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Thanks Outlaw! Just a note guys, I'm moving house tomorrow and will be without the net for a little longer than I thought (2-3 weeks). I might be able to scam some net access before that but no guarantees. So yes, the diary is on a forced hiatus, but I'll be using the break to write some shows in advance and work on *cheap plug* my upcoming mod [B]After The Fall[/B]! */cheap plug*. Seeya on the rebound
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  • 3 weeks later...
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It is great you're back. This was one of my favorite diaries. I was afraid you actually went through with all of your "threats" and actually pulled the plug on it. You still have me as a reader. ps How's After the Fall coming along?
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Screw the hype, it's time for RAW! [CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/7101/rawlogokg8.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B]WWF RAW [/B][/SIZE][SIZE="4"] 'Calling Some Friends...' April 15th 2002, College Station, Texas [/SIZE] RAW begins with a bang, literally, as fireworks explode in the Lone Star State!!. JR and The King welcome us to the show, and JR tells us we're in for a slobberknocker! Tonight - 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs Shane McMahon, Rob Van Dam vs Mr. Perfect, and Vince McMahon's challenge to WCW! But first, [B][SIZE="3"]Triple H!![/SIZE][/B] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/6677/triplehzc9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] PA: Time to play The Game.... [The crowd rock in cheers, as [B]Triple H[/B] powers to the ring, sans flashy entrance. He is all Game tonight, and doesn't even soak in the fan's reaction before speaking.] Trips: It's like this - last Thursday on Smackdown!, my best friend in this business got Diamond Cut onto the floor. He got a busted nose and a concussion, all because I didn't take care of my business earlier. [Trips glares at the camera.] Trips: So I'm not going to make that mistake again. [The crowd cheer, but the Champ ignores them.] Trips: So DDP - we ain't waiting until Backlash. If you got 'em, bring 'em, because tonight, we're gunna play [B]The Game[/B].... [H turns to the entrance ramp, and waits. A few seconds later, music kicks in. Just not DDP's.] JR: It's the Chairman! [CENTER][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/8/vincemcmahonzs2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [[B]Vince McMahon[/B] steps onto the aisle, flanked by 'The Next Big Thing' [B]Brock Lesnar[/B].] King: He's not DDP, he's VKM! He doesn't cut Diamonds, he buys them! Trips: Old man, take your meds and head back where you came from. This doesn't involve you. [Brock sneers at Triple H, but is held back by Vince.] Vince: No, Brock. We're not here to fight. At least, not to fight YOU. Hunter, we seem to be in the same boat. We both underestimated WCW. I underestimated just how passionate the WCW alumni were. I thought they'd all shuffle back to their mansions in Atlanta and Tampa, but they didn't. They came straight for me, and this company. And we [i]all[/i] paid the price. And you Hunter, you underestimated them and what did you get? A deathdrop from Sting, a Diamond Cutter here and there, and having the displeasure of witnessing your old buddy get sent to the hospital. So the way I see it, Hunter, is you can trust me, and we can work together against WCW tonight. Or, you don't trust me, and, well... my friend Brock Lesnar [I]plays The Game instead.[/I] [Vince smiles, and Trips looks concerned.] Trips: Vince, for the record, no - I don't trust you. But you can keep your little gimp in his cage. I'm not stupid. If you guys want WCW too, you're more than welcome to tag along. Vince: Well, that's exce- Trips: [interrupting] Just don't get in my way. [The Game drops the microphone, and walks back up the aisle. He and Brock lock eyes as Triple H passes, with Vince in the middle.] JR: Oh my! An unholy alliance against WCW! King: But will it be enough?! [/quote] Backstage,[B] Shane McMahon[/B] is seen training furiously, shadow-boxing in a locker room as[B] Christian and Test[/B] cheer him on. Once he's done with that, he grabs Christian in a headlock, and Test teaches him the finer points of the move. JR and The King hype his upcoming match with Stone Cold, as we cut to... [B]The Great One[/B] is arriving at the arena, gym bag in tow. [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B] runs up to Rocky, mic in tow. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7610/therocket0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Coach: Rock! Rock! [The Rock stops in his tracks, and looks around.] Rock: Oh, Coach. It's you. I could have sworn I just heard the voice of a twelve-year old boy. Did you hear him too? Coach: Actually Rock, now you mention it, one of the guys did bring his kid to the show ton- Rock: What? Coach: I mean, I know you were trying to insult me, but there IS a twelve-year ol- Rock: [B][I]IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THERE'S A TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY! [/I][/B]What are you Coach, some kind of [B]SICKO[/B]? The Rock was making a joke, and now I'm talking to a... [I]sexual predator! [/I] Coach: Rock, just because I kn- Rock: So what Coach, you got some candy in your car? Coach: [unimpressed] Rock... Rock: What, you've got tickets to Little League? Coach: ... [The Rock smiles.] Rock: Coach, Coach, The Rock is joking. I know you're not a pedophile. Sexual deviant, [B]yes[/B]. Repressed bisexual, [B]yes[/B]. Hermaphodite, [B]yes[/B]. Pedophile - [B]no[/B]. So what did you want to ask The Rock? Coach: Well, you have a match tonight. Rock: That is true Coach, later tonight Hardcore Holly goes [B]ONE-ON-ONE[/B] with The Great One. But that wasn't a question. What's your question? Coach: Ok, what's your plan for Backlash? You can't take on The Outsiders, Steiner and whoever they bring by yourself. Rock: And The Rock knows that, which is why, once The Rock has laid the Smackdown on Spark Plug Holly, he's going to start recruiting for The Rock [B]Army[/B]. Coach: An army? Rock: Well Coach, this is a War. And The Rock knows he needs a little help. Not that he couldn't slap the taste out of every WCW jabroni's mouth single-handedly. Coach: ....Can I help? Rock: No, Coach. No you can't. Nice try, though. [The Rock gives Coach a pat on the shoulder, then leaves.] Coach: Back to yo- Rock: [off-screen] [B]NO COACH I DON'T WANT ANY CANDY!!![/B] [The Coach sighs.] Coach: Back to you, JR. [/quote] JR throws from The Coach to our first match of the evening... [SIZE="3"][b]Rob Van Dam vs Mr. Perfect[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/1676/rvdperfectxw6.