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What do you play?

What do you play?  

122 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you play?

    • Only C-Verse
    • Only Real World
    • A mixture of the two

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I'm quite interested in this - I know numerous people that will only play real world and refuse to touch the cornellverse - and vice versa. Please answer the poll just to satisfy my curiosity - which do you play and why? I only play Cornellverse because I don't really follow wrestling in real life, and I find the real world mods often bloated and unwieldy. With the only people I know being in the WWE, I don't like having to book four different brands a week so that also contributes. I love the c-verse and the alternate characters, as well as becoming a major fanboy for the Australian scene despite being a brit! What about you?
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I voted a mixture of the two, but really I'm only playing C-Verse at the moment. This year I've found myself not too concerned about real world mods and have been happily playing the C-Verse, with dozens and dozens of custom workers mind you. I've tried playing the C-Verse a few times in the past, and have been since the first TEW so it's been very rewarding to see how the world has developed, and that makes it a lot easier and more fun to get into the C-Verse now. I probably will play a real world mod when one comes along that takes my fancy, but chances are I'll be coming back to my C-Verse games
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I voted a mixture of the two but that may not be completely accurate by some peoples accounts. I play c-verse and I will play DOTT and the War of the Immortals ones when they come out. I've never played more than a few days in a modern real world database. Not sure why but I've just never found a modern one whose "feel and presentation" did it for me. Oh I also play the organic effverse a bit this year.
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I voted for the C-Verse. I wouldn't mind playing a real life mod, but someone would need to make it both realistic and balanced. I get sick of Kevin Nash having B- stiffness and half the rosters filled with guys as talented as Tommy Cornell. Its like "I get it, you LOVE The Undertaker. But why does he have A mat skills, again?" Its part of the reason Im looking forward to the joint effort one being worked on right now. With any luck the shear number of people working on it means that someone can be like "waaaaait a second... Bryan Danielson's good, but he doesn't have A* brawling and A* Star Quality." Because as talented as Danielson is, he has neither of those in my book. He's got above average brawling skills, I give him that, but he's no Stone Cold. As for SQ... he looks like some generic white guy, not a star. Still, man is insane to watch. God speed good real world modders... Help me achieve the dream of making Nunzio champion of my own company... and perhaps allowing me to re-unite the legendary EWR tag team of mine, Viscera and Sabu. Basically, Viscera comes out and asks "You wanna be a ho?!", and then turns to Sabu to see what he has to say... but just does his point upwards.
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Pretty much the same as the last few posters. I'd be interested in a real world mod (that was, of course, what I originally bought the game to play) but there hasn't been one released that I found playable. Not even in 07... Although I'll admit to not looking too hard. Such is my love for the C-Verse.
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I only play the Cverse as real world mods don't grab me much. I like DOTT, and will egt that when it comes out, but I honestly prefer the Cverse, to the point where I have to keep reminding myself that my favourite puro wrestler doesn't actually exist (Toshiharu Hyobanshi, if anyone's interested).
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No offense to real world modders I'm sure you all do good work but I can't play with the real world. I feel like you get pigeon holed into the characters that already exist so it sucks half the fun of imagining what you think the characters should be. In the C-Verse since there workers aren't really people can amke up their own interpretations of who they are. Also I too have felt that the real world stats are bloated maybe proportionate within the mod but not scaled for the game. So I play C-Verse only. Although I do download the real world mods because a lot of good work is done on matches, angles and storylines and for that I applaud you real world modders.
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Adam must be pretty proud, seeing how few people have gone for the only real world option. I play both, although my MAW game on 07 was so all-encompassing that I only scratched the surface of the real world mods I played. I'm looking forward to any 93 one, though, as I can take over WCW and burn the McMahons to the ground :p
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With TEW 2007, I played DOTT to the exclusion of everything else, as it's expertly done and I enjoy being able to rewrite wrestling history. Plus, for whatever reason, I just couldn't get into the Cornellverse. But while waiting for the DOTT mod this year, I've been slowly coming around. The fictional Australian wrestling scene has pulled me in--APW is small and fairly manageable, and it's isolated enough from the rest of the Cornellverse that I'm able to actually concentrate on what's happening there, instead of getting overwhelmed by all the goings on over on the other continents. Self-contained, that's what APW is. I think I might take a crack at BSC next, as it's also something of a world unto itself, and it should be more of a challenge to make it successful. The Effganic mod is a fun one as well. Steering the course of wrestling history from as far back as 1920 can be a hoot.
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[QUOTE=edenborn;475801] Self-contained, that's what APW is. I think I might take a crack at BSC next, as it's also something of a world unto itself, and it should be more of a challenge to make it successful.[/QUOTE] APW high five! Read my diary! :D
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I prefer C-Verse only. Not that there's anything wrong with real world ... but I like C-Verse because it's structured, but at the same time far less creatively restrictive than real world mods. With C-Verse, there's no predetermined set of how things should go and I like that. With real world mods, my mind would always be clouded by favorites and my own pair of rose- or jade-colored glasses.
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