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[QUOTE=RKO_HBK;406849]Don't complain lol, mine start 3 days AFTER it comes out....I guess I'm going to be failing my A Levels eh? :p[/QUOTE] Being a huge football fan, doing my A levels during Euro 2004 was good fun, my focus was totally on the football. :o Going back on topic, the force push feature could be pretty useful for the situations that have been suggested already!
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[QUOTE=denzil85;407228]Being a huge football fan, doing my A levels during Euro 2004 was good fun, my focus was totally on the football. :o[/QUOTE] I still remember doing my Abitur (comparable to A-levels I suppose) during the 8-0 win of Germany over Saudi-Arabia in 2002. God I was so pissed off that I missed this game. That being said, while I'm not sure how to finance this game in June, all the stuff sounds too good to just not buy it. I have to find some solution to this problem...
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[QUOTE=Maximilian_WWW;407234]I still remember doing my Abitur (comparable to A-levels I suppose) during the 8-0 win of Germany over Saudi-Arabia in 2002. God I was so pissed off that I missed this game. That being said, while I'm not sure how to finance this game in June, all the stuff sounds too good to just not buy it. I have to find some solution to this problem...[/QUOTE] I was doing my GCSEs - there's too many German equivalents (mittlere Reife I think was the one I was told) - during 2002 so there were plenty of late nights and early mornings that month!
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[QUOTE]#61: Force Push Added by popular request to TEW08 is the new Force Push feature. Very simple but (hopefully) very useful, when using the existing Auto Push feature on your roster you can now select as many (or none) of your roster and force their current push level to remain untouched -[B] in other words, they will be excluded from being part of the usually roster-wide Auto Push.[/B] This is useful if you have particular favourites who you want to give a bigger-than-warranted push to, or it someone has annoyed you to the point that you are purposely giving them a lower push than they could reasonably expect.[/QUOTE] THANK YOU ADAM!
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Oh dasies Mr Ryland. i think maybe mama be believing what the people say, you know, that you is God, because she be saying that your computer toy that you be building be the best thing since sliced breads, but I don't be knowing what she be saying, maybe she be crazy 'coz bread dont be no sliced, it be a lump that me be chewing on when my tummy start the talking, but anyways, i forgets, the bestest thing she be saying, mama says that she gonnas let me, if you will, give yous some silver coins and that if yous be a nice man then yous will give me your computer toy. I be getting very excited about this, I would also be liking to give you a cow, but mama be telling me that our last cow went to a place today called burger heaven, she said it where cows go when they not be wanting to be here anymore, maybe it is near nanny heaven, where granmama is being on holiday. oh Mr Ryland, I be very sorry, for I forget to tells you, mama said to tell Mr Ryland that she be thinking the new bit that you be building on to your toy is being very good, 'coz she be liking her ananananouncerers to be ananananouncerers, and not being no persons, i think maybe she be crazy, 'coz we all be being persons, but if i didnt not tell yous she said i be gettings no foods tonight, and it be meat night tonight and i is hoping for some squirrel.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;407220]Example 1: If you had a lot of Road Agents or Managers and used the Automatic Push button, some of them would likely be pushed as a Personality instead. Now you can set it so they they will remain at the push you given them. Example 2: You might have someone who's a Midcarder but rotates between the Lower Midcard, Midcard and Upper Midcard (depending on wins/losses) when using Automatic Push. If you Force Push them as a Midcarder then their push wont keep jumping about. (and as if by magic, the message i'm replying to has disappeared?! :eek:)[/QUOTE] yeah I re read it and realized what it meant but thanks anyway
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[QUOTE=wilts;407307]Oh dasies Mr Ryland. i think maybe mama be believing what the people say, you know, that you is God, because she be saying that your computer toy that you be building be the best thing since sliced breads, but I don't be knowing what she be saying, maybe she be crazy 'coz bread dont be no sliced, it be a lump that me be chewing on when my tummy start the talking, but anyways, i forgets, the bestest thing she be saying, mama says that she gonnas let me, if you will, give yous some silver coins and that if yous be a nice man then yous will give me your computer toy. I be getting very excited about this, I would also be liking to give you a cow, but mama be telling me that our last cow went to a place today called burger heaven, she said it where cows go when they not be wanting to be here anymore, maybe it is near nanny heaven, where granmama is being on holiday. oh Mr Ryland, I be very sorry, for I forget to tells you, mama said to tell Mr Ryland that she be thinking the new bit that you be building on to your toy is being very good, 'coz she be liking her ananananouncerers to be ananananouncerers, and not being no persons, i think maybe she be crazy, 'coz we all be being persons, but if i didnt not tell yous she said i be gettings no foods tonight, and it be meat night tonight and i is hoping for some squirrel.[/QUOTE] ...ummm?
