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TCW Gfed Reunion Hype and Sign Up


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I'm personally torn between using one of my created wrestlers, like I usually do, or going crazy and using a C-Verse person. As much as I like to be all creative and flaunt my awesome characters, I am tempted to take the reigns of one of the "stars" of EWA and see what I can do with em. Boris Kiriyakin, The Big Bad, Bam Bam Johansson, Puffy the Sand Iron Player, and Haiti Voodude all seem like they might be fun to write as. Oh, and if anyone would like to see some of my rps I'd be more than happy to flex my ego and post em.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;467316]Oh, and if anyone would like to see some of my rps I'd be more than happy to flex my ego and post em.[/QUOTE] *Raises hand* I wanna see! I'm a big fan of reading other people's work. [QUOTE]That is why i kind of prefer to go for a Cornellverse character as there is some background to work on. However as i said before, some people made up characters which went very well, it takes some level of creativity i must say and most likely you will be basing your character on someone you know. This is not really about winning or not, naturally better more stable roleplayers get more of the main event and title shots overal. [/QUOTE] I will admit that a lot of my characters have the feel of real people, but they're more like amalgams. I try to mix three or four people, different looks, and quirks and whatever, to create a whole new persona. As for history, depending which way I go, I can produce one fairly quickly, maybe even shell it out in an intro piece. I still have an old intro for a character, which I can post, if you're curious, but it's not the best at fleshing a character out, it was intended to be a mystery revealed over time. Like the Jericho countdown.
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[URL="http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_GWC/index.php?showtopic=1634&hl="]Hour of the Oryx[/URL] [URL="http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_GWC/index.php?showtopic=1131&hl="]The Sand and The Flame[/URL] [URL="http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_GWC/index.php?showtopic=2028&hl="]The Cautionary Tale of George Stevens[/URL] All three of those originally were posted with images, but someone changed the boards to require you to click an image to display it... lord knows what happened to cause that after I left. Enjoy!
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;467447][URL="http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_GWC/index.php?showtopic=1634&hl="]Hour of the Oryx[/URL] [URL="http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_GWC/index.php?showtopic=1131&hl="]The Sand and The Flame[/URL] [URL="http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_GWC/index.php?showtopic=2028&hl="]The Cautionary Tale of George Stevens[/URL] All three of those originally were posted with images, but someone changed the boards to require you to click an image to display it... lord knows what happened to cause that after I left. Enjoy![/QUOTE] These are some awesome pieces. :D
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[QUOTE=Trell;468017]I would love to join your guy's Efed, but I have never done an efed before and I wouldnt know where to start or what to do :([/QUOTE] Well nothing too much to it really, you pretend to be a certain character and make 2-3 roleplays a week to talk about your upcoming matches, build up certain feuds, rivalries and so on. You can also get some advice and feedback from Big Poppa Kev as he is the booker, he can give you some feedback in what direction he plans to take your character. If you like roleplaying, wrestling and writting overal, then this one is for you. Winning is basically more the result of consistent quality roleplays and hype. I got into this to improve my promotional writting skills:D
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Theirs room for anybody and I'm sure Brent Luther would fit right in haha. And uhm you guys can put in your introductory roleplays. I gotta go work but when I get home, I'm gunna look at my roster and set up some feuds. That is if you havent decided for yourselves and told me.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;468036]Theirs room for anybody and I'm sure Brent Luther would fit right in haha. And uhm you guys can put in your introductory roleplays. I gotta go work but when I get home, I'm gunna look at my roster and set up some feuds. That is if you havent decided for yourselves and told me.[/QUOTE] would i still use creat a wrestler to sign up my miss understood methodist mister with a penchant for booze, girlz and wrestling?
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um sorry. i think i lost both of us on this trip down the rabit hole. Brent Luther: luntic fan :- current/ former methodist minister. likes girls, booze and wrestling. (though from looking over your roster i see a disinct lack of the honeys) even though he is a fan, should i add him as a wrestler, or should i find a different way to participate?
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[quote=Capelli King;468022]Well nothing too much to it really, you pretend to be a certain character and make 2-3 roleplays a week to talk about your upcoming matches, build up certain feuds, rivalries and so on. You can also get some advice and feedback from Big Poppa Kev as he is the booker, he can give you some feedback in what direction he plans to take your character. If you like roleplaying, wrestling and writting overal, then this one is for you. Winning is basically more the result of consistent quality roleplays and hype. I got into this to improve my promotional writting skills:D[/quote] ok, I'll give it a shot, I apologize if I suck :)
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It's worth a try, I think. Especially with this 'Two Month Only' timeframe, there's no harm in giving it a go. When it's over, if you decide it's not for you, or you don't have time to carry on, then it's no harm, no foul. If you however do find yourself really enjoying yourself, well there's other places you can go after this. Personally, I'm probably going to knock out one roleplay a week (which is two per show, if I'm doing the maths right) I might do more, but only if I get a really good idea. Length wise, I tend to write one page of a Microsoft Word document (size 12, [FONT="Courier New"]Courier New[/FONT] font) and only do more if I have something extra I really want to jam in. A lot of my stuff was shorter. They don't have to be complicated, unique, highly original and impressive pieces of writing. My first roleplays were just a guy, being interviewed, cutting a promo on his opponent, AND I completely misjudged my character. I thought he was a heel. Turns out, my version of Edd Stone was just so wacky and carefree, that he had no choice but to become a face. There's no shame in not getting things perfect first time. Basically, have fun with it. [B]This time[/B], while Edd Stone is still on the roster, and I'll probably do something with him should a cool storyline come up, I will also be playing as [B]Harrison Hash[/B]. [I]P.S. Wouldn't it be cool if we opened a thread in the diary forum, and posted the roleplays and results in there as well? I know I was bummed out at times during my Edd Stone stuff, because so few people reading them understood all of the NOTBPW references. Just a thought.[/I]
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[QUOTE=mistaken;468067]um sorry. i think i lost both of us on this trip down the rabit hole. Brent Luther: luntic fan :- current/ former methodist minister. likes girls, booze and wrestling. (though from looking over your roster i see a disinct lack of the honeys) even though he is a fan, should i add him as a wrestler, or should i find a different way to participate?[/QUOTE] Well it's original... you can give it a shot. I'd be interested in seeing this. Maybe I can put you in a match if you're interested.
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