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RIPW: Nero Fiddled While SWF Burned (C-Verse)

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Enter the Fiddler pt. I


Saturday, Week 3

May 2007



Growing up in a wrestling family lends itself to an unusual childhood. Whereas other children are discouraged from fighting and arguments, I was not only encouraged, but urged to "make it look real." Actual physical injuries were not condoned, and I remember thinking it odd when my uncle tried teaching me how to make a punch look real without doing any real damage.


Arguments were always an over-the-top affair. When I threw a tantrum, I really threw a tantrum, stomping around, upending chairs and tables, shouting at the top of my lungs, and they would just look down and say "he's going to be great on the stick."


Unfortunately, my childhood ended with tragedy, both parents dying in a car crash while they were travelling to see a show. What hurt the most was that it wasn't a quick affair, both of them stayed in the ICU for nearly three weeks before it happened. First my mom slipped away and then my father shortly thereafter.


My mother's sister won custody over my father's brother and so I left New England for the dingy city streets of Chicago for my teenage years.


High school was fine but I didn't apply myself. I knew my father and uncle had been molding me since the first time I could walk to a very specific career, and despite my Aunt's best attempts, she failed to drive the wrestling bug out of me.


I tried high school wrestling, but although it was fun, it was so boring to watch. Except for the few minutes when I was in a match, I practically fell asleep. Even the Olympic matches with the top wrestlers in the world couldn't hold a candle to a classic Chord vs. Strong match.


So, when graduated high school I decided to attend college back in Rhode Island, back where I could be closer to my uncle, closer to the "real" wrestling scene. My Aunt tried time and time again to dissuade me from being closer to my Uncle, but I was a free man and there was nothing she could do to stop me. Sure I'd have to pay my own way through college, but I was sure I'd be able to do it on my own.


I still remember that fateful day I first saw my uncle again after 8 years. He looked about the same as I remember, maybe a little older and with a few more wrinkles, but he still had those bright, quick eyes and that ear-to-ear grin that could be both highly amusing and intimidating as hell.

"So, you've finally come back. After all I did for you and not even a card? Not even a weekend visit?"


Without warning he snatched up his cane like a baseball bat and cracked it over my head. I dropped like a sack, clutching my head as splinters fell around me, moaning with agony and shaking my head to clear my vision so I could defend against his next attack.


As he watched me roll around on the ground, his smile only got wider and he started chuckling.


"Eh, pretty good, m'boy but you really needed some juice to truly sell it."


I stopped rolling and got back up to my feet with a grin.

"What was I supposed to do, you didn't tell me to bring any props. I hope that cane wasn't expensive, it looked pretty fancy."


He laughed and tossed the broken handle back down next to the rest of it.


"This piece of garbage? Hardly. It's practically balsa wood soaked in mahogany stain. I can't use it because it's too light to make the right noise on the ground."


"Why don't you just add some weights in the bottom of it then? It'll make it sound solid but the part you hit people with will still be hollow and flimsy. Heck, I bet you could get Styrofoam to look like wood splinters and pack it in for a truly spectacular explosion..."


"...and the Styrofoam would be safer then real splinter fragments. I'm glad you haven't forgotten everything I've taught you."


"How could I ever forget the lessons taught to me by Professor Nero?"




Enter the Fiddler pt. II

Saturday, Week 3

May 2007





Nero slapped his arm around mine and steered me towards his car.

“So, your Aunt tells me you've decided to waste your life and throw your future away. Glad to hear it!”


“Yeah, after all those lessons you gave me I don't think I'm cut out for the real world.”


“Nonsense, m'boy. If anything you're more prepared for it. The real world is just as fake as ours. Managers taking credit for other people's work, co-workers smiling in your face and stabbing you as soon as you turn your back on them. At least we have the decency to admit that our world isn't real and we drop that baggage when we leave the locker room, well, most of us at least.”


I didn't respond, I just nodded along as we reached the car and entered it. It was a speech I'd heard many times before and really couldn't disagree with him. My Aunt was notorious for being two-faced, and sometimes three-faced and four-faced and so on. Nero squealed the tires as he shot out of the parking lot and into the tight, twisting streets.


“Now, m'boy, I understand you're going be getting your education without any financial help, and before you even think of asking, I'll tan yer hide if you come beggin' fer money.”


My Uncle really didn't have a natural accent; he'd learned to have a neutral speaking tone as a basis with which he'd apply other accents to. However, he could quickly drop in a Boston or Southern accent whenever he needed it to sell a gimmick. He could do it so fluently that after hearing him talk one way, it was hard to even imagine him using a different accent. This time he was stressing the point that as a Texan he had no handouts for those who won't help themselves.


