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RAW elimination chamber

The Masked Orange

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Mike Knox is in the elimination chamber.


He shouldn't even have kept his job over Snitsky, let alone get a world title shot.


When people are bustin their ass in ROH, for a non-world title, and a bearded fat man is in one of the most exclusive matches for a world title shot, its just unbeleivable.


I hope he loses his shot in seven seconds.


Booyaka Booyaka 619...

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I enjoy Knox actually... very big convincing heel.


I can only think of 3 or 4 people who would be believable guys to win a WWE Title on the ROH Roster at the moment... Claudio, Danielson and Tyler Black come to mind... no offense but guys under 5'10 shouldn't win belts in the land of the giants unless there is just something fanfrickingtastic about it. Half the ROH Roster wouldn't sell tickets in WWE.


Not to say that Knox will ever sell tickets but he is a convincing mid-card/upper-midcard heel to put in there.

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It's just a way in the eyes of WWE officals to give Cena an easy win against some NICE! names



Mike Knox= No body cares


Kofi= Nice, but not ready for a world title match


Rey= Always a fan favorite, but in the eye of the WWE officals isn't a world title threat anymore


Can you link the proof there?:cool:

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Yeah, ask anyone on this board what they thought about Rey's title run, it was crap just like Punk's


Rey is a great wrestler and wish he would get more love from wwe, but seriously, when was the last time he went into a match for the heavyweight title and you said to yourself "Man Rey is gonna win this tonight, no doubt"

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Yeah, ask anyone on this board what they thought about Rey's title run, it was crap just like Punk's


Rey is a great wrestler and wish he would get more love from wwe, but seriously, when was the last time he went into a match for the heavyweight title and you said to yourself "Man Rey is gonna win this tonight, no doubt"


Sorry, but with the exception of Cena and Trips, how many guys can you say that about?

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Also, am I missing something. On wwe.com they announce that Knox won his place at some event somewhere, and they also announce that there will be qualifying bouts on RAW tonight.

Already confirmed/qualified for the chamber is Jericho, Knox, Rey, Kofi and Cena. That leaves 1 place in the RAW elimination chamber match. So is it a typo, an oversight or what that they say qualifying bouts?


Maybe I am reading too much into it and they will just show footage of the Knox match and the final qualifying match, who knows....

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Interesting Elimination Chamber so far. I guess most of the other Main Event players are going to be busy with singles matches.


I'm not as negative about Mike Knox as some. I mean, look at that beard. So mighty. So manly. I'd never try to fight a man with a beard like that. No way.


More wrestlers need beards. CM Punk have a nice beard once... Paul London too. It was the only time I bought Paul London as a semi-legit competitor.

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Yeah, ask anyone on this board what they thought about Rey's title run, it was crap just like Punk's


Rey is a great wrestler and wish he would get more love from wwe, but seriously, when was the last time he went into a match for the heavyweight title and you said to yourself "Man Rey is gonna win this tonight, no doubt"


why was Punks reign so bad? Because it didn't last a year? He had a solid story arch where he had to prove himself as champ throught and though it didn't end perfectly, it was entertaining and original throught.

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why was Punks reign so bad? Because it didn't last a year? He had a solid story arch where he had to prove himself as champ throught and though it didn't end perfectly, it was entertaining and original throught.


Because he was booked like a weak champion (like Rey Rey).

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I enjoy Knox actually... very big convincing heel.


I can only think of 3 or 4 people who would be believable guys to win a WWE Title on the ROH Roster at the moment... Claudio, Danielson and Tyler Black come to mind... no offense but guys under 5'10 shouldn't win belts in the land of the giants unless there is just something fanfrickingtastic about it. Half the ROH Roster wouldn't sell tickets in WWE.


Not to say that Knox will ever sell tickets but he is a convincing mid-card/upper-midcard heel to put in there.


Honestly, I just can't see Danielson ever being a WWE champion, even if he'd ever sign with them. Yes, he's a tremendous talent... but he still looks like a random guy who got pulled off the street to replace the real wrestler who no showed. I think Danielson would make an exceptional inclusion in the WWE's midcard, but unfortunately he has a somewhat poor image. All the talent in the world won't change the fact he looks so very, very average. Unless of course the WWE could find a brilliant way to book that very fact. Maybe make him some kind of everyman whose raw dedication to his craft has elevated him to the same level as the muscle bound hulks and super athletes around him.

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Because he was booked like a weak champion (like Rey Rey).


Also, can't we just be happy that someone as small as Rey actually got a title reign in the WWE?


My god, if I added another 10 pounds of muscle... or more if I lost the fine layer of blubber I've started to add to my body, then I'd weigh the same amount as him.


Hey, maybe I can be the WWE champion one day!

