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That's a... bizzarre question :p But anyway: Black: Bit obvious, anyone who's black/of African descent. White: Again, obvious. Caucasians, Europeans. Asian: Anyone from eastern Asia. Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, etc. American Indian: Anyone with genuine Native American ancestry. Wahoo McDaniel, Tatanka, etc (but not either of the Strongbows). Middle Eastern: Anyone of Iraqi/Iranian/Arabian/etc descent. The Iron Shiek (not Mohammad Hassan, he's Italian-American like Jay Strongbow). Indian: Anyone from India, obviously, but I'd also include anyone else from central Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, etc. I'd say not Afghanistan because that's Middle Eastern, but it depends who you ask I guess). Pacific: Anyone from the Pacific Islands. Samoans, Fijians (like Jimmy Snuka), Maori (native New Zealanders), Hawaiians, etc. Other: The rest :p The two important things to note are the distinction between Race and Nationality. Just because you're a New Zealander doesn't make you of the Pacific race. The same is true for anywhere else. The second one is the distinction between Race and Gimmick. Mohammad Hassan being a great example, as I didn't actually realise until a few weeks ago that he wasn't really Middle Eastern at all :p Oh, and as for The Rock. The dude is more cosmopolitan than a modern British city ¬_¬ No idea how you'd sort that one out. Born in California to a Samoan mother and an Afro-Canadian father? Sheesh. Forgot about Mantaur too. There's no category for 'Greek', and I don't know if Greek people consider themselves to be Caucasian. So yeah.. other.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;429494]Just remember that some genius in the editor thread (hint: not actually a genius) thought that Samoa Joe was white.[/QUOTE] no they did not i asked for clarification as i did not know what his race should be and i listed a few and none of the were white, the answer i got was pacific, no one mentioned white.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;429489] Pacific: Anyone from the Pacific Islands. Samoans, Fijians (like Jimmy Snuka), Maori (native New Zealanders), Hawaiians, Indonesians, etc. [/QUOTE] Indonesians? I'd count them as Asians myself, what with their location being in Asia and the fact they are nowhere near as big and bulky as the other Pacific people. Apart from that I'd say you were spot on.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;429726]I can't wait to see what race most moders put Armando Estrada under..[/QUOTE] Well, considering his real name is Hazem Ali and he's of Palestinian descent, I hope that any modders who decide to put out a mod at least put in a little basic research. Then again, like the Strongbows mentioned above, it might be fine to "fudge" his race, given that he's best known for playing a Cuban and that's likely what any sensible promoter is going to bring him in to play at this point in his career. Really depends on if the modder in question wishes to promote realism over reality for certain workers.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;429742]Half Cuban, Half Palestinian... Can go with "Other" on him.[/QUOTE] Hazeem Ali... he is Middle Eastern from Palestinian descendant... His character is Cuban just like Mohammad Hassan was Middle Eastern but in fact Mark Copani is Italian.. Yokozuna was Japanese but Rodney Anoai is a Samoan It could be confusing for some...
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[QUOTE=jimmy_shakerz;429965]Hazeem Ali... he is Middle Eastern from Palestinian descendant... His character is Cuban just like Mohammad Hassan was Middle Eastern but in fact Mark Copani is Italian.. Yokozuna was Japanese but Rodney Anoai is a Samoan It could be confusing for some...[/QUOTE] It's not confusing, as far as following what your saying. What's confusing is "how" to "bill" them in the database, so that you have their full arsenal.... Going back to "Hazeem"... He's billed from Cuban, back in OVW was supposedly half Cuban/half Palestinian... I figure they did that so that they could have him swing either way (Cuban or Palestinian). So the question is how do you set him in the editor to establish the use of the gimmicks he has used (and might use). I'd say go with Palestinian I guess, and then have the "Cuban Bussinessman" gimmick being able to be played by Palestinian's (although not an "actual" alternative, but Indian and Middle Eastern should cover it) as well. Someone else might not go that route, since this might be one special case. However, your example's show that there are many in this boat. EDIT: Then again, he could be unique enough, that you can just set it as his gimmick when starting the game, and he should be able to carry it out from then on, without including everyone.
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;430450]so Rocky Romero is from Cuba, what would his race be? Black / Pacific / Other? i am sorry i am not so good at this race thing[/QUOTE] Don't take this as a knock.. but, Cuba is in the Atlantic, so, Pacific would be out right there. Pacific seems to mean more like, Samoans and such. Mostly, not exclusively though. Personally, I put him as Cuban, since it's where he's from. But, I'm only adjusting a mod for me, so, as long as it pleases me, right? haha.
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;430455]i know his nationality is cuban i need to know what race to put him under[/QUOTE] My bad, somehow I read race in there. I tend to go with the idea that most south americans, and carribean islanders are hispanic, with obvious exceptions.
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;429744]Well, considering his real name is Hazem Ali and he's of Palestinian descent, I hope that any modders who decide to put out a mod at least put in a little basic research. Then again, like the Strongbows mentioned above, it might be fine to "fudge" his race, given that he's best known for playing a Cuban and that's likely what any sensible promoter is going to bring him in to play at this point in his career. Really depends on if the modder in question wishes to promote realism over reality for certain workers.[/QUOTE] Hey, wasnt Scott Hall portrayed as Cuban with Razor Ramon....
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