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Alright so we all know what the term means. Which C-verse wrestler would you like to convince others to never push again. I'll go first for me it's Rockin' Ryan Turner, and here's why: Here's a guy who's not very good to begin with, but I'm a nice guy and I like to give under used talent a chance. So I start up my own fed it's mostly high fliers with a nice mix of SE. And I say to myself Rockin' Ryan could do ok here. So I sign him, and start giving him a push no one else ever would. All then sudden after about 9 months he's 6-2 and an E in the great lakes region. Now along the way he was late to 1 show and I gave him a warning no big deal. So then I get him invloved in this feud with Mario Heroic and it's going great. Mario is the current mid level champ and I'm grooming Ryan to be the next in line. Then what happens... he no shows! There was no e-mail explaining the situation it was just Ryan Turner missed the show and gave no reason why. So tells me he says screw you and your company. So I pull a Donald Trump and fire him. How does he respond with a Hatred towards me! Yep, not a dislike but a hatred. So he can go to hell and I hope no one else ever tries to push him again!!!!! So that's my wrestler and why he should be black balled...what's yours?
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Holy crap!! Primus has a neck?! :p Who should be blackballed... Liberty! The last TV show before my biggest PPV of the year, I give him a rare shot at main eventing the show... and he goes and puts Squeeky McClean, one of my lead heels and a guy I was grooming for legitimate stardom, out for 14 months with a major concussion. As if it's not bad enough that he shows up late and has the in-ring talent of a sponge... I have to admit that I don't use him very often, he was my first deliberate steal form TCW just for the hell of it. I reckon he might actually be a mole...
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[quote=derek_b;364333]Holy crap!! Primus has a neck?! :p Who should be blackballed... Liberty! The last TV show before my biggest PPV of the year, I give him a rare shot at main eventing the show... and he goes and puts Squeeky McClean, one of my lead heels and a guy I was grooming for legitimate stardom, out for 14 months with a major concussion. As if it's not bad enough that he shows up late and has the in-ring talent of a sponge... I have to admit that I don't use him very often, he was my first deliberate steal form TCW just for the hell of it. I reckon he might actually be a mole...[/quote] Primus doesn't have a neck. He has a tree stump. Same with Brucey and Marat.
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[quote=ShawnCageX5;364377]Meh.. I stole Shawn Micheals away from WWE in my NWA game and had built him up with this huge fued with my then NWA World Champion Joey Mainstream(Matthews, got the name form someones dynasty) and what does he do? He no shows the event, then checks himself into rehab..[/quote] Wow! Someone actually borrowed an idea from my Dynasty!
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Rex Reeves. Since my LDW dynasty died, I've hired him in most games, because I kinda liked the guy. In one particular game, however, he ruined that. Four times. I built him up to a fairly respectable level, and he wins my main title. Then a few months later he signs for SWF the day after my show (thus giving me no time to get the belt off him since I can't schedule another show so soon for financial reasons). Then a few months later they fall to National and fire him. So he comes back, all is forgiven, and he goes on another title run. Then he buggers off to TCW! This time at least I have time to job him... but he refuses to job to Ed Monton, a guy now more over than Reeves is. So he once again leaves for the Big Two with the belt. Then he gets fired again... So I once again feel sorry for him and take him back. Then the bastard DIES. So selfish ¬_¬
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;364629]Rex Reeves. Since my LDW dynasty died, I've hired him in most games, because I kinda liked the guy. In one particular game, however, he ruined that. Four times. I built him up to a fairly respectable level, and he wins my main title. Then a few months later he signs for SWF the day after my show (thus giving me no time to get the belt off him since I can't schedule another show so soon for financial reasons). Then a few months later they fall to National and fire him. So he comes back, all is forgiven, and he goes on another title run. Then he buggers off to TCW! This time at least I have time to job him... but he refuses to job to Ed Monton, a guy now more over than Reeves is. So he once again leaves for the Big Two with the belt. Then he gets fired again... So I once again feel sorry for him and take him back. Then the bastard DIES. So selfish ¬_¬[/QUOTE] Rex "f'n SCCW jobber" Reeves got popular enough for SWF and TCW to actually want to sign him????? :eek: NOW that is a good booker!!! :D
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Originally, I thought immediately of Cameron Vessey, simply because he never, ever develops into anything remotely close to a good worker. However, I then thought about the fact that I just dislike the entire Vessey family. Cameron is mediocre at best, and the older two are just jerks. Especially Bryan, whose ego is so big that it could probably fill in for Larry in the occasional tag match. Side note: I just noticed this in the editor, but apparently Larry Vessey has problems with the law? Has anybody seen anything come up in the game like that?
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I dare say that Bryan deserves to throw a bit of ego around, though. He's got it going no matter which way you cut it. As far as people who should be black balled, I'm going to go off the beaten path and say Mainstream Hernandez. He's awesome, sure, but his free spirit attitude tends to have him showing up late and he's just going to get snatched up by one of the bigger companies anyway. On top of that, he requests ridiculous raises that a tiny MAW couldn't possibly afford. In my game, he had bad chemistry with the majority of my workers as well. G'night, Mainstream. May you enjoy working with one of the mainstream companies. You mainstream bastard.
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Randomly generated worker named Louis Texas who I had in a tag team with bryan danielson to try and improve his skills. He's a free spirit, so after his 3rd time being late for a show I suspened him for a month. Not two weeks after his suspension is lifted I put him and Danielson in a 1 vs 1 and he puts daniels out..........."Semi-Severed SPINAL COLUMN!" He'll be back in a year, but he'll never be the same :(
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Ryan Turner for me, as well. I've gone on a rehiring spree of late, bringing back a lot of workers who were MAW Originals and yet got let go for one reason or another. Ryan Turner, though, with his shoddy attitude, awful matches, inability to show up on time (or at all, sometimes)... He got canned, developed a Hatred relationship with me, and has worked about six matches on the indies in the last six years. Occasionally I look at him, a nobody, and me, on the verge of Cult. And I laugh... Roderick Remus came close for me. His first run with the company saw him let go for asking too much money. I rehired him later and he had a reasonable run, but I didn't see any sign of greatness - he was just having good matches with good workers. Now he's back for a third time. I keep telling myself not to, but I've hired and fired Remmington at least once as well, and kinda feel like I owe at least one of them a steady paycheck :eek:
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