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Flair's Last Match (spoilers)


Flair's Last Match (spoilers)  

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  1. 1. Flair's Last Match (spoilers)

    • Shawn Michaels
    • Triple H
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SO we all know that Flair's last match is slated to be at WM and it will end this current angle. As is obvious from the current storyline directions, Kennedy is currently slated to be the man who does him end. According to some rumor sites however, HBK is pushing hard to get this match. Who do you guys think it should be? Personally I vote for HBK. I don't think Flair's retirement should be used to put someone over, I think he's done enough of it in his career. I'd rather see him have the best possible match, and I think HBK is the best one to get it from him. Kennedy is talented, but he's no HBK, and to have a good match, Flair needs to be carried.
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I just read an article online (am I allowed to link to news sites?) that they are advertising Undertaker's undeafeated street vs. Ric's career for wrestlemania at sky sports. Plans change but from the way the commercial sounded this will be a high on the card match. And frankly it is great booking. This will be the first taker match in who knows how long that actually sound like a good match. At XX his match w/ kane sounded good but failed to deliver. This one could be great.
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I'd pick Shawn Michaels for Flair's last match myself, with Triple H and The Undertaker battling it out for a close second place. I was kinda figuring that Mister Kennedy Kennedy would be tasting defeat at the hands of the Nature Boy whenever they had their match, but you never know. :cool:
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I'm surprised at the volume of people expecting it to be HBK. Don't get me wrong it would be a great match, but HBK is a face atm as is Flair, HHH is a face and if HBK retires Flair would HHH then be pissed at HBK for retiring his good friend and turn on him? resulting in yet another HHH - HBK feud? And I'd love to see a huge swerve and have Flair win his WM match :D
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;366001]I've heard this said, but I don't get it. Is beating Flair really going to elevate him into the main event?[/QUOTE] A couple of months ago when Flair was losing to every Tom, Dick and Harry I would have said no. But Flair is putting all these wins under his belt and he's getting that cornered animal ability to beat all odds. So some one defeating him is isn't quite a main event guy (like Kennedy) could be fault into the status of main eventer and carry the moniker of the man who retired (a well performing) Ric Flair.
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Kennedy or MVP would be my picks. Retiring Flair is something that can be used as a HUGE deal for whoever does it. As such, its the kind of thing that a rising star can use to push people from upper-carder to main event. And lets face it... the WWE doesn't have a huge number of top tier heels just now. That's probably because faces sell more merchandise... but creating a new top heel would create a lot more potential top tier feuds. Which can only be a good thing once some faces start taking the titles back on some of the brands. :) Personally... I'd like to see MVP take it. The MVP Lounge segment with Flair and MVP brought up a lot of interesting points and I'd love to see it taken further.
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You'd have to be an idiot to book HBK over Flair in Flair's last match. Shawn Michaels has never drawn and never will, and winning a match against Flair isn't going to change that. Having Michaels retire a legend when he's close to retirement himself is ridiculously short-sighted, especially when there are literally dozens of young up and comers who could benefit from beating Flair in his last match. Triple H versus Flair would be a good match and makes good storyline sense, but it's bad for business in much the same sense that an HBK win would be bad. But at least Triple H has been champion during periods when the company was doing decent business. Kennedy would be a good choice for Flair's last match, as would MVP. Either guy has a lot to gain from a win over Flair.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;366374]Shawn Michaels never a draw!!!!! thats a total falsehood.[/QUOTE] I agree whole-heartedly, HBK not drawing is one of the most asinine statements I have ever heard. But I actually do agree that it makes more sense to use Flair to put Kennedy over, it gives them an excellent "resume" builder to any young upper-mid heel. HHH can sit at home for WM as far as I'm concerned, he's already running his mouth backstage to win the EC at No Way Out so he can main event. He may as well just crap on all the other young guys who he should be putting over at this point in his career.
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[QUOTE=Lostrelms;366381]HBK is a decent draw.... The best Draws WWE has had though in order of opinion.. 5. The Rock 4. The Undertaker 3. John Cena 2. Steve Austin 1. Hulk Hogan[/QUOTE] Not happy with that. Austin was the figure head that helped turn the WWF around when it was getting beaten week in, week out by WCW in the ratings. I'd also suggest watching the royal rumble when Cena returned and compare that to the RAW when The Rock returned after Austin went awol. If you compare the crowd reaction you'd see that Cena really doesn't get any reaction from fans. As for the Undertaker I'd put Michaels as a bigger draw than him but its very close either way. 5. Shawn Michaels 4. Triple H 3. Hulk Hogan 2. The Rock 1. Steve Austin On the topic of Flair's retirement match, I really don't think it would be that big of a boost to anyone's career. He's been jobbed out so much that he isn't a threat anymore and in most viewer's eyes he's just an old man. HBK or Triple H is probably the best option right now, although I wouldn't mind seeign Flair take on someone from his past in WCW for a one off match. If you're looking for someone for him to put over, assuming Orton's gonna lose the belt then it would probably do the best for his legend killer gimmick although he really doesn't deserve it.