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] In a match stemming from last Smackdown's tag team three-way-dance, Intercontinental contender RVD took on European Title contender Mr. Perfect, in their very first singles match together. RVD took the early advantage, his unorthodox style catching Perfect by surprise, and a Rolling Thunder even garnered a two-count. The wily veteran got back into the match, however, after rolling out of the way of a split-legged moonsault. Perfect systematicallly took apart RVD's legs and back, weakening him for the Perfect-Plex. Of course, with so many other superstars in the equation, the match wasn't free of interference. Perfect had just hit a Superplex from the top rope, when RVD's Backlash opponent [B]Kurt Angle[/B] made his way to the ring. His distraction took the wrong man by surprise, and it was Perfect who was almost cost the match, after RVD rolled him up for a two-count! [/quote] We join the match in progress... [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/5851/edgepv8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: And now [B]Edge [/B]is out here! [The camera cuts to the entrance ramp, to see Edge pacing to the ring, holding his belt. Angle sees him, and the two brawl at ringside, while RVD prepares for a Five-Star Frog Splash!] JR: Edge might have just saved RVD's bacon! [RVD steadies himself, and is about to launch himself off the top rope when Edge [B]SPEARS [/B]Angle into the ring apron, forcing the ring to shake and [B]RVD to fall off the top rope to the canvas![/B]] JR: But now RVD's down!! [Perfect capitalises, grabbing RVD and hooking him with the Perfect-Plex! As Edge looks on, the ref counts... [B]ONE! TWO![/B] [B][U]THREE[/U][/B]!!] JR: Oh my! King: I told you he'd win, JR! [Perfect slides out of the ring, and raises his arms in the air as he heads backstage. An angry RVD gets to his feet a few moments later, and glares at Edge. Edge tries to apologise, but RVD jumps through the second rope, launches himself on Edge and attacks the IC Champ with a flurry of punches!!] JR: King, Edge was out here to help! King: I don't think so, JR! [/quote] RVD and Edge continue to brawl, as we cut to a break... We return, to JR and The King walking us through footage of the [B]RVD/Edge[/B] brawl. They have finally been seperated backstage. Speaking of backstage, we cut to the arena car park to see [B]The Big Show/The Giant[/B], waiting. Our intrepid reporter [B]Terri [/B]walks tentatively up to the behemoth, holding a mic... [quote] [CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/5325/bigshowmk4.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] Terri: Sho-.. Giant. Giant: Yes? Terri: What are you doing here? Giant: What does it look like I'm doing? Terri: You're...waiting. But for who? Giant: You know Terri, I've always wondered something about you. [The Giant leers over the obviously scared diva.] Giant: You've slept with what, ten guys in the locker room? How come you never came by The Giant's door? [A shocked Terri immediately slaps The Giant, and the crowd, watching on the TitanTron, cheer. The Giant smiles.] Giant: Was I too scary? Too distant? Or maybe... I was too.... [I]big.[/I] [Terri tries to slap The Giant again, but he grabs her hand, and squeezes. She squeals.] Giant: I thought so. Now, take your skank ass back to the locker room, and tell anybody there that the 7 foot, 450-pound, fire-breathing [B]GIANT [/B]wants a match tonight. And if none of those WWF pussies want to take me on... well... I might just have to wrestle [B]you[/B]. [Terri spits at The Giant, and runs off. The Giant smiles, once more.] [/quote] [B]JR and The King[/B] express their disgust towards The Giant's actions, and both men hope The Giant 'gets whats coming to him' later tonight. But, before that - a match! [SIZE="3"][b]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and D'Lo Brown vs Billy Gunn, The Big Boss Man and Albert[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/1923/hardyzdloln3.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] RAW's second match of the evening pitted Team Extreme and D'Lo versus perhaps the single worst trio in wrestling history. In spite of the match's in-built flaws, it served its purpose. Although their bigger opponents dominated the early-goings, it was The Hardyz and D'Lo who came up victorious at [B]7:34[/B], after a Frog-Splash on Billy Gunn and a Swanton on Boss Man! And once the match was over, the sight of the Hardyz and D'Lo celebrating, and the sound of 500,000 remotes returning back to RAW. [/quote] Backstage, we see [B]The APA [/B]playing a game of cards with Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi. [B]Vince McMahon[/B] enters, with Brock Lesnar, then hands The APA a roll of $100 bills before telling them that now Vince has 'The Next Big Thing', he no longer requires The APA's protective services. When Bradshaw takes offense at the size of Vince's payment - Vince books a match for Backlash - Bradshaw versus [B]BROCK LESNAR![/B] In another section backstage, we see Texas native [B]'Stone Cold' Steve Austin [/B]strapping his boots, and his fellow Texans go APE. Jonathan Coachman walks up to Austin, mic in hand. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/5480/steveaustinur8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Austin: What is it? Coach: Stone Cold, I just want your thoughts on tonight's match... Austin: What? Coach: Your match toni- Austin: I heard you the first time, you kiddy-fiddling son of a bitch. [The crowd cheer.] Austin: I kicked Shane McMahon's ass damn near a month ago, and I'll do it again tonight. End of story, jack. It's not even the bottom line, it's the damn [B]top [/B]line. Coach: And what about Backlash? [Austin stands up.] Austin: What [I]ABOUT [/I]Backlash? Coach: Do you have a partner yet? Austin: Hell no, I don't. And I don't need one. Do you think I need a partner? Coach: I didn't sa- Austin: An accomplice? Crowd: What?! Austin: A confidant? Crowd: What?! Austin: An ally? Crowd: What?! Austin: A... friend? Crowd: What?! Austin: Because in case you hadn't heard, Stone Cold's gotten to the top of this business living by three simple letters. [B]D. T. A[/B]. Don't Trust Anybody. So Coach, unless you got yourself an exact replica of old Stone Cold hiding in your closet, I ain't buying. Now moonwalk your ass out of here, you freak. Coach: Ste- Austin: [B]AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE.....[/B] Coach: OK! Ok. [Coach leaves, as Austin smiles. As soon as the door is shut, Austin's smile evaporates. JR: Stone Cold mightn't want a partner, but come this Sunday, he's gunna need one! [/quote] After a break, we return to ringside, to the sight of [B]Shane McMahon[/B] dancing his way to the ring, surprisingly upbeat considering his opponent. [SIZE="3"] [b]Shane McMahon vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin [/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/5269/austinshanezc7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stone Cold entered a few moments later, flooring Test and Christian with punches before entering the ring. Shane ran, and Austin gave chase from the inside to the outside back into the ring. He finally grabbed Shane, and the next five minutes were a clinical demolition of his former Alliance boss. No move was spared, no punch pulled. By the end, Shane was nearly unconscious, but Austin continued his assault. Only some predictable interference from Test and Christian saw Shane get back into the match...[/quote] We join the match in progress, just as Shane has Austin set up for a [b]Bronco Buster[/B]. [quote] King: Look JR! He's dancing again! This is great! [Shane, still slightly groggy, does a dance and then charges, only for Austin to roll out of the ring! Shane O'Mac meets turnbuckle with his jewels, as Austin gets to his feet on the outside... Only to be floored with a Big Boot from [B]TEST[/B]! The referee calls for an immediate DQ, and the match ends at[B] 9:36[/B]! JR: Damn him! How many times can these guys interfere?! King: If Austin was smart, JR, he'd have his own friends! But he doesn't! It's not Shane McMahon's fault the entire WWF lockerroom hates him! [Test rolls Austin into the ring, as Christian pushes referee Earl Hebner out of the ring. He checks on Shane, and helps him to his feet. Test throws in a chair.] JR: Oh no.. [Christian passes Shane the chair, and Shane gives it a kiss before [B][SIZE="3"]SLAMMING IT AGAINST AUSTIN'S BACK![/SIZE][/B]] JR: Come on! [And...