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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. Great start, and congratulations for having a decent first show despite the worst match rating I've ever seen someone admit too!
  2. Two debuts in the tag matches - DWN has been in a few dark matches, whereas Del Neutron gets a reward for a steller showing at HGC. The latter was for one night only, but he's one of the top talents that I'm keeping an eye on. I went for a very different approach for the TV show, with a number of shorter matches, and I think it had the desired effect. Huh, Jason Azaria doesn't think we should keep Jeremie Courtney around... TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Nate Johnson Edd Stone and Masked Cougar vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton Darryl Devine vs Doc Hammond Greg Gauge © vs Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Benny Benson for the TCW TV Title One Man Army vs Eddie Chandler Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado
  3. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: The Syndicate defeated Death Row, Tribal Warrior and Dean Daniels in 11:02 (54) -Don't worry, Death Row and Tribal Warrior were local talents brought in brought in to give the dedicated fans who showed up early to the South Western venue a surprise. We even brought in Insane Machine to Road Agent the match. Of note, Death Row were not past their prime - however of more note, Shady K managed to injure Chris Flynn, bruising his kidney after a bad botch. Darryl Devine defeated Yuri Yoshihara in 7:46 (43) -Most important thing about this match? Yoshihara didn't injure anyone. One Man Army and T-Bone Bright defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 14:06 (61) -I do actually have plans for both of these faces, but both were unable to appear on the main show tonight. Jay Chord defeated Joffy Laine in 8:50 (68) -Jay Chord's going to be speaking tonight rather than wrestling, so he showed off his skills here. MAIN SHOW: Jay Chord started the show, and he demanded that Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins all came to the ring. One by one they came out, unsure why they had been called out. Chord told the men in the ring that they were foolish, distracted, quarrelling amongst one another, and it's getting in his way. He said that they had to end it in the ring as Aaron would defend his title in a four-way match at The War to Settle The Score against Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and... not Wolf Hawkins. He would have to wait, but he could nominate any member of The Syndicate to participate (87) Greg Gauge and Matt Hocking defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 13:27 (61) Elliot Thomas still looking like the weak link. Benny Benson came out after the match to challenge Greg Gauge to a rematch for the TV Title. Greg Gauge smirked, and Benson accused him of dodging him. That brought Freddy Huggins out, to tell Benson that he had to prove he wasn't dodging anyone, by facing him next (74) Freddy Huggins defeated Benny Benson in 11:48 (73) -We let Benson to get in a decent bit of offense here, to justify himself as a challenger to Greg Gauge, but he wasn't got to win against the man who had recently been on a hot run of form to the Main Event. Especially as Greg Gauge stayed ringside, and took Benson's attention off Huggins, leaving him vulnerable to a Huggins Kiss. In a theme of people clashing as competitors changed between matches, Sammy Bach argued to Freddy Huggins on his way to his match, telling Huggins that he knew his game. Bach told him don’t expect to be able to hide during the four-way match and try and sneak in for the win, as he won't allow it. Laura Huggins got right in Bach's face, telling him to take the insult back, and her brother ended up having to drag her away (69) Sammy Bach defeated Maverick in 8:39 (69) -Sammy Bach did look a little distracted, as if Laura Huggins had got to him, but eventually focused to take Maverick out with an Adrenaline Shot Masked Cougar and Edd Stone defeated Roderick Remus and El Hijo Del Neutron in 12:16 (63) -Mighty Meaty came out to join the commentary team for the next two tag matches, the winner of which would meet next week to face the new champions. A few notes about this match - Del Neutron was never the planned partner from Remus, but after his showing last week for HGC he got the call for one night. We were in the