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My reactions: #1: Personality Plus: As someone with a background in the psychology field, I am thrilled. #2: Bad Blood: Great detail I always wondered about. #3: National Battle: Never saw that coming. Sounds challenging and different. #4: Injury Realism: Sure, why not. #5: Multi Advance: Yessss. All of the baseball sims I play have this. #6: Worker \ New Worker Combination: Thanks! Very necessary for MOD makers. #7: The Hall Of Immortals: I'm very excited about this. Probably the most! #8: Champion Replacement: Sounds fun.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;373257]I can see a lot of people picking up guys based on their potential now more so than how good they actually are in the ring. This could make for some interesting scenarios.[/QUOTE] Hmm, I'm not sure Potential is a "visual" you can look for while playing. Certainly you can by looking in the editor (probably both in game, and database editor). I'm curious now that you brought that up. That's not the intention of what most of us were looking for. We were looking to be able to set someone's cap to be able to get as far as they did in real life. Perhaps vice/versa as well.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;373445]Hmm, I'm not sure Potential is a "visual" you can look for while playing. Certainly you can by looking in the editor (probably both in game, and database editor). I'm curious now that you brought that up. That's not the intention of what most of us were looking for. We were looking to be able to set someone's cap to be able to get as far as they did in real life. Perhaps vice/versa as well.[/QUOTE] Are you saying that if you know what they have already achieved in real life, and know that the game can reflect that, it won't make you more likely to sign that person?
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[QUOTE=Akki;373452]Are you saying that if you know what they have already achieved in real life, and know that the game can reflect that, it won't make you more likely to sign that person?[/QUOTE] Just a quick question, that might help answer this. If you were playing a "real world" historical mod. Would you just let people like The Rock, and Steve Austin proove themselve's first in another promotion when they debut? Or would you try to hire them when you notice they have debuted? What I'm saying is that we (as in it wasn't just me, but I did say I liked the idea) were looking for a way we could keep the caps higher for those that do end up being huge. Imagine a "REAL WORLD" game where The Rocks cap is at 30% overness (example). How "Real" would that feel? Kind of like the other suggestion about how long a wrestler will work before retiring... This was brought up thinking primarily of Ric Flair. Just something to help the "real" world feel more "real". My point is that we weren't looking for it to be easier Then it already is.. TO spot the stars. Just a way of making them have "Potential" to do the things they done in "real" life. A knowledgeable fan would definately know who would have this potential already. Myself personally, I'm looking at using it for a fictional database.
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I think the stat will have some intresting outcomes when it is paired with the way personalitys are now going to be dealt with. lets take worker a for example. Worker a enters the game with d's in all the stats but has an A* in Potential . Now how do you deal with this Potential super star now? Do you risk giving him a bad personality in favor of high stats? If you push this new worker to the moon yah you are going to have the next cornell but also the next big smack scott also. A worker who can do everything but flakes on shows, brings down the mood of everyone and just pisses people off. I really think it is going to have to be a give and take situation. Because remember at a certain age they reach there cap, so you have a limited time frame to build them up.
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I agree that this is a lot like the whole retirement thing, and Adam balked on that. I'm not calling him a hypocrite, but it does seem a little weird to me. If he added one stat that change the likelihood of something, why not add another? But anyway... If you were going to sign Austin or Rock anyway, it really doesn't change things, does it? I think that the Potential stat might have its use. Unlike those that complain about the idea of Auto-Booker, I'm not complaining that it's in the game. I'm just saying that I won't be likely to use it. I would be mad, though, if there weren't a way to turn it off somehow. Actually, this is very subjective and I think people's ideas about this will come from their own personal beliefs on destiny and those kinds of things. Spooky stuff.
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[QUOTE=Akki;373467]I agree that this is a lot like the whole retirement thing, and Adam balked on that. I'm not calling him a hypocrite, but it does seem a little weird to me. If he added one stat that change the likelihood of something, why not add another? But anyway...[/QUOTE] They're nothing alike, because one is factual, one isn't. A person's retirement age is entirely dependent on how their career unfolded; a change of push, receiving or avoiding a key injury, anyone of a multitude of factors could drastically alter it. A person's potential on the other hand is measurable, and therefore can be simulated by a statistic. We know for a fact that Steve Austin had the potential to be a great, because he did it. We know that Jushin Lyger had the potential to be a great, because he did it. Do we know that they'd "make it" every time? No. But the Potential stat doesn't guarantee success either. We do know that they have the potential to do so though. Do we know that Cody Rhodes has the potential to be great? No, because we have no evidence one way or another - so his Potential would be simulated as Random. The key point is that hindsight gives you factual information about the latter, but not the former. Therefore historical mods can use factual information to fill in the Potential stat. Frankly I'm tired of explaining this, so this is the final statement on the matter.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we may just have found this year's game world balancer. That is a smaller feature that probably get little to no mention on commercial packaging but would deserve singing to the heavens. HAAAAAA LAY LOU YEAH HAAAAAA LAY LOU YEAH Love this chemistry store feature. One of the biggest problems the game's had since the inception of the current format is how easy it is to lose potentially important information like chemistry. Cutting down on the number of things we need to take notes on and/or stick in a potentially muddled Notepad is a beautiful addition. Thank you muchly for this one, Adam.
