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[QUOTE=rajde;404121]How is that what about Great Khali, Tiger Jeet Singh, Gama Singh, Tiger Ali Singh, etc. There are more than a few Indian wrestlers in the sport.[/QUOTE] Did you not recognize that I was making a joke, citing Kal Penn's roles from House and Van Wilder? And I didn't even add his role as a terrorist in 24, as he was playing a middle eastern guy. You just listed five guys (including Dutt) to prove there's "more than a few"? Wikipedia lists five more. I just don't see how that's a big deal in a database of thousands.
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[QUOTE=rajde;404127]I am pretty insulted when people don't say that Indian is a race it is. If you don't know that you don't know much about races.[/QUOTE] As far as I'm aware, Indian is a nationality, not a race. I will look into it further. I'd suggest in the mean time you calm down, as your aggressive stance on this isn't helping anything.
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Aggressive? Aggressive? I am not aggressive? Just because I am replying to everybody in this topic doesn't mean I am aggressive. Anyways, maybe I am not using the right wording when I mean indian I mean South Asian. Also, thinking of it shouldn't Polynesian be a race since samoans are a huge part of wrestling?
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[QUOTE=rajde;404143]Aggressive? Aggressive? I am not aggressive? Just because I am replying to everybody in this topic doesn't mean I am aggressive. [/QUOTE] When you write things like "I am pretty insulted when people don't say that Indian is a race it is. [I]If you don't know that you don't know much about races.[/I]" you're either being aggressive or arrogant. Take your pick, neither of them is welcome in this thread.
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I'll try to make this clear about race as I possibly can so, there isn't anymore misinterpretation. If you were to put an Indian male with all the other groups you listed he doesn't fit. He wouldn't fit in the Middle Eastern model because there is a difference in characteristics. Also, he wouldn't fit in the Asian model because there is an obvious difference in characteristics. I think the best way to illustrate my point though is go to any dating website and fill out a form. In it you'll see ethnicity/race in every form they make a distinction between Indian and Middle Eastern. BTW, I was kidding about the aggressive thing.
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[QUOTE=rajde;404143]Anyways, maybe I am not using the right wording when I mean indian I mean South Asian. Also, thinking of it shouldn't Polynesian be a race since samoans are a huge part of wrestling?[/QUOTE] Pacific= Samoan and Hawaiian. I don't know man, it's a broad generalization. The more you look at any broad generalization like race, the more holes you can poke in it. Iran and Iraq (and India) are completely separate entities with separate cultures and populations dating back thousands of years. But they all play terrorists on 24. It's a gimmick issue. Mark Copani is an American with relatives from Southern Italy, but he still qualifies for "middle eastern" gimmicks. We haven't seen it in action, but I doubt it's going to be a big deal.
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[url]http://www.statcan.ca/english/concepts/definitions/ethnicity01.htm[/url] That doesn't mean every country views race the same. [url]http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=451[/url] This one shows that Chinese and Indian are seperate. Both sites I listed are government websites. Basically what you can take from that is ethnicity and race are interchangable. Race is not easy to figure out. Ethnicity is not easy to figure out. I have no clue what the hell to think about this it really isn't clear what is what. I don't really care anymore and don't want to think about it for the rest of the day.
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[QUOTE=rajde;404148] In it you'll see ethnicity/race in every form they make a distinction between Indian and Middle Eastern. [/QUOTE] I hope you aren't making all this fuss because of the tensions between India and Pakistan.. But, I agree than "Southern Asians" are clearly distinct than "Eastern Asians" or Middle-Easterner. Let's pick an neutral name and be happy! :) "Pacific" should also be in there. I like this add-on though. Like we can take Frankie Dee who's clearly Asian but he's from America. So when he'll beat out the crap of Strong Style Yeomon in Japan, he won't be booed as gaijin ;) The game is still in development, so let's give time to Adam to work it out :) [QUOTE=rajde;404177][url]http://www.statcan.ca/english/concepts/definitions/ethnicity01.htm[/url] That doesn't mean every country views race the same. [/quote] Beware StatCan, in Canada we got some kind of pleasing mentality like "put anything you want in the form and we'll do the really best to please everybody after but in reality we'll piss half of them in the way" Canada, former best county around :D This year the Stanley cup is our ;)
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Oh come on, french people (and by extension swiss/belgian) aren't the same as germans/austrians who aren't the same as scandinavian people who aren't the same as spanish/italian people - there are visible skin and body type differences that make it easy for me to tell which one comes from where if I see one, yet I don't complain about there being no way to put workers are french and not just european or caucasian. Deal with it. India is not massively represented in wrestling, therefore indians play a minor role in this particular industry, and can go with asians as their racial classifications, no need to split a hair in two there.
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;404207]I'd personally break down Asian into Asian and Oriental, although I doubt the Chinese want to be compared to the Japanese, but this is all generalisation for the purposes of wrestling gimmicks for Pete's sake[/QUOTE] ok dude people are asian things are oriental!
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I'd say lighten up, but that would eventually originate some racial heat. Oh screw it... Lighten up, if people think Indians are an entirely different race, so be it, but I don't see many Indian gimmicks in the wrestling world, remember, this is not as much as nationality and enthic as it is for gimmicks, and you can give The Great Khali a Asian race and still give him the monster gimmick, so I don't see why the big deal is all about.
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[QUOTE=Astil;404167][url]http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/meta/long_68178.htm[/url] According to the latest US facts, Indian is Asian.[/QUOTE] Then again, according to US facts, Bin Laden is Saddam Hussain. Though technically they're right that Indians are Asian (they ARE from Asia) Most societies would class them as middle easterns just because their is a noticable similarity between an Indian and... lets say an Iraqi or something, then their would be between an Asian and an Indian. But hey, if you dont like it, the game is yours so fix it to your likings. I personally couldnt care less.
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My only issue is what to label mixed races like The Rock? I think that he could do a Samoa gimmick just as much as he could do a black panther gimmick. But if we labeled him one then he couldn't do the other, and if we labeled him as other than we couldn't do neither, right?
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