“Well, I'm not looking for a handout, but I wouldn't mind a job, maybe.”

“Ah ha! I knew you'd follow your father's footsteps, god rest his soul. You know, he was a natural, all us Nero's were. It's a shame he never changed his name.”


Technically speaking, my father and Mycroft were only half-brothers, same mother though. Mycroft was the eldest but that was sometimes hard to see given his personality.


“So, you want to work for me, eh? What do you want to do? Managing, finances, marketing? What floats your boat?"


“Well, actually I was thinking about wrestling...”

“Wrestling! You! Ha! Glad to see your witch of an Aunt didn't stomp the man out of you. God I can't imagine living within 100 miles of her, let alone 8 full years. Lord, I thought she would have your balls up on the mantle by now. Well, glad to see you free from her claws and ready to fulfill your destiny. Now, I had a feeling you might want to be a bit more involved then just actuary work, so I took the liberty of arranging a meeting with a man who could make this all possible.”


He pulled over at the RIPW main offices and led me straight up to the third floor. Everything was professional and modern, modern furniture, modern color schemes, modern art on the wall. It felt like I was in a giant corporate skyscraper then a small 3-story New England company.


Nero led the way, rattling off the building history as we walked down a hallway of closed, unmarked doors.


“So as you can see we have a pretty nice set up. The building was built just two years ago, SWF bought up the site and got this whole thing built in a little under 7 months."


“That's great, but what's behind these doors?”

Nero just rolled his eyes and without pausing for breath rattled off a list of rooms.

“Break room, legal, booker's office, marketing, restroom, and finally... my office.”

He said with a flourish, throwing open a set of rich double doors at the end of the hall to reveal a waiting room with a receptionists desk, and behind the desk was another set of rich double doors.


“Ah, Lisa, I'm glad to have caught you here. This is my nephew, Dante.”


Lisa stood up and came around the desk to shake my hand, and I swear I was on my best professional behavior, but I couldn't help but stare as below her slender shoulders came an incredibly disproportionately large frontal carriage attached to an otherwise petite frame. I don't know if my jaw dropped but from the pause in her stride and the sudden rigid attention Nero was giving me, I knew I had been caught, and badly at that.


“Do you like them? My daddy bought them for me for my 16th birthday.”


If my jaw wasn't dropped already, it sure hit the floor then and there. Such a horrible thing had never been said in such an innocent, bubbly way. Next to me my uncle was flushed red and visibly shaking, tears were running down as he was trying to keep explosive laughter from erupting.

“Thank...you... Lisa, please...go check..*snicker*....the....mail.”


She had barely sashayed her way out of the room before Nero erupted with laughter.

“WHA HA HA HA HA HA! You should have seen you face, I'll never forget how your eyes bugged out past your face. Ah ha ha ha ha ha.”


I could feel my face heating up from the flush of embarrassment. I couldn't even look at my uncle or else he'd start laughing again, doubling over and slapping his knees.


“Oh m'boy, that couldn't have gone better if I had planned it myself. Phew...”


He took a deep breath and composed himself, but meanwhile I was all over the place emotionally. Shock, anger, surprise, fear, embarrassment were all having a battle royale in my head and so far it was a pretty open match.


“Anyway, joking aside, we've got a very important meeting for you. You said you wanted to work for me, that's fine on my end, but there's more then just me that needs to approve."


He strode past the empty secretary desk and opened a door leading to the inner office, motioning me through.


Nero's office was decorated like a trophy room, the walls were plastered with old pictures of him down in Texas, holding TWL championship belts high and with his menacing face plastered on old fliers, and even magazine covers. He had pictures of him shaking hands with Sam Strong, Rip Chord, Pat Deacon, George DeColt and many other Hall of Immortal members. What truly dominated the room was a huge crescent shaped desk with a big black leather chair behind it that looked to be about as expensive as the apartment I moving into.


Nero moved in behind me, which helped stop me from leaping backwards with shock as the chair suddenly swiveled around,, occupied and as my neurons fired and made a million important connections, my mouth could only stammer a basic greeting.


“G-G-Good morning, Mr. Eisen.”



OOC: Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming :D

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Enter the Fiddler pt. III

Saturday, Week 3

May 2007





Richard Eisen jumped up out of his chair and grabbed my hand in a painfully firm handshake.


"Hey kid, how'd you like the cans on that secretary? Aren't they great? I'd sure like to climb those peaks if you know what I'm saying. Har har har!"


Eisen's laugh reminded me of a bear braying like a donkey. It was aggrivatingly irritating and always left you with the impression that he was laughing at you, no matter the context.


"I mean, I'd love to give those airbags a taste but I'm afraid they might pop! Har! Har! Har!"


