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Destined to Fail 2008

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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;496104]For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles [B]The Cowboy & ????[/B] vs. The Gentlemen's Club [I]And ??? turns out to be a returning Don Phoenix, who now goes under the moniker 'Shadow Phoenix' and proceeds to kick major arse! :D[/I] [/QUOTE] Do I take it, then, that you're willing to return? Show goes up later today. Still having Net issues, though. Will keep you posted.
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[CENTER][B][U]BWA Advent of Madness[/U][/B] St Luke's Church, Torquay Christmas 2008 [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/davidhallettyoungenglishman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/emma.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Good evening everyone and welcome back to St Luke's Church who have miraculously agreed to continue hosting BWA events despite the somewhat... explosive... events of last month. [B]EW:[/B] Tonight I've got a good feeling about this. I think we're actually going to see the BWA Tag Titles back in circulation. [B]YE:[/B] Well, it's not another chapter of the One Percenters war with the Lads Night Out – though we have that, too. With both of the LNO chained to a Percenter for the duration of their match and that chain a legal weapon, I have to wonder if the LNO have any more tricks up their sleeve, or if tonight's the night... [B]EW:[/B] But first we've got the BWA Tag Title match. Kind of surprising that neither of the two tag teams most associated with us are involved, but these are unusual times. [B]YE:[/B] Yes indeed, we received an official edict from the Devonshire Athletic Commission two weeks ago instructing us that Mr Andrew McMenamin was to be allowed to determine the participants in the title match. [B]EW:[/B] Big surprise, he chose his own minions. [B]YE: [/B]The Gentlemen's Club will be taking on The Cowboy and his latest tag partner this month, with the BWA Tag Titles on the line. Here comes the Cowboy now... let's see who he's rustled up. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/TheCowboy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]The Cowboy: [/B]Well hello Torquay! Tonight we see the return to circulation of the BWA Tag Titles. Tonight we see the return to respect for tag team wrestling in this company. And tonight... you will behold the formation of a new tag team, one that will carry those belts forward into this brave new era. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, my ally... The Music Man JW! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/musicmanjw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE: [/B]I was hoping for Gringo or someone to give them a fighting chance. [B]EW:[/B] Gringo's... still in hospital. Very still in hospital. [CENTER]FOR THE VACANT BWA TAG TITLES [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/TheCowboy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/musicmanjw.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/BobbyStPierre.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/MaxxHero.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/AndrewMcMenamin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/themaniac.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE: [/B]Looks like the Cowboy's starting off here against Maxx. I honestly don't see that these two can overcome the Gentlemen's Club, not with the fix in like this. [B]EW: [/B]They're going to try, though. [B]YE:[/B] Strong forearm shots from the Cowboy to open now and he goes to the ropes, clothesline ducked by Hero who snaps off a dropkick as the Cowboy turns. Quick tag and Flying Bobby to the top, top rope splash- [B]EW:[/B] No! [B]YE: [/B]The Cowboy rolls clear at the last moment, and cinching in an armbar now – McMenamin has the ref's attention with a wodge of cash - [B]EW:[/B] The Maniac's in the ring! [B]YE: [/B]Special Bus Slam lays out the Cowboy and Flying Bobby goes back to the top rope. McMenamin's away from the ref now – splash from St. Pierre – McMenamin just laid out the Music Man with a cane shot behind the ref's back! One, two – the Cowboy kicks out! [B]EW:[/B] He needs to make the tag... [B]YE:[/B] And he has no idea that he has no one to tag out to... This isn't going to go well. Enzuigiri from Flying Bobby puts the Cowboy back down, quick