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[QUOTE=foolinc;370044]Unless the CVerse changes, the National Battle feature won't be active at the start of the game, which will cut down majorly on the confusion.[/QUOTE] And those first four words are the key ones in my mind. The CVerse always gets updated in new releases to reflect the state of Cornell World at that time. At the moment, we don't know how that update will be reflected. So until some indication arrives you're right, I'm still reticent about the idea. But I try to be adaptable. Maybe as we get closer I'll be able to revisit this topic and find the passion for it most already seem to have.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;370027]National battle seems a great new feature. Hopefully the AI will improve as well. If not we'll still kick the big promotions' a$$es with a rising promotion :D But we won't see any scenarios where all promotions are national, like what sometimes occurs in Japan.[/QUOTE] That would really have made my dynasty game interesting, since I have 5 national promotions in Japan. [QUOTE]Speaking as a new player, I kinda like this one. National Battle makes it a lot more interesting to play as a larger promotion (although TCW better get some decent roster additions), which is good.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]My only resevration is how it will pan out for smaller promotions like say, NYCW. For example, le't say by some miracle I make it to national status. Could I then expect to los (using my current roster as an example), almost all of the talented members of my roster? It seems a tad unfair on promotions who've just worked their way up, and speaking as someone with very low roster turnover (I don't usually build new guys until the old ones have left), this strikes me as something that needs to be considered.[/QUOTE] From what I have seen of signing practices in 2007, a National company usually only hires someone to fill a hole in their roster. i.e. if they already have a full roster, they aren't going to go out and raid everyone else unless they jump a level, or they lose or release someone due to contract issues. So it would probably be unlikely that you would lose your stars when you go National unless one of the other promotions at National jumps to International or Global at around the same time. The AI may be different in 08 on how it handles this, but you could always use your warm up period to convert all your ppa contracts to written ones.
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National battles... I can't wait to get a long term game going to see how this plays out. Even after lots of discussion I'm excited about this feature. Rising to national is always tough but with 28 days to organise written deals and the like, you should be able to get a good roster together. Since you're already putting on national level shows to get to national level you should be ready to compete with the top dogs immediately... And most importantly of all... you can be massively rewarded for getting very over in a few regions. You could make DAVE massive in the Tri-State and put on great shows there so that you barely ever lose popularity (if you lose the battle) and use them as your springboard to the top since that's where your top shows will be. It'll bring a new level of strategy to your home region and even the national companies will have to focus themselves to be over in specific regions otherwise they could find themselves without a strong base to push from. So much strategy!! And that doesn't even scrape the effects of what could happen while you grow during your cool off period.... you might be viewed as being smaller than the competition but that time can be used to give yourself a great boost in key regions that could make your next foray into National a wondrous one instead of a disaster. :D
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You just need to have the A.I bookers tighten up a bit. They usually top at B+ from what I've seen, and that was only after awhile of development. Maybe there should be an A.I. difficulty so if you're a hardcore player who grinds out A quality matches you won't just brush aside the competition.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;370074]National battles... I can't wait to get a long term game going to see how this plays out. Even after lots of discussion I'm excited about this feature. Rising to national is always tough but with 28 days to organise written deals and the like, you should be able to get a good roster together. Since you're already putting on national level shows to get to national level you should be ready to compete with the top dogs immediately... And most importantly of all... you can be massively rewarded for getting very over in a few regions. You could make DAVE massive in the Tri-State and put on great shows there so that you barely ever lose popularity (if you lose the battle) and use them as your springboard to the top since that's where your top shows will be. It'll bring a new level of strategy to your home region and even the national companies will have to focus themselves to be over in specific regions otherwise they could find themselves without a strong base to push from. So much strategy!! And that doesn't even scrape the effects of what could happen while you grow during your cool off period.... you might be viewed as being smaller than the competition but that time can be used to give yourself a great boost in key regions that could make your next foray into National a wondrous one instead of a disaster. :D[/QUOTE] The only way I can see this working to where it's actually interesting is if Adam removes the "cult, national, international, global" added expenditures which kick the crap out of your finances. Granted there's a certain amount of actual expenditure, but Adam admitted that the bulk of it was added to make the game challenging. It's gonna be near impossible to compete when your promotion is getting nailed with misc expenditures and bleeding money every month. The whole purpose of it, esp at cult stage was to make it more of a challenge, but with the new stuff being added and promotion wars playing domino effects with your promotions, I don't see why the "misc" expenditures should be included. At least not to the extent they are in 07. I'm running SHIMMER with B- in America, C+ in Canada, and D's and E's around the world and I'm getting whacked with 1+ million in misc expenditures... I haven't lost money (other than the beginning of Cult) since midway through Cult. If it wasn't for the fact I had compiled millions in cash, that few hundred thou I'm losing every month would be denting my wallet even worse. If you lose the war, you lose overness, possibly prestige with risk of being knocked down a level, and on top of having to deal with a bleeding wallet... Plus having to worry about developing young talent... Promotions won't last long. In fact they'd be luck to survive on national whatsoever. If you're not mainstream heavy and up it's going to be very hard to stay afloat.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;370411]If you lose the war, you lose overness, possibly prestige with risk of being knocked down a level, and on top of having to deal with a bleeding wallet... Plus having to worry about developing young talent... Promotions won't last long. In fact they'd be luck to survive on national whatsoever. If you're not mainstream heavy and up it's going to be very hard to stay afloat.[/QUOTE] Which is the whole point. You're complaining about how hard it's going to be, and that's exactly what the feature is meant to do. It's not supposed to be easy to come up from Cult and win the war. In fact, the way I see, most of the time, the first time a promotion goes up to National, it'll be back to Cult within 3 months. But then you use that cool-off period to build. You likely just signed a great deal of your roster to written contracts, which means that you're guaranteed that they won't be stolen by the other big companies. You also likely signed a crop of new workers who you can use to put on better shows at Cult level. Then, after six months, you'll rise up to National again with everything more stable than the first time. You have your guys on written, and you've built up some new stars. That way, you don't have to hire a bunch of new, untested workers again. You have the roster you need, and if you've managed to get up to National again, you should be able to start putting on shows that rival or beat the other ones in the war. As for money, yes it's a problem, but by the time you've gotten to National (twice) it should be at least stable enough that you're not going into the red.