[B]AGAIN[/B]! And [B][I]AGAIN[/I][/B]! Shane is [B]WAILING [/B]on Austin with the chair, ala Austin on The Rock at WMania X-7. Test and Christian surround the ring, and there is no escape for the prone Stone Cold!] JR: Damn it!! [No escape, that is, until, the lights go out.] JR: Now what? King: Brilliant JR! Shane O'Mac hit the lights so he can [I]REALLY [/I]hurt Austin! Classic McMahon smarts! [Suddenly, a voice over the PA...] PA: Stand BACK! There's a [B]HURRICANE COMING THROUGH!![/B] [/quote] [CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/7636/thehurricaneej8.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [quote] [The crowd rock in cheers as the lights come back on. Test and Christian are out cold, and [B][SIZE="3"]The Hurricane[/SIZE][/B] is standing on the top rope, ready to launch!!] JR: [B]THE HURRICANE?![/B] King: [B][I]WHAT!![/I][/B] [Shane McMahon turns around, and The Hurricane flies, flooring Shane with a [B]flying kick that sends the chair crashing into his face![/B]! Shane rolls out of the ring, and Hurricane grabs the chair! When Test and Christian get up, Hurricane chases them off!!] JR: I don't believe it! The damn [B]HURRICANE [/B]is helping out Stone Cold! King: Well, they were Alliance buddies, JR! JR: Does this mean the Toughest S.O.B in the business is going to team up with a [B]SUPERHERO [/B]at Backlash?! King: I guess we'll find out now JR! [King is referring to Austin, who is slow to his feet. He looks around, at the empty ring, and then at The Hurricane. Hurricane extends his hand, and Austin looks at him, puzzled. Hurricane extends it further, and Austin...... slaps it down. Austin's home-town crowd boo.] JR: Well the crowd aren't happy with that... [The booing continues until Stone Cold calls for a beer or two. He catches them, looks at his hands, shakes his head and then.... [B]Hands one to The Hurricane![/B] The crowd go [B]NUTS[/B], as Hurricane and Austin toast their partnership!!] JR: King, The Rattlesnake and The Hurricane! It's bizzaro-RAW! King: Does this mean Stone Cold's going to wear a cape?! JR: Fans, we'll be right back!! [/quote] [SIZE="4"]In Part 2[/SIZE] - [B][I]The Rock vs Hardcore Holly, The Giant versus somebody, and.... maybe some Big Boys.[/I][/B]
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[CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/7101/rawlogokg8.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] Backstage, we see [B]Trish Stratus[/B], talking to [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] and [B]Stacy Keibler[/B]. Trish wishes Torrie good luck in her upcoming match, and tells her that if she does beat Jacqueline, Trish will grant her new friend a title match at Backlash! Torrie is shocked by Trish's gesture, and seals the agreement with a hug. When we return, JR and The King run us through the events of Austin/Shane, and the surprise save by The Hurricane, all thanks to Castrol GTX. Then, they throw to our next match... [SIZE="3"][b]Jacqueline vs Torrie Wilson [/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/7331/jackietorrieiw9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The former Alliance diva certainly doesn't have the experience of Jacqueline, the former Women's Champ, but she made up for it with determination. Although Jackie dominated the match, it was Torrie who sneaked out the victory at [B]5:12[/B], surprising her opponent with a sunset flip for the pinfall and the title shot! After the match, an angry Jackie threatened to tear Torrie's head off, only for Trish and Stacy to provide some support. Trish then pointed to her Women's Title, and shook Torrie's hand. [/quote] Backstage, an angry [B]Shane McMahon[/B] is seen, holding his head in pain. He yells at [B]Test [/B]and [B]Christian[/B], telling them they just got their asses kicked by a guy in a cape! Shane tells Test and Christian that Hurricane will pay the price this Thursday on Smackdown, and 'you two' will make sure of it! We return to ringside, to hear... nothing, because [B]The Giant[/B] doesn't like entrance music. He walks to the ring, microphone in hand, to huge heat. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/5325/bigshowmk4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Giant: So what is it, guys? Am I wrestling Terri? Or does one of you want to be a hero? [A pause.] Giant: Come on, don't you guys remember what I did to The Undertaker? What I did to Kane? Don't you want revenge? [Another pause. Giant is just about to speak, when the sound of [B]Perry Saturn's[/B] entrance music plays, and the former European Champ steps onto the stage. The crowd cheer.] [CENTER][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/161/perrysaturnuk7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: It's Perry Saturn! King: He and Terri used to date, JR! This is personal for Saturn! [Saturn pauses at the top of the ramp, then [B]CHARGES [/B]the ring! Although Giant sees him coming, Saturn gets to his feet and hammers the 450-pound behemoth with a flurry of punches!] JR: And he's knocking the smoke out of the fire-breathing Giant!! [Giant staggers, as Saturn floats over, hooks the arms and [B]DROPS HIM WITH A BELLY-TO-BELLY!!][/B] JR: He just took him down!! [Saturn yells for the crowd, waits till The Giant is back to his feet and charges, only to get gripped and [B][SIZE="3"]CHOKESLAMMED!![/SIZE][/B]] JR: Oh! King: Seeya, Perry! [Giant screams, and some children in the audience squeal, before he lifts up Saturn for another chokeslam...] JR: Not again! [And then, just like before, the lights go out.] King: The Hurricane? Is he back?! JR: Well, whoever he is, he better make it quick! [The lights come back on, but this time - they're red.] King: Uh oh! JR: I think we know wh- [JR is interrupted by the boom of fireworks shooting from the ring posts. Everyone in the arena looks to the entrance ramp, and explodes in cheers as [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]KANE [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]steps out and begins walking to the ring!!] [/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1426/kanemaskdm8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] JR: [B]THROUGH HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE, IT'S THE BIG RED MACHINE!![/B] King: But Show isn't running away! [Giant lets Saturn go, exits the ring, and meets Kane halfway! Just like a few weeks earlier, the two monsters brawl up the steel ramp, with Kane getting the upper hand! With the arena still drenched in red light, Kane fights Giant back up the ramp to the top of the stage, and then slams him into the steel entrance! But, just as Kane has the advantage....] [CENTER][IMG]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/3347/bookertsc5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: It's [B][I]Booker T![/I][/B] [Booker, holding a steel chair, slams it across Kane's back! But, Kane no-sells it, turns around and grips Booker by the throat!] JR: Yes! Do it Kane!! [Kane is about to lift Booker up, when Giant hits him from behind with the chair!! Kane staggers forward, drops Booker T and... [B][SIZE="4"]IS PUSHED OFF THE STAGE BY THE GIANT!![/SIZE][/B]] JR: [B]GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!![/B] [Kane falls ten-feet to the floor, landing on a table and some lighting equipment!!] King: [B]AAH![/B] JR: [B]WHAT DID HE JUST DO?! WHAT IS THIS WAR COMING TO?!!![/B] [We get a shot of The Giant, sneering as he looks down at the wreckage of Kane's body. We cut to a break, after a static shot of an unconscious Kane.] JR: Somebody get some damn help!!! [/quote] We return, to the sight of EMT's loading [B]Kane [/B]onto a stretcher. He is still unconscious. Assorted WWF officials look on, concerned. To prevent an awkward segway, we cut to an ad for WWF Shopzone, and a prepared video up Backlash's main event of Triple H vs Diamond Dallas Page. Then, we cut backstage, to see [B]The Rock....WALKING~![/B] Then, we cut backstage again, to see a limo pull up at the arena. The door opens, and out