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TEW 2008 ReapeR's Title Belt RendeRs

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well DUDE, you need to relax and wait your turn just like everyone else is, whether it is from Reap or anyone else, did you ever think just cause someone else started doing them that you would be moved first to line. thats just ignorence on your part.
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Dude, i'm not worried about the color, as long as the titles turned out great. Usually they do. But like I said in my earlier post, I haven't expressed it enough...These belts this guy did are Freakin' Awesome!!!


D-Lyrium doesn't make belts. He just changed the colour of some of ReapeR's/Payne's!


Can nobody read!?

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D-Lyrium may not have made those belts. But I've tried doing some editing on some of the belts myself, and it is not easy. Changing some colors might sound simple, but it isn't when you try to do it well. D did a great job, I think.


I wasn't belittling the effort required, more the staggering ignorance required for SuperstarJimiC to have ignored multiple mentions that D-Lyrium didn't make them, some of which were from the guy himself!


Do people just blindly thumb through this thread only looking at usernames and images? Is that it? Is post content entirely ignored that is prose?

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I wasn't belittling the effort required, more the staggering ignorance required for SuperstarJimiC to have ignored multiple mentions that D-Lyrium didn't make them, some of which were from the guy himself!


Do people just blindly thumb through this thread only looking at usernames and images? Is that it? Is post content entirely ignored than is prose?


It can be when it makes no sense... :p


I think people are just blinded by the pretties, myself.

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Yeah, the difference between actually CREATING a belt, and re-colouring an existing one is... vast.


It's sort of like the difference between 'colouring between the lines' of a black and white drawing and actually drawing something from scratch. I'll definately keep working at creating belts myself, but I can't see anything coming forth any time soon. Especially given the epic failure of my last attempt at that. :D The actual process of recolouring (at least, the process I used) is quite fiddly but very simple. Compared to what ReapeR and co. are doing, it's nothing at all really, just a matter of selecting all the bits you want to be gold (which was REALLY fun on the World belt, with all the little golden countries! :| Especially with a bloody Netbook trackpad...) and applying a gold-effect gradient (or silver, or whatever colour), with some fiddling around with the layer settings. Probably the most time consuming bit (other than the world title's globe) was the silver ring around the Canadian belt. Glad you like them though.


I also noticed that the world title was shinier than the others, but I think it's because it starts off quite shiny in the first place. And, as the World Title belt, it deserves to be!

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Has there ever been a pic pack posted with the base pieces for belts? I mean simple things like the strap, name plates, etc? I was just curious because I watched the tutorial i'm going to re-install photo shop and watch it again and see what I can come up with. I was just curious if to such pics (if not a pack) had been posted anywhere yet.
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Has there ever been a pic pack posted with the base pieces for belts? I mean simple things like the strap, name plates, etc? I was just curious because I watched the tutorial i'm going to re-install photo shop and watch it again and see what I can come up with. I was just curious if to such pics (if not a pack) had been posted anywhere yet.


Not that I'm aware of. I looked for that when I started too. just google things you'd want to put on a belt. I've slowly built up a clipart gallery of images for use. Some of them you can use several times if you handle them differently each time. If some of you want to start another thread on putting stuff together for making belts, I'd consider it.


As for the strap though, I always make that last so it fits the belt. Pre-designed straps would limit creativity big time.


also, as a random fact, if I counted correctly, Reaper is currently at 186 belts meaning he's approaching the 200 milestone. Good work man. I'm not even sure I've hit 10 yet and I'm out of ideas. Takes a lot of creativity to get there.

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Before resurrecting my NYCW diary I was planning on running an HGC dairy. Thanks some huge help from ReapeR I was able to create some updated belts for the company. I was going to debut them with the diary, but since it's not going to happen I might as well show them here.









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Not that I'm aware of. I looked for that when I started too. just google things you'd want to put on a belt. I've slowly built up a clipart gallery of images for use. Some of them you can use several times if you handle them differently each time. If some of you want to start another thread on putting stuff together for making belts, I'd consider it.


As for the strap though, I always make that last so it fits the belt. Pre-designed straps would limit creativity big time.


also, as a random fact, if I counted correctly, Reaper is currently at 186 belts meaning he's approaching the 200 milestone. Good work man. I'm not even sure I've hit 10 yet and I'm out of ideas. Takes a lot of creativity to get there.