Nero and I forced some laughter, but it was definitely awkward in the room, especially if Lisa happened to walk in while Eisen's focus was upon her. Nero tried to steer things in the right direction, but Eisen wasn't finished yet.


"I mean, I'd love to take her back to my hotel room..."




"...and then I'd cover her in toothpaste..."




"...and floss my teeth with her..."


"Mr. Eisen, I'm sure you're busy, maybe we should get this meeting underway?"


"...what? Oh yeah, the kid. Listen kid, you want to be a wrestler? Great, but you just don't have the right look. I'm just not feeling it, I don't think you'd be right for Supreme Wrestling. Thanks for trying out."


I just stood there, stunned. One minute Richard Eisen was happily laughing away, the next he was crushing my dreams, and without the slightest pause or shift in his manner or demeanor. Before I could turn around and leave, Nero kept talking.


"Mr. Eisen, we've already brought in a suitable opponent and we have allocated a full hour for this interview. Wouldn't you at least like to watch him in the ring before making a decision? If nothing else, it'll give the chance for one of your other workers to show you what he's got, beating up on this kid."


Eisen thought about it carefully for about two seconds and then shrugged.

"What the hell, I've got nothing better planned, not unless Lisa's a trained massuese." He said with a grin, elbowing me hard in the side as he walked past.


"And I DO mean the 'happy ending' kind! Har! Har! Har!"


Thankfully, Lisa had not yet returned from checking the mail, so there was no chance she would have overheard Eisen's subtle quips about her figure.


Nero led Eisen and me down to the first floor, a travelling time of approximately two minutes in which Eisen was able to fit in no less then 3 personal stories about himself.


The audition room was tiny, with wrestling ring shoved into the middle of it. There was barely space along the sides of it to walk around, and my first thoughts were that I hoped my opponent didn't try and send me over the ropes to the outside, because there was a good chance I'd just go straight into the wall instead.


Eisen sat down on one of the folding chairs set up ringside, but immediately jumped back up, outraged.


"Nero, what the hell are you spending my money on? You expect me to sit in something like this? Go get Tits McGee out there to bring me a proper chair."


Nero left swiftly to appease Eisen, meanwhile it was just me and Richard in the room. I looked around for a place to change (and more importantly, but there was nothing besides the ring, a few chairs, and an angry Eisen. Luckily the door opened and a lightweight worker wearing loose gold pants entered. Eisen's face lit up and he walked over and shook the wrestler's hand firmly.


"Hey, kid. How're you doing? Nero treating you right? Teaching you the ropes? You know, if you ever have any problems with him, just let me know and I'll sort him out. Trust me, your developement is far more improtant then that crazy old hack."


The wrestler didn't respond, just keep smiling and nodding his head. I realized he had experience dealing with Eisen as it appeared Richard had no real interest in hearing the guy's answers. At that moment Nero returned, holding the door open as Lisa rolled Nero's own desk chair into the room.


Eisen wasted no time at yelling at the pair.


"What the hell took you so long? You think my time isn't worth anything?"


Eisen popped Lisa's bubbly personality in the span of seconds, and that wasn't the end of it. He grumbled loudly as he sat down and by the time he was settled, Lisa was nearly in tears. For a moment I felt sorry for her, but time around Eisen moves at his speed.


"Psst...Uncle. Where can I change?"


"Sorry m'boy, no time. If you don't start wrestling soon Eisen's going to get bored and fire the whole lot of us."

I looked at Nero's face to see if he was joking, but his somber mood made it clear about Eisen's stance towards people who "waste his time."


With no time for warming up or planning a match, I stepped into the ring for the first time ever. Luckily, my opponent was warmed up and ready to impress Eisen, and he wasted no time in levelling me with a clothesline.


One thing about selling is that it's like riding a bicycle. Even if you don't do it in, say, 8 years, you quickly remember all the little things that really make a move sold. The facial expressions, the little twitches, knowing when you're exaggerating just enough. My opponent took me through the wringer, flipping me and flattening me with some rather spectacular high flier moves. I quickly noticed that most of his moves were flashy on his end, but easy to sell. I pretty much just had to fall onto my back or face and that was enough.


Finally, the time came for me to go on the offensive. My opponent started grandstanding, shouting out to the empty room. I quickly ran through a list of my offensive moveset as I staggered to my feet. It didn't take long as the list was pretty short. I shot back at my opponent with a clothesline which he sold like a champ, flipping heel over head. My wrestling training was very limited, and I really only had a basic, old school moveset. Transition locks, clotheslines and boots to the face, leg drops and the good 'ole sleeper hold. I ran through these moves rather quickly and I realized soon that I needed a finisher.