steps.... [CENTER][IMG]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9485/ricflairnx1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Flair is followed by [B]Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner[/B], who both generate huge heat from the crowd. Flair gives a 'Whoo', and the three 'Big Boys' keep walking. [SIZE="3"][b]The Rock vs Hardcore Holly[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8250/rockhollyhs9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Essentially, this was RAW's main event match, and both Rock and Holly brought their A-Game. It was a back and forth affair from the beginning, with Holly sliding out of an attempted Rock Bottom at the five-minute mark, and replying with a stiff powerslam for a two-count. The match even went to the outside, with slams into the ring-steps and corner posts highlighting a physical encounter. However, The Great One was just too... Great for Hardcore, and ended the match at [B]9:41[/B] with a Rock Bottom/People's Elbow! [/quote] And, post-match, it's time for a recruiting drive!! [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7610/therocket0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Hardcore Holly heads backstage, as Rock is passed a microphone.] Rock: [B]FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK.......TO [I]TEX-AAASSSS![/I][/B] [The crowd pop.] Rock: Now, The Rock has to say, he was a little disappointed with the Rock Army so far. [The crowd give a boo of disapproval.] Rock: You see, first The Rock went to ask the heavy hitters, the [B]BIGGEST [/B]stars in the WWF. But apparently, Funaki wasn't at the show tonight. So, The Rock asked Kane. And Kane said, well Kane didn't say much at all, but he agreed to help The Rock out... [I]Right before he was thrown off the stage by some fat-ass Giant!![/I] [The crowd boo.] Rock: So, that's two down. So, The Rock asked two guys I know love taking chances, Matt and Jeff Hardy... [The crowd cheer.] Rock: And they said... 'Yes.' [The crowd cheer louder.] Rock: So here was The Rock thinking he was on a bit of a roll, but after a few dozen 'no thanks Rock' and 'maybe next time Rock', and 'Sorry Rock, I got a match that night', I figured the rest of the male superstars in the WWF were a lost cause. So, I turned to the WWF Divas. And when Kurt Angle said no, well, The Rock was close to giving up. [The crowd laugh.] Rock: But, he's here, right now, to give it one last [B]SHOT[/B], one last opportunity to [B]ANYBODY [/B]in the back who wants to lay the Smackdown on those over-paid WCW sons of bitches! In the words of The Great One... Just...bring it. JR: Come on, King! King: Are you kidding me? I like my neck where it is. [After a few awkward seconds, the sound of [B]The Dudley Boyz [/B]theme music hits, and Bubba Ray and D-Von step onto the stage to a huge pop!] JR: It's The Dudleyz! [Bubba has a mic, and waits until the crowd's cheers die down.] Bubba: Rock - After what The Outsiders did to our brother Spike a few weeks ago, I'm a little disappointed you didn't come to us first. But, we ain't offended that easily. If you want our help, you got it. [The crowd cheer, and a small 'Dudleyz' chant starts.] Rock: Well, The Rock sa- [Rock stops mid-sentence, when he sees an all-too familiar sight on the TitanTron. [B]Scott Hall and Kevin Nash[/B] , smiling at him from the arena carpark.] [/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9862/hallnashmb7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] Nash: Oh, hey Rock. Now, my hearing might be getting a little bad in my old age but... did you say The Hardy Boyz were in your little Army? Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boyz? Team Extreme? Former WWF and "WCW" World Tag Team Champions? [The Rock looks on, worried.] Nash: I'm only asking Rock, because... well, are they the same as... [B][I]THESE [/I][/B]Hardy Boyz? [The camera swings to the right, to see [B]Matt and Jeff Hardy[/B], lying unconscious on the ground, propped up against the side of a car. Matt's forehead is covered in blood.] Nash: Woops. See ya at Backlash, Rocky. [The TitanTron fades to black, and we return to a shot of The Rock. For the second week in a row, he is speechless.] JR: Damn it! Not even The Rock's Army is safe!! And where's the damn security?!! [/quote] We cut to a break, and when we return, it is to the sound of [B]Triple H'[/B]s music! [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/6677/triplehzc9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Well, King, looks like it's time for the main event!! King: And you know after what just happened to The Hardyz, that Triple H is going to be even more motivated! [Triple H grabs a mic.] Trips: I've waited too long. If you used to get your paychecks signed by Ted Turner, get your ass to the ring. [A pause, and then.....] [CENTER][IMG]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9485/ricflairnx1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Oh my! Ric Flair, WCW's leader, he isn't backing down! [The crowd rock in cheers, as The Nature Boy walks down the ramp. He grabs a microphone from ringside, and cautiously enters the ring. He holds his hand up for Triple H to hold it.] Ric: I ain't here to fight you...... [B]YET.[/B] [The crowd give a loud, mixed reaction.] Ric: I'm gunna give you the same choice I gave The Rock, because I respect you. Back out. What Dallas did to Shawn the other week, it doesn't concern you. It's business. Trips: Business?! You think sending my best friend to hospital is [I]BUSINESS[/I]? Ric: Hunter, I'm going to say this once, and only once. What is happening here, what happened to Shawn, there's more at stake than just your friendship. I said it to The Rock, and I'll say it to you. We don't want to cross you. We want McMahon to pay. Trips: And what about Hall and Nash? What about what they did to The Hardyz, or Spike Dudley? Was that [I]business[/I]? Ric: You think I control what they do? You think anybody can control what those guys do? They've got a vendetta against some guys in this company, and I'm not dumb enough to get in their way. But Hunter - you have to trust me. What happened to Shawn was part of something [I]much [/I]bigger. Trips: Bigger? Bigger than a concussion? Bigger than a week in hospital? Ric: [angry] It's [B]NOT [/B]that [B]SIMPLE[/B]! Everything that has happened, to you, to Shawn, to Rocky, it all could have been avoided! But you guys have to call us out! You have to form your armies, and defend [I]McMahon[/I]! [B]MCMAHON[/B]! He lied to you, Hunter! The Invasion was a fraud! He made you put your ass on the line for what?! For [B]RATINGS[/B]?! [Hunter has nothing to say in reply.] Ric: And yet, here you are, at the top of RAW, accepting his [B]HELP?! [/B]Boy, you've got a lot to learn, so here it is again. Leave. Don't turn up to Backlash. Let us do what we have to do. Hunter: And what then Ric? I come back to a company without a boss? How many of my friends are you going to put out of work, to get your revenge? Ric: I take it you made your choice. Hunter: You're [B]DAMN RIGHT[/B] I made my choice. [The crowd cheer.] Ric: Well, then.. I'm sorry. [Ric drops the microphone, and leaves the ring, just like he did with The Rock. But Triple H doesn't leave it there.] Trips: No Ric, [B]I'M[/B] sorry. [Flair turns around, and looks back at Triple H. Triple H points to the top of the entrance ramp, to the sight of [B]Brock Lesnar[/B], standing and growling.] [/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/4562/brocklesnarja1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] JR: Uh oh! Ric Flair might be getting a taste of his own medicine!! [Flair stops in his tracks, and looks worried, but remains calm. Lesnar advances, and is soon followed by [B]Vince McMahon[/B]. The crowd rock, as Flair takes a step back, only for Lesnar to