home of CZCW, so we told the guys to go out and put on the best match that they could, as if they were Main Eventing Surf Slam. Despite the fact that Remus and Del Neutron showed absolutely no chemistry as a team whatsoever, it was an impressive match that the crowd for right behind, with everyone getting in offence and going for finishing moves. Edd Stone got the win after hitting the Party’s Over on Remus. Quick backstage segment, with Wolf Hawkins with The Syndicate. Doc Hammond, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler wanted to take the title shot, and Hawkins told them they would have to prove themselves next week (82) Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Danny Fonzarelli in 12:02 (68) -This was a much slower affair as Taylor and the debuting DWN made it into a technical affair as their opponents tried to take to the sky. Taylor was the star in this one, making Foxx tap to the Butterfly Lock. Dazzling Dave Diamond and Human Arsenal defeated The Behemoths by count out in 8:48 (62) -Mighty Meaty were ready to leave when The Behemoths came out for their match, and got straight in the Tag Champions faces. They decided to stay for the match, and the ex-champions looked distracted, eventually just brawling with the new champions, earning themselves a count out. Mighty Meaty and The Behemoths brawled, until DDD and Human Arsenal helped to separate them. Floyd Goldworthy was screaming about a rematch, but Mighty Mo took the mic to tell them that they would have to wait (68) Jay Chord came out with Troy Tornado for the Main Event. He took the mic and declared that he was going to be the ring enforcer for the match (80) Aaron Andrews defeated Troy Tornado in a non-title match in 14:01 (78) -Great chemistry between these two - we could only dream about what this match could have been without Tornado's serious neck issues. Anyone expecting to see Jay Chord interfere would have been surprised - in fact when The Syndicate came out it was Chord who kept them away from the ring. Tornado almost got the win after that, but took the pin after a Flying Body Press Wolf Hawkins argued with Chord after the match, asking him whose payroll he was on. Chord didn't give an inch, and when The Syndicate surrounded him both Tornado and Aaron Andrews interjected themselves. A right brawl started, and again Freddy Huggins was out to watch. This time he was joined by Sammy Bach, who made it perfectly clear that he had his eyes on him (92) Overall Rating 79
  4. Well, that was easily my best show yet. Pleased, especially considering the early part of the show was spent integrating some of my forgotten stars into the TV Show. Some people were surprised to see Masked Cougar not get involved in the Tag Title match, but his future lies close, but elsewhere. Although Tana is physically on his way down, Mighty Mo is definitely on the way up, and they make great champions who can get a crowd going with a few minutes on the mic. Canadian coverage is negotiated for all TCW shows - a year for events, just 9 months for TCW Presents Total Wrestling to give me more flexibility when the US TV deal runs out at the end of the year.HGC had their best ever match, with El Hijo Del Neutron looking amazing against Gringo Star in a 56 rated match.TCW Presents Total Wrestling:Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Greg Gauge and Matt HockingBenny Benson vs Freddy HugginsMasked Cougar and Edd Stone vs Roderick Remus and El Hijo Del NeutronFlying Jimmy Foxx and Danny Fonzarelli vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne NewtonHuman Arsenal and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The BehemothsAaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado in a non-title match
  5. TCW Presents Total Wresting:Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Chris Flynn in 9:12 (60)-Great chemistry - we can expect to see this match on the main show.Masked Cougar, Edd Stone and Human Arsenal defeated Marc Speed, Jeremie Courtney and Yuri Yoshihara in 12:24 (55)-The first match that I've booked Yoshihara in since he tried to injure Wolf Hawkins. He still looked completely out of place, but didn't injure anyone and took the pin.Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins in 12:28 (62)-Perfectly acceptable tag match, in an organisation with a week tag division, so I'll take that.Freddy Huggins defeated Joffy Laine in 8:09 (66)-A rather one sided affair.MAIN SHOW:Freddy Huggins was still in the ring with his sister when the main show started, and said that he outdid everyone's expectations, but he wasn't finished. He showed the world that he could go toe to toe with the champion, but lost focus when he started to battle the clock as well. He demanded another shot with no time limit, so he could concentrate on getting the victory he deserved (87)Greg Gauge (c) defeated Danny Fonzarelli to retain the TCW TV Title in 12:33 (68)-Given Fonzarelli's lack of appearances on TV, it was not too much of a surprise that despite him given offence he was made to tap to the Proton Lock.Edd Stone came out with Vita... that's another combination which hasn't been seen recently. He complained that he was not given an opportunity at TCW Malice in Wonderland. Kyle Rhodes (we could do with a Commissioner, couldn't we?) told Stone that he was in luck - starting next week a four team tournament would start to name the Tag Team challengers for TCW The War to Settle The Score, and he wanted to see new teams, each with one wrestler who did not wrestle at the last PPV. Edd Stone did show in this segment why Vita normally speaks for him... (61)Benny Benson defeated Matt Hocking in 13:12 (60)-A decent little midcard match, Benson winning with the Shockwave From Next Year.As Benny headed back stage he was met by Flying Jimmy Foxx, who suggested that they put themselves in for the tournament if there weren't four new teams. Benson dismissed the idea - they wrestled together at the PPV, and he was after a rematch with Greg Gauge (66)Mighty Mo and Tana the Mighty cut a quick promo backstage before their title match, saying that this was their time to take the title (69)Mighty Meaty defeated The Behemoths (c) to win the TCW Tag Team Titles in 12:58 (77)-This was a great brawl, with the ref doing a strong job to keep Chris Flynn out of the match. The competitors spent as much time out of the ring as in it, Tana taking Killer Shark out of the match with a Big Fat Samoan Splash against the floor. That left Mo vs Titan in the ring, Mo picking up the victory after a Plunging Spinebuster.Celebration time (80)Wolf Hawkins defeated Chance Fortune in 11:32 (76)-Devine Fortune were completely outnumbered by The Syndicate, and Hawkins picked the man who broke Eddie Chandler's nose apart... always helped by quick interferences from his stable mates.After the match Eddie Chandler jumped into the ring a slapped on the Fabulous Stretch, screaming about his nose. Darryl Devine tried to help, but just ate a Full Moon Rising from Hawkins (62)Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord and Troy Tornado by disqualification in 25:28 (79)-A great match, with The Syndicate coming out at the twenty-minute mark. This proved a distraction with Sammy Bach arguing with Wolf Hawkins, and Jay Chord throwing his hands up in frustration. The ref tried to clear the ring, but turned around to see Freddy Huggins hitting a Huggins Kiss on Aaron Andrews, and that's a disqualification.There was a proper all out brawl afterwards, with Jay Chord walking off and shaking his head. Turns out if you have all you stars out to end a hot show it goes down well (94)Overall Rating 82
  6. My TCW diary has HGC as a development fed for TCW, having signed the hottest unemployed stars in the Indy (no stealing other feds workers to let them rot in development). It's running the same product, and used a proving ground. El Hi Del Neutron is going to be the quickest person to earn a call up.
  7. Jay Chord vs Aaron Andrews Wow, what main event this will be. AA by DQ or a wing for th youngster? Let's go for Chord... Tag Title Match Rich & Famous vs The Roughnecks © Two teams in different positions right now. Sammy Bach, Mighty Mo & Joshua Taylor vs Marc Speed & American Ultra The faces are all individually higher up the card, so a win for them here. One Man Army vs Edd Stone A solid victory will do Stone wonders Wolf Hawkins vs Benny Benson yeah, Wolf wins here Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Killer Shark Real Deadly vs Hammer & Anvil