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[QUOTE=wilts;407307]Oh dasies Mr Ryland. i think maybe mama be believing what the people say, you know, that you is God, because she be saying that your computer toy that you be building be the best thing since sliced breads, but I don't be knowing what she be saying, maybe she be crazy 'coz bread dont be no sliced, it be a lump that me be chewing on when my tummy start the talking, but anyways, i forgets, the bestest thing she be saying, mama says that she gonnas let me, if you will, give yous some silver coins and that if yous be a nice man then yous will give me your computer toy. I be getting very excited about this, I would also be liking to give you a cow, but mama be telling me that our last cow went to a place today called burger heaven, she said it where cows go when they not be wanting to be here anymore, maybe it is near nanny heaven, where granmama is being on holiday. oh Mr Ryland, I be very sorry, for I forget to tells you, mama said to tell Mr Ryland that she be thinking the new bit that you be building on to your toy is being very good, 'coz she be liking her ananananouncerers to be ananananouncerers, and not being no persons, i think maybe she be crazy, 'coz we all be being persons, but if i didnt not tell yous she said i be gettings no foods tonight, and it be meat night tonight and i is hoping for some squirrel.[/QUOTE] Please stop doing this. It's not funny. Not even a little. On-topic: this is one of those features I never would have thought of, but I'm glad to have it.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;407339]Please stop doing this. It's not funny. Not even a little. On-topic: this is one of those features I never would have thought of, but I'm glad to have it.[/QUOTE] Oh behave yourself, it puts a smile on my face.
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[QUOTE=wilts;407307]Oh dasies Mr Ryland. i think maybe mama be believing what the people say, you know, that you is God, because she be saying that your computer toy that you be building be the best thing since sliced breads, but I don't be knowing what she be saying, maybe she be crazy 'coz bread dont be no sliced, it be a lump that me be chewing on when my tummy start the talking, but anyways, i forgets, the bestest thing she be saying, mama says that she gonnas let me, if you will, give yous some silver coins and that if yous be a nice man then yous will give me your computer toy. I be getting very excited about this, I would also be liking to give you a cow, but mama be telling me that our last cow went to a place today called burger heaven, she said it where cows go when they not be wanting to be here anymore, maybe it is near nanny heaven, where granmama is being on holiday. oh Mr Ryland, I be very sorry, for I forget to tells you, mama said to tell Mr Ryland that she be thinking the new bit that you be building on to your toy is being very good, 'coz she be liking her ananananouncerers to be ananananouncerers, and not being no persons, i think maybe she be crazy, 'coz we all be being persons, but if i didnt not tell yous she said i be gettings no foods tonight, and it be meat night tonight and i is hoping for some squirrel.[/QUOTE] Amen
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[quote]The other change is likely to be quite popular. At the top of the screen are two lines of text; Current Size and Next Size. In specific terms, these spell out how you reached your present size and what you have to do to rise to the next level. For example, Next Size might read; "The next size is Global. To achieve this you must retain your current International status, and also attain B+ grades in at least six foreign regions." (NB: Those requirements are made up purely for this example). This allows the player to know exactly what he needs to do at the touch of a button, without having to check help files or read the forums.[/quote] W00t!!! Fantastic addition - I've every time I've wondered about that, I've had to fire up my internet browser and go to the post I've got bookmarked. Excellent!
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Very nice. I'm curious, though, would it also be beneficial to have 'Previous Size' as well, for quick reference in scenarios where you must prevent a drop in size to keep your job? This may not be as critical in light of Improved Owner Goals, but it may be a reasonable add-on.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;407802]I'm curious, though, would it also be beneficial to have 'Previous Size' as well, for quick reference in scenarios where you must prevent a drop in size to keep your job? This may not be as critical in light of Improved Owner Goals, but it may be a reasonable add-on.[/QUOTE] The current size tells you what requirements you attained to get there - therefore you know what you have to do to stay there already.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;407814]The current size tells you what requirements you attained to get there - therefore you know what you have to do to stay there already.[/QUOTE] Though if you begin the game with a new promotion of a size other than the smallest, you don't know how much you must not fall if you want to stay at your current size... until you reach that popularity level
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[quote=BadFurDay;407815]Though if you begin the game with a new promotion of a size other than the smallest, you don't know how much you must not fall if you want to stay at your current size... until you reach that popularity level[/quote] If I'm reading Adam's comment correctly, he's saying Current Size will state the minimum requirements for the current size, not the company's actual stats.
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[QUOTE=BadFurDay;407815]Though if you begin the game with a new promotion of a size other than the smallest, you don't know how much you must not fall if you want to stay at your current size... until you reach that popularity level[/QUOTE] I think you're misunderstanding what I'm writing. If the current size says "You attained this level by getting D- in every region in the country" then you know exactly what you have to do to make sure you don't fall in size - not go below D- in any region.
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