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The Injury Realism feature is a nice touch. It's nothing big, but I think it does help in the realism of the game. But... does it mean no more freak gardening accidents? Because that would suck. I just hope people don't start complaining that "it's another stat to mod".
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[QUOTE=Akki;370415]Which is the whole point. You're complaining about how hard it's going to be, and that's exactly what the feature is meant to do. It's not supposed to be easy to come up from Cult and win the war. In fact, the way I see, most of the time, the first time a promotion goes up to National, it'll be back to Cult within 3 months.[/QUOTE] oh, it's not that, despite how it may look in my post. I'm actually excited about the feature, it's just that I'm hoping that the "misc expenditure" stuff as it relates to the feature get canned. I'm angry enough as it is with the current version that this high arse misc expenditure is preventing me from turning a profile (AT GLOBAL MIND YOU) that with the new challenges I don't want to have to worry about bleeding money like crazy while trying to put the competition under and handle all these new things I'm going to have to worry about as a promotion.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;370425]oh, it's not that, despite how it may look in my post. I'm actually excited about the feature, it's just that I'm hoping that the "misc expenditure" stuff as it relates to the feature get canned. I'm angry enough as it is with the current version that this high arse misc expenditure is preventing me from turning a profile (AT GLOBAL MIND YOU) that with the new challenges I don't want to have to worry about bleeding money like crazy while trying to put the competition under and handle all these new things I'm going to have to worry about as a promotion.[/QUOTE] While Adam references food poisoning I'm pretty sure the feature is only included so that the dreaded distended anus injuries only happen at the right times. ;) Also... if you're not making money at global level there must be something weird going on in your game... I've never had a problem with raking in the cash once I hit national. So I'm guessing you are running a product type that doesn't attract many fans (Canadian lucha libre?), in an area where people aren't paying... perhaps with low industry and economy too just to stick the knife in further. And with a crappy PPV deal to go with it....
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;370016]I'm not quite as thrilled as most are about this National Battle idea. Is it really great for hardcore players who see the top heaviness this is designed to combat? Sure. But what about newcomers to the title? Where will someone go to play just a nice, quiet, get acquainted game? This sounds like a feature casual players might not understand and could cause frustration by adding to the game's learning curve. If I see anything in this, it's an argument for differing skill levels in 08. That way newbies and casual types can learn to see the need for this and hardcore players can just attack it.[/QUOTE] cappyboy, I'm sorry but I cannot agree with this at all. I was once a casual player. I once knew next to nothing about TEW. Wanna know how I learned? I played the game. I failed (a lot). I asked questions (oh so many questions). I experimented. I [I][B]adapted[/B][/I]. Now I'm what you call a "hardcore player" but it took time to get there. Likewise, I do not want Adam to spend the time to make a Fisher Price version of TEW. Sorry, this game can be hard (unless you're playing WWE and even then sometimes...) and it can also be nonsensical at times (*cough*owner goals*cough*). But it's that difficulty and that nonsensical side that keep people playing. You learn nothing from playing a stripped down easy mode TEW. Not a thing. Why? Because you're not on an even playing field with the folks playing the game normally. [QUOTE=derek_b;370074]So much strategy!! And that doesn't even scrape the effects of what could happen while you grow during your cool off period.... you might be viewed as being smaller than the competition but that time can be used to give yourself a great boost in key regions that could make your next foray into National a wondrous one instead of a disaster. :D[/QUOTE] Eyeballing the feature based on what Adam's revealed, I already have a strategy forming that seems relatively foolproof. Jump to National, sign all the people you want to writtens, fall back to Cult, THEN do a blitz of shows that jack you well into National territory again, whilst building your (now exclusive) roster at the same time. By the time you rise again, you should be performing like a promotion that's been National for a year. [QUOTE=derek_b;370434]While Adam references food poisoning I'm pretty sure the feature is only included so that the dreaded distended anus injuries only happen at the right times. ;)[/QUOTE] My injury mod for 08 is going to be MASSIVE. Everything from an abscess to Yellow Fever! Being able to indicate where the injury took place is going to allow the inclusion of many many many more injuries. I'm even thinking of "easter egg" type injuries (like 'Al Green Syndrome').