tag by the Gentlemen's Club and Maxx Hero in with a baseball slide dropkick to his face, up again and a backflip into a pin – one, two, and the Cowboy kicks out! [B]EW:[/B] JW's stirring too! [B]YE:[/B] Thanks, Emma. I think McMenamin heard you. At least, I'm guessing that's why we got another cane shot. This has turned into a handicap match for the Cowboy and really, with the Maniac at ringside, it's three-on-one. Not great odds by anyone's imagination. [B]EW:[/B] It's not stopping him from fighting, though. Nice bodyslam on Hero there – ooh! [B]YE:[/B] Thumb to the eye from Bobby St Pierre gives Maxx time to recover, and I don't think he even saw it- [B]EW:[/B] Oh, like he'd even care. [B]YE:[/B] Diving clothesline from Hero takes the Cowboy right back down, one, two – well played Cowboy! Resilient man, back to his feet, backdrop counters Hero's charge, in comes the Maniac- [B]EW: [/B]Special Bus Slam! That's the second! [B]YE: [/B]Hero recovered now, makes the tag, flying splash from St Pierre, one, two, three! We unfortunately have new tag team champions... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/BobbyStPierre.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/MaxxHero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/AndrewMcMenamin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/themaniac.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] And look how smug they are! [B]YE:[/B] Indeed... McMenamin has the belts. He's just tossed them down in front of the Cowboy, the Maniac's in the ring... [B]EW: [/B]I don't believe this. [B]YE: [/B]McMenamin's bullying the Cowboy into strapping the belts onto his boys! [B]EW:[/B] The crowd are definitely not happy. [B]YE:[/B] Well, they shouldn't be. The belts are on and McMenamin lays out the Cowboy with a cane shot... And they're leaving, thank goodness. Ladies and gentlemen, I now have to direct you toward the big screen, as Jimmy's filed a report and, well, Odin says he'll come after me if we don't run this footage... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/odin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The footage is dark and cropped close in around Odin's face, with nothing else visible.[/I] [B]Odin:[/B] And it has begun. Panix Storm, your pitiful excuse for friends and family will all fall. This is my quest. My followers have other work to do, and I can assure you that by the time I am done with you your pitiful world will be made into our image, not yours. You see... I know the secrets. And I have the key to learning more... [I]The camera pulls out to reveal that Odin is hanging from a tree...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jamescasey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/richyg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] So... I suppose the question is, does this match have anything to do with the 'work' Odin's talking about? [B]EW:[/B] No idea. Maybe if we knew something about this Richy G. I mean, other'n he's cute. [B]YE:[/B] I don't know how often I'm going to have to say this before it sinks in, Emma, but being cute is not a benefit to a professional wrestler. [B]EW:[/B] You have no idea, do you? [B]YE: [/B]Well – no, skip it. It's not worth it and we're already starting to miss out on some high-quality aerial offence here. This G kid can fly! [B]EW:[/B] The problem with that, though, is that sooner or later... ooh! [B]YE:[/B] I get what you were going to say, but Casey didn't want to wait for that. He just caught a diving spear attempt into an imploder DDT! The truest of ring technicians in the BWA, arguably, and Casey has to be looking to add to his so-called winning streak- [B]EW: [/B]He is too on a winning streak! [B]YE:[/B] Two matches is not a winning streak, Emma. Casey seems to have decided that Richy G's neck is his target of choice for this match, working that reverse headlock clutch... Richy fighting his way back to his knees... to his feet... and out! G off the ropes and a G-Force flying elbow smashes the Doctor to the ground. Flip legdrop from Richy keeps him on the offensive and now he's going to the ropes... he's waiting for Casey to rise... Flying cross body but Casey holds on and rolls through, retaliating with a swing-out uranage... [B]EW: [/B]Hey, let me get a word in edgeways! [B]YE: [/B]This is going too fast for that. Richy is definitely giving Dr Casey his toughest match to date already, and that despite the fact Casey seems to cut every assault