Again, luckily my opponent caught on quickly as I started stalling in dragging him to his feet. We both knew he'd need to finish me quickly because the match was starting to break down and he could only carry me for so long. Needing a transition, he swung his arm through my legs and I sold the nutshot.


I just happened to be facing Eisen when it happened, and he immediately burst into laughter. It exploded out of him like he had swallowed a grenade full of comedy. He was rolling on the floor clutching his sides. He laughed so hard my opponent and I actually stopped the match, worried that Eisen was going to choke to death right there on the floor. As if on cue, Eisen started coughing, but when he looked at me again, he couldn't stop laughing.


"Har! *cough* Har! *cough*cough* Har! God that is the funniest thing I've ever seen. That has GOT to be the best nutshot. Ever. John, do it again."


Without hesitation, my opponent punched me in the nuts again. My eyes bugged out, my neck flexed, I let out a little groan and this time I even hopped a few times on my tip-toes before collapsing, clutching myself and rolling on the ground.


Eisen burst into laughter again, just as strong as the first. It took him several minutes to regain composure, but he was having a blast.


"I'd be a CRIMINAL if I denied the fans that sight. Nero, you've got yourself a deal if you make sure he gets punched in the nutsack every show."


Still chuckling, Eisen left the room. My opponent chuckled a little and turned to me.


"Well, at least you got hired..."


Yeah, lucky me. My boss is a disgusting, egotistical pig and I was just hired because I look hilarious being punched in the nuts. This is the start of a great career.

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Enter the Fiddler pt. IV

Saturday, Week 3

May 2007




Nero motioned me out of the ring, shook hands with the other wrestler, John somebody, and then patted me on the back.

“Great job, I guess. Before that last part Eisen was about to kick you to the curb, but you really pulled through. Now we just have to head back up to legal to get a development contract written up and then we can get to training you to be a proper wrestler.”

“Is...is Eisen going to be there?”

“Hell no! We've got a lawyer here who can rubber stamp the contract, we don't need Eisen around here any longer then we need to.”

I gave out a huge sigh of relief.

“How can you stand to work with him? Is he always that way?”

“Actually, this was one of his better days, he was in a pretty good mood, relatively speaking. I don't know how much you've been following, but SWF is going through a tough time, but Eisen's got this crazy idea that he thinks will turn it around. So in March he gets into a big feud with Steve Frehley that ended when Frehley speared Eisen into a steel pole. Eisen's now looking at retiring and claims to not know which son to leave the company to. So he's having the SWF roster vote for the owner at the SWF “Break like the Wind” in November as part of a huge year long storyline. Well Eric's rallying the heels and Jerry's rallying the faces, but so far the fan's aren't really buying into it. Richard doesn't understand it, he's got the top stars barking it out, and even Jerry's handling the spotlight well, but the fans just aren't caring.”


“I take it you know why...”

“Ha, m'boy, Richard told me this idea last year and I just shook my head. 'It's not going to work' is what I told him, verbatim. I didn't tell him why, but I figured it wouldn't work well. Now, your first job while we draw up your contract is to figure out why that would be. Why wouldn't it work, and you better have an answer when I get back.”


Nero headed back up to the 3rd floor's legal department as I sat in one of the folding chairs by the ring. A few ideas came quickly, but I kept at it knowing my Uncle would demand far more from me then the obvious answers. By the time Nero returned with a fist full of papers, I was ready though.


“So,. I've got a pen, and I've got a contract, but you won't get either until you tell me why the election storyline was doomed.”


“Two main reasons. The first is the political game. It's great for heels to play politics and generate some heat, but this angle is forcing the face, Jerry, to act like a politician too. You said he was running around gathering support, but that's not something fans can really rally behind. You won't hear anyone clapping because Jerry added a name to a petition.”


“Meh..is that all you got?”


I stuck out my chin a little at the challenge.


“Of course not. The other reason is... because everyone knows it doesn't really matter. It's Eisen vs. Eisen. Nobody really cares who wins or loses because it's not going to change anything, the Eisen family will still be in control and there just isn't enough animosity between Richard, Jerry, and Eric to make even the biggest mark truly believe that Jerry or Eric will truly change the company, mainly because as long as Richard is alive, he'll be the real power driving SWF.”


Nero looked at me as if he'd never seen me before.

“That's pretty good, m'boy. Anything else?”


“Do you really need anything else?”

“Well, you didn't mention how it destroys a lot of the 'loner' characters they've built up, but I guess I can let you slide this time. You've been out of the business for too long, I'll grant a bit of leniency this time, but only this time. Now sign the papers because you begin training tonight.”


