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NYCW: All Roads...

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Sammy The Shark vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Lee Wright ©: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. Old School Principals ©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title



NYCW Question Of The Day:


Will you be buying the new “Land Mass, Too Sexy For His Shirt” 12 month calendar from the NYCW.com store?


* Yes, for myself

* Yes, for someone else

* I’m not sure yet

* No

* I want to, but can’t afford it

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Quick Update:


The next show is already written and formatted. I'll wait a bit though before posting it to allow people to throw down some feedback for the first show (please, I need geniune creative criticism) and to make their predictions for the next show.

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Quick Picks:

Sammy The Shark vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Lee Wright ©: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. Old School Principals ©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title



NYCW Question Of The Day:


Will you be buying the new “Land Mass, Too Sexy For His Shirt” 12 month calendar from the NYCW.com store?


* Yes, for myself

* Yes, for someone else

* I’m not sure yet

* No

* I want to, but can’t afford it

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NYCW The Manhattan Project 2008

January 2008 Week 4

From The Ministry in front of 871 fans!Theme Song: "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath




Sammy The Shark vs. Shooter Sean Deeley



The Shark started off by reaching out with a handful of cards, asking Deeley to pick one. Unfortunately for Sammy, Shooter Sean decided to pick his entire arm, pitching him to the ground and going to work on it instantly. Sammy managed to battle back, mostly of out desperation, but found his own technical abilities far outclassed by that of Deeley. Displaying his psychology, Shooter Sean went back to the same arm he’d been working on all match to lock in a Seated Stretch Armbar, forcing Sammy The Shark to submit.


Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Sammy The Shark in 7:34 by submission with a Seated Stretch Armbar.






Zeus Maxmillion vs. Lee Wright©: NYCW Tri-State Regional title



Despite losing in his debut, Maxmillion got to face off for the Tri-State Regional title (probably something to do with how unfair it was in his last match to wrestle a man with his own gravitational pull.) Zeus and Lee started off brawling, but Zeus exploded midmatch with a nasty suplex followed by floating over into a sleeper hold. The grizzled veteran fought back, however, showing off a few power moves of his own. Zeus couldn’t quite keep Wright contained for the Olympic Clutch, and Lee fought to his feet and instead hit the Wright Stuff for the win.


Lee Wright defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 6:17 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff. Lee Wright makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.






“The Godfather of Soul” James Brown wails quietly in the background of what is now only barely identifiable as a locker room, as it is now decorated with a wide assortment of gold, diamonds, marble statues, and scantily clad ladies. Chillin’ in a large, red leather chair is the baddest of mamma jammas, the coolest of cold cats, Grandmaster Phunk (with his new associate, Land Mass, on a large “iced up” park bench next to him.)


Grandmaster Phunk: Man Mass, you must be the most biggest, hardest hittenest, bad mutha I’ve ever met. Poor old Flash didn’t know what kinda plan we’d found, until you’d done dropped him to the ground!


Land Mass: Me Land Mass crush little man!


Grandmaster Phunk: Right on my brotha, right on. And tonight, Steve Flash’s title reign is about to get sunk, by Grandmaster Phunk. Ya dig?


Land Mass: Me, Land Mass… no have shovel. How is Land Mass supposed to dig?


Grandmaster Phunk: Nah man, not like that. You know, “dig it”, as in you understand where I stand.


Land Mass: But… you are currently sitting.


Phunk raises an eyebrow and gives Land Mass a quizzical look.


Grandmaster Phunk: So I am, brotha, so I am… Anyways Steve Flash, tonight ain’t about the money, it’s about that nice golden honey... colored belt of yours, which is soon to be mine. The mathematics are simple, I’m gonna pop yo’ face like a pimple, because Grandmaster Phunk is my name and whoopin’ yo’ ass is my game. Ya dig?


Land Mass: Me Land Mass still lacking sufficient quantities of shovel.






The Mysterious Strangers vs. Old School Principals©: NYCW Tag Team titles


Rick Sanders had the distinction of being the only guy in the match without a mask, which would’ve lead many to believe that they’d accidentally flipped the channel to Los Deportes Hoy if it wasn’t for the fact that all three masked men simply lumbered around throwing fists, clotheslines, irish whips, and other generic brawler crap. OSP were both taken off guard by the coordinated tenacity and teamwork of their opponents, however, with Rick Sanders soon finding himself isolated against both of The Strangers. After a double backdrop sent Rick Sanders out of the ring, The Masked Mauler leapt onto the apron with a chair, grabbing the attention of the ref and The Mysterious Strangers. While distracted, Sanders rolled in with one of the tag belts and smacked both Strangers in the face before tossing the belt out of the ring! Naturally, the referee turned around in time to see Sanders locking Stranger #2 in a Figure Four Leglock, resulting in a submission.


