder up before the three.


    Monsoon -Smart wrestling here from Earthquake. If you don’t let the Warrior to his feet then you take away all of his power.


    Earthquake stayed on top for most of the bout, the Warrior would show signs of making a comeback but was immediately stopped by Quake. On the outside Jimmy Hart grew frustrated and called for the end. Directing Earthquake to throw the champion into the corner.


    Hayes -Well this could be it. It looks as though he’s lining up a big splash. Now if he hits this I think its all over here, we’ll have a new champion!


    Earthquake charged at the Warrior who was in the corner and at the last moment the champion moved out of the way. Earthquake went crashing into the turnbuckle, as he staggered out this was it, Warrior lifted him for a powerslam and the crowd went wild! But no! Just as Earthquakes feet left the ground Warrior’s back gave out and he dropped to his knees to the groans of the crowd. As Warrior staggered to his feet Earthquake swung a big right hand, but the champion ducked and hit an upper cut of his own and rocked Quake. The Ultimate Warrior seized his chance and bounced off the ropes and hit Earthquake with a big clothesline, rocking him but not taking him off his feet. But he was dazed. Warrior hit another one and staggered the big man again. Third time lucky and Earthquake was nearly over. Warrior went to the ropes and shook them to the crowds delight, feeding off the fans he bounced with extra force and a shoulder tackle sent Earthquake to the mat!!! The crowd went wild. On the outside Jimmy Hart had his head in his hands. Earthquake bounced to his feet almost on autopilot and again the crowd went wild as another shoulder tackle knocked him to the floor again. The Warrior was going wild in the corner and he was motioning for Quake to get to his feet. He staggered up and YES!!! Warrior lifted Earthquake up and body slammed him to the mat! The fans were going crazy as the Ultimate Warrior bounced off both ropes and hit a splash on his fallen opponent and…..


    Monsoon -One. Two. Three! That’s it the Ultimate Warrior wins and retains his title! [75]

    The Ultimate Warrior was handed his titled and climbed up the each turnbuckle in turn and posed with the belt. Earthquake rolled out of the ring and was sat, dazed on the outside being comforted by Jimmy Hart who was screaming at the champion as the 1991 Royal Rumble went off air! [85]

    Overall rating - 88

  16. WWF Tag Team Title Match

    The Hart Foundation © V Demolition


    Dusty & Dustin Rhodes V The Nasty Boys w/Jimmy Hart


    This is more me never being a fan of the Nasty Boys.


    Intercontinental Title Match

    Jimmy Snuka V Mr Perfect © w/Bobby Heenan


    Jimmy was far too old at this point to beat a still in his prime Mr. Perfect


    Hulk Hogan V Sgt Slaughter w/AWOL


    Royal Rumble Match

    Animal, Atlas, Barry Hardy, Big Bossman Brian Pillman, Bushwhacker Butch, Bushwhacker Luke, Dino Bravo, Greg Valentine, Haku, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Jim Duggan, Jim Powers, Kato, Koko B. Ware, Marty Jannetty, Nikolai Volkov, Paul Roma, Randy Savage, Rick "The Model" Martel, Tanaka, The Barbarian, The British Bulldog, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, The Mountie, The Undertaker, The Warlord, Tito Santana, Tugboat, Virgil


    Well it's not going to be Tugboat. That's for damn sure...(Now watch Dave have it be Tugboat just to screw with me):D


    WWF World Heavyweight Title Match

    Ultimate Warrior © V Earthquake w/Jimmy Hart


    You discounting Virgil for this one!? The rumble could be a chance for his mega push! Not wanting to spoil too much but he’s done a couple of dick things backstage and most people on the roster don’t like him!

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