The months flew by, especially when I added classes on top of a full wrestling schedule. The contract I signed had a provision saying that I would get trained for 6 months before starting a show, and I was glad there wasn't any pressure because I needed all the time I could get to learn the business properly. Nero was a huge help, as he would constantly teach me things about the non-physical side of wrestling, about the art of psychology in the ring, the cheap tricks on the stick to get the audience to eat out of your hand or to want to tear you apart after the show. After just six months time, I figured I was ready to debut in 2008.


[center]Dante Orrinson
18 yrs old.
Size: Light Heavyweight
Style: Brawler[/center]

Dante Orrinson is a promising young rookie with loads of potential. Despite just recently entering the wrestling world, he has an incredibly strong grasp of match psychology, a gift he learned from training under the watchful eye of his Uncle, Professor Nero.

Soon after his debut, Professor Nero brought Dante into RIPW to help train him for the big leagues.

Current Popularity: “Virtually Unknown” (F in US and Canada, F- in the rest of the world)

Rumble Skills            Flying Skills:         Technical Skills
Brawling: [color="Red"]E[/color]              Aerial: [color="Red"]E-[/color]             Mat Wrestling: [color="Red"]E [/color]              
Puroresu: [color="Red"]E-[/color]	          Flashiness: [color="Red"]E[/color]	         Chain Wrestling: [color="Red"]E-[/color]
Hardcore: [color="Red"]E- [/color]                                   Submissions: [color="Red"]E-[/color]

Entertainment Skills:     Camera Skills:                     Physical Skills
Microphone: [color="Green"]B[/color]             Sex Appeal: [color="Sienna"]D[/color]                      Athleticism: [color="Green"]B-[/color]
Charisma: [color="Yellow"]C+[/color]              Star Quality: [color="Green"]B+[/color]                   Toughness: [color="Green"]B[/color]
Acting: [color="Yellow"]C+[/color]                Menace: [color="Sienna"]D- [/color]                        Stamina: [color="Blue"]A[/color]
Announcing: [color="DarkRed"]F-[/color]                                               Power: [color="Yellow"]C[/color]

Performance Skills        Backstage Skills                   Other Skills:
Basics: [color="Yellow"]C-[/color]                Booking: [color="DarkRed"]F-[/color]                        Intensity: [color="Blue"]A*[/color]
Psychology: [color="Blue"]A[/color]             Respect: [color="Red"]E [/color]                        Stiffness: [color="Red"]E+[/color]
Safety: [color="Yellow"]C+[/color]                Reputation: [color="Blue"]A*[/color]                     Resilience: [color="Blue"]A[/color]
Consistency: [color="Yellow"]C+ [/color]                                             Refereeing: [color="DarkRed"]F-[/color]
Selling:[color="DarkGreen"] B- [/color]                                                 MMA: [color="DarkRed"]F-[/color]

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Can't wait to see how the actual booking is. Looks great. A for psychology may be a little much, but it is no biggie.


*joke* He's Nero's muthafreakin' nephew! *joke* :p


Actually, that was the mindset I had in mind when creating the character. I did tweak the stats a bit (namely bringing down Star Quality from A* to B+) but I also included the profile I created for him in the last post as well.


Just one more Prologue post before the first show, so don't worry, we'll get to the actual wrestling soon enough :D

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Actually, that was the mindset I had in mind when creating the character. I did tweak the stats a bit (namely bringing down Star Quality from A* to B+) but I also included the profile I created for him in the last post as well.


Just one more Prologue post before the first show, so don't worry, we'll get to the actual wrestling soon enough :D


The prologues are not the problem. The writing flows and is very conversational. I could read it all day (If I didn't work 2 jobs that is :D).

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Prologue pt. V



Enter the Fiddler pt. V




Monday, Week 1

January 2008


Nero slammed my report down without any vocalization above a grunt. After nearly six months of training under him, I've learned that it means that I've met his expectations, but not by enough to actually impress him.


In some areas of my training, I excelled enough to get more then a few compliments. I packed on a lot of muscle since I started training, but my in ring repitoire was still rather limited. Nero tried to accelerate my training to move past the basics and into the new stuff, but I had been out of practice for far too long, and Nero was resigned to the fact that I needed to start from scratch. He enjoyed assigning me "extra" homework, above and beyond normal trainging, like compiling a summary of the 2007 events on the RIPW roster.


However, today was the day we discussed my debut on the upcoming RIPW Knocking Out the New Year 2008.


"I'm thinking tag team."