Old School Principals defeated The Mysterious Strangers in 6:12 when Rick Sanders defeated Mysterious Stranger #2 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock after blatantly cheating. Old School Principals make defence number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.





The Mysterious Strangers are arguing with the ref as they wall towards the exit, with Old School Principals celebrating in the ring, facing out toward the crowd.




A pair of 40ish year old blurs streak past the Strangers, as Wiley Coyote sprint to the ring! OSP are taken completely off guard from behind as Wiley Coyote proceed to beat the living hell out of both of them! The Masked Mauler manages to roll out of the ring and then pull Rick Sanders out to safety. As OSP backs away exchanging words with Wiley Coyote, Coyote Dynamite rather rudely kicks the tag belts out of the ring.






Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond w/Fern Hathaway


Dazzling Dave decided to take a pro-active approach to dealing with Land Mass, blasting him with flurry of punches the moment the big man waddled into the ring. Diamond’s fist landed crisply on Mass’s chin… but unfortunately for Dave, much like how an oil tanker’s multiple hulls prevent ecological disaster, Land Mass’s baker’s dozen of chins seemed to absorb most of the impacts. Land Mass soon started striking back, and as Dave tired managed to suck him into his blubbery grasp. Dazzling Dave attempted to irish whip Land Mass, but it was very predictably countered and Triple D was sent painfully into the corner. Dave could only scream in terror before Land Mass annihilated him with the Ten Ton Avalanche.


Land Mass defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 5:37 by pinfall with a Ten Ton Avalanche.




A slow, instrumental version of “America The Beautiful” being to play and on the Empire-tron we’re greeted with the image of Whistler standing in front of a majestic, waving American flag.




Whistler: My… fellow… Americans… Last night, as I sat at Burger King enjoying a double-meat Whopper a small child came up to me. This child asked me, “Mr. Whistler, sir, what can I do to love America as much as you do?” And, America, I was moved. Nothing warms my heart more than knowing there are still young people in this great land who ask what they can do for this country, instead of what this great country can do for them.


Whistler takes a moment to wipe a tear forming in his eye.


Whistler: So after I told this strong young man to “Eat his vegetables, take his vitamins, and unquestionably hate Communism”, I realized something. Everywhere across this great land, good Americans are not realizing their full potential. This is through no fault of their own, just simple lack of education on the proper American way. The desire is there, America, but the liberal media has robbed us of the means. So, my dear America, I’ve decided to aid my brothers and sisters of this great land. While red, white, and blue still pumps through my veins, I promise you, America, that I will help every hard working American realize their full potential and help reinforce that this is the greatest nation today, yesterday, and forever. Thank you, and God Bless America.






American Machine w/Cheerleader Nicki vs. Black Hat Bailey


Black Hat Bailey was caught off guard early in this one, as his attempts to grapple with American Machine resulted in the powerhouse simply shoving Bailey around with his tremendous strength. The veteran went on the defensive, doing what he could to avoid Machine’s deadly power attacks. Bailey finally managed to counter a gorilla press by falling behind Machine and wrestling him to the ground with a full nelson. After some prolonged grappling down on the mat, Black Hat Bailey managed to maneuver his way down to American Machine’s legs and flipped him over to apply the Bailey Breaker, forcing the powerhouse to tap out.


Black Hat Bailey defeated American Machine in 9:53 by submission with a Bailey Breaker.








A pop comes from the majority of the 871 people in attendance tonight, as Steve Flash appears on the Empire-tron. Flash throws combinations of punches into the air as he makes his way through the corridor backstage, keeping himself loose for his upcoming title defense against Grandmaster Phunk.






Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d12/JodoKastTRL/NYCW/play.jpg http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d12/JodoKastTRL/NYCW/play.jpg

Tension you could cut with a knife at the start of this one, with Phunk having the audacity to reach out for a handshake at the beginning, saying he was sorry for last show’s ambush. Flash warily extended his hand… only to be “pimp slapped” by Phunk immediately afterwards! Not amused in the least, Flash decked Phunk with a right cross and the match was finally underway. Both workers showed a solid display of athleticism, though Flash was obviously the faster of the two men. The Grandmaster did most of his talking with some sweet punching combinations (seems to be a common them in NYCW), but had next to no answers for Steve Flash’s technical prowess. Phunk managed to grab a wayward kick from Flash and deliver a low blow without the ref taking notice, but made the mistake of taunting Flash afterward as Flash delivered an Enzuigiri with his last ounce of strength. Both men raced to their feet, with Flash getting up first and stalking Phunk for the Flash Bang!




But again with shocking stealth, Land Mass snuck up behind Flash and pulled him to the mat by his ankles! But the ref saw it, signaling for the bell!


Steve Flash defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 16:23 when Grandmaster Phunk was disqualified when Land Mass ran in and attacked Steve Flash. Steve Flash makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Empire title.




Flash is trying to beat back Grandmaster Phunk, but is soon outnumbered when Land Mass manages to climb into the ring. Despite a valiant effort, Flash is soon caught by a Jelly Belly Suplex and left down on the ground. Using his massive foot, Land Mass pins Flash down to the ground by his neck as Grandmaster Phunk retrieves a microphone.


Grandmaster Phunk: Man… you must feel like a straight up fool to get caught by my number one man Land Mass two shows in a row. Now Steve, you know I’d apologize for my actions, but I can’t be held responsible for my funky soul brotha’s reactions. He’s just his own man doin’ his own thing, ya dig? Now, I understand that the unexpected eventuality he caused in our fight has prevented me from acquiring that lovely strap of yours tonight. And because of that, I’m a victim here too, and I’m sure big boy here realizes what it is he’s done. And I’m sure he’s sorry, ain’t ya big boy?


Land Mass leans a little more of his wait onto Steve Flash’s head, causing some obvious discomfort.


Grandmaster Phunk: See, he said he’s sorry! But seeing as how tonight is a bit of a setback from my original tact, then I think that uch like an unbaked Quizno’s sandwich bun, you and me… we ain’t quite done.


Land Mass relinquishes from his head crushing and Grandmaster Phunk delivers a single sharp boot to the ribs of Steve Flash before heading taking an envious look at the NYCW Empire title and exiting the ring. Defiantly, Steve Flash crawls to his feet and points out at Grandmaster Phunk.



Overall Rating: C



OOC: As usual, feedback is greatly appreciated!

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Another fun show. Good length. Clearly laid out.


I kinda hate Whistler. He's well-written, don't get me wrong, but... he has a lot of anger in him. All that talk of hating communism, I wonder if he truly grasps the concept. Plus his criticism of the liberal media strikes me as a very 'heel' standpoint (although the liberal media annoys me too) Maybe I'd 'get' the character if I was from the States.


Nice Main Event feud thus far.

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Good stuff so far, so I'll get on board with predictions from the next show.


The main event feud is very good so far, Flash-Phunk is the obvious initial first feud to go in NYCW but I'm really liking the involvment of Land Mass as a hired-gun for Phunk.


I kind of agree with Self, Whistler is well written but to be honest I'd be booing the guy out of the building, then again I'm probably not of the same mind-set as NYCW's patriotic/right-wing fan base.


And I know who is behind the masks for the Mysterious Strangers but I won't reveal who they are, so not to ruin the concept that they are mysterious in your diary though I'm pretty sure anyone who is fully familiar with Cornellvers has also worked out their true identities already.

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January Saturday Week 4, 2008


New York City, New York

Outside The Ministry



On the night air, the sounds of delighted fans filing out of the church turned wrestling venue mixed with that of the fans that have already reached their cars and realized a hundred other people are trying to get out of the same narrow exit that they are. Thankfully, those of us actually workin’ for NYCW get to park out back with a straight shot to the other traffic jams in the city. All there’s left to do tonight is get in my Beta Spyder, drive to my apartment, take a shower, and finally collapse naked and still slightly damp onto my bed to watch Psyche and drink myself to sleep. But before this wonderful chain of events can occur, the first domino must be knocked over. And that first domino happens to be digging my keys out of my pocket so I can unlock the door to my car. Almost… no, that’s my cellphone…






“Hold it, sonny boy.”


Oh, c’mon!




With a heavy sigh, my keys went from extendin’ towards my door to once again bein’ engulfed by the linen of my pocket. I turned around to be greeted by the haggard face of Derek “The Stomper” Bradford, which itself carried a bit of a bemused looking frown.


