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Kane and "Is he alive or dead" angle...


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I actually like this, as no one was expecting it and Kane played it up well. I think they could go a couple of different directions. It could lead to a feud where we find out the reason we haven't seen Rey is that Kane beat him up or something. They could do a mask vs. mask type storyline where Kane talks about Rey hiding his shame behind a mask. Of course what I hope will happen is that there is some kind of swerve going on and we are still going to get a masked Kane.
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[QUOTE=scorpion;477908]I actually like this, as no one was expecting it and Kane played it up well. I think they could go a couple of different directions. It could lead to a feud where we find out the reason we haven't seen Rey is that Kane beat him up or something. They could do a mask vs. mask type storyline where Kane talks about Rey hiding his shame behind a mask. Of course what I hope will happen is that there is some kind of swerve going on and we are still going to get a masked Kane.[/QUOTE] I say we go both ways on the mask thing, if you don't mind me expanding on your Idea. This definitely leads to a feud Kane and Mysterio go at it for a few months. Starts with Kane taunting Mysterio "I took off my mask why don't you take off yours." Mysterio takes a beating for awhile and then he comes out with his retort, "You know Kane I don't hide behind my mask but I believe you have cast aside the real you by discarding yours." This does lead to a mask vs mask match except on Kane's side if he loses he must put his mask back on.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;477901]So what does the Rey mask mean? If he pulled that out... then is he wearing Rey's mask or is it something where he is feuding with Rey? I guess I'm confused.[/QUOTE] As has been said before me, I believe that it is the start of a feud between him and Rey Rey. That Rey has been scarred and disfigured and will come back wearing a mask and talking about how bad he looks without the mask on now because of what that insane monster Kane has done to him.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;477909]I say we go both ways on the mask thing, if you don't mind me expanding on your Idea. This definitely leads to a feud Kane and Mysterio go at it for a few months. Starts with Kane taunting Mysterio "I took off my mask why don't you take off yours." Mysterio takes a beating for awhile and then he comes out with his retort, "You know Kane I don't hide behind my mask but I believe you have cast aside the real you by discarding yours." This does lead to a mask vs mask match except on Kane's side if he loses he must put his mask back on.[/QUOTE] That's actually what i was thinking, only instead of a match to force Kane to put the mask on, I was thinking he would choose to do it. Either way would work. I think most of us thought that his mask was in the bag, and until this week I'm pretty sure it was as the bag looked different tonight, so going that route would have been too predictable. However, I don't think I've heard anyone say that they don't want Kane to go back to the mask, and the storyline you outlined would still give us what we want without it being so predictable.
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[B]What a load of crap[/B]. What a disappointment. Rey Mysterio? :E vs. Kane? That's not gonna be good. I was shocked in a bad way after he pulled that mask from the bag. This is even more awful of a disappointment than the RAW GM thing with Mike Adamle. I was so looking forward on seeing the masked Kane back. And now I get some lame feud with Mysterio vs. Kane that no one wants to see. I mean really, that storyline WILL suck and the matches will suck even more.
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Please be the start of some kind of zombie invasion. Rey Rey starts biting people, turning them one by one, until only John Cena and Batista remain, surrounded by zombified versions of every other superstar. Then Undertaker's music hits. It writes itself.
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We didn't see Rey die but last night Kane eludes to some kind of brutal maiming of Rey. So to recap for awhile he asks if he's alive or dead then one night he says he's no he's dead. But now it turns out he's not dead he's just brutally beaten. We won't actually see where this angle leads until we see how Rey comes back and if Kane is actually the one who attacked him while he was out. Maybe Rey will come back as a heel, sorry no Zombie's there Self, but seeking revenge against whoever maimed him and maybe Kane helps him as a kindred spirit who used to have to hide his scarred visage. Or more likely Kane made the attack and Rey comes back still face to confront him.
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So, Rey was dead, but has come back to life and is seeking revenge (because why else do you come back from the dead, unless it's for true love... and let's hope that's not the reason). Kane is either the evil bastard that put him in the grave, or has been selected by the powers that be to stop Rey before he gets too out of control. If he fails, his brother the Undertaker will have to get involved, and soon everyone will be wondering which souless creature is going to win. ... I -so- missed the boat by not having an evil Rey Rey in Welcome to the Real World.