Nero wasted no time in driving straight to the point without wasting time with small talk. The tag teams were salvation to some, and a dead end to other. I didn't mind because I was fresh in the industry, so I had plenty of time to mess around before I really needed a solid push to the top. For many, the tag team ranks are a tried and true method of climbiing up to the upper card, but others resent it due to showing a lack of confidence in the worker to carry a match on his own, or as a way to phase out main eventers who've overstayed their welcome. I was eager to do my part and slowly climmb the ladder, but as I was soon to learn my tag team partner would forever resent Nero and myself for "damaging his career" with this tag team.


Nero punched his intercom.


"Lisa, send in Keith."


I turned my head, eager to catch sight of my new partner. My heartbeat quickened when the doors slammed open, revealing... a young, scrawny kid with a face as handsome and rugged as a bean sprout. The kid strolled in and plunked down in the chair next to me.


"Dante Orrinson, meet Keith Vegas."


I turned and shook hands with him, but he didn't seem that interested in acknowledging me. Instead, he focused his apt attention on the person of power in the room, Nero.


"'I'm so glad you've decided to bring me onboard to RIPW. I can't wait to get trained up for SWF."


"Well, just to clarify, you're not on a development contract like Dante, you're going to be a fixture on RIPW's roster for as long as you choose."


Keith's face twisted up like he'd been punched in the mouth by the Sourpuss Lemon Monster. He shot me a dirty look when Nero mentioned my development contract, but I didn't react as I was too busy recalling the childhood tales of Sir Joys-a-lot and his fight against the Sourpuss Lemon Monster. For a first grade reading level their battles were legendary.


"That's fine, Mr. Nero. I completely trust your decisions 100%. You're a legend, a true innovator to the sport. I've watched all your matches, and read about you in every magazine."


Nero just rolled his eyes as he attempted to dislodge the kid's lips from his ass.


"First of all, most of my matches happened before you were born, and the majority of them were not recorded, so unless you believe in past lives, don't give me that suck-up s***. It won't work, not here, not with me. You got it?"


Keith nodded his head so hard his lips flapped a little. My earlier enthusiasm was quickly dying down, being replaced by a mixture of pity and anger at the spineless lap dog sitting next to me.


"Umm...Mr. Nero? I was just thinking... if it's ok to...well, I was wondering why you'd want me burdened in a tag team. Don't you think I'd be better as a singles wrestler?"




There was a long pause following Nero's blunt answer. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I enjoyed watching Nero deflate Keith's flattery balloon. Keith squirmed uncomfortably in his chair.


"That's all Keith, I have some more stuff I have to discuss with Dante, but I expect both of you training for your match tonight."


Keith slinked out of his chair and out of the office, looking back to give me one more dirty look regarding my "special treatment" before he quietly shut the door.


Nero paused for a few seconds and then buzzed Lisa.


"Lisa, is he gone."


"No, he's still at the door, listening in... Oh wait, he just dashed off."


"*sigh* Thanks Lisa."


I didn't say anything, I just raised a curious eyebrow in Nero's direction.


"Ah, don't start with me, m'boy. I know, I know. Unfortunately orders came from Eisen to put you in a comedy team and Keith was the only kid in the local area willing to hop on. Dumbass must've thought once hired he could talk his way out of it. The upside is that you won't be alone. Cat Jameson, you know, Kurt Laramee's ex-manager and girlfriend is coming onboard to help lead you two. She's got solid experience, and the plan is to keep Keith's mouth shut during the interviews to give you some kind of credibility. Listen, I'm sorry about this."


"Don't worry about it, everyone knows you have to pay your dues, I'll be fine."


Despite my outward confidence, my insides were churning. My partner seemed manipulative, a bit mean and not altogether there. I took solace that he was too much of a suck up to be too arrogant, but I had no idea what to expect from someone like him


"Anyway, I'll let you look at the card for the upcoming show. Should be a pretty solid debut for you."


RIPW Roster Summary 2007 - 2008

By: Dante Orrinson


Main Event

Nevada Nuclear (F) - Superhero

Current RIPW Champion, the superpowered Nevada Nuclear who uses the power given to him by radiation to overcome everything the heels throw at him. Considered the top babyface for the company and riding high on a half year title reign. He has become a particular thorn in Professor Nero's side as he continues to save the day and foil the foul machincations of the evil professor.


Brendan Idol (F) - Underdog

Former tag team champ who made the transition to the main event by successfully dropping the belt but not letting that stall his career. He has the face to make girls swoon. Recently, Emmy's been trying to attract his attention but the do-gooder has paid her and her sultry ways little heed.


Cheetah Boy (F) - Fun Babyface

Cheetah Boy is a high flier who runs around in his cheetah print attire, having fun with the audience and making people smile.