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I love the new injury feature. Anything that cuts down on car accidents, STDs and pregnancy from being in ring injuries is a good thing. As funny as it was to see my uncle suffer a plane crash during a match that he won (talk about being a real bad ass:eek:) it's not something I want to see happen alot. I'm all for anything that stops that from happening. Great new feature. Bad Blood is another excellent idea. I know there's some members of my family who could use this. I just hope it can change over time like if you fire a family member they can get mad at you and hate you just as much as anyone else. Certainly, would cut down on abusing your family. No more just kicking them repeatedly with no consequence whatsoever. More personality could be interesting. It's kinda one of those features I'm either going to love or hate. Guess I'll have to stop pushing myself to the moon to prevent me from becoming Triple H. National battles sound like a good idea. After I go national I pretty much lose interest alot of the time. Plus it really adds a danger when playing as WWE, since any US global promotion that rises up can potentially overthrow WWE. Sounds interesting. At least it adds more challenge than there is with WWE now.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;370453]cappyboy, I'm sorry but I cannot agree with this at all. I was once a casual player. I once knew next to nothing about TEW. Wanna know how I learned? I played the game. I failed (a lot). I asked questions (oh so many questions). I experimented. I [I][B]adapted[/B][/I]. Now I'm what you call a "hardcore player" but it took time to get there. Likewise, I do not want Adam to spend the time to make a Fisher Price version of TEW. Sorry, this game can be hard (unless you're playing WWE and even then sometimes...) and it can also be nonsensical at times (*cough*owner goals*cough*). But it's that difficulty and that nonsensical side that keep people playing. You learn nothing from playing a stripped down easy mode TEW. Not a thing. Why? Because you're not on an even playing field with the folks playing the game normally.[/QUOTE] Agreed - and I wouldn't call myself a Hardcore player at all. I'd say the change makes the game more realistic. At National, feds do become more cutthroat, as they're directly challenging each other. Still, the AI is flawed, and won't put on perfect shows. You can always book with your chemistry to make sure you're not at the bottom of the rankings, and you do have your one month cooling off period, as Remi noted, to sign people to writtens. At Regional right now, I'm running seventeen shows a month (eighteen last month - scheduling snafu) and turning a comfortable profit, despite regularly featuring workers earning 2k pa. If I can do that at [I]Regional[/I], I know hitting Cult will be okay - more shows in my money regions to offset the initial heavy expenditure increases until I can legitimately turn a profit. There are always ways around problems - and TEW really isn't [I]that[/I] hard a game to play well. Playing like Remi (and finding the time to make 3k posts on here :p) might be beyond most players, but if I can turn a profit then I don't expect that many players will struggle :D Still, we'll see - Adam may have designed an evil feature that kills everyone's games stone dead. Depends what sort of mood he's in when coding...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;370539]Still, we'll see - Adam may have designed an evil feature that kills everyone's games stone dead. Depends what sort of mood he's in when coding...[/QUOTE] We've been working on that a lot lately. It's called the "Run Time Error - Data Crash" feature and is being programmed in to happen more often to people who do well in any game or deviate from a vaguely sane way of playing. We've discovered that not enough people are suffering regular errors that ruin their games so the feature is being built in to compensate for that.
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My main concern about the National Battle feature is that it's much easier for the human player to put on highly-rated shows than it is for the AI. This feature would seem to benefit humans, unless there's something I'm missing. I see no reason why a human player at National would ever put on less than a B+/A show for their big PPV, while the AI has difficulty reaching that level.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;370542]We've been working on that a lot lately. It's called the "Run Time Error - Data Crash" feature and is being programmed in to happen more often to people who do well in any game or deviate from a vaguely sane way of playing. We've discovered that not enough people are suffering regular errors that ruin their games so the feature is being built in to compensate for that.[/QUOTE] aww crap.. I'm fked.. :)
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[QUOTE=derek_b;370542]We've been working on that a lot lately. It's called the "Run Time Error - Data Crash" feature and is being programmed in to happen more often to people who do well in any game or deviate from a vaguely sane way of playing. We've discovered that not enough people are suffering regular errors that ruin their games so the feature is being built in to compensate for that.[/QUOTE] So you're saying that there will be a return to the TEW 2004 engine?
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