“Hate to be a burden, but duty calls. I caught Fern Hathaway hands out these.”


Sheepishly, Bradford handed me a piece of paper colored a bright enough pink to murder my retinas. It was impossible to stop from laughin’ after readin’ what the villainous document proclaimed.


“Derek Bradford… you sly dog.”


“No, I’d be a sly dog if that were truly. Unfortunately for this old man it isn’t, and even more unfortunate is how Nicki is handling the whole situation.”


The paper crumpled into my hand before it was allowed to join the rest of the litter floatin’ about our streets.


“Alright… I’ll deal with.”


A good thirty yards from the locker room door and it was already apparent: somethin’ unholy was occurrin’ in that room. A horror so terrifyin’ that I’d wish the fate on no man.


The door swung open before me…


And there it was.




Two young blonde girls arguing with voices with a supersonic speed and with an believably high frequency in a manner so that only dogs and themselves could decipher what they were actually sayin’.


“Excuse me, Fern, I need to speak with you.”


Predictably, Fern’s ears were still tuned at preppy blonde mode, meaning my masculine voice’s tone was clearly far too low for her to hear. Maybe a little more authority in the voice might do the trick.


“FERN, I need to speak with you!”


Still, the sonic assault between the two continued. Time to take these two to school… elementary school… by flickin’ the lights on and off really, really fast until it drives them as insane as I am right now.


Flick, flick, flick, flick.


“Oh my god, like WHAT do you think you’re doing?”


A response? Such a warm feelin’ it created inside…


“Ms. Hathaway, I’ve been TRYIN’ to get your attention for the last five minutes so we could discuss your most recent exercise in creative writin’.”


I went to lift up and dramatically show the pink flyer Bradford had given me earlier, only to realize I’d left it crumpled in the parking lot. Thankfully, there was another copy tacked up on the wall less than two feet away, which I promptly ripped off the message board.


“Nicki, I’ll handle this. Hathaway, in the hallway NOW!”


Hard to believe the attractive young girl in front of me could be so devious… Best to take a calmer approach to this, try and stop her from going off again.


“Listen, Fern… you can’t spread false stuff like this around. Hell, even if it were true then you should’ve gone to me first! Why did you even do this in the first place?”


“Uh, HELLO?! Because she’s, like, a dumb skank. Duh.”




“Fern… you involved the boss’s name on this. Derek’s a good man, and he doesn’t need his name drug through lies, either. This locker room doesn’t need any additional drama in it. Now please, go back in there and tell Nicki you’re sorry from spreadin’ these rumors.”


“Oh… my… god… who do you think you are, my father? Seeing as how you haven’t bought me front row tickets to Justin Timberlake this year I’m thinking, like, no, you’re not. God, I’m surrounded by total losers!”


Fern Hathaway turned (with a surprising level of grace… the girl is pretty easy on the eyes) and started headin' toward the exit.


“Fern, would you just apologize to Nicki, it’d really…”




And she kept walkin'. Nah, she’ll come to her sense and turn around and tomorrow we can all put this behind us, right?




The door swung up and Fern sassed right through it.


Oh… C’mon!

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Quick Picks:

Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler

Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway

Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be?

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Quick Picks:

Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Zeus is a great worker but he' still young Frank is already higher on yourroster and you can get some good things out of him. And without a TV show Zeus will only be siphoning overness off him in one region best to let him gain Tri-State overness by losing in great matches.


Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


I know its Nomad's debut but Deeley is really gonna be going places.


Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler

Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway


One for OSP and one for the Looney Toons


Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk


Yeah Phunk is a star and Whistler is a never was.


Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title


Steve Flash for president


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be?


Bulldozer Brandon Smith use his masked patriot gimmick and ally him iwth American Machine and Whistler.

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Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler

Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway

Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be?

The Cannonball Kid

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Quick Picks:

Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion - So very, very tanned

Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley - I smell a win streak

Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler - Challengers pile on the pressure

Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway - Not that much pressure

Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk - Hate Whistler. Love Phunk.

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash © - I demand Flash is given "Spirit in the Sky" as his music in every diary ever!


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be? I'm a DeColt fan, so I'm going to aim high and say The Golden Child; Ricky DeColt.

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Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler

Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway

Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be? Hmm traditional product, old guys in the main and regional I would go with the classic JD Morgan. Flash vs Morgan = Gold.