  8. What's this - post match speeches? I'll get behind Sammy, Wolf and Jay. Nothing too controversial there. Robert Oxford let me know that he felt Elliot Thomas was the future. Maybe not yet.JANUARY SUMMARY:Well, this first month had been and gone. In a rookie error newcomers were initially given non-exclusive contracts, but that has been rectified for the new main roster newcomers. Not yet for those in development. Plenty of chance for me to regret that...So, three wrestlers added - Masked Cougar, Davis Wayne Newton and Joffy Laine. Only the former has debuted on the main roster, receiving a push that may make some other wrestlers jealous.Speaking of that... Chris Flynn, Edd Stone, Danny Fonzarelli, Vita and Shawn Doakes are all annoyed with me. I can understand that. Wait - so is Greg Gauge? Not sure if it was his pre-show multi-man tag defeat, or not being booked on PPV... wait, yes I do, you can find out now. This game has got a lot more options than the last version I played! He's not happy with missing the PPV, and I bung him a small bonus to move him to irritated.Best match was Jay Chord defeating Human Arsenal. His feud with Sammy Bach has gone to the back burner as Bach has moved on to providing Wolf Hawkins something to do while waiting for his title shot. Two of my TV shows were better than my PPV - it's developing! Worked a profit though.Over the next 3 months Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jeremie Courtney, Chris Flynn and Dean Daniels contracts are up. The former is definitely the priority!Yuri Yoshihara hasn't wrestled since he almost injured Wolf Hawkins...HOLLYWOOD GRAPPLING COMPANY:HGC are a tiny development company running out of the South West, owned by Plague and booked by Tamara McFly. Grace Harper and Terry Smith sit at the announce desk, Craig Prince is the principle Road Agent, while David Poker and Erin Lawrence are the refs.The roster is currently:Raphael, Quentin Queen, Phillippe LaGrenier, Arthur Dexter Bradley, The Masked Mauler VII, Gary the Entertainer, El Hijo de Neutron, James Diaz, Texas Hangman, Alistair Shufflebottom, Charlie Corner, Gringo Star, Chip Martin, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Dreadnought, Zippy Deverell, Astro, Seth Whitehead, Harvey Robbinfield, Guillotine and Duke Freeman. Dharma Gregg was added as a manager, and convinced to give up smoking.Probably the most interesting going on in development is the team of James Diaz and Dreadnought, who have begun to team as Risk and Reward. Their fathers’ history was intertwined in PGHW history, so if they take off I'll need to make sure they don't come sniffing.The only title that has been awarded in the Number One Contenders belt, which was picked up by Phillippe LaGrenier. Hopefully the HGC Global belt will soon being won so he is able to contend. It would not be surprising to see either Quentin Queen or Raphael win the belt, as they have headlined the last three shows against one another.TCW Presents Total WrestlingChance Fortune vs Wolf HawkinsBenny Benson vs Matt HockingGreg Gauge (c) vs Danny Fonzarelli for the TCW TV TitleThe Behemoths (c) vs Mighty Meaty for the TCW Tag Team TitlesAaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado
  9. <p>I've often gone for an International Challenge. In the US it's normally Team US, Team Canada, and then two of Team Mexico, Team Japan and Team Europe / UK.</p><p> </p><p> The exact format depends on what I need at the time. The most successful one was three man teams, with two 2 vs 2's, a 3 vs 3 against the team not faced in a 2 vs 2, and a 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 between the team captains worth double points.</p><p> </p><p> Team US have to have a feuding pair together in the team. It's a rule.</p>
  10. TCW Malice in Wonderland Doc Hammond defeated Dean Daniels in 8:10 (48) -Not the most exciting start as Doc dominated as close to we have to a jobber. Joshua Taylor defeated Elliot Thomas in 7:46 (63) -A much better match, but let’s remember the last PPV was headlined by Joshua Taylor. I really need to find something for him to do. Bart Biggins defeated Roderick Remus in 12:56 (57) -A more open contest than the previous round, Biggins getting the win with a B-Dropper. MAIN SHOW: The Elite defeated Benny and the Foxx, Devine Fortune and Marc Speed & Jeremie Courtney in 12:15 (45) -Okay - I know Benny and Foxxy have poor chemistry, but I used that. I did not expect Eddie Chandler to break his nose when taking a move from Chance Fortune. A bloody Eddie Chandler wrapped Flying Jimmy Foxx up and made him tap to the Fabulous Stretch, but this was not the start I wanted. After the match Benny and Foxxy argued, with Benny claiming his partner tapped to early. Foxx denied it, and they left shaking their heads (63) Aaron Andrews on the hype for the Main Event - that's got to raise the crowd (78) Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Maverick in 7:26 (61) -In a match designed to just give DDD something to do. Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated One Man Army and Human Arsenal in 19:05 (74) -This is the type of match that makes you remember why Troy Tornado was hyped as such a big star in his youth. His neck injury obviously put paid to that, but there was a lot of talent in this ring, and they delivered. Chord took the victory, pinning Human Arsenal after a Cradle Piledriver. The Sinner Society came out for the next match, and we got the rarely seen sight of Eddie Peak. He said that he was stepping into the ring, so the face team had better fear for their very existence. Mighty Meaty were out with Masked Cougar, announcing that Mighty Meaty would receive a Tag Title shot if they won, so they had nothing to fear, and everything to gain (73) Mighty Meaty and Masked Cougar defeated The Sinner Society in 12:39 (65) -Well, this was an all-out brawl, to no-one surprise. It was also not too surprising to see Masked Cougar struggle, not really suited to this style of match. Eddie Peak was a man possessed, but as he brawled with Mighty Mo outside the ring Tana the Mighty was left alone in the ring with Killer Shark, and was able to pin him after a Big Samoan Splash. T-Bone Bright defeated Matt Hocking in (62) -A slightly more mundane match, but not too shabby. Bright got the win after a... Powerslam. He needs a better move. Wolf Hawkins was out to state that TCW was just waiting for him to become World Heavyweight Title, when Sammy came out cheers from the crowd. Wolf Hawkins tried to dismiss Hawkins, but Sammy was like a man possessed, claiming that Hawkins was only where he was because of his position in The Syndicate, and on his own he was nothing (85) Sammy Bach drew with Wolf Hawkins in 30:00 when the time limit was reached (77) -As the match started Wolf waved away the Syndicate, but what he thought would be an easy match was no such thing. Eventually his team mates were out to boos from the crowd, but Devine Fortune were out - with an angry Eddie Chandler focusing on the man who broke his nose. Refs came to clear the side of the ring as the match swung from one way to another, and we even got an exchange of finishers. As the commentators noted that this match was nearing it's 30-minute time limit (did I not tell you matches were capped at 30 minutes unless otherwise stated?), the breakthrough looked close, but the crowd were disappointed as Bach hit a Bach On Your Back but was unable to capitalise as the bell was rung for 30 minutes. Freddy Huggins and his sister were out for the hype - and he gave a focused promotion that really drew the crowd in, and had on affect as Andrews felt the need to interrupt it (89) Aaron Andrews © defeated Freddy Huggins in 27:51 to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title (76) -Huggins was booked as the confident underdog, but as the match went on the story became would this be the second match of the night to be timed out? Even I wouldn't book that, and despite the match going to and fro with Huggins even hitting a Huggins Kiss, Andrews was able to fight back and took a hard earned victory after a Flying Body Press. Overall Rating 77
  11. Sammy Bach & Masked Patriot vs Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond Wow, hard one to pick. The faces could get a huge boost by winning this, but can they? Even by DQ? I'm going to say not quite. Television Title Match Joshua Taylor vs Matt Hocking © A defining moment for Hocking? Koshiro Ino vs Maverick Into returns and loses to Maverick? I think not... The Elite vs John Blackfyre & Mighty Mo No way JB takes a loss One Man Army and The Roughnecks vs The Heritage (Jay Chord, Edd Stone & Greg Gauge) I think I can be confident in this one.
  12. I like the changes. Reducing the wall of text always works with me. Mighty Mo vs Wolf Hawkins A win here would instantly move Mo on from the tag division, but a good showing does almost as well, so I think that's what we will get. Sammy Bach & Aaron Andrews vs The Heritage (Edd Stone & Greg Gauge) I think some momentum back for Andrews. Davis Wayne Newton vs Masked Patriot After last week's performance, this one's in the bag. Tag Team Title Match American Ultra vs The Roughnecks © No chance the new champs lose here. Ernest Youngman & Real Deadly vs Joshua Taylor, Fro Sure & Jackson Laine By far the hardest match of the night to call...