And that's just the ones I've posted for public consumption. :rolleyes:


As for posting a pic pack of sorts with belt parts, no, I haven't seen one or done one. I've googled and searched for so many "belt" pieces that it would be huge and honestly, time cosuming to do it. Most of my work comes from spur of the moment ideas.


I always start with the belt strap. I have one or two that I always seem to use. That just gives me a dark background and general idea of the space I need to fill. Then I just start looking through pics that I have or at real world belt to get ideas. I then start with the main plate design. I'm constantly trying to come up with different plate designs, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. After that, I work on the design itself. For example, do I want it to have an eagle on it, if so, what kind. Wings up swept, down swept, etc. Does it have a globe on it, do I want the logo on it, etc. Then it's just playing around with how they are laid out on the plate and what kind of bevel and gradient they have. Do they stick out, 3D style, is it sunk down into the plate, etc.


That in a nutshell is how I go about rendering the title. A lot of playing around, stepping back and trying different things. Hardest part is just making them look different then the ones that have come before it. Honestly, it's starting to get a little difficult. :D


One day, when I find the time to go through and clean up my computer, I'll zip all the titles I have ever done and put that out. Maybe even try to zip up some belt pics that I have saved. But that's not happening anytime soon, sorry.


All in all, for everyone that is attempting these, keep it up. It's great to see other attempts and other ideas for tites. Always great for ideas and inspiration.


Been busy, but hopefully more titles will be up soon. And as always, thanks.



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Reap one thing I can say about your belts is that as you work your way through the Cornellverse the quality is such they probably won't have to be updated any more after that. Seems like with every new version of TEW put out, there are new belt renders. But with the quality of what you do, eventually the vast portion of belts will be considered definitive and finished.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Craig Edwards" data-cite="Craig Edwards" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="17101" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Reaper i was just wondering if you are going to be take request again and if so about around what month that will be so know when to post a request thanks and i know you are busy do alot of belts already.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When he gets caught up.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sartagis" data-cite="Sartagis" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="17101" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Adding to your burden.<p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Sheer Overkill Pro Wrestling (SOPW)</span></p><p> Main Event - World Heavyweight</p><p> Mid-Card - Jr. Heavyweight</p><p> Low - Woman's' World Champion</p><p> </p><p> SOPW Logo by J Silver</p><p> <span>http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a399/Sartagis/SOPW-Big.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Logo does not have to be used anywhere on it, just the appearance of SOPW somewhere would be enough. Only real want for them is that the Jr. title be noticeably smaller looking then the World title.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> And the last one...</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SOPWWomens.jpg</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ReapeR" data-cite="ReapeR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="17101" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And the last one...<p> </p><p> <span>http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SOPWWomens.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Very nice something about the green really makes these belts "pop" a bit more than the others for me. Maybe its just the contrast between the brightness of it and the solidness of the rest of the colors. Great job on all of them reaper.</p>
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And here we are...


I believe I've finished all of my request backlogs. Except for Boshey's(sp) requests. Not sure if he still wants them. Hell, not sure if I can even do 'em. :eek: However, if for some reason, your request before the No Request Post got missed, please let me know.


If I am in fact caught up with the requests, I can take a breath of relief. I still have to finish up the GDSVerse, but I think I only have a handfull of those left. After that, I'll probably delete all the current titles on the front page and re-open for requests.


The KobeVerse is still on the backburner and will most likely get interspersed with the opening of requests. Much like I did with the GDSVerse.


And some generic love for everyone...




As always, comments are welcomed and hopefully everyone is still enjoying these.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="17101" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As always, comments are welcomed and hopefully everyone is still enjoying these.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How could we not enjoy these? You do a great job!</p>
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I'm going to echo the sentiments of BHK1978 and Phantom Stranger... The world you do is amazing, Reaper, and it adds a ton to the games and diaries. You deserve all the recognition we can give for your contributions.


Seconded, thirded, whatever. The echo will echo forever ;)

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Seconded, thirded, whatever. The echo will echo forever ;)


Says another guy who has added a great deal himself.


The fact that TEW has such a great community of people willing to put their time and effort in for the enjoymetn of others. Just don't ever want to see that taken for granted (as seems to happen somewhat in the Alt Request thread).

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I'd just like to applaud you for a long, hard slog up to now.


With regard to the pics on the front page - are you talking about all of them, or all of the 'custom' created-promotion pieces?


My thoughts behind this was to take the "old" ones down and put up the new ones when I re-open requests. However, I'm open to suggestions...

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