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NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be? Hmm traditional product, old guys in the main and regional I would go with the classic JD Morgan. Flash vs Morgan = Gold.


This is questionable in one CZCW game with no chemistry notes they kept pulling C+ from the get go. In another I couldn't get them to get over a D+ still no chemistry notes. I lucked out in IPW though, no chemistry notes and their first match was a B-. Its worth a try but it doesn't always work.

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This is questionable in one CZCW game with no chemistry notes they kept pulling C+ from the get go. In another I couldn't get them to get over a D+ still no chemistry notes. I lucked out in IPW though, no chemistry notes and their first match was a B-. Its worth a try but it doesn't always work.


Aye. It very much depends on how well their skill blocks fit the product, on momentum, and a heck of a lot on *luck*.

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Well their skill blocks fit NYCW I think and yeah chemistry is always an issue. Still can give very strong matches. ON CZW well there aeriel and flashiness is much more important which morgan is devoid off. In NYCW product its more technical or brawling.
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Quick Picks:

Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Frank's not a great worker but right now is higher up the roster and seems to have a more defined character/direction. I see Maximillion being the not quite a jobber but actually jobs a lot type guy for the forseeable future.


Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


All that fanfare for Nomad and he jobs in his first match


Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler


Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway


These two teams split the singles matches


Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk


Agree with Self, Phunks the heel but seriously I want him to shove the American Flag up Whistler's...Ok I think you know where this is going :p


Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title


Flash retains and we get another post match attack from Phunk/Land Mass.


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be?


I agree that both JD Morgan and BBS (using the Masked Patriot gimmick) would both be good choices. Morgan's a veteran that can still go and would instantly slot in at the top of the card. As for Brandon Smith, even though his 'style' is Puroresu he just gives me the impression that he is one of those wrestlers who could fit in with any promotion.


Further down the card I think the Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf) could provide a solid addition to your Tag Division.

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I am really enjoying this and hope you keep it up. My only complaint is that you seem to be using Land Mass as a simplton which is fine I can see him being big and dumb, but you had him use a couple..."big" words for a guy who can barely form a complete sentence. Maybe I'm the only onr that noticed but it kinda bothered me.


Quick Picks:

Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion

I love the way you have been writing him and as much as he lacks in ring ability I think he can get by decently just off of his mic skills.


Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Unless Nomad comes out a complete badass or has a killer partner with him I just can't see this going any other way.


Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler


Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway

For the same reasons Tiger said


Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk

A) You need to keep building him up for the title and B) It seems there isn't much love on this board for him.


Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title

I say Steve oes over cleanly, but gets attacked afterward


NYCW Question of the Day: Am I the only one thinking Agent 69? Granted she would have to have a male counterpart. But I think bringing in a Sexy "Commy" might be great for the patriot angle of Whistler. Hell maybe even being her in with BBS as the Patriot but have them dating, this could outrage Whistler...yeah you get the idea =)

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Guest CJ Hunter

Quick Picks:

Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler

Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway

Whistler vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question of the Day:

If there was one worker you'd like to see in NYCW, who would it be?

Jungle Jack

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NYCW The Manhattan Project 2008

February 2008 Week 2

From The Ministry in front of 932 fans!




Honest Frank vs. Zeus Maxmillion

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d12/JodoKastTRL/NYCW/play.jpg http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d12/JodoKastTRL/NYCW/play.jpg


Honestly, Frank was a bit outclassed at the grappling game against Zeus Maxmillion. “The Bronzed God” tossed and stretched his older opponent with relative ease; though the tide quickly shifted when Frank managed to take us “back… to the future!” or as normal people call it, outside of the ring. Using his years of hardcore experience, Frank managed to keep resetting the ref’s count and use the outside environment to his advantage. Zeus could do little to defend himself after Frank rolled him back into the ring to finish him off with the Frank-N-Hurter.


Honest Frank defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 5:42 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.







Meanwhile, in Grandmaster Phunk’s “Boom Boom Room”…


Grandmaster Phunk: Check this part, cool cat. (in a mock Canadian accent) “What’s this all aboot?! You are crushing my head with your boot, eh!” And afterwards Phunk had to go seek the boo-TAY!


Grandmaster Phunk rewinds the tape from last show, with Land Mass and Phunk brutalizing Steve Flash on screen.


Land Mass: HAH! Me, Land Mass enjoy stepping on insects! Crunching noises amuse me, Land Mass!


Grandmaster Phunk: You know my coldest of cold cats… I’ve really been meaning to talk to you about that name of yours.