off sooner rather than later. The Welsh Wonder's turning it into a slugfest- [B]EW: [/B]Not his face! NOT HIS FACE! [B]YE: [/B]Ah, partisan commentary. How I didn't miss you. Oh! Casey hit some kind of chest shot and Richy's down and thrashing... [B]EW:[/B] Look! He had some kind of gadget doodad thingummy up his sleeve! [B]YE: [/B]It's that damn taser again, and Casey's faking a choke to drive it into G's neck... he's using the full five count... and now a pin and this really has become academic. [B]EW: [/B]Aw, man. I actually wanted his winning streak to end after that. [B]YE: [/B]Well, I think it's more that you can finally count it as a winning streak. How did the referee not notice that weapon, though? [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jaffa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jimmy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE: [/B]And so the other member of Odin's Army is here for his first singles match. And he's up against a former BWA champion and the man who made Samoa Joe submit. [B]EW: [/B]The only thing he's got going for him is Jaffa's going to be pissed about what's been happening with Panix. [B]YE: [/B]How does that help Jimmy? [B]EW:[/B] Maybe he'll make a mistake? [B]YE: [/B]Maybe. Camera flash from Jimmy shocks Jaffa for a moment, and Jimmy follows up with a DDT. I think he wants to use the camera as a weapon, but let's face facts – this ain't a hardcore match. [B]EW:[/B] Doesn't make that stomping illegal though, does it? [B]YE:[/B] Definitely not, and Jaffa's taking some punishment – ooh! [B]EW:[/B] Well, that ended fast. [B]YE: [/B]Hard punch to the gut there by Jaffa and he's fighting back from his knees now with a volley of punches, rising uppercut – Jimmy is down! Jaffa picks him up, I think looking for the Jaffarack, and an elbow to the face by Jimmy lets him slip clear. [B]EW: [/B]What is it with this company and people's faces? [B]YE:[/B] Well, it's a good place to really cause some chaos – you know what, I shouldn't have to explain this. Jimmy with a chop block to take Jaffa down and I think he's looking for the figure-four leg lock – Jaffa cuts him off, yanks him off his legs and... Huh. [B]EW: [/B]That was kind of a suplex from a sitting position! [B]YE: [/B]Yeah, I've never seen anything like that before. Jimmy looks to have taken a really nasty bump on the head from that and he's pretty out of it... powerbomb by Jaffa and he lifts him up again... yes, it's the Jaffarack! [B]EW: [/B]Well, this one's over. [B]YE:[/B] Wait... yes, yes it is! Good work, Jaffa! A message has been sent to Odin! [B]EW:[/B] Right, that's going to go well. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/bigdave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DJStorm.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] What are the LNO doing out here? [B]EW:[/B] No idea. Big Dave's grabbing a microphone... [B]Big Dave:[/B] All right. I know why Jimmy joined in last month. I know what was up with the Percenters. What I don't get – what I want to know – is why that idiotic baby-eater joined in picking on us. El Commodore 64 – get out here, if you're smart, and you better have a good explanation or you... are... in... trouble. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/edisrawpseudorudo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] Well, here he comes. [B]El Comedor:[/B] So, you don't know? Then one of you has a damn faulty memory. [B]Big Dave:[/B] The hell you talking about, Willis? [B]Earl Breese: [/B]Uh, Dave, that's not the line- [B]El Comedor: [/B]Shut up. I ain't talking to him, I ain't talking to you, and I ain't talking to that Coors Light-swilling snot-nosed young punk you jackoffs adopted from the homeless centre last month. [B]YE:[/B] Well, that narrows it down. [B]Tom Lynch: [/B]Wait. You got a problem with me? [B]El Comedor: [/B]All my life I've had a problem with you. [B]Tom Lynch:[/B] ...Dude, I have no idea what I did to you. I'd've sworn I hadn't seen you before last month. [B]Earl Breese, Big Dave & DJ Storm:[/B] Ooh! Was he drunk? [B]El Comedor:[/B] I hope not. Y'see, few months ago this jabroni bet his hair against Wallbanger's beard. [B]Tom Lynch:[/B] Yeah, all right. Don't rub it in. [B]El Comedor:[/B] Wasn't the first time you made those stakes though, was it? [B]Tom Lynch:[/B] ...Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. El Train? [B]El Comedor:[/B] Not any more. [B]Big Dave:[/B] This guy's a what? [B]Tom Lynch:[/B] El Train Junior. You remember El Train, right? The Chicago luchador? [B]DJ Storm:[/B] I am so not drunk enough for this. [B]Tom Lynch:[/B] ...light beer, man... [B]El Comedor:[/B] YOU STOLE MY CAREER! [B]Big Dave:[/B] Whoa, easy... [B]El Comedor:[/B] Oh, come on. You guys are bickering over booze. We're discussing my career and what he did to it. Hair versus mask, Lynch. [B]Tom Lynch:[/B] You knew what you were getting into. [B]El Comedor: [/B]Neither of us did! We were four years old! [B]Tom Lynch: [/B]Yeah, well, you shouldn't have stolen my cookies, bitch! [B]El Comedor:[/B] I had a legacy for the rest of my life! You stole it from me! You wanted to know why I stood up against you and now you know. You satisfied? [B]Earl Breese:[/B] Mostly I'm a little confused. [B]Tom Lynch: [/B]Let's make this easier for everyone. We're busy tonight, kid. Next month I'll beat you senseless again and we can figure the matter settled, right? [B]El Comedor: [/B]You are on! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/mrcanada.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] I have no idea what just happened, but I think I'm probably better off that way. [B]EW:[/B] Yeah. Hey, look at that- [B]YE:[/B] What is that he's wearing? [B]EW:[/B] It looks like... a title belt! [B]YE: [/B]There's the BWA logo... and a maple leaf... [B]EW:[/B] Is this an official BWA belt, then? [B]YE: [/B]You'd think they'd have told us, wouldn't you? [B]EW:[/B] Yeah. [B]YE:[/B] This place always confuses me. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/mrcanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/tyleridol.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/hydeA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] At least this should be interesting, always assuming Idol's 'associate' doesn't interfere too much. [B]EW: [/B]Mr Canada might even be able to handle it. I'd actually like to see him take on Hill. [B]YE: [/B]Oh? [B]EW: [/B]Two half naked men rolling around on the floor... trying to beat someone into submission... [B]YE:[/B] Which way did the LNO go? I need a drink... [B]EW:[/B] Ooh... judo flip by Canada! [B]YE: [/B]Idol certainly came down hard there, and Canada's back on him. Note how carefully Mr Canada's avoiding going near the ropes where Hill might be able to reach in. [B]EW:[/B] That's going to limit him, though – there! [B]YE:[/B] Mr Canada shoved back to the ropes with all Tyler Idol's considerable strength and Hill's there to tug the top rope down and send Canada tumbling from the ring. [B]EW: [/B]And now Idol's getting in the ref's face! [B]YE:[/B] Hyde Hill with that full nelson bomb of his on the outside! It looks like he's going for another – oh, well played! Canada manages to turn it into another judo flip! [B]EW:[/B] He's back into the ring but Idol's right on him. Idoliser! [B]YE:[/B] Not quite – Mr Canada twisted loose. Down North! One – two – no! [B]EW:[/B] Hyde Hill's got a chair! [B]YE:[/B] Here he comes! [B]EW:[/B] Chairshot for Mr Canada! The ref's calling the DQ! Chairshot for the ref! [B]YE: [/B]This is... not decent by any stretch of the imagination. [B]EW:[/B] I guess Tyler Idol doesn't lose clean. [B]YE:[/B] There are, I suppose, more disgusting philosophies, but they don't have any place in wrestling either. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/astil2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/daweasel.jpg[/IMG] [B]PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH TWO[/B][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Somehow I'd figured Herrin Domina wasn't going to be the final obstacle they put between Astil and Prime. [B]EW:[/B] I don't think they expect him to get that far. [B]YE:[/B] You could be right. Astil starting off strong here, obviously PO'd that he's being put through this. Look at those elbows, targeting the ribs George McAllister worked over last month – the Straight Edge Samurai just wants done with this and a clear shot at his target. [B]EW:[/B] Tyler's got a kick on him, though. [B]YE:[/B] Yes, and that buys him some breathing space – clothesline ducked by Astil and he comes back with a massive spinwheel kick. Tyler lets him come in and boots him in the head... [B]EW: [/B]This actually could go either way! [B]YE:[/B] Not really... here comes Mistaken! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/mustbemistaken.