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Listen I am not saying I didn't like when Punk and Rey were champ


I am saying they don't look like strong title contenders because they were booked to look so weak, not only that but look at how punk wins the money in the bank and then the next night he loses, or how he wins the I.C title then loses the next week to Jericho



who is also in the E.C who is a threat but still wont win it



Jericho in my mind is one of the best heel's WWE has right now, and his title reign was great, and Byran D. reminds me of him, but that's a different story

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The Punk/Rey Rey thing.... I understand some people being upset how they were booked (weak). Here is another way to look at it though, perhaps.


If they give someone like Rey Mysterio the Belt, and he goes up against... I don't know, Cena, HHH or even someone like Big Show or Kane. How would it make any of them look, if Rey went in looking "Stronger" as opposed to weaker. If Rey goes into a match, and starts swapping punch's with say... HHH, and gets the better of HHH, How does that make HHH really look? Does it make Rey look better, or make HHH look incredibly weak?


When I say stronger, I don't mean necessarily Physically... I just mean looking stronger/unaffected as much by the big guys. IF say Cena, goes in and everytime he gets ahold of Rey, Rey is able to power out, or somehow give him the slip and end up on top... It's just going to make Cena look bad, not really make Rey look any better.


My point is.. When these guys are going in the ring with people that "Look" very tough, in comparison to themself, what really would happen if they come out looking great. It's great every once in a while to see Rey whip up on someone like Kane, but if it happens frequently, the opposite starts to happen. Rey becomes "Unbelievable", and the rest become "Weak". Rey or Punk for that matter, winning by "Luck" makes everyone look good. IT gives them credit that they can, in the right situation, come out on top.


Just saying, if these guys that don't look strong, go up against guys that look strong, and walk all over them... IT's going to bring the stronger looking guys down alot more then it will help the weaker ones go up. It's like taking one step forward, and two steps back. You have to book these guys as if they are lucking out, or incredibly "On the money" for that particular match. If not, then HHH, Big Show, Kane, etc... will all start looking like low/midcarders', instead of Main Event material. It won't make Rey or Punk look any better, they look about as good as they ever will... It will just bring the rest of the roster down.

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The Punk/Rey Rey thing.... I understand some people being upset how they were booked (weak). Here is another way to look at it though, perhaps.


If they give someone like Rey Mysterio the Belt, and he goes up against... I don't know, Cena, HHH or even someone like Big Show or Kane. How would it make any of them look, if Rey went in looking "Stronger" as opposed to weaker. If Rey goes into a match, and starts swapping punch's with say... HHH, and gets the better of HHH, How does that make HHH really look? Does it make Rey look better, or make HHH look incredibly weak?


But the WWE has a huge roster. Punk's first opponent didn't have to be JBL, it could've been Morrison, Carlito, Jericho... people who you could see him win against. The "bigger" stars could have feuded together to keep them out of the title picture for a while, while they could have also pushed a "smaller" worker as a championship threat.


Now I know that has all types of weaknesses - primarily Punk vs Carlito is not going to sell many PPV's, even if they're both beign pushed properly. However, that's where the brand split can come into play - while someone like Rey or Punk is champion you make damned sure that the two biggest workers on Smackdown are feuding over the title, and sell the PPV primarily on that match. Hell, Punk vs Carlito probably wouldn't want to make me tune into RAW, but if they've got Kane / Big Show in a decent (non title) storyline, that can be the focus.


I actually think my main problem is that Punk and Rey's title reigns were booked as if they were heels. You never believed that they deserved the title (fluking wins, escaping with a DQ defeat), which is fine for a heel - not so much for a face.

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I think JBL made perfect sense (especially the drinking bit they had). Carlito? Seriously? Morrison? Seriously? Maybe Jericho. But by that not being the focus, it cheapens the belt in my view. Same as not defending IC titles at WM.


FYI, I can't stand Carlito. If he didn't execute such an awesome Backstabber he'd have zero redeeming qualities in my book.

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FYI, I can't stand Carlito. If he didn't execute such an awesome Backstabber he'd have zero redeeming qualities in my book.


Same here, I mean seriously, how are you supposed to get kids to eat 5 a day when you see some prat spitting out his apple every time he takes a bite?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Force, you use force.


And before Primo came along, Carlito was midcarder/upper midcarder, now he's jobbing to the miz:(.


I love Carlito's stylings, his finisher is awesome, he has an original edge to his gimmick, he was in the elimination chamber, for God's sake he was going toe to toe with John Cena! _than Jesus got chucked...

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Jesus (pronounced HEY-ZUS), Carkito's bodyguard/manager from the early days, got thrown over a ledge and then we never saw him again...

I haven't watch Smackdown in god knows how many years and never knew (or at least can't remember) that Carlito had a manager, but what I do know is that he wasn't around/involved in the elimination chamber. You might be thinking of Chris Masters, or am I just confused?

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I haven't watch Smackdown in god knows how many years and never knew (or at least can't remember) that Carlito had a manager, but what I do know is that he wasn't around/involved in the elimination chamber. You might be thinking of Chris Masters, or am I just confused?


no no no no, not IN the chamber, from the EARLY DAYS, before he was in the chambre.

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