Land Mass: You want to talk to me Land Mass about me, Land Mass?


Grandmaster Phunk: Well, think about it soul brotha. “Land Mass”? Land, like you be working on the land… for the masses? I wish I was just playing a game, but you’re running around calling yourself by your slave name. Do you work the land, cold cat, do you work it for the man?


Land Mass: Me… Lan- Me not think so.


Grandmaster Phunk: Don’t worry about it, brotha. Tonight in this sanctum, we shall solve that pesky conundrum.






Nomad vs. Shooter Sean Deeley



I don’t think the fans were expecting the spectacle this match would become when the completely unknown Nomad appeared as the next opponent for the rising Shooter Sean Deeley. Rather than succumbing completely to Deeley’s excellent technical precision, Nomad managed to battle back with a mixture of speed, dirty fighting, and even some technical displays from himself. Shooter Sean had a hard time keeping Nomad on the mat, and was shocked to see the youngster refusing to stay down after some vicious suplexes. Deeley remained patient, and managed to duck a wayward lariat in order to German Suplex Nomad right onto the back of his neck, bridging for a hard fought victory.


Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Nomad in 6:01 by pinfall with a German Suplex.






Somewhere in the back halls of The Ministry, Marv Earnest has located the dynamic duo that is Wiley Coyote! Wiley looks especially pumped as the microphone waits in front of him, while Coyote Dynamite just stands behind him trying to look as tough as a bald 42 year old can.


Wiley Steinway: The PAIN baby, the PAAAAAAIN!!! Like the burning venom of the Aztec winged snake god Quetzalcoatl, it incinerates my VEEEEEEEINS!!! But on the coming storm, the fire serpent’s fangs shall burn the blood of the wrong doers! Wrong doers like… Old School Principals, who don’t even have a license to teach in SCHOOOOOOLS!!! The left fang is the COYOOOOOTE and the right fang is… MEEEEEEE!!! We’re full of the brimstone venom, and tonight they’re going DOOOOOOOOWN, because BOOM-


Fist bump explosion!


Wiley Steinway: Goes the-


Coyote Dynamite: MY LAST NAME!






Coyote Dynamite vs. The Masked Mauler



So it turns out, these two guys are only good when their opponent is capable of some kind of offensive capability. When their opponent is a guy on the wrong side of 35 who was never that good to begin with, however, they basically just go back and forth with some very weak looking punches. Indeed, the match was nothing more than a boxing match where the punches were too weak to be believably damaging. Mercifully, The Masked Mauler crotch kicked Coyote (again) and locked in the Iron Claw to end what very well may be the worst match in NYCW history.


The Masked Mauler defeated Coyote Dynamite in 5:40 by submission with an Iron Claw after blatantly cheating.





In the distance, something begins to stir. At first it is no more than a low rumbling over the horizon, possibly thunder… but the weatherman predicted clear skies tonight (of course this particular weatherman is infamous for his 45% accuracy rate). As it grows louder, it becomes clear that it is footsteps beating against the ground. A single man? No. An entire march of the damned, heading straight for the heart of NYCW?! Well, no. In a burst, Derek “The Stomper” Bradford stomps his way from behind the curtain and heads for the ring!





The Stomper: Ladies and gentlemen, residents of the greatest city in the greatest nation in the world…*pause for the cheap pop* I regret to inform you that we have a growing cancer in our fair company. And when you’re dealing with cancer, the best course of action is to restrain it, and if needed cut it out. So Grandmaster Phunk and Land Mass, get out here NOW before I call a surgeon!


Patiently, The Stomper waits in the ring while tapping his foot (causing a surprising level of noise to erupt from the mat.)




Finally, the voice of Rick James signals the arrival of Grandmaster Phunk! Thirty seconds after that, Land Mass appears as well, covered in sweat and breathing deeply while attempting to swallow a roasted chicken whole (bones too).


Grandmaster Phunk: What seems to the trouble, Mr. Boss Man?


The Stomper: Do I look like Ray Charles to you?


Grandmaster Phunk: C’mon Mr. Boss Man, you know you don’t have to ask if you look…


The Stomper: Do I LOOK… like RAY CHARLES?


Grandmaster Phunk: Like I told my momma when she asked if she could pull off an afro, no.


The Stomper: Really? Then why are you treating me like a blind man? I mean, you must think I’m blind if you believe I haven’t noticed what you and your blubbery new pal have been up to.