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] Oh, no, you're right. Now it's just one-sided. [B]YE:[/B] Yep – nice work by Tyler there, making it look like he's going for a crucifix pin just to kick the ref in the head. He'll get away with that. [B]EW:[/B] That's not nice work! [B]YE:[/B] Well, it's dirty pool, but he's cunning with it. Mistaken in and Astil meets him with a dropkick, only to take a sledgehammer shot from behind- [B]EW:[/B] Wait! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/GeorgeMcAlister.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] I should have known! This might even things up... [B]EW: [/B]Certainly has. There goes Mistaken! [B]YE:[/B]... And there goes Tyler! Man, those ribs must really be hurting! [B]EW:[/B] Astil makes the cover and the ref's moving... [B]YE: [/B]One, two, three! Astil's through the Gauntlet! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/herrindomina.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] Oh, boy... [B]YE:[/B] Looks like the Prime Time Players have an issue with McAllister... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/LuLu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] He's got cavalry of his own – and she's carrying chairs! [B]YE:[/B] We need some guys out here to settle this down! [B]EW: [/B]I think this brawl's going to get backstage before we get people out... look at that... [B]YE: [/B]One thing's for sure... McAllister didn't take losing last month too well. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/bigdave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DJStorm.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/trell.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/antithesis.jpg[/IMG] [B]CHAINED TOGETHER MATCH[/B][/CENTER] [B]YE:[/B] Well, just watching these chained collars being applied... those are heavy weapons. I think this is going to get nasty very quickly. Looks like Trell feels he needs to get even with Earl Breese after last month... [B]EW:[/B] ...And Wallbanger and Lynch just plain hate each other. So those are the pairs... [B]YE:[/B] And there's the bell... and the LNO are immediately trying to tie those two chains together and confuse things. [B]EW:[/B] Ooh, bad idea. [B]YE:[/B] Hmm? Oh, I see – no room to get clear of the One Percenters! [B]EW:[/B] Ooh! Ow! AH! [B]YE: [/B]Things are not going well for the LNO at all. And here comes the Banger Smash... oh! I don't think Wallbanger accounted for that! [B]EW:[/B] The chain pulled his head right into Trell's off the slam! [B]YE:[/B] ...Yes, that's what I was talking about. Well done. [B]EW:[/B] Yeah, yeah. [B]YE: [/B]Earl Breese tries to capitalise with a roll-up pin on Trell, but it looks like doing that's pulled the chains tight and it's choking his partner – yes, he's realised! The pin's broken! [B]EW: [/B]This is going to get horrible... [B]YE: [/B]Trell's wrapped some of that chain around his arm... oh, the nastiest Forearms from Trell in history! Both of LNO are down! [B]EW:[/B] Look at Storm! [B]YE:[/B] Turnbuckle dropkick from DJ Storm fells Trell! Antithesis is in now – he's got Storm by the throat – chokeslam into Lynch as he tries to rise! [B]EW:[/B] Thrown bottle by Big Dave! [B]YE:[/B] Oh my God, he's got a crate of them! Banger's back up... baseball slide on Big Dave! Big Dave is down, but I think... I think Wallbanger made a mistake there... he's choking... [B]EW:[/B] Antithesis is getting the chains untangled... Oh! Low blow on Antithesis from Breese! [B]YE: [/B]Pin cover on Trell... and he kicks out on one! The Percenters are furious! [B]EW:[/B] And that's not good for an LNO who can't run. [B]YE:[/B] Wallbanger's back in and breathing with a bottle in each hand. He gives one to Trell... Simultaneous bottle shots drop the LNO! Simultaneous covers! [B]EW:[/B] One, two, three! YES! [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/cameronbrogden.jpg[/IMG] (c) vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/panix-1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/dawn.jpg[/IMG] BWA UK Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] [B]YE:[/B] And here comes the challenger to Prime's title. This should be a spectacular match... Wait! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/jamescasey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EW:[/B] It's Casey through the crowd! And he's got that taser – Dawn's out cold! No! [B]YE: [/B]Odin's just showed up at the entranceway – Casey throws Dawn to Odin and the pair of them back Panix up with numbers. The first lady of the BWA is unconscious. This isn't good... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/odin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Odin:[/B] There comes a time in every man's life when they must make sacrifice to their gods. Panix Storm, your time is upon you. You will sacrifice to me tonight. You may choose what you will let go. If you forfeit your chance to hold the BWA Championship – if you walk away without the sound of ring bell – my army and I will return your wife to you. Wrestle tonight, and she is mine. Which is it to be? [B]YE: [/B]That's not a choice anyone should have to make! Panix – come on, Panix, I hate to say it but you have to do the sensible thing... [B]EW:[/B] NO!!! [B]YE:[/B] Prime rolls Panix up from behind! One – two – three! Panix was too shocked to kick out! [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/odin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/dawn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/panix-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Odin: [/B]So that is your choice, Storm. It is not one I would have made, but it is yours, unwise as you are. There will be other opportunities to win your championship, but you failed to sacrifice this one. I take your wife in tribute... the first of your family to fall. Look for her again when I choose for her to make her own sacrifice... [B]EW:[/B] He can't just walk away like that! [B]YE:[/B] Gringo's in hospital, Jaffa will have gone home, the Prime Time Players and the LNO don't care and the Percenters are hurting even if they did win. Who can stop Odin's army? [B]EW:[/B] Shut up. [B]YE: [/B]But- [B]EW:[/B] Shut up. If you have any feelings at all, shut UP! I can't cope with this! [B]YE:[/B] I – well – yes. OK. Uh – I guess we'll see you all next month when, for the third time, BWA Gets Messy! For now, goodbye from St Luke's Church and, uh, I hope next month we have better news...
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;497469]am I a special attraction? or was I unavailable that week?[/QUOTE] Honestly and truly - I can't fit everyone I want to on in any given show, and I can't afford to use many more workers per show. It boils down to the three hottest storylines going plus whatever else I can get in there. I do have plans for Darth Sid and Revenant, mostly because every time I remember where I get the inspiration for your vignettes I fall over giggling, but I have plans for a lot of folks I just can't always get on the show, and all it means is that next time you have priority ahead of those who worked this time (other than the main angles, natch). To be honest, even the Prime Time Players have only received as much all-round feature time as they have because I've been able to mingle two stories and use them to get other folks involved, and in theory* they're the hottest stable going right now. * - In practice, hottest stable going is the Percenters and their A stable momentum.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;497472]Honestly and truly - I can't fit everyone I want to on in any given show, and I can't afford to use many more workers per show. It boils down to the three hottest storylines going plus whatever else I can get in there.[/QUOTE] Sounds reasonable to me, have to remember that because of the nature of the diary and everyone wanting to be involved, Phantom definitely has a bloated roster, so appearing on every show just isn't possible for some of us.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;497611]Would a brand split be feasible at this point, or is BWA still too small to make it work? The only other way to make sure folks get used is more multi-person/multi-team/battle royale type matches.[/QUOTE] Too small financially and otherwise, sadly. It's coming; there will be runs where any given worker or faction will be missing for a few shows. At the moment I'm relying on the established guys to get a few over people 'over' by our standards, but once, say, the Gentlemen's Club can get up to speed they'll hold the reins for a while and break in some new guys, etc.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;497839]Too small financially and otherwise, sadly. It's coming; there will be runs where any given worker or faction will be missing for a few shows. At the moment I'm relying on the established guys to get a few over people 'over' by our standards, but once, say, the Gentlemen's Club can get up to speed they'll hold the reins for a while and break in some new guys, etc.