  13. Thanks for your words. Huggins is delivering at the moment, as he tried to show that he's not just a stop-gap until Wolf Hawkins' title shot. Midcard is being worked on... As we all know, everyone loves T-Bone Bright, and Doc Hammond has now offered to put him over, joining Freddy Huggins in making that offer. A look at Mid Atlantic Wrestling: TCW still have a development deal with MAW, and I hadn't recalled the young talents down there to see how Jay Fair would book them. I even sent Joffy Laine down, to add a little more talent to the 15th Rip Chord Invitational. The results? Joey Fili lost on the preshow Joffy Laine teamed with Harvey Robbinfield, defeating Duke Freeman and the only non-TCW man in the match, Sandman Winks Seth Whitehead failed in a tag team title shot, teaming with Deuce Deadline Guillotine and Jaylon Martins did not appear Zippy Deverell, who is working at HGC as well as MAW, didn't appear Meanwhile, Miller Fforde went through Copperhead, The Architect and Josh Jacobs to join Greg Gauge in winning the Challenge (although he's a long way from catching up with Gauge's three wins) You know what, they're all recalled. Joffy stays on the main roster, Zippy stays with MAW as he's not on an exclusive deal, everyone else goes to HGC. Malice in Wonderland is legendary, huh? Maybe not this year... TCW Malice in Wonderland Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick One Man Army and Human Arsenal vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado Benny and The Fox vs Devine Fortune vs The Elite vs Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney Mighty Meaty and Masked Cougar vs The Sinner Society (The Behemoths and Chris Booth) T-Bone Bright vs Matt Hocking Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the TCW World Heavyweight Title
  14. Deacon Darkhold Vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes Vs Lug Phelan – Number one contender match for the IPW Championship Comments: Could be a good match, and I could see Frankie winning to, but I think DD needs to wait a couple more months. 2. Hugh de Aske © Vs Deadly Deadshot Vs The Outlaw – IPW Californian Title Match Comments: Hugh can keep taking on all comers 3. Minnesota Awesome (Clark Smallbone and Perry Longstaff) © Vs Canadian Hardcore (Otis Von Battenberg and Sasquatch McGraw) Vs The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi) w/Melvin Otto – IPW Tag Team Title Match Comments: Can't see the Night Terrors taking the pin even if I've got this incorrect. 4. Frantic Ali w/Anselm Briggs Vs Hustle Muvva w/Cindy Vs JOJI 5. Barnaby & Rudge (Ashton Barnaby and Zachary Rudge) w/ Sweet Tabitha Vs Coulrophobia (Hellech and Pierrot) Vs Mexican Hardcore Killers (E-Z and Sanchez Villano Comments: Eh, I've just guessed here 6. Fiasco Fierce Vs Mystery Opponent Comments: I would quite enjoy a mini storyline where Fierce keeps losing to debutants.
  15. TCW Presents Total Wresting:Edd Stone defeated Roderick Remus in 13:30 (63)-A decent high flying battle which could have quite happily been on the main show... if I was actually doing anything with these two. Stone got the decisive pin after a Party's Over.Marc Speed defeated Joffy Laine in 9:30 (54)-Joffy may have found his place as a jobber, which is borderline criminal. He tapped for the first time in TCW.Human Arsenal and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Maverick and David Wayne Newton in 13:21 (60)-The heels were given plenty to show in this match, with Maverick being particularly vocal to Dazzling Dave Diamond. It's almost as if I think I might need them to face one another at the PPV... anyway, Arsenal put away DWN with the Ammo Dump.MAIN SHOW:Greg Gauge (c) defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW Television Title in 13:32 (74)-A quality start to the show - I haven't done too much with this feud apart from let it go through the motions, but this match did not end the feud. Flying Jimmy Foxx was ringside, and jumped up to the ring side when Gauge grabbed brass knuckles from his tights. That just distracted the ref for Gauge to blast Benson in the head, allowing him the easy pin.Backstage interview for Aaron Andrews... and he's on the hype for Malice in Wonderland. It worked (90)Matt Hocking defeated Darryl Devine in 9:12 (63)-I'm a huge Darryl Devine fan, but I'm not sure he's going to break the midcard here. He fell to the Hock Drop.Hocking grabbed Devine's hair and set up for another Hock Drop when T-Bone Bright came out for the save. No idea where Chance Fortune was. Yes, T-Bone and Hocking will face each other at the PPV because I accidentally booked them as partners last week. I am neglecting the midcard, I'll admit (61)Wolf Hawkins was shown backstage, hyping up The Syndicate for their match tonight (65)Sammy Bach defeated Eddie Chandler in 13:48 (68)-So this turned into a Submission Match, but