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[QUOTE=Akki;394065]Free Spirit: "Yeah... I ran over a dog on my way to the airport. Then my flight took off early. I had to go to the other airport to get on a different flight, but that one got delayed because of snow. So I decided to take the train, but the tracks were broken. So I ended up staying home. Sorry." [/QUOTE] LOL I so hope there are mails like this as part of the feature. That was just too funny. So glad to have this back. Little immersive touches like this are where the last couple games have fallen down in my mind.
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[QUOTE] As a nod to the history of the series, a returning feature is that of mail reactions. In a nutshell, when you do certain tasks like hiring or firing, other workers will send pop-up messages giving you praise or criticism for your decisions. For example, one of your existing wrestlers may appear to tell you how glad he is that you've started negotiations to bring his wife in to the promotion.[/QUOTE] Fantastic! I was hoping this would make a return. When you have a huge roster it's hard to remember who hates who or who likes who. I had really missed this feature and am glad to see it make a come back.
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Very interesting addition. A surprising one considering the demographic this game caters to (wrestling fans generally not being the most mature of people) but I can't help but applaud it's addition. I wonder if certain popular characters suddenly become less so after 'coming out', so to speak.
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[QUOTE=Self;394156]Very interesting addition. A surprising one considering the demographic this game caters to (wrestling fans generally not being the most mature of people) but I can't help but applaud it's addition. I wonder if certain popular characters suddenly become less so after 'coming out', so to speak.[/QUOTE] it can't change overtime. Unless you're talking about forum popularity.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;394173]it can't change overtime. Unless you're talking about forum popularity.[/QUOTE] That would be interesting if they do. Like in a Japanese promotion, no one really cares as long as you're good in the ring, but in a risky/cult one, I would assume someone's popularity after coming out would either plummet or skyrocket.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;394173]it can't change overtime. Unless you're talking about forum popularity.[/QUOTE] I am. I meant guys who are popular with players in TEW07 becoming less so in 08 . I don't want to think that of the guys on this forum (generally 300% more reasonable and mature than other wrestling fans) but... an interesting situation.
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Guest The Aussie
Man, awesome that the emails from workers are back in. There could be some real hilarity occuring. I'm gonna love seeing the angry emails from anyone that hates Big Smack Scott
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=BadFurDay;394189]My bet goes on Tommy Cornell and Christian Faith for homosexuality[/QUOTE] Cornell being gay? GTFO
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Self;394195]Wouldn't strike me as too odd if Edd Stone turned up as Bi. He strikes me as being pretty open minded. Wishful thinking?[/QUOTE] Can't say that I disagree with you on the first point. I could see him being it
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[QUOTE=Sons of Kohral;394171]Marc DuBois is gay. Watch[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=theaddicane;394183]I've got an odd feeling Steve Flash will be gay, you know.[/QUOTE] This is funny. I was going to make a Top 5 most likely and both DuBois and Steve Flash were going to be on it. DuBois from his pic and the fact he's French-Canadian, so at least Bi-Sexual, Flash just as Adam's way of killing the inane amount of Man Crushes there are on him around here!
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