[/QUOTE] Could start a 6 man tag title. Already have several groupings of three, a few more and you can book matches around the belts.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;497839]Too small financially and otherwise, sadly. It's coming; there will be runs where any given worker or faction will be missing for a few shows. At the moment I'm relying on the established guys to get a few over people 'over' by our standards, but once, say, the Gentlemen's Club can get up to speed they'll hold the reins for a while and break in some new guys, etc.[/QUOTE] The Gentlemens Club, up to speed? We do not not to get up to speed, the Gentlemens Club is already here and we will not break any one in, just break them.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DTFPosters/BWAGM1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] BWA Get Messy BWA Tag Titles Gentlemen's Club © vs. The Heroes Prime Time Players vs. Darth Sid & Revenant PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH THREE Astil vs. Herrin Domina Jaffa vs. Dr. James Casey The One Percenters vs. Men of Honour El Comedor Muy Grande del Bebe vs. Tom Lynch BWA UK Championship Prime © vs. Micky 'Flash' Reynolds
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BWA Tag Titles [B]Gentlemen's Club ©[/B] vs. The Heroes [I]The Heroes never win, even with the power of PANTS![/I] [B]Prime Time Players [/B]vs. Darth Sid & Revenant [I]To make up for their losses to Astil.[/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH THREE [B]Astil [/B]vs. Herrin Domina [I]Under my orders, of course...[/I] [B]Jaffa[/B] vs. Dr. James Casey [I]The former BWA Champion shouldn't lose.[/I] [B]The One Percenters[/B] vs. Men of Honour [I]You're joking right?[/I] El Comedor Muy Grande del Bebe vs. [B]Tom Lynch[/B] [I]Why not?[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Micky 'Flash' Reynolds [I]The toughest choice of the show :cool:[/I]
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BWA Get Messy BWA Tag Titles [B]Gentlemen's Club ©[/B] vs. The Heroes [I]With McMenamin, The Wrestlemaniac and the Devonshire Athletics Commission on their side? How can they lose?[/I] [B]Prime Time Players[/B] vs. Darth Sid & Revenant [I]Hah! Sid, baby, Revenant, you can have all the 'powers' you want, you can wear your funny masks, but you're still not ready... FOR THE PRIIIIIIIIIIIME TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME![/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH THREE Astil vs. [B]Herrin Domina[/B] [I]He's going down, if I have to come down and sledgehammer the irritating gimp myself![/I] Jaffa vs. [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] [I]Just tase him, bro![/I] [B]The One Percenters[/B] vs. Men of Honour [I]Unless the entire LNO runs in, and I doubt they'll bother too hard, what with...[/I] [B]El Comedor Muy Grande del Bebe[/B] vs. Tom Lynch [I]...this coming along! Although I predict a DQ win, or something else equally screwy.[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Micky 'Flash' Reynolds [I]Hah! Nobody who wears a turban gets to beat the boss! We probably won't even need a sledgehammer.[/I]
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[b]Gentlemen's Club ©[/b] vs. The Heroes [I]Playin a hunch here.[/I] Prime Time Players vs. [B]Darth Sid & Revenant[/B] [I]He's holding a bloody gun. I'm not about to go against him![/I] PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH THREE [B]Astil [/B]vs. Herrin Domina [I]Why stop now?[/I] Jaffa vs. [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] [I]The Doctor is in![/I] [B]The One Percenters[/B] vs. Men of Honour [I]Honor? In BWA? HA![/I] [B]El Comedor Muy Grande del Bebe[/B] vs. Tom Lynch [I]Just on the name![/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Micky 'Flash' Reynolds [I]Not going to go against the champ just yet.[/I]
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BWA Tag Titles [B]Gentlemen's Club[/B] © vs. The Heroes [B]Prime Time Players[/B] vs. Darth Sid & Revenant PRIME TIME GAUNTLET MATCH THREE [B]Astil [/B]vs. Herrin Domina sorry darlin', nothing personal, but unless I'm not mistaken, something is going to cost you this mach [B]Jaffa[/B] vs. Dr. James Casey [B] The One Percenters [/B]vs. Men of Honour El Comedor Muy Grande del Bebe vs. [B]Tom Lynch[/B] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Micky 'Flash' Reynolds
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