Chandler made a mistake and left his shoulder on the mat while trying to break the Bach On Your Bach, and was shocked to hear the bell after the three count.The Behemoths (c) defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 6:53-Thomas still looking weak out there, and he took the pin from Titan after a Titanic Choke Slam.Encouraged by Chris Flynn, the Behemoths picked up their opponents for chokeslams, and just waited. The commentary team speculated that they were waiting for Masked Cougar to come out. Instead Mighty Meaty appeared, and got on the mic to tell them to put Biggins and Thomas down because they needed to save themselves for Sunday - where Mighty Meaty were going to join Masked Cougar to face the Sinner Society. The champions put Biggins and Thomas down, with force, before jawing away at Mighty Meaty. They and Chris Flynn all faced in one direction, leaving them rather obviously exposed to a high flying hit and run attack by Masked Cougar (70)Jay Chord defeated Human Arsenal in 18:04 (78)-Troy Tornado was once again out with Jay Chord, and his encouragement eventually broke Human Arsenal. He flew out of the ring and took out Tornado, but also crashed into the ring barrier. Dazed, Jay Chord comfortably took control of the match from there.Sammy Bach came to ringside, and joined the commentary team, saying that he was out to even up the odds against The Syndicate (83)Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond defeated Aaron Andrews and One Man Army in 23:20 (76)-Perhaps a little disappointing, but that may have been the constant interruptions from The Syndicate. Sammy Bach, then Devine Fortune chased away the members who weren't involved, but that left Freddy Huggins to make his first appearance of the night (almost as if I had forgotten to book his earlier segment), hitting Andrews with his own title, allowing Hawkins to make the pin.Freddy Huggins backed up the ramp, with Laura Huggins by his side shouting about him being the future champion. As Andrews recovered, Huggins said he hoped that he enjoyed the close up view that he got of his title, as on Sunday he will lose it, to the biggest star in TCW (84)Overall Rating 78
  16. <p><strong>Jay Chord, Edd Stone & Greg Gauge</strong> vs Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach & Matt Hocking</p><p> Only a DQ can stop them winning... but ref's sometimes develop blind spots so I'll go for the three count.</p><p> </p><p> Ernest Youngman vs <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong></p><p> A handshake of respect? Doubt it.</p><p> </p><p> Tag Title Match</p><p> Real Deadly vs The Roughnecks vs The Behemoths vs <strong>Mighty Meaty ©</strong></p><p> Not yet</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong> vs Masked Patriot</p><p> Sorry Patriot, not this one.</p>
  17. So that's weird. Having quoted your post, I see the link, and it works when copied and pasted. I can not, and never have been, able to see the image.
  18. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dbritton987" data-cite="dbritton987" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A quick fyi, if you check out my booking picture for Saturday Night Showcase, Andrews/Hernandez Vs. Destiny was actually booked as a Cage Match. Yeah....that was a mistake, a mistake I didn't even realize I made until AFTER I wrote up the results for the diary. It was supposed to be a standard tag team match. My bad!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Booking picture? I'm feeling really thick, but I've got no idea what you mean!</p><p> </p><p> I did get close to the Mo / Prince result though...</p>
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rman129" data-cite="rman129" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51550" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I mean it’s a freaking real world mod. What do you expect?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Some more couples to get married?</p>
  20. “TCW World Heavyweight Champion” Aaron Andrews & “TCW Television Champion” Mainstream Hernandez vs Destiny (Jay Chord & Greg Gauge) It would be a sad start to Destiny if they lost here! TCW World Tag Team Championship Match The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) ( C ) vs ??? Always fear the ???, but I'm still going for Shade. Joshua Taylor vs Wolf Hawkins Toughie to call, but it's Hawkins, so... Mighty Mo Vs. Aztec Prince But by DQ Fatal Four Way Match Doc Hammond Vs. Davis Wayne Newton Vs. Frederique Vs. Masked Cougar Winner receives a future TCW Television Championship Match! Makes sense as the next challenger to Hernandez 2 Out of 3 Falls Tag Team Match Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus) Soft spot for RR Also, Mr. Lucha will be in action I think he can win against no name... unless he's picked a fight with a certain debutant!
