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I wonder if this means the way workers improve has been tweaked. That would be the biggest feature for me. The way the system is now, workers "learn" wrestling stats from their opponents, which makes sense, but also forces a hard cap at the best worker in that category. It'd be nice if potential can override that cap, allowing younger workers to overtake their veteran peers in the wrestling skills.
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Potential. This was something quite a few people have been asking for. Someway to controll the hidden destiny stat. Very hesitant to want THAT much controll, but at the same time, we wanted to be able to push realism in real world mods, particularly mods like DOTT. This, I think is even better. The destiny stat is still there, and Potential can help set people like Bret Hart to be able to break destiny stat caps. He can be set at 0% popularity, and be able to come through like he did in real life, if given the right chances. I really like this option.
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[QUOTE=Jonfun;372887]So far these have been small but good features. I am just waiting for something massive to be announced.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm waiting for the "You are now able to add or subtract any regions you want in the game" Or something like that. I'm hoping (although its NOT a game mechanic) for the option to use full renders for workers (bigger pictures). Lots of stuff that was brought up that went over well six months to a year ago... Like an editable Timeline for historic mods. Things your able to set a "date" to start up. Similar to PPV's, but say "Television" for a really old rendition of a mod. It kind of goes hand in hand with an option he already talked about. To be able to move up to a year in game, without having to push next 359 times. Or just a week, or a month, etc. (might not go to a year, but you get the picture). Also, the WMMA way of not having to move worker's around if you want to start at a later, or earlier period then what the mod is made for (in or out of the new worker area). So much potential these small little changes have made. It's almost like he's setting us up to be ready for the really huge ones... Remember the promise. This game is going to Rock!
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;372892]I'm hoping (although its NOT a game mechanic) for the option to use full renders for workers (bigger pictures). [/QUOTE] Although I was against a total conversion to the WWMA size pictures (all my recent work would be for nothing) the more I think about it, the more I'd love the option to, in certain places, see full sized pictures of guys, if they have them. It would take ages to get the C-Verse up to scratch, but I've been toying with some grafting techniques, so... I'd love the option to be there, in carefully selected places. [QUOTE=Jonfun;372887]So far these have been small but good features. I am just waiting for something massive to be announced.[/QUOTE] I can't for the life of me think of anything massive that could be announced. TEW07 was pretty damn complete in terms of a booking game. I'm expecting the same game, only with 200 small, brillaint revisions. I'm loving how it's shaping up so far.
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Potential sounds like a great addition for all those people who play real world mods and complain there favorite wrestler never gets as good as he's "supposed to be" because the destiny stat is random. I'll keep playing C-Verse and leaving potential to random so every game is diffrent but I'm sure this will be great for mod makers (especialy of historic scenarios) who want the realism of stars progressing as the should.
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Just got to read the new features being added to the game and I'm [I]very[/I] excited about the ones I've seen so far. It's like [i]just[/i] when you think enough features have been added to make your gaming experience good or great, the following year--BOOM! More features! The ones that really stick out to me are [i]Hall of Immortals[/i] and [i]National Battle[/i]. I'm interested in seeing how the game world evolves with these two features.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;372957]Potential sounds like a great addition for all those people who play real world mods and complain there favorite wrestler never gets as good as he's "supposed to be" because the destiny stat is random. I'll keep playing C-Verse and leaving potential to random so every game is diffrent but I'm sure this will be great for mod makers (especialy of historic scenarios) who want the realism of stars progressing as the should.[/QUOTE] If the potential feature can make Dusty Bin able to actually have a random chance to become a megastar, then that alone would make it worthwhile.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;372974]If the potential feature can make Dusty Bin able to actually have a random chance to become a megastar, then that alone would make it worthwhile.[/QUOTE] So, so true. Random Dusty Bin superstardom would be AWESOME.
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Just checking that I understand this correctly (and probably asking a question that has probably been asked before) but does destiny/potential essentially just raise the difficulty on turning certain wrestlers into stars? With enough effort, someone with low stats could be made into a star right? or not?
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Potentially :p As I understand it, someone with a high Potential has a high chance of having a high Destiny stat. Of course, it's almost unheard of for anyone to totally fulfil their true potential for any number of reasons - but it certainly means that someone with an A* in Potential and Superstar Quality has a very good chance of being the next Cornell or Rock... Equally, though, they could end up being the next Lex Luger or Sylvan Grenier. There's no guarantees :)
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[QUOTE=SWIFT;372984]So, so true. Random Dusty Bin superstardom would be AWESOME.[/QUOTE] I'm trying but man is that guy hard to train. I think my dynasty run had a bad destiny cap for Dusty. I started being really cheap and talent trading him to Dave repeatedly, but even wrestling against "good" wrestlers he still hasn't improved :(
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[QUOTE=James Casey;373008]As I understand it, someone with a high Potential has a high chance of having a high Destiny stat.[/QUOTE] I think that destiny is still completely random, but now the skill caps will be calculated as a combination of the Destiny Stat and Potential.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;373008]Potentially :p As I understand it, someone with a high Potential has a high chance of having a high Destiny stat. Of course, it's almost unheard of for anyone to totally fulfil their true potential for any number of reasons - but it certainly means that someone with an A* in Potential and Superstar Quality has a very good chance of being the next Cornell or Rock... Equally, though, they could end up being the next Lex Luger or Sylvan Grenier. There's no guarantees :)[/QUOTE] Rock Downpour?
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[QUOTE=praguepride;373009]I'm trying but man is that guy hard to train. I think my dynasty run had a bad destiny cap for Dusty. I started being really cheap and talent trading him to Dave repeatedly, but even wrestling against "good" wrestlers he still hasn't improved :([/QUOTE] Dusty Bin should be an in-game challenge. Him and Oniji Hanari* (I think)...Oniji looks cool, but he's--he's the posterboy for garbage.
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I like the new potential stat, though I do hope this is something that is seen in the main editor but once a game is started the value becomes hidden. Otherwise that takes a lot of guesswork out of choosing between potential roster additions with similar skills.
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I kinda like the potential stat, and kinda not. It'd be good to know that you could invest your time in someone and see what they're going to accomplish, or not accomplish. But it will also take away an aspect of the game I liked, which was not knowing whether or not my invested time in said person would pay off or not. Would be cool if we could turn it off, or have an option to not show it.
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