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If [i]Ring Rust[/i] were a woman, she'd be very attractive. I really like this feature. Could drive the player to actually want to work with this worker and get them back into fighting shape. I know I grow attached to certain workers in the game (Chaos Demons, Taro Shinoya, Mad Dog Mortimer), if they were to get injured in the game or something and develop ring rust I know I'd be trying to work them through it. What it all comes down to is more strategy and realism and that's [i]always[/i] a good thing. :)
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Do workers who start out as unemployed at the beginning of the game already have ring rust? And for this to work is their a part of the worker profile that says how long since he's last wrestled, so the game can determine the amount of ring rust? Also does working the independent shows (assuming their still in) break up ring rust?
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I like the unpredictability, but I recall someone bringing the concept up ages ago, and the reasoning behind having a set day for things was to cut down on loading times - so that the game wasn't checking for all those things every single day. Does this mean more load times, or has there been some coding to work around that?
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I believe that the game code has been improved to run faster anyway - this shouldn't affect it significantly. It's also something that was partway implemented in the move from 05 to 07, as in 05 all 'random' incidents (interviews, movies etc) happened on one day. I still remember a day I got on one game with nine relationships breaking down via radio interviews...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;376878]I believe that the game code has been improved to run faster anyway - this shouldn't affect it significantly. It's also something that was partway implemented in the move from 05 to 07, as in 05 all 'random' incidents (interviews, movies etc) happened on one day. I still remember a day I got on one game with nine relationships breaking down via radio interviews...[/QUOTE] I forgot about the 2nd Tuesday of the Month feature. Good times.
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In TEW07 wrestlers currently can retire at any point in their contract. Given the nature of the business, I imagine this is likely to remain the same. Afterall, you're hardly going to force someone with an F in their leg condition to keep on wrestling, are you?
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I always thought it would make more sense when someone retired, their contracts would be voided out and they would become free-agent "non-wrestlers". You signed a contract with them to wrestle and if they want to retire, they shouldn't expect to still be paid for the contract's remainder.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;377099]In TEW07 wrestlers currently can retire at any point in their contract. Given the nature of the business, I imagine this is likely to remain the same. Afterall, you're hardly going to force someone with an F in their leg condition to keep on wrestling, are you?[/QUOTE] Depends on how much of their overness can be jobbed away.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;376047]I like this feature, but I'd like to know a little more about how long it is before ring rust comes into effect.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Self;376066]Trial and error. Finding that out is going to be part of the fun. Nice feature. Not [I]huge[/I] but a definite improvment.[/QUOTE] 1PWfan, we'll find out the specific thresholds for ring rust the same way we found out about the benefits of sex sells angles in 05 and the same way we found out jobbing people on the way out the door (or leading up to contract negotiations). You play and see what works and what doesn't work. Now, I'm going to make some assumptions and/or educated guesses on how the feature might work. 1. Workers sitting out gimmick changes won't be subject to ring rust. Now, since the longest gimmick change offscreen period is like 3 months, that leads me to... 2. Ring rust will kick in only after more than 3 months of inactivity. I dunno whether inactivity means sitting out an injury or being unemployed or both (I'd guess both), but I have yet to see Adam put a feature in TEW that doesn't follow some logical path. I'd guess that if a worker works an independent show, their "ring rust timer" resets to zero. That would make sense, wouldn't it? [QUOTE=Moe Hunter;376859]I like the unpredictability, but I recall someone bringing the concept up ages ago, and the reasoning behind having a set day for things was to cut down on loading times - so that the game wasn't checking for all those things every single day. Does this mean more load times, or has there been some coding to work around that?[/QUOTE] I'm guessing (hoping?) that 08 benefits from some of the programming advancements seen in WMMA. I think it will since, as I've said already, it would make sense. Think of how 07 benefitted from WreSpi2's feature set and programming. There's reason to believe the same will happen for 08.
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Hmm, retirement can happen anytime during the month now. Interesting, and I'm sure that adds something to the game. In all honesty though, the last couple seem to be something I would have expected to be in a "Here's a few minor things" (although by minor, I do not mean the coding going into it) kind of post. Ring Rust and Retirment. Nice effects for realism. Do I care? I don't know yet, I will have to play to see I guess. I'm sure there is something coming around for me to be excited about (not that there hasn't already). A handfull of options that I don't care either way for, doesn't mean that I'm not counting on quite a few that I do (for example, the first few were awesome for me)!
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[QUOTE=Remianen;377121] I'm guessing (hoping?) that 08 benefits from some of the programming advancements seen in WMMA. I think it will since, as I've said already, it would make sense. Think of how 07 benefitted from WreSpi2's feature set and programming. There's reason to believe the same will happen for 08.[/QUOTE] Not to put a downer on it, but I was under the impression that loading times in WMMA were the result of there only being about 400 fighters to deal with, instead of the thousand(s) in TEW07. I haven't tried out any mods for WMMA so I don't know if any of them have a vast number of people, but even still I don't find the WMMA loading to be amazingly quick. I do hope there's improvement for 08, obviously.
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Development Territories [QUOTE=James Casey;377458]The improvements to development territories is the single biggest thing I wanted in the new game. I am officially stoked![/QUOTE] I have to say that now the [B]Ring Rust[/B] and all looks to be an exciting feature with this addition. I just knew there was a reason for it! LOL. So you hire a guy that's been out for a while, send him to development to get rid of the ring rust, and bring him back to your promotion when he's ready! Awesome stuff. Development Territories, right up there with putting the new worker/regular worker's into one area!
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Excellent news with the Development changes, one question about it though. Say we send an experienced wrestler down to be a trainer, can he still be used on our shows if need be (similar to Tommy Dreamer/Al Snow/Bill DeMott etc)? Either way though I can't wait to use this, have a few trainers in mind already :D
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