  21. Yes, I forgot Matt Hocking was a heel when I booked his match. Yes, that makes him one of the forgotten men on my roster. I'll work with it. Goodness know why I made that opener so long... TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Darryl Devine vs Matt Hocking The Behemoths © vs Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas for the TCW Tag Team Titles Greg Gauge © vs Benny Benson for the TCW Television Title Sammy Bach vs Eddie Chandler Human Arsenal vs Jay Chord Aaron Andrews and One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond
  22. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Edd Stone and Joffy Laine in 11:35 (53) -DWN in his second multi-man dark match, this time on the winning side as Taylor made Laine tap. One Man Army defeated Nick Booth in 8:48 (52) -Must think of something for OMA to do. Mighty Meaty and Human Arsenal defeated Greg Gauge, Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 12:45 (56) -Greg Gauge picks up a rare loss, but was kept strong, as Tana pinned Courtney. I'm at that point now where I need to decide if Speed and Courtney are a tag team to invest in, or I split them up... and I do appreciate Marc Speed, so I'm considering the latter. However, the lack of tag depth is a nagging doubt for me. MAIN SHOW: Benny Benson defeated Maverick in 15:16 (58) -The first appearance of the year for Maverick, but the match didn't justify the length. Benson put him away with a Shockwave From Next Year. Benny Benson took the mic after the match and challenged Greg Gauge to a TV Title match, which brought the champion out. He accepted, and I think tried to look viscous, but didn't do a great job of it (64) Masked Cougar defeated Roderick Remus in 8:07 (43) -A debut for Masked Cougar and... I found an opponent he didn't click with at all. The work rate was there, but the performance wasn't, but the match ended with a I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn and The Elite) defeated Devine Fortune, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 15:45 (56) -The first real show of The Syndicate as a combined unit this year, and although everyone got their time to shine Doc Hammond got the win by submitting Biggins, while his team mates kept everyone else busy. Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Titan in 4:34 by disqualification (54) -A short, brutal back and forth. Killer Shark tried to interfere but was pushed away, Nick Booth was swatted away, before Titan blasted DDD with his Tag Title belt. In full view of the ref. The odds stacked up on DDD, before Masked Cougar was the first man out. He took out Booth before being launched into the crowd by Killer Shark. Mighty Meaty were next out, which caused the Sinner Society to start to back up (62) Troy Tornado was shown hyping up Jay Chord, reminding him that he was the future, and never to forget it (70) Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated T-Bone Bright and Matt Hocking in 13:41 (67) -Gameplay wise I'm not sure if the team of Chord and Tornado makes any sense, but it works in my head so I'm going with it. Neither face has... wait, Hocking's a heel, isn't he? That sure didn't help the match. Let’s say he and his partner didn't get on, and Bright shrugged as Hocking took the pin from Chord. Freddy Huggins came to the ring to claim that at Malice in Wonderland he held the advantage. He had nothing to lose, whereas Andrews had to have one eye on the rest of the roster - and that would be his undoing (82) Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach in 22:04 (74) -A rare defeat for Andrews, as the two heel challengers put on a decent showing. Admittedly The Syndicate were out, with Eddie Chandler distracting the ref as Doc Hammond attacked Aaron Andrews. This left Sammy Bach exposed to the Huggins Kiss from Freddy. We went into an all-out brawl... suitable of the last show before a PPV, but a week early. Andrews got some of his momentum back by taking on both of The Elite, but again Freddy Huggins was able to keep out of the fight, and looked very happy about it (90) Overall Rating 74
  23. You're going to have to tell us what you're paying Zimmy now. But he's the person in the game I would most like to sign, so I won't judge you!
  24. Most of my signings have been free agents, but Masked Cougar, Davis Wayne Newton and Joffy Laine were the three that previously had contracts. Masked Cougar holds a special place in my heart, having been the figurehead of my regional promotion... oh, ten years ago? Having never seen him make the big leagues, I had to give him an opportunity here. DWN will surely find a place on the main roster, while Laine will have to earn a place in dark matches, to see if he can avoid a trip to development. Yes, Cougar is not the most obvious addition to a feud between 4 large brawlers. There were better choices out there, but a masked hero... it just fit. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Masked Cougar vs Roderick Remus Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Titan Devine Fortune, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn and The Elite Benny Benson vs Maverick Aaron Andrew and Sammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins
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