lunge forward, and grab him by the collar!] JR: And now Lesnar has Flair!! [Just as Brock is about to (presumably) tear Flair's head off, the crowd start rumbling. Not just in one section though - every corner of the arena seems to be a hive of activity. And soon, we discover why. From 1 corner, comes [B]Booker T[/B]. From another, comes[B] Scott Steiner[/B]. From another, [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B]. And, from another... [/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/9732/goldbergix4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] JR: And now The Big Boys have come out to play!! King: It's [B]Goldberg[/B], JR! [McMahon, noticing the arrival of the WCW stars, orders Lesnar to let Flair go. Brock does so reluctantly, and even more reluctantly - follows Vince back up the entrance ramp!!] JR: What! Is McMahon high-tailing out of here?!! King: He knows he hasn't got the number advantage, JR! JR: He's got a 300-pound monster backing him up! And now, he's leaving Triple H to the wolves!! Damn him!! [Triple H, noticing McMahon and Brock have gone, gets ready for a fight.] JR: But Triple H isn't backing down!! [Booker T is in first, and Trips meets him with stomps, and then punches, before throwing him back out of the ring!] JR: And there goes Booker! King: There's still three more, JR! [Steiner talks to DDP on the outside, and they surround Triple H on either side of the ring. The crowd chant for Triple H, but a loud 'Goldberg' chant can also be heard.] JR: Come on DDP! Tough guy! Get inside the ring!! [DDP motions to slide into the ring, distracting Triple H enough for Steiner to attack him from behind! DDP smiles and points to his head, as Steiner pounds on Triple H. He whips him into the ropes and attempts a clothesline, but Triple H ducks [I]and knocks Steiner out of the ring[/I]!! The crowd [B]ROCK [/B]in cheers!] JR: Yes! [And now, DDP enters, trying to sneak up behind the Champ, only to be met with a punch! Trips pushes DDP into the turnbuckle and continues the assault, then takes a step back and... [B][SIZE="3"]IS MET WITH A BONE-SHATTERING SPEAR FROM GOLDBERG!!!][/SIZE][/B] JR: [B]SPEAR! DAMN IT!![/B] [Goldberg roars to the crowd, as DDP gives a relieved smile. He slaps Goldberg on the back, and the final shot of RAW is DDP, Steiner, Booker and Goldberg, standing victorious over the fallen WWF World Champion. Ric Flair looks unhappy, almost remorseful, at ringside. At the top of the ramp, Vince McMahon watches, a look of fear spread over his face. ] JR: [B]THE WWF CHAMPION, THE GAME, HAS BEEN TAKEN APART BY DDP AND WCW! AND WE'RE JUST SIX DAYS FROM BACKLASH!! DAMN THEM!![/B] [/quote]
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Sorry for the delay, I've been working hard on After The Fall (and hyping After The Fall). Here is a [B]PRETTY PICTURE~![/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/8516/comsmackdownle3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]WWF Smackdown! Preview - 18th April 2002[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From the CarQuest Center in Houston, Texas, Smackdown! is our last stop before Backlash, and all the major players will be in attendance! After [B]The Hurricane[/B] revealed himself to be [B]Stone Cold[/B]'s mystery partner, their Backlash opponent [B]Shane McMahon[/B] ordered[B] Test and Christian[/B] to ensure that Hurricane 'pays the price' for his alliance with Austin! What do the two Canucks have planned? And will The Hurricane even make it to Backlash? WWF.com has learned that [B]Commissioner Shawn Michaels[/B], still recovering in his San Antonio home, has decided to make his presence felt [B][I]interstate[/I][/B], and ordered a satellite link-up for the top of the show! What will HBK have in store for [B]DDP[/B], the man who put him out of action? And after their brawl on RAW, how can [B]Rob Van Dam and Edge[/B] co-exist when they take on Rock Army members [B]The Dudley Boyz[/B]? Will they tear each other apart before Backlash? Also - [B]X-Pac vs Scotty 2 Hotty[/B], and [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] in action! All this, and plenty more, this Thursday night on UPN! [/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Wow, that show was awesome. This is one of the few diaries that I regularly read (the others being WWE: Rebirth, Nevermore's ECW diary and Ego's TNA diary), and I love it. The show write-ups are great, it really feels like you're watching the shows. Really looking forward to Smackdown.
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[SIZE="5"][B]WWF Smackdown[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]April 18th 2002 Houston, TX[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="3"]'Hurricane Warning'[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4064/smackdownlogoky1.jpg[/img][/CENTER] Smackdown opens with a panning shot of the CarQuest Center in Houston, Texas, and a capacity crowd are on their feet, as we kick off with a literal bang! Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to the show, but before they can preview tonight's card, they're interrupted by the sound of 'No Chance In Hell' and the arrival of [B]Vince McMahon[/B] and [B]Brock Lesnar[/B]!! [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/8/vincemcmahonzs2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Vince has a microphone, and the crowd boo him before he even speaks.] Cole: I'd really like McMahon to explain why he fed Triple H to the wolves last Monday on RAW! Tazz: I'm sure he's got his reasons, Cole! Vince: If I could just have some quiet... [The crowd boo louder. Vince is unimpressed.] Vince: I'd like to clear up a misunderstanding that occured on... [The crowd's boos almost drown out McMahon.] Vince: [B][I]SHUT UP!! [/I][/B]You've paid your money, so now you're going to listen to the man who took it! What happened on RAW was... [I]unfortunate[/I]. Triple H, I'm sorry you had to face those men alone. But Brock and I, we were running cover. Cole: Running cover?! He was running scared! Vince: We thought there were [B]MORE [/B]WCW guys on their way! We were waiting at the top of the ramp, ready to stop them! And by the time we realised that they were already coming from the crowd, well... you were... [I]collateral damage.[/I] Cole: What?! Vince: Brock and I stayed back, ready to fight another day. And that day will come soon, and because of your brave sacrifice Tri- A Voice Off Screen: Yep, it's official... [Vince looks around, confused, until he's staring at the face of [B][SIZE="3"]Commissioner Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] on the TitanTron!] [CENTER][IMG]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/2224/hbkbc9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cole: It's [B]HBK!![/B] [The crowd rock in cheers, as HBK gives a smile.] HBK: You really are an *******. [The crowd pop, and Vince looks angry.] HBK: Vince, the fact is, you and your gorilla there didn't want to get your hands dirty. And I don't blame ya. But I am going to make you live up to your word. You [B]PROMISED [/B]Triple H that you would fight alongside him, and that's what you're going to do tonight. Vince: What? [The crowd start to rumble.] HBK: Because you see Vince, my powers have been expanded. I now have authority over every WWF on-screen talent, from wrestlers, to announcers to... [I]managers[/I]. [Vince looks worried.] HBK: And I checked Brock's contract. In that little box next to his name, it says 'Manager - Vincent Kennedy McMahon'. And, that's why I can make this match. Vince: Shawn, I'm in no condit- HBK: (interrupting) [B]TONIGHT.... [/B]In your very ring... Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page will take on Triple H...