Grandmaster Phunk: I’m afraid I’m unaware to which particular… escapade, you’re referring to Boss.


The Stomper: Well then allow me to refresh your memory. At Rush Hour, you assaulted Steve Flash without provocation after his match with Black Hat Bailey, under the guise of a challenge for the title. So we let that slide, as the attack could be looked over as a good building block for the match yall had at The Manhattan Project. But did you just go through with the match? No. The man who is currently sucking the marrow of a chicken leg ended it prematurely, so that once again you and your ally could assault Steve Flash. Well, the buck stops here Phunk, because I’m putting… my… foot… DOWN!!! *Stomper stomps to emphasize the point*. As of right now, the two of you are suspended from competing for ANY title in NYCW until further notice!


Grandmaster Phunk swipes his hand in a fit of anger, screaming what are likely obscenities in the direction of The Stomper. A strange gargling sound thankfully drown him out, as Land Mass chokes on the chicken three quarters down his throat.


The Stomper: And should either of you so much as look at Steve Flash the wrong way then I’ll ship you to the unemployment so fast it’ll make your head spin! And Phunk, I’ve decided tonight maybe you should do something not related to Steve Flash… so how about you face… I dunno… WHISTLER!


A sharp, piercing whine causes everyone in the arena to wince in pain as Grandmaster Phunk slams his microphone to the ground, again screaming at The Stomper.






Rick Sanders vs. Wiley Steinway



So it turns out, we now know where the real talent is on two tag teams. Steinway came out firing, leveling Sanders down the mat with some good old fashioned brawling. Sanders was forced into a defensive strategy, trying to tie up Wiley when he could and while avoiding getting clotheslined silly. The technical tactic only worked briefly before Steinway got a head of steam and started wailing on Sanders and everything in sight! But whoops, this included the referee as well by accident! Steinway hit the Steinway Highway (a TKO) and pinned Sanders… but there was no ref. As Wiley stood around literally scratching his head and trying to assess the situation…




The Masked Mauler came from behind and punched him in the groin! The referee woke up, and all he saw was Rick Sanders locking Wiley Steinway in a Figure Four Leglock.


Rick Sanders defeated Wiley Steinway in 7:36 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock after interference from The Masked Mauler.





The bell rings, but Sanders keeps the Figure Four locked in! Adding to the punishment, The Masked Mauler locks in the Iron Claw! Steinway screams out in agony but…




BOOM goes the Dynamite, as Coyote Dynamite slides into the ring with a chair in hand. He manages to pop the Mauler over the back with it, and Rick Sanders takes the hint and hauls ass out of the ring, dragging the stunned Masked Mauler with him. In the ring, Coyote Dynamite helps Wiley Steinway back to his feet, yelling back at the retreating Old School Principals.






Grandmaster Phunk vs. Whistler



Phunk looked none too pleased to have to wrestle “The Real American” Whistler tonight. It showed, too, as Grandmaster took a “tough as nails” brawling approach to start the match, neglecting to utilize his superior size. Obviously, this didn’t work for too long as soon Whistler’s size advantage allowed him to overpower Phunk in the slugfest. Repeatedly, Grandmaster Phunk retreated from Whistler by sliding out of the ring, only to get beat around some more when he got back in. Mostly out of desperation, Phunk managed to snatch Whistler’s arm and get him to the mat with a short arm clothesline. Phunk went for the pin… and put his feet on the ropes for leverage! And got the three, with no one (including Whistler, it appears) the wiser.


Grandmaster Phunk defeated Whistler in 9:40 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.






Grandmaster Phunk hasn’t been backstage for more than a minute, and already he’s ranting and rhyming.


Grandmaster Phunk: Land Mass, get your ass out here, as on the option of staying here I shall pass!


Obediently, Land Mass waddles out of the locker room, already heaving their bags.


Land Mass: Me Land Mass thought you say Land Mass slave name to not use anymore?


Grandmaster Phunk: We’ll use it until we find something better with which to supplement. Man, can you believe “The Man” hating on our style like that? Thinking we care about Steve Flash… I don’t care about no Steve Flash, just the cash, dig?


Land Mass: But you have no shovel… Me Land Mass tell you this before.


Grandmaster Phunk: You know “cool cat”, this is all your fault!


Land Mass: Land Mass’s fault? Land Mass just do as friend say! Everything with Steve Flash Grandmaster Phunk’s idea.