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;366521] On the topic of Flair's retirement match, I really don't think it would be that big of a boost to anyone's career. He's been jobbed out so much that he isn't a threat anymore and in most viewer's eyes he's just an old man. HBK or Triple H is probably the best option right now, although I wouldn't mind seeign Flair take on someone from his past in WCW for a one off match. If you're looking for someone for him to put over, assuming Orton's gonna lose the belt then it would probably do the best for his legend killer gimmick although he really doesn't deserve it.[/QUOTE] I agree with this. But not only am I unconvinced that Flair losing will actually give someone a rub, even if it WOULD, I think Flair's done enough jobbing for the E that his last match should be totally respectful. No gloating by a heel at the end about ending his career, etc. No young lion using it to try to spring up the card. His career ending should be treated like a sad, dignified moment. I think the best angle would be to have HBK somehow piss McMahon off, maybe with an accidental Sweet Chin Music. McMahon comes out the next night on Raw and says something about trying to figure out who HBK should face at WM. He tosses names like HHH, Khali, etc. around before saying none of them felt like enough punishment. Then he says, instead, it will be Ric Flair. And just to make sure HBK gives it his all at WM, both men's career is on the line. At the end of the match when HBK wins, the moment is heartfelt and surreal. HBK and Flair embrace, HHH comes to the ring, Austin, Ricky Steamboat, Hulk Hogan, etc. And they all salute the Nature Boy one last time.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;366525]Whoa, those guys a bigger draw than Hogan? Maybe in his latest WWE run...[/QUOTE] Well I did grow up watching WWF with Austin and The Rock as the big names whilst Hogan was on WCW. Undoubtedly Hogan in his first stay in the WWF was huge but Rock and Austin helped revolutionise the wrestling industry and took it away from the cartoon characters and into the attitude era. I dunno, just my take and I suppose who one considers are the biggest draws are often gonna be the people they grew up watching. For the record though, there is no way that Cena is in the top 5 biggest draws in the WWE's history.
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Just looking at marketing and drawing figures... I don't see why anyone would say Triple H should be in the Top 5 draws in WWF/E history. I'm sorry and I don't care who wants to argue... if he hadn't married the boss' daughter he would not be in the position he is today. He probably would've ended up with the Title eventually, but to call him a huge draw is just ridiculous. The whole time he was dominating everyone on RAW, the ratings sucked. I can tell you right now the night Kane lost his mask drew about 300,000 viewers LESS than the average rating is today... and that was when Triple H was in every damn segment of every RAW. I wouldn't count DX merchandise in the way of him drawing either... I'd go buy personal drawing power. Just in my personal opinion if I were going to go see a Super Show with all 3 brands... I'd be going to see Undertaker and HBK as the main headliners. Thinking about top 5; 1. Steve Austin 2. The Rock 3. Hulk Hogan 4. The Undertaker 5. Vince McMahon Like it or not... and I hate it... but Vince has drawn TONS more to his own company than Triple H ever will. As it pertains to Flair... it's the WWE's fault for the way they've handled him. The man barely won a single match in 2007, now they can't even put him over cleanly because of how badly they've handled him since he came in after WCW closed without someone looking weak. If you want someone to end his career, it should not be given to Triple H or HBK... both have more under their names than they need and something like that shouldn't be added to it. The only two real choices are Kennedy and Undertaker... with Kennedy it would get him over and give him something to gloat about for months. With Undertaker it would be a HUGE draw.... Career vs. Winning Streak.
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Wouldn't the proper thing for the E to do is bring in Sting to end Flair's career? He is the one that I would pay to see do it. And it is how it should be, now I know that won't happen but it could work if Vince wants to make it work. He could then use the run to promote the Sting DVD the E plans to release this year.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;366527] I think the best angle would be to have HBK somehow piss McMahon off, maybe with an accidental Sweet Chin Music. McMahon comes out the next night on Raw and says something about trying to figure out who HBK should face at WM. He tosses names like HHH, Khali, etc. around before saying none of them felt like enough punishment. Then he says, instead, it will be Ric Flair. And just to make sure HBK gives it his all at WM, both men's career is on the line. At the end of the match when HBK wins, the moment is heartfelt and surreal. HBK and Flair embrace, HHH comes to the ring, Austin, Ricky Steamboat, Hulk Hogan, etc. And they all salute the Nature Boy one last time.[/QUOTE] I like this idea alot, kind of like the post-raw celebration from the Ric Flair DVD or the line-up of applause down the hallway when the retirment angle started. Regardless of the fact the Flair is a shell of his former self as far as ring work goes, The man is a true legend in the business and deserves to go out with nothing but class. [QUOTE=Outlawjc;366691]He could then use the run to promote the Sting DVD the E plans to release this year.[/QUOTE] I thought this one along with the Randy Savage DVD had been cancelled by Vince (think I read this on gerweck)
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