[B][SIZE="3"]AND VINCE MCMAHON!![/SIZE][/B] [The crowd [B]EXPLODE [/B]in cheers, as Vince chucks a tantrum in the ring.] HBK: Hope you brought your wrestling singlet Vince! Cole: Oh my!! The Chairman, in action, tonight!! Vince: You'll pay for this, Michaels!! HBK: Actually Vince, technically you'll be paying yourself... [HBK smiles.] HBK: Oh, and Brock - don't think I've forgotten you. I know you're not like McMahon. I know you're keen for a fight, so I'm going to give you one. I wanted to put you against Bradshaw, but turns out that match is signed for Sunday at Backlash. So, I went for someone else. His name is [I]Farooq[/I]. [The crowd cheer.] HBK: And Brock - your match is on in about... oh.... [B]NOW[/B]. Good luck. And Vince - watch out for the Diamond Cutter. It's a real bitch. [HBK waves, and the sattelite feed to his house is cut off, leaving a dumbstruck Vince McMahon. A few seconds later, it goes from bad to worse as The APA's music hits!] Cole: Brock Lesnar versus Farooq - [B]NEXT![/B] [/quote] After a commercial break, we return to the sight of [B]Vince McMahon[/B], walking down the ramp, shaking his head. Behind him, in the ring, [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] and [B]Farooq [/B]exchange punches. [SIZE="3"] [b]Farooq vs Brock Lesnar[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/2536/brockfarooqyv1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Only one word could describe this match - physical. Brock and Farooq beat the holy hell out of each other in the first few minutes, with stiff punches, slams and kicks. Farooq's experience caught up to Brock's power, however, and soon the APA member was in a dominant position. A flying shoulder-charge knocked Brock off his feet, and a hard powerslam saw Farooq get the first ever two-count against Brock Lesnar! While Farooq had the advantage, Brock was never truly out of the match. When Farooq attempted a Dominator, Brock reversed it by tossing the former World Champ over his head, then when Farooq stood back up - an earth-shattering [B]F-5!![/B] One three-count later, and Brock had proved that he didn't need Vince McMahon's assistance to win a match! Post-match, Brock continued to assault Farooq until [B]Bradshaw [/B]made the save, running Brock out of the ring with a chair. Lesnar and Bradshaw stared each other down, trying to get a psychological advantage going into Backlash. [/quote] Backstage, we see [B]Stacy Keibler[/B] talking to [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] about Torrie's match against Women's Champion Trish Stratus at Backlash. Stacy tells Torrie that no matter the outcome, she is proud of Torrie for proving that the WCW girls can hang with the WWF divas. Stacy wishes her a final good luck, and leaves the dressing room. The camera lingers on Torrie, and she breaks into a wide smile.... In another section backstage, [B]Edge [/B]is seen arriving at the arena. [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B] asks him if he and Rob Van Dam can co-exist as a team after their brawl on RAW, and Edge responds with a flat '[B][I]No.[/I][/B]' before walking off. [SIZE="3"] [b]X-Pac vs Scotty 2 Hotty[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/2080/xpacscottydm5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Scotty was the crowd favourite, however X-Pac was certainly less hated by the crowd than he was a few months ago, thanks to his apparent defiance of The Outsiders a few weeks earlier. While the crowd sided with Scotty, the match was an even affair, with a few more high-flying moves than the fans may have expected from the light-heavyweight stars. X-Pac managed to kick out of the Worm at the six minute mark, and then a few moves later, dropped Scotty with the X-Factor for the win at [B]6:50![/B] [/quote] X-Pac celebrates in the ring, but his music doesn't play. Instead, we hear something a little more catchy. [quote] PA: IFF YOU SMELLLL WHAT THE ROCK... IS COOKING!! Cole: It's [B]The ROCK!![/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7610/therocket0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tazz: The People's Champ is in the house! [The crowd [B]EXPLODE [/B]in cheers, as The Great One walks to the ring, microphone in hand. He raises it to his mouth, and the 'ROCKY' chant is deafening.] Rock: [B]FINALLY....THE ROCK HAS COME BACK.....TO [I]HOUSTON[/I]!![/B] [The crowd pop, as X-Pac stares at Rocky, confused.] Rock: Now X-Pac, you're probably thinking to yourself... What have I done to get interrupted by The Great One? And now you're probably thinking to yourself 'how come I'm thinking in rhyme', and now you're probably thinking that if you had a few glases of wine, maybe you would turn for The Rock. [The crowd laugh, but X-Pac looks unimpressed.] Rock: No? No problem. The Rock gets that all the time. But no, X-Pac, The Rock isn't here to insult you in front of these fans, The Rock is here for a purpose. The Rock is here... to offer you an [B]OPPORTUNITY[/B]. [X-Pac looks interested.] Rock: X-Pac, you and The Rock go back. We've had our wars. The Nation versus dX. The Rock and Sock Connection versus dX. Hell, The Rock even remembers a match against X-Factor, and [I]NOBODY [/I]remembers X-Factor... Tazz: Ouch! Rock: But The Rock says this. I respect you. I mean, The Kliq, the nWo, dX, if it was there, you were a part of it. And so, The Rock wants to give you a chance to be part of another group. A [B]ONE-NIGHT-ONLY[/B], one-[B]MATCH [/B]only ass-kicking, skull-cracking bunch of jabroni slappers. The Rock wants [B][I]YOU[/I][/B], to be a part of The Rock Army at Backlash. Cole: Oh my! [X-Pac is obviously surprised by the offer, and rubs his chin.] Rock: So what do you say? [X-Pac grabs the mic.] X-Pac: Rock, I know we go back. But Hall and Nash, they're some of my best friends in the world. And while I hate them for what they did to Hunter and Shawn, they're still my friends. [The crowd boo.] X-Pac: But hey, kicking their asses for one-night isn't going to ruin a friendship, right? [The Rock smiles.] X-Pac: [B]I'm in.[/B] [The crowd cheer, as X-Pac shakes The Rock's hand.] Cole: X-Pac has joined The Rock Army! Tazz: I don't believe it Cole! It's going to be Kliq vs Kliq, Wolfpack vs Wolfpack at Backlash! Hall, Nash, X-Pac, these guys are tighter than brothers! Cole: Fans, when we return - Rob Van Dam and Edge versus the other members of The Rock Army - The Dudley Boyz!! [/quote] Smackdown! returns to the sight of [B]Kurt Angle[/B], putting on a headset at ringside to join Cole and Tazz to commentate our next match... [SIZE="3"] [b]Rob Van Dam and Edge vs The Dudley Boyz[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7325/dudzrvdedgeim8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match was best signified by the two team's body language pre-match. The Dudleyz arrived together, while RVD and Edge entered seperately, talking only to argue who would start. The argument was interrupted by Bubba Ray, who attacked Edge from behind after the bell. Edge and Ray exchanged the advantage, with Edge adapting well to Bubba's brawling style, however a set of rapid tags between the Dudz saw Edge fall into the position of Face-In-Peril. The Dudleyz beat down Edge for the next few minutes, with RVD debating whether to offer his help. In the end, he did, taking a hot tag from Edge and cleaning house with a flurry of kicks! From there, E&RVD were in control, even hitting a few double-team moves for good measure! At the ten minute mark RVD positioned himself on the top rope, ready to Frog Splash D-Von. However, Edge and RVD's Backlash opponent Kurt Angle jumped from ringside and pushed Edge (standing on the ring apron) into the turnbuckle, sending RVD crashing to the ground! One 3-D later, and The Dudleyz picked up the win at [B]10:43![/B] Post-match, an angry RVD floored Edge with a roundhouse kick, while Kurt Angle looked on, laughing, from the top of the ramp! [/quote] After a plug for WWF Backlash, Cole and Tazz run us through HBK's blockbuster announcement at the top of the show, just before we cut to [B]Triple H[/B], arriving at the arena! And he's....