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[QUOTE=Self;478082]Please be the start of some kind of zombie invasion. Rey Rey starts biting people, turning them one by one, until only John Cena and Batista remain, surrounded by zombified versions of every other superstar. Then Undertaker's music hits. It writes itself.[/QUOTE] Best storyline. Ever.
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Guest Ransik
Sounds like the WWE realized everyone on the planet knew what was in the bag and decided to change the storyline. Can't say I'm looking forward to it either... I don't see Kane and Rey putting on good matches together.
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Seriously? Rey Mysterio had good matches with Kevin nash, for heaven's sake. Admittedly, that was Rey ten years ago before he put on twenty pounds of muscle and turned into Mr. 619... But still, better Rey/Kane than big man/Kane, for example. Depending on how this plays out, this could be huge for Rey. Assuming, of course, nothing else on him goes PING~!! like his biceps/knee/neck/whatever ...
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[QUOTE=Self;478082]Please be the start of some kind of zombie invasion. Rey Rey starts biting people, turning them one by one, until only John Cena and Batista remain, surrounded by zombified versions of every other superstar. Then Undertaker's music hits. It writes itself.[/QUOTE] And then The Undertaker commands everyone to do the Thriller dance, right?
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[quote=James Casey;478146]Seriously? Rey Mysterio had good matches with Kevin nash, for heaven's sake. Admittedly, that was Rey ten years ago before he put on twenty pounds of muscle and turned into Mr. 619... But still, better Rey/Kane than big man/Kane, for example. Depending on how this plays out, this could be huge for Rey. Assuming, of course, nothing else on him goes PING~!! like his biceps/knee/neck/whatever ...[/quote] I guess we'll have to see -- I for one like the swerve and hope the matches that come out of it work out.
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What I would LOVE to see come out of this would be Rey "made up" to look injured. He stands up to Kane and gets destroyed (due to the size and his inability to take him on truly due to "the injuries") over and over again.... However, Rey keeps on getting up. Even when it's almost impossible for him to do so. Kane gets pissed and ends up beating him down more and more and somehow in the end Rey could pull off a shocking upset in a no DQ kind of match where he could utilize weapons to "equalize" the height difference.
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I dunno, the more I think about it, the more a 'Deadman' Rey Mysterio gimmick seems like it would work. Rey-Rey in a match, gets beat down, keeps going, gets beat down, does the zombie sit-up, gets the win... kinda a faster-paced Undertaker... only more eeeeevil... Kane begins to get worried that he can't control the monster he's created in his own image, tries to stop his path of destruction, fails... Undertaker has to show up to do it himself...
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[quote=shamelessposer;478182]And then The Undertaker commands everyone to do the Thriller dance, right?[/quote] [quote=Self;478082]Please be the start of some kind of zombie invasion. Rey Rey starts biting people, turning them one by one, until only John Cena and Batista remain, surrounded by zombified versions of every other superstar. Then Undertaker's music hits. It writes itself.[/quote] GEEEEENIUS!!!! GOLD!!!! RATINGS!!!! Then after the dance Naomi Campbell and Michael Jackson hit the ring followed by a hoarde of lizards!!
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[QUOTE=Self;478082]Please be the start of some kind of zombie invasion. Rey Rey starts biting people, turning them one by one, until only John Cena and Batista remain, surrounded by zombified versions of every other superstar. Then Undertaker's music hits. It writes itself.[/QUOTE] This is only gonna work if they can get Bruce Campbell.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;478832]This is only gonna work if they can get Bruce Campbell.[/QUOTE] IFthey can? IF they can? Now I love me some Bruce Campbell but if you've seen his movies you know that he will do ANYTHING! If you don't believe that then go watch Alien Apocalypse. :p
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[QUOTE=Sartagis;478885]IFthey can? IF they can? Now I love me some Bruce Campbell but if you've seen his movies you know that he will do ANYTHING! If you don't believe that then go watch Alien Apocalypse. :p[/QUOTE] Hell it should be easy, he already works for USA....
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