Upper Midcard

Kentucky Bill (F) - Dancing Fool

Another former tag team champ who was not as successful as his partner. Never-the-less, he entertains the crowd by dancing to "Baby Elephant Walk" in the styling of a sports mascot. His fun has recently been put on hold by The Deadly Sins deciding that he was a prime target to abuse for their amusement.



John Greed (H) - Cult Leader

Atlas (H) - Monster


John Greed and Atlas form the Deadly Sins, a group with far more ambition then ability as they are constantly working to ambush and destroy the babyfaces around them, hoping to drag them down and convert them to Greed's "Celebration of Sin" cult. Last quarter they successfully cheated their way to victory when special guest referee Professor Nero gave John Greed a fast count over Kentucky Bill to secure their first tag team title reign. Since winning the titles in August they've managed to wiggle out of defending their titles since then, but last December Kentucky Bill pointed out that they contractually had to defend their titles every quarter, and that as a former champion he is entitled to a re-match, providing he finds a partner.



Justin Sensitive (H) - Prima Donna

Raphael (H) - c0cky Youth

The Heartbreakers live up to their names by being a couple of misogynist tail chasers. Altough they are skilled in the ring when they put their minds to it, more often then not their minds are lingering elsewhere which allows their opponents to pick up a win. Emmy, their manager, is supposedly dating Justin Sensitive, but both of them are often seen pursuing other prey.


Marshall Dillion (H) - Cowboy

The gun-slinging corrupt sheriff is often used as a "gun-for-hire", most often by Professor Nero when he needs some size and muscle.


Lassana Makutsi (F) - No Gimmick Needed

The African Assassin debuted as Professor Nero's silent hitman, but it was soon revealed that Nero was blackmailing Lassana as Lassana was an illegal immigrant (bringing a surprising amount of heat from a portion of the fans). However, by silently subverting Nero's commands, he was eventually able to earn his place as a citizen by defeating both Bear Bekowski and Marshall Dillion in a handicap match, with his win forcing Nero to sponsor his citizenship.


Lower Midcard

Bear Bekowski (H) - Bully

So named because he claims to have wrestled bears in his youth, Cheetah Boy humorously pointed out that he was called Bear because he was big, hairy, and belonged in a zoo. This mirth did not sit well with Bear, who proceeded to develop his favorite tactics of ambushing opponents backstage before their matches. cheetah Boy, however, proved to be too quick for the lumbering Bear and was able to defeat him again and again until Bear finally gave up and temporarily stopped bullying everyone.


Lion Heart (F) - Patriot

The All-American Lion Heart is considered to be the moral core of RIPW and with the dazzling Hannah Potter by his side, he brings the light of faces to the dark heel tide of RIPW's undercard. He has often had to feud with one heel or another over their despicable ways, but through thick and thin he stays true to the core values of America.



Jerry Martin (H) - Psycho

The crazy psycho Jerry Martin has continued to fulfill a jobber role, with his normal schtick to ambush other workers beore/after/during matches while screaming "HARDCORE HARDCORE!" His opponents usually end up challenging and beating him in a straight up match, usually because Jerry DQ's himself by using weapons. His favorite being one of the pile of 2x4's he carries with him down to the ring.



PBP - Rob L Miskovksy (F)

Colour - Mayhem Midden (H) - Biker


RIPW's face/heel commentary team. Rob takes the standard face approach by trying to be a "serious, neutral, 3rd party observer" while Mayhem Midden is a heel by calling out face's for their BS and applauding heel tactics as "thinking outside the box."



Hannah Potter (F) - Old School Face


The incredibly gorgeous Hannah Potter has quickly become the fan's main interest as far as personalities/managers are concerned. Aligning herself with Lion Heart as believing in his patriotic values, fans are all to eager to fantasize about this "good girl" doing naughty things.


Emmy (H) - Seductress

Although an attractive and able manager herself, Emmy is constantly being overlooked thanks to Hannah's shining beauty. As a result she spends her time trying to seduce various members of the roster, to prove that she's got more then Hannah, that she can turn the male mind her way instead.


Professor Nero (H) - Authority Figure

The evil and nefarious Professor Nero attempts to rule RIPW with an iron grip. He enjoys abusing his considerable power as owner and booker by screwing over the babyfaces and playing favorites by giving better title shots for those who "play ball."He last managed Lassana Makutsi, using Lassana's expired visa as leverage to make the African Assassin his personal hitman, but at last years Christ-Cross Chaos, Lassana won his freedom in the lower card blow off match.



Tag Teams:

The Deadly Sins (H) Finisher: Judgement Day (Doomsday Device)

The Heartbreakers (H) Finisher: The Heartbreak Express (Double Facebuster)



OOC: Sorry about worker names, had to do this one from memory and didn't have TEW up to double check the spellings.