[b]WALKING~![/b] After a break, we return to the sight of [B]Shane McMahon[/B], on the phone in his dressing room. [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/739/shaneomackp8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shane: Mom, it's fine. He can just let Triple H do the work. He doesn't even have to step inside the ring... [The door opens, Shane looks up.] Shane: I've got go. Just don't worry, alright? Ok, bye. [Shane hangs up, and greets Test and Christian.] Shane: So did you find him? Christian: Before we answer that, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you want us to find The Hurricane? A 6? Shane: Try a '10', Christian. Test: Shane, we looked everywhere. Shane: How [I]HARD [/I]is it to find a guy in a [B][I]FREAKING CAPE?!![/I][/B] Christian: He's got.. he can fly and..stuff! He might even have the power of invisibility! Test: The cape might be a cloaking device! Shane: A cloaking device... Damn it! We're doing this the old fashioned way. I'm calling The Hurricane out, and I'll take him down myself. Get out of my sight. Christian: You don't want us to help? Shane: I think you guys have screwed up enough for one night. [Shane pushes past Test and Christian, who look less than impressed.] [/quote] Backstage, Jonathan Coachman is seen, mic in hand, roaming the carpark. He arrives at a long black limo, which [B]Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair[/B] have just exited. Coachman asks them for their thoughts r.e the main event, and Flair answers. He tells Coachman that the only regret has in this world is that he didn't join The Alliance, because then HBK could have put him in the ring with McMahon tonight. But, Flair adds - he can live through Booker and DDP, because tonight - Vince McMahon ceases to exist. Oh, and then he says '[I]Whoo[/I]'. Back at the arena - Here comes the Money! [quote] [[B]Shane McMahon[/B] walks briskly to the ring, a look of angry determination on his face. He yanks the microphone from Lilian Garcia, and rolls inside the ring.] Shane: Hurricane, last week you stuck your nose in McMahon business. You know what's going to happen next, so why don't you bring your freak ass to MY house. Cole: Did Shane McMahon just call the ring his house? Tazz: Well, his Dad paid for it! [A pause. Nothing.] Shane: Come on, Hurricane. It's just you and me. I sent Christian and Test home. [Again, nothing.] Shane: Listen, you little pu- [Shane stops speaking when the lights cut out.] Cole: Uh oh... Shane: That's better! But don't hide Hurricane, I want to see you... PA: [B]STAND BACK, THERE'S A HURRICANE COMIN' THROUGH!![/B] [The crowd rock in cheers, as Hurricane's music plays. A green spotlight races around the arena, searching for a glimpse of the hero, before resting on top of the Smackdown set.] [CENTER][IMG]http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/7636/thehurricaneej8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cole: [B]It's The Hurricane!![/B] [Hurricane is standing on top of the Smackdown! giant fist, his cape billowing in the wind. He poses, and the lights come back on. But when we cut back to the ring, Shane McMahon is not alone.] [CENTER][IMG]http://img77.imageshack.us/img77/5047/steveaustinys0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cole: [B][SIZE="3"]IT'S AUSTIN!!![/SIZE][/B] [Stone Cold is standing behind Shane McMahon, who is completely unaware. His attention is focused on The Hurricane.] Shane: What, you think that impresses me? Wow, Hurricane! You can climb a stage! Come down to this ring, so I can beat you like I'm gunna beat Stone Cold this Sunday at Backlash! [The crowd give an 'ooo', and Stone Cold just smiles.] Shane: Hell, I might even hit you with a Stone Cold Stunner! A Shane O Mac Stunner! Yeah! I like the sound of that! Come on, Hurricane! Cole: Shane McMahon is about to be in a whole world of hurt!! [Back at the Smackdown! set - The Hurricane points at McMahon.] Shane: Yeah, you can point. Nice. Are you retarded? How about... I come to [B]YOU? [/B] [Shane drops the mic, and is about to take a step, when he is tapped on the shoulder. Instantly, his face drops. He looks up to the sky, praying for salvation, as Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Texas Rattlesnake, grins.] Tazz: Don't turn around Shane! [Shane gives a trademark McMahon gulp, and slowly turns around. When he sees Austin, his immediate instinct is to run, but he is frozen in place. Austin replies with two birds, kicks Shane in the gut and [B][SIZE="3"]DROPS HIM WITH AN ALMIGHTY STUNNER!!![/SIZE][/B]] Cole: [B]STUNNER ON MCMAHON!![/B] [Austin drops to the ground and jaws with Shane, before jumping to his feet and calling for a beer. His music plays, and Austin points a cold one to The Hurricane, who poses to the crowd's delight.] Cole: Stone Cold and The Hurricane, the oddest of the odd couples, are a well-oiled machine going into Backlash! Tazz: I think Shane O'Mac might regret sending his boys home! Cole: We'll be right back! [/quote] After the break, we return to see [B]Ivory, Jacqueline and Billy Gunn[/B], already in the ring. A few seconds later, the opposing team emerge - [B]D'Lo Brown[/B] and Backlash opponents [B]Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson[/B]! [SIZE="3"] [b]D'Lo Brown, Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson vs Ivory, Jacqueline and Billy Gunn[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/3873/divastt5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In standard inter-gender rules, D'Lo and Gunn were only allowed to face each other. When Gunn made the tag to Jackie, however, Jackie launched herself on the returned superstar! Eventually, D'Lo seperated himself from the diva, and made the tag to Trish. The four women exchanged partners then, with Ivory and Jackie getting the upper-hand due to their experience teaming. Woman's Champion Trish, however, kept her team in the match, and almost put Ivory away with a DDT. In the end, however, miscommunication between Torrie and Trish saw Jacqueline roll up Trish for the 3-Count at [B]6:28[/B]! Post-match, an angry Trish stormed off, leaving Torrie and D'Lo in the ring... [/quote] After the match, we cut backstage, to see [B]Vince McMahon[/B], dressed in a black shirt and jeans, doing some last minute stretches before his match. He leans down, then up, then down, then... is face to face with [B]Triple H.[/B] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/6677/triplehzc9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Vince: Hunter. [Trips glares at McMahon.] Trips: Vince. Vince: Listen, about RAW... Trips: Save it, old-timer. What's done is done. I haven't forgotten you deserting me on RAW. But I'll put it behind us, just for tonight. [Vince seems relieved.] Vince: Thank god. Trips: But remember one thing, McMahon. When the match is over, if four WCW guys come to the ring, if Goldberg lines himself up to spear you in half... [Vince gulps.] Trips: I'm gunna take a seat and [B]watch[/B]. [Trips sneers at Vince, before leaving the locker room and slamming the door shut. Vince bolts upright at the sound of the door slamming, and gulps again.] [/quote] Cole and Tazz run us through all the matches scheduled for Backlash, getting us ready for the main event. A few moments later, Diamond Dallas Page's music hits, and [B]DDP and Booker [/B]head to the ring, to [B]HUGE [/B]heat.] [SIZE="3"] [b]Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T vs Triple H and Vince McMahon[/b][/SIZE] [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/3192/vincetripsbookerdppey2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Like