Grandmaster Phunk: What do you mean “Grandmaster Phunk’s idea”? I never said nothing about having an idea to deal with Steve Flash!


Land Mass: Yes you did. You tell Land Mass “I’ve got a plan to deal with Steve Flash, to get the fat cash, you dig brother.”


Grandmaster Phunk: Whatever man… let’s bounce for an ounce…


And with that, the duo headed through the exit.







Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title



Looks like those attacks Flash has suffered these last few weeks have taken their toll, as he seemed rather tender against Black Hat Bailey. Naturally, Bailey took full advantage and did what he could to work Flash’s sore neck and ribs, leaving the champ tied up and stretched in various holds for most of the match. Heck, the entire match took place with the two of them grappling around on the mat with holds and counter holds. In the end, Bailey managed to lock in a guillotine like submission on Flash, but Flash managed to wriggle to his feet, pulling Bailey with him. Using was little strength he had left, Flash pitched Bailey upwards and connected with the Flash Bang, then collapsing onto his choking opponent for the pin.


Steve Flash defeated Black Hat Bailey in 10:28 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 3 of his NYCW Empire title.




Overall Rating: C



OOC: Hah... Great chemistry between Nomad and Shooter Sean Deeley was discovered tonight, and gave Nomad what will probably be the best debut in NYCW all year.

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Quick Picks:

Black Hat Bailey vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. American Machine

Rodger Dodger vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Grandmaster Phunk vs. ???

Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Other than SWF or TCW, which American wrestling promotion would you be interested in seeing NYCW have a closer relationship with?

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(Thought I might actually put a little response into the dynasties that I enjoy to follow, so here goes.)


Black Hat Bailey vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. American Machine

Rodger Dodger vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Grandmaster Phunk vs. ???

Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

It has to be MAW, building up a strong friendship and ties to young talent that will be the strong foundation of the future NYCW. And who knows, maybe setting up a good twist down the line where the spoilt son takes over and things turn sour fast.


Keeping my fingers crossed that the New York Doll manages to remain on the roster and doesnt get his ass dropped like a bag of cats off a bridge as always. I love that Spike like no other.

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Black Hat Bailey vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Nomad vs. American Machine

Rodger Dodger vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Grandmaster Phunk vs. ???

Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Other than SWF or TCW, which American wrestling promotion would you be interested in seeing NYCW have a closer relationship with?



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Quick Picks:

Black Hat Bailey vs. Zeus Maxmillion


This is a good match for traiing up Zeus. It'll get a respectable rating and maybe even give Maxy some overness in the Tri-State for losing.


Nomad vs. American Machine


Nomad just isn't a high on the roster kinda guy, although I do love him.


Rodger Dodger vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


Deeley continues his megapush and I for one am happy to see it.


Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals©: NYCW Tag Team titles


I think I finally want to see a title change hands and it'll be asurprise after the double loss last show.


Grandmaster Phunk vs. ???


Keep Phunk strong even against a myster opponent.


Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title


Whoo hoo for Flash.


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Other than SWF or TCW, which American wrestling promotion would you be interested in seeing NYCW have a closer relationship with?


USPW. talent trade your guys over there because even if they lose to guys like Bruce and Liberty they'll still gain overness, and it'll be all over the country not just the tri-state area.

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Quick Picks:

Black Hat Bailey vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Bailey's more established, old guys get good pushes in NYCW


Nomad vs. American Machine


In a fed like NYCW size matters, at this stage Nomad will play the role of useful jobber.


Rodger Dodger vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


Deeley is the better wrestler by miles and one of the non retirement home brigade who looks to be getting a good push.


Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals©: NYCW Tag Team titles


This one's a toss up, I think WC may well get the win here after suffering the double loss in singles competition.


Grandmaster Phunk vs. ???


I think you'd want to keep the Phunkster looking strong


Honest Frank vs. Steve Flash©: NYCW Empire title


As routine a defence as Flash could possibly have. Frank has his uses in NYCW but he shouldn't be anywhere near a title belt.



NYCW Question Of The Day:

Other than SWF or TCW, which American wrestling promotion would you be interested in seeing NYCW have a closer relationship with?


USPW and MAW have already been mentioned and both of those would be good fits, but I think a lot of the initial FCW roster could also fit in well with NYCW. The only promotion I don't see fitting in with NYCW's product are CZCW. Even PSW have the sort of workers that could fit in with NYCW, though you may view them as Regional rivals.

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