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RIPW Knocking out the New Year 2008 | Pre-Show


Nero handed me a page printout from RIPW's website. It was a simple printoff so didn't have any fancy graphics like the site has on it, but it got it's point across.


This January, the action is picking up right where it left off. Kentucky Bill gets his coveted tag team title shot, but only if he can find a partner after his old partner, Brendan Idol, declined. Who will Kentucky Bill find to step up to the awesome might of the Deadly Sins?


Also, three new members will be making their debut. First up, a group known as House Mix will be debuting, apparently bringing in the famous Cat Jameson of former DaVE fame, as their personal manager. The other new debut, a man known only as Mr. Electricity, has promised to bring the spark back to RIPW.


Last year, after Nevada Nuclear foiled Professor Nero's plans, Nero promised that he would have his revenge this year, and that this would be the year that he dethrones Nevada's title. He has promised that he would personally set up each and every one of Nevada's title matches, and that he didn't expect Nevada to make it past his first defense of the year.

What does the nefarious Professor Nero have in store for the heroic Nevada Nuclear this Janaury?


Find out only by attending RIPW Knocking out the New Year 2008, held live at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA. Click here for directions.


Predictions Form


Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity (new to RIPW)


Lion Heart vs. Jerry Martin


THe Heartbreakers vs. House Mix (new and never seen before)


Cheetah Boy vs. Bear Bekowski


The Deadly Sins © vs. Kentucky Bill and ???? for RIPW Tag Team Championship


Nevada Nuclear © vs. Nero's Surprise for RIPW Championship

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Very awesome read so far! Haven't seen a RIPW posted before! Although JC's MAW is still my current favorite, this one is shaping into an easy second best! Very nice work sir! Anyway, your predictions:


Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity (new to RIPW)

Being that when I was in College many moons ago, my terrible college band was called "Molten Lust" stolen from one of Hogan's nicknames from Rocky III. Since I was the obnoxious singer, my band name was Mr. Electricity. It stuck for 15 years. Sadly, as a 37 year old father of four, my friends still call me that. Therefore, Mr. Electricity becomes a breakout star and squashes Idol.


Lion Heart vs. Jerry Martin

Lion Heart dominates, but Jerry Martin (who needs a pyscho name) comes out with the weapons for the DQ loss


The Heartbreakers vs. House Mix (new and never seen before)

The Heartbreakers lose after dominating most of the match. Post match beatdown by the Heartbreaker to get the heat back. Could this be the Dante comedy spot Tag Team?


Cheetah Boy vs. Bear Bekowski

Cheetah Boy wins here to make the crowd happy for now.


The Deadly Sins © vs. Kentucky Bill and ???? for RIPW Tag Team Championship

Deadly Sins retain, but even better, is this a Dante debut?


Nevada Nuclear © vs. Nero's Surprise for RIPW Championship

Okay, I'd say that Nero would prefer to have a heel champ with a face chasing the title so he can build heat and continue to screw the faces. I'm going for Nero's surprise to win here.


Now the question is how is Dante going to be used? Is he a heel? Is he a rookie face that gets the ballshot every night to appease Emperor Eisen? Will he align with evil Uncle? Tons of possibilities....


Again, fabulous literary stuff going on.


Mr. E

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Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity (new to RIPW)


Lion Heart vs. Jerry Martin


THe Heartbreakers vs. House Mix (new and never seen before)


Cheetah Boy vs. Bear Bekowski


The Deadly Sins © vs. Kentucky Bill and ???? for RIPW Tag Team Championship


Nevada Nuclear © vs. Nero's Surprise for RIPW Championship

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Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity (new to RIPW)


Lion Heart vs. Jerry Martin


THe Heartbreakers vs. House Mix (new and never seen before)


Cheetah Boy vs. Bear Bekowski


The Deadly Sins © vs. Kentucky Bill and ???? for RIPW Tag Team Championship


Nevada Nuclear © vs. Nero's Surprise for RIPW Championship

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Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity (new to RIPW)


Lion Heart vs. Jerry Martin


THe Heartbreakers vs. House Mix (new and never seen before)


Cheetah Boy vs. Bear Bekowski


The Deadly Sins © vs. Kentucky Bill and ???? for RIPW Tag Team Championship


Nevada Nuclear © vs. Nero's Surprise for RIPW Championship

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Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity (new to RIPW)


Lion Heart vs. Jerry Martin


THe Heartbreakers vs. House Mix (new and never seen before)


Cheetah Boy vs. Bear Bekowski


The Deadly Sins © vs. Kentucky Bill and ???? for RIPW Tag Team Championship


Nevada Nuclear © vs. Nero's Surprise for RIPW Championship

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