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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;397714]Its not TEW that picks what color the grids are when highlighting. Its your computer. By going on the control panel, going on display and advanced (I think so anyway) one of the things in the scroll down list includes what color highlighting is.[/QUOTE] :) not talking about highlighting the entry line,or highlighting at all really. but rather the little 2 pixel thick grid line. that separates entries. so that every so often you have this unobtrusive little red line, that lets you know, hey the title was vacated between these two reigns, with out needing an entry line that reads vacant.
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Nice to see Adam expand on the worker relationships a little bit, however, I'd really like to see him expand it even more. Not in terms of level of friendship/hatred, but more along the lines of what the different levels actually do. Say Wrestler X is best friends with Wrestler Y and you've got X under contract. Surely, he's going to go to bat for his mate for you to sign him. Maybe once every few months he'll come to you asking you to sign his friend. If you sign him, it keeps/makes him happy, maybe even improves his relationship with you the booker. However, maybe it increases Wrestler X's backstage reputation for being a politician. If you don't sign Wrestler Y, it might make X unhappy and start to cause problems, enhancing his reputation for being a trouble maker. Just a thought :)
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Loving the new feature.. although in reality you'd also have to take in account the precedence you've set with past handling of actions. eg. if you let one guy off with a slap of the wrist and then the next guy you gave a giant fine, both for the same incident, there's gonna be some "hey, what the hell?" from the second guy, regardless of his nature. I suppose that could be simulated (although keeping track of all your previous decisions could make the formulas complicated), but it may run the risk of just make it more complicated than fun. Great addition still Edit: I hope there are also incidents not tied strictly to your workers, such as having to make PR decisions (such as your worker getting caught with drugs, not just how you respond to him, but how do you play it to the public the best way to keep your promotion's image up?), or snap decisions in regards to a show's production (such as a last-minute snaffu with the cameras/video truck/etc.. do you quickly try to fix it with your inexperience staff and run the risk of larger problems popping up during the live show, or do you leave it as it is and take the hit?). Vaguely connected but hey :)
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If it turns out okay this will be a great feature. I'm really pleased that the locker room is becoming such a tangible environment. I can also envision situations like that of WCW, where moral drops as the ship sinks. Then every week you are having to deal with situations as workers' attitudes deteriorates.
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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;398689]I love this feature, especially in conjunction with the drug policy feature from a short while back. Really gives me a firm, solid control on my locker room, and I kinda dig that. I aim to run a tight ship in 2008.[/QUOTE] I'll probably go the other way. Hire a ton of bad influences just so I can have as much drama as possible.
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[QUOTE=crayon;398684]Loving the new feature.. although in reality you'd also have to take in account the precedence you've set with past handling of actions. eg. if you let one guy off with a slap of the wrist and then the next guy you gave a giant fine, both for the same incident, there's gonna be some "hey, what the hell?" from the second guy, regardless of his nature.[/QUOTE] Actually, that example could be explained away by the fact that worker #2 repeated an offense that you publicly (at least public as in: the people in the locker room know of it) punished another worker for, so an escalation in the level of punishment might be warranted as a sign of serious disapproval in the repetition of the act as much as the act itself (in other words, "I already punished Worker #1 for this very same thing, you know this, and you turned around and did the exact same thing?!?") Unless I'm mistaking what you mean and you were referring to an incident like the RVD/Sabu one a while back where the wrestlers are caught together, in which case I'd agree that there should be a "WTF? reaction" from the locker room to different punishments for each worker (favoritism in any job hurts morale).
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Incidence= Brilliance. But like stated above, having moral effected if someone is receiving better treatment than others that had made the same mistake should come into play. But, it's a great feature, and gives the workers a personality. Giant Redwood, will actually be a complete useless, egomaniac in the 2008 version.
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Just wow! The incidents feature really appeals to me as I tend to be one of those who really gets into the characters of the game. This is something that just adds another layer to the interaction with those characters and makes them seem more than just some stats and a picture. Can't wait for the rest of the features...oh, and the game of course.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;398717]Incidence= Brilliance. [B]But like stated above, having moral effected if someone is receiving better treatment than others[/B] that had made the same mistake should come into play. But, it's a great feature, and gives the workers a personality. Giant Redwood, will actually be a complete useless, egomaniac in the 2008 version.[/QUOTE] Firstly, I want to say that I just love this suggestion- definately one of my favourites so far. Secondly, although it doesn't effect moral, in TEW07 if you discipline someone for an incident (say, fine them) and then discipline someone else for the same incident (suspend them for a month), the second worker can develop a strong dislike for you. It's happened to me before anyway, so I'd expect something similar in relation to this feature.
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This feature reminds me of the time in EWR when I ran an indy promotion featuring Test, Jake Roberts, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Chyna, Teddy Hart, Rick Steiner and featuring Vince Russo as on-air talent. I was disappointed when I didn't get constant negative reports. The only incident I remember standing up is Teddy claiming to be injured outside of the ring. In TEW 2008, a roster with that many bad apples should cause way more drama. "Jake Roberts was in the bathroom snorting cocaine before his match. Ignore? Suspend? Warn?" I'm curious to see how this works out though: will a roster like late 90's WCW take innocent young workers and turn them into lazy jerks and encourage people with substance abuse problems to just get worse?
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;400507]In TEW 2008, a roster with that many bad apples should cause way more drama. "Jake Roberts was in the bathroom snorting cocaine before his match. Ignore? Suspend? Warn?"[/QUOTE] or D) Give him a pat on the back and cut a line, coz he's freakin Jake Roberts and will DDT you into oblivion no matter how fat and old he looks :D
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=crayon;400515]or D) Give him a pat on the back and cut a line, coz he's freakin Jake Roberts and will DDT you into oblivion no matter how fat and old he looks :D[/QUOTE] Infinite Win of Awesome!!! I'm indifferent to the newest feature. I know tons of people have been asking about it but I'm presonally not bothered by it.
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