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Googbye TEW07 you shall be missed.Well now that june 8th is right around the corner, and after reading about all the good things that tew 08 will have along with some of the mods that are coming out for tew 08 im kinda having trouble getting into my tew 07 games.Any of you feeling the same way???
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[QUOTE=mike b;426040]Googbye TEW07 you shall be missed.Well now that june 8th is right around the corner, and after reading about all the good things that tew 08 will have along with some of the mods that are coming out for tew 08 im kinda having trouble getting into my tew 07 games.Any of you feeling the same way???[/QUOTE] Yep. The new game just looks so cool that i'm finding it hard to care about my current game. Just things like development call ups has me eager to play the new game.
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Poor TEW 07. She's been a faithful partner for the past 18 months or so and despite the fact that she's not a beautiful as she was when you first met her, she's still pretty awesome anyway. But times move on, and now you're just counting down the days until her younger, hotter sister isn't jailbait anymore. And when she does, poor TEW 07 will be discarded and abandoned with nowhere to go and nothing to do. It's quite sad, really.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;426151]Poor TEW 07. She's been a faithful partner for the past 18 months or so and despite the fact that she's not a beautiful as she was when you first met her, she's still pretty awesome anyway. But times move on, and now you're just counting down the days until her younger, hotter sister isn't jailbait anymore. And when she does, poor TEW 07 will be discarded and abandoned with nowhere to go and nothing to do. It's quite sad, really.[/QUOTE]Shame we cant say we have been faithfull to her.. Half of us have been seeing her cousin WMMA on the side :D
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I will always [B]love[/B] TEW '07, TEW '04, and the EWR series. But I am most definitely [B]in love[/B] with TEW '08 already. I'm still playing my TEW '07 game though, all the way until June 1st. I'll use the next 10 days to say goodbye and remember the memories we had. ;)
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I've managed to put my longest running game ever in on TEW 07 just in the last few months. Starting in 2001 in Tommys [I]amazing[/I] rebirth Mod, i've managed to put the oomph back into WWF :D, weirdest moment in my game? Paul London becoming so over I had no choice but to hand him the heavyweight championship :eek:
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;426269]I've managed to put my longest running game ever in on TEW 07 just in the last few months. Starting in 2001 in Tommys [I]amazing[/I] rebirth Mod, i've managed to put the oomph back into WWF :D, weirdest moment in my game? Paul London becoming so over I had no choice but to hand him the heavyweight championship :eek:[/QUOTE] I had stopped playing '07 around february (possibly before), having kinda burnt myself out.. Having taken a few months off, im hoping that when '08 get released that im gonna be itching to get things going again
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[QUOTE=Clarity;426309]I had stopped playing '07 around february (possibly before), having kinda burnt myself out.. Having taken a few months off, im hoping that when '08 get released that im gonna be itching to get things going again[/QUOTE] TEW is a game that I really cant burn myself out with, I've never played a game, aside from maybe Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 7 or Chrono Trigger that has gripped me so much. WMMA and Wrespi on the other hand I will pick up now and again but burn myself out quite quickly. The odd thing is I held off until TEW 07 to try TEW as I really didnt see how TEW could better Wrespi :eek:
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;426311]TEW is a game that I really cant burn myself out with, I've never played a game, aside from maybe Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 7 or Chrono Trigger that has gripped me so much. WMMA and Wrespi on the other hand I will pick up now and again but burn myself out quite quickly. The odd thing is I held off until TEW 07 to try TEW as I really didnt see how TEW could better Wrespi :eek:[/QUOTE]I actually think my burnout was more on trying to make it work within the confines of a diary than the actual game itself.. Although now im itching to start a new diary.. I have a few ideas built up.. A heap of reference books and just waiting for '08 now
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[QUOTE=Clarity;426315]I actually think my burnout was more on trying to make it work within the confines of a diary than the actual game itself.. Although now im itching to start a new diary.. I have a few ideas built up.. A heap of reference books and just waiting for '08 now[/QUOTE] I look forward to it :D Will it be a historical diary or a C-Verse?
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[QUOTE=Clarity;426158]Shame we cant say we have been faithfull to her.. Half of us have been seeing her cousin WMMA on the side :D[/QUOTE] LOL. Great line man. Found Jennie's eulogy kinda poetic and kinda out in left field all at the same time. So this was a perfect spot for it. Well done.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;426316]I look forward to it :D Will it be a historical diary or a C-Verse?[/QUOTE]C-Verse all the way!!! What im at liberty to say is that it may (or may not) involve the '97 data that's out there
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;426318]LOL. Great line man. Found Jennie's eulogy kinda poetic and kinda out in left field all at the same time. So this was a perfect spot for it. Well done.[/QUOTE]Not sure i liked that fact that she said '08 was just past jailbait.. I'd still feel like im cradlerobbing... :(
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;426151]Poor TEW 07. She's been a faithful partner for the past 18 months or so and despite the fact that she's not a beautiful as she was when you first met her, she's still pretty awesome anyway. But times move on, and now you're just counting down the days until her younger, hotter sister isn't jailbait anymore. And when she does, poor TEW 07 will be discarded and abandoned with nowhere to go and nothing to do. It's quite sad, really.[/QUOTE] At least she can still sell herself on the corner at a reduced price.
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