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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;378902]Thanks. And good idea. Can't wait to see what see what this next update has in store for us! :cool:[/QUOTE] Guess you didn't get your wish. But a feature is a feature, and anything that reduces the space that little GDS folder takes up on my laptop is good news.
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It's really nice when downloading big mods like the C-verse 1975 mod. Copying and recopying pictures was very tedious, not to mention every time you created a new database you had to keep copying pictures over. Makes a lot of sense. I have actually been doing a similar method on my own. I would create a new database, create the game I wanted to play on it and then transfer the save game over to the main one and delete the new database folder, so I can play my new game on a modded database w/o wasting another 150mb on a new database. Sure some of you might think that 150mb is small potatoes, but when you have a cheap laptop that only has 250mb of free space, all those redundant pictures really add up.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;379254]Yay!!! No more copying my massive pic collection into every new database :D[/QUOTE] Hmm... me thinks I'm too verbose when we both say the same thing with such a vastly different word count. edit: You too can become verbose. check out [url]www.freerice.com[/url]
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I could perhaps, speak in a more civilized manner, but then my speech and vocabulary patterns begin to sound somewhat more like Beast from the X-Men. So I simplify, this is, afterall, a video game forum. A wrestling video game forum. God, I sound like a 12 year-old trying to sound grown up...
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;379350]I like it. I'd like the ability to be able to reference two folders (I like to run C-Verse/Real World merged data), but I can see where that might come into conflict and be a nightmare to code, so I'll live with it. My harddrive's plenty big anyway :D[/QUOTE] Considering that no one shares the same name (at least not that I am aware of) I can't see why you couldn't put them all in the same folder and have all of your games using that "mega" folder.
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Not the biggest issue in the world from my perspective. But it will make it more palatable to seek out the right pics for all my talent in the various databases. So a thumbs up from me. Besides, if Adam's giving this thought on something comparatively minor like graphics, maybe a system of killing data repetition is coming in a future installment. Now that would really pump me up.
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Graphic Repetition Reduction gets a thumbs up from me. It's a smarter way to do things, and a reflection of the fact that Adam is really searching for every last little thing that can be improved. On top of that, I don't know about you guys, but I found it a touch tedious to copy pictures from one place to another and, actually, was kind of hoping this might somehow be changed. Thumbs up to what comes across as a relatively minor addition/fix.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;379365]Considering that no one shares the same name (at least not that I am aware of) I can't see why you couldn't put them all in the same folder and have all of your games using that "mega" folder.[/QUOTE] There's a few but yeah, you're right it's actually not a issue at all really. I was incredibly tired at the time of my last post, I'll blame it on that.
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AI using Angles... wow. I remember how much people requested this for 07, and it's funny how I haven't seen much talk of it for 08. But it's an awesome feature, and could really enhance the enjoyment of the game. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;379664]conserving more hd space isn't a big issue for you?[/QUOTE] No. Because I tend to view having pictures attached to everyone as a nice amenity I can live without if I really have to. Especially when I'm playing with a real would mod. Where I'm likely playing WWE or TNA and can visualize most if not all the people I'm using. Besides, I've had this computer for 4 years and I'm only using like 40% of my hard drive space as it is. Can see would it would be big for others. My last computer got so bloated it was the technical equivalent of the mom in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. So I can definitely relate.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;379834]The angles showing in the show history is a very welcome, and much needed feature, especially for those of us that like to diaries and play ahead a few months. Plus, now Shipshirt can quit begging for it. :p :D[/QUOTE] This is a fabulous addition. I might even do a Diary that lasts longer then a couple of weeks with this. IF you get into a game, and your liking, but didn't know you were going to like it so much, and decide to do a Diary with it, you might have a year's worth of work already stored up, and be able to do a great diary without having to restart and try to "match" what you did last time (or try to remember everthing you done). Very good feature this is.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;379908]Is it only the 'big' angles (5+ min.) that are saved? 'Cause it would be stupid to have the 'warm-up' angles and short match-making angles be stored for review.[/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure that's what he said in there somewhere, I'd have to read back through to be sure though. I like this feature myself, now maybe I can get a grasp of the storylines the other promotions are running in my games. I always like to have as full a grasp on the game world as I can. :)
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;379834]T Plus, now Shipshirt can quit begging for it. :p :D[/QUOTE] What the---?!?! I got blindsided I tells ya!! :D Seriously, this is definitely my favorite new feature. I didn't even think of the AI using angles so that's just an added bonus! Now for the match history to list if the finish was a DQ or CO and if it was a gimmick match... ;) [QUOTE=Blackman;379908]Is it only the 'big' angles (5+ min.) that are saved? 'Cause it would be stupid to have the 'warm-up' angles and short match-making angles be stored for review.[/QUOTE] Yeah in fact he even used those exact words about it being stupid to have a bunch of 1 minute warm up angles listed.
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