RVD and Edge earlier, Vince and Trips enter seperately. And, predictably, it is Triple H who starts the match, locking up with Booker T. Booker and Trips exchange holds for the first few minutes, wearing each other down with punches, elbows and clotheslines. Every time Trips has Booker down, Vince calls for a tag (and remains conspicuously silent while Booker is in control), until Triple H eventually gives in. Vince rushes into the ring, stomping on Booker, and even flexing. But, when he goes to tag Triple H back in, he doesn't receive an extended hand, but an extended finger! This gives Booker enough time to recover, and he soon tears McMahon to bits, dropping him with an axe kick, then stomping on him for good measure. Booker and DDP double-team McMahon for a few more minutes, until he is screaming for help. Finally, with DDP as the legal man, Trips accepts the hot tag from Vince, and charges the ring. Booker tries to intervene, but it is all Triple H. His rage at DDP's attack on himself and HBK over the past few weeks gives him enough fire to overcome the 2-on-1 advantage, and he soon has DDP set up for the Pedigree! [/quote] We join the match in progress... [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/3192/vincetripsbookerdppey2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tazz: And Trips has him right where he wants him!! [Trips points to the ground, hooks DDP's arms and... is caught with a flying kick from Booker T! Trips falls to the ground, and Booker helps DDP to his feet.] Cole: But he couldn't hit it! And now they're double-teaming him again!! [Booker lifts Triple H to his feet, and DDP sizes him up for a Diamond Cutter! But, before he can hit it, McMahon enters the ring and hits DDP with a chop block to the knee!] Cole: And Vince finally helps out!! [At the same time, Trips punches, then clotheslines Booker T over the top rope, turns around and [B][SIZE="3"]IS MET WITH A DIAMOND CUT[/SIZE]-NO!! HE BLOCKS IT, PUSHES DDP INTO THE ROPES, KICKS HIM IN THE GUT AND [SIZE="3"]DROPS HIM WITH A PEDIGREE!![/SIZE][/B]] Cole: PEDIGREE!! [Trips makes the cover... [B] ONE! TWO! [SIZE="3"]THREE!![/SIZE]![/B]] Cole: They win! I don't believe it!! Tazz: And you know that win has got to feel good for Triple H! He's been getting his ass kicked by WCW for the last few weeks! [Trips has his hand-raised by the referee, as Booker rolls DDP out of the ring, helping him to the back. DDP and Booker glare at Triple H from outside the ring, all the way up the aisle. When they're gone, Vince McMahon gets to his feet, and raises Triple H's hand.] Cole: The Champ and The Boss ended up being a pretty good team! Tazz: I gotta say Cole, I'm a little shocked they wor- [Tazz is interrupted by the sight of Triple H spinning Vince around, kicking him in the gut and dropping him with a face-smashing [B]PEDIGREE!! [/B]The crowd rock in cheers, as Triple H points at McMahon's fallen body and yells!!] Cole: The World Champion, Triple H has just taken out his boss, with the same move he used to put away his Backlash opponent DDP! This Sunday at Backlash, The War gets taken to a whole new level! DDP might have lost tonight, but he could walk out of Backlash the [B]WWF World Heavyweight Champion!![/B] And now, [B]we're out of time!!![/B] [/quote]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2028/backlashdn2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]WWF Backlash 2002[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]April 21st, 2002[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]The Kemper Arena, Kansas, Missouri[/SIZE][/FONT] [B][SIZE="4"]The Card*[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"] [B][U]WWF World Heavyweight Title Match[/U][/B] - 'The Game' Triple H vs 'Diamond' Dallas Page [B][U]Unsanctioned, Outside-the-Arena Brawl![/U][/B] - [B]The Rock Army[/B] (The Rock, The Dudley Boyz and X-Pac) vs [B]The Outsiders [/B](Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and more!) [B][U]Intercontinental Title Match[/U][/B] - Edge vs Rob Van Dam vs Kurt Angle [B][U]3-on-2 Handicap Match[/U][/B] - 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Hurricane vs Shane McMahon, Christian and Test [B][U]European Title Match [/U][/B]- Val Venis (c) vs Mr. Perfect [B][U]Pay-Per-View Debut[/U][/B] - 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar vs Bradshaw [B][U] Women's Title Match[/U][/B] - Trish Stratus (c) vs Torrie Wilson[/SIZE] [/FONT] [SIZE="1"]*Card Subject To Change[/SIZE] [/center]
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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match - [B]'The Game' Triple H[/B] vs 'Diamond' Dallas Page Unsanctioned, Outside-the-Arena Brawl! - The Rock Army (The Rock, The Dudley Boyz and X-Pac) vs [B]The Outsiders (Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and more!)[/B] I almost sense an X-Pac Swreve here Intercontinental Title Match - [B]Edge [/B]vs Rob Van Dam vs Kurt Angle 3-on-2 Handicap Match - [B]'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Hurricane[/B] vs Shane McMahon, Christian and Test European Title Match - [B]Val Venis (c) [/B]vs Mr. Perfect Pay-Per-View Debut - [B]'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar[/B] vs Bradshaw Lesnar needs credibility taking out both members of the APA should do it for him. Women's Title Match - [B]Trish Stratus (c)[/B] vs Torrie Wilson Great card Tommy I can't wait to see how it all goes down
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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match - [b]'The Game' Triple H[/b] vs 'Diamond' Dallas Page Unsanctioned, Outside-the-Arena Brawl! - The Rock Army (The Rock, The Dudley Boyz and X-Pac) vs [b]The Outsiders (Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and more!)[/b] Intercontinental Title Match - Edge vs Rob Van Dam vs [b]Kurt Angle[/b] 3-on-2 Handicap Match - 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Hurricane vs [b]Shane McMahon, Christian and Test[/b] European Title Match - Val Venis (c) vs [b]Mr. Perfect[/b] Pay-Per-View Debut - [b]'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar[/b] vs Bradshaw Women's Title Match - [b]Trish Stratus (c)[/b] vs Torrie Wilson
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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match - [B]'The Game' Triple H[/B] vs 'Diamond' Dallas Page Unsanctioned, Outside-the-Arena Brawl! - The Rock Army (The Rock, The Dudley Boyz and X-Pac) vs [B]The Outsiders (Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and more!)[/B] Intercontinental Title Match - [B]Edge[/B] vs Rob Van Dam vs Kurt Angle 3-on-2 Handicap Match - [B]Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Hurricane[/B] vs Shane McMahon, Christian and Test European Title Match - [B]Val Venis (c)[/B] vs Mr. Perfect Pay-Per-View Debut - 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar vs [B]Bradshaw[/B] Women's Title Match - [B]Trish Stratus (c)[/B] vs Torrie Wilson
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WWF World Heavyweight Title Match - [B]'The Game' Triple H[/B] vs 'Diamond' Dallas Page Unsanctioned, Outside-the-Arena Brawl! - The Rock Army (The Rock, The Dudley Boyz and X-Pac) vs [B]The Outsiders (Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and more!)[/B] Intercontinental Title Match - [B]Edge[/B] vs Rob Van Dam vs Kurt Angle 3-on-2 Handicap Match - [B]Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Hurricane [/B]vs Shane McMahon, Christian and Test European Title Match - Val Venis (c) vs [B]Mr. Perfect [/B] Pay-Per-View Debut -[B] 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar [/B]vs Bradshaw Women's Title Match - [B]Trish Stratus (c) [/B]vs Torrie Wilson
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