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Kinda 'meh' about this one. I always felt it was one of those "Please make the game easier" type of requests. I guess it was a bit of a hassle keeping track of chemistry, but I thought by doing that, I was being rewarded for my diligence. Good on Adam for listening to requests though.
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[QUOTE=Self;373585]Kinda 'meh' about this one. I always felt it was one of those "Please make the game easier" type of requests. I guess it was a bit of a hassle keeping track of chemistry, but I thought by doing that, I was being rewarded for my diligence. Good on Adam for listening to requests though.[/QUOTE] this is like the arguement agianst puttig in world maps and quest tracking into RPG's. If you enjoy mapping it out, there is still nothing stopping hyou. but now this allows the casual gamer to come back to the game with out having to read through his copious notes to remember what is what. this is a real win!
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[QUOTE=mistaken;373619]this is like the arguement agianst puttig in world maps and quest tracking into RPG's. If you enjoy mapping it out, there is still nothing stopping hyou. but now this allows the casual gamer to come back to the game with out having to read through his copious notes to remember what is what. this is a real win![/QUOTE] If I was arguing this, I'd say that Chemistry isn't the same as a World Map, becuase chemistry is like a power bonus, whereas the map is to do with actual goals of the game. You don't NEED to use Chemistry to play the game. But I'm not arguing it. It's in. There's certainly nothing wrong with it being in. Good stuff. I just personally find it the least exciting addition so far... keeping in mind I am utterly thrilled with everything else. Don't get me wrong, I'm cheering, but it's not a rabid cheer like for National Battle.
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[QUOTE=Self;373585]Kinda 'meh' about this one. I always felt it was one of those "Please make the game easier" type of requests. I guess it was a bit of a hassle keeping track of chemistry, but I thought by doing that, I was being rewarded for my diligence. Good on Adam for listening to requests though.[/QUOTE] And you know, technically you may be right. But at the same time, I've always felt there was positive and negative difficulty. Positive difficulty being things like the owner challenges and judging by the popular reaction, National Battle. A feature I'll probably need time to appreciate Then there was needless difficulty like losing track of chemistry because at best you had to make note of it in a muddled Notepad. Or note it in outside sources where it was easily lost in the shuffle. I can't tell you the number of times I'd had stuff jotted down on paper for either TEW or some other similar game and shredded it because I was trying to clean this computer room up. The importance of those notes didn't register through the cleaning mindset so they were junked. Only to be sorely missed when I started playing again. So if you want to classify this as making the game easier, fair enough. I see it as making the game more organized so you can better appreciate the challenges that are supposed to be challenging.
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The [i]Chemistry Store[/i] could be seen as kind of--in a small way--bringing back staff/worker opinions to TEW. I mean [i]actual[/i] staff/worker opinions...useful staff/worker opinions. Remember in EWR where (and it was kind of obvious if you looked at the status--which were numerical back then--to match opponent) you would get a message in your mail saying "A and B don't click" or "A and B click" or "B and I really click in the ring"...and so on, those suggestions were actually useful in EWR. That's the way I'm looking at [i]ChemStore[/i]. I don't know how it will be intergrated (ie a stat suggestion or more of a game world worker/road agent suggestion presented to you), but it is one of those "game handicaps" I can appreciate. [QUOTE=cappyboy;373632] Then there was needless difficulty like losing track of chemistry because at best you had to make note of it in a muddled Notepad. Or note it in outside sources where it was easily lost in the shuffle. I can't tell you the number of times I'd had stuff jotted down on paper for either TEW or some other similar game and shredded it because I was trying to clean this computer room up. The importance of those notes didn't register through the cleaning mindset so they were junked. Only to be sorely missed when I started playing again. So if you want to classify this as making the game easier, fair enough. I see it as making the game more organized so you can better appreciate the challenges that are supposed to be challenging.[/QUOTE] Oh yeah, hours of writing down info with grandpa tools (notepad and pen) only to loose it the following day...good times courtesy of TEW. Use I could've used the in game notepad, but it's in the corner and 95% of the time I don't even notice it :(
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I desperately needed the Chemistry Store feature. I never could remember what chemistry my wrestlers had. If two guys on my roster had bad chemistry, I would ultimately end up forgetting and booking them in another match, only to get a poor rating. Plus, now I can look and see who has good chemistry, if I just need a blockbuster match to fill out a card. I'm loving the new features so far.
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