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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Only retired boxer I remember is Tommy "Uppercut" Bailey and he's just a bit of a non-entity in the UK these days. :) He was the trainer at No Name Wrestling (wrestling school) too...


And for some reason I remember his bio suggesting some sort of meteoric rise in America.




I did not know my memory was this bad.

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Just re-reading the journal and I didn't see Ring Rust in the User Preferences section. I hope its there or at least it has been altered dramatically this year. Nothing annoyed me more that hiring a guy as a regional or small company and having him ring rusty for 10 months because, realistically, I only run one show a month.


Anyway, not being a downer... it's looking good!

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I agree about ring rust. The feature itself is cool and I'm all for it, but having ring rust for a year when a booking a smaller promotion is a damper. And also ring rust should apply to people who have been absent due to either injury reasons or a hiatus from the business. The way I see it, a worker can be unemployed in the game, but since he is still a part of the business, he probably constantly trains and keeps in shape, hoping for future employment. It bugged me a lot that some people ended up getting rusty because they were too popular for the indy promotions to hire, so there was nowhere for them to work.


Also, are we only getting journal updates Monday-Friday? It says "weekdays" in the journal, but weekdays can always mean either Monday through Friday or Monday through Saturday, so I'm not really sure.

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I'm very excited about the Dirt Sheet. I've been playing TEW from the very beginning, and EWR before that, but I've only ever been average in my booking (and academics! :()


Being able to see what went wrong or right and build on it will be very very helpful for me. Being able to turn it off if that's not your kind of thing would be good for some people too

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Also, are we only getting journal updates Monday-Friday? It says "weekdays" in the journal, but weekdays can always mean either Monday through Friday or Monday through Saturday, so I'm not really sure.


Can't say I've ever heard Saturday described as a 'weekday', so I'm assuming Monday to Friday. What has me furrowing my brow in confusion is how long it's going to take to go through 200 new features.

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Can't say I've ever heard Saturday described as a 'weekday', so I'm assuming Monday to Friday. What has me furrowing my brow in confusion is how long it's going to take to go through 200 new features.

Well, Adam said on the first update that there are 200 new features and the Journal will go through "some of them", so I don't think there will be 200 Journal Updates, but I could be wrong, though.


And he might do an update with more than one feature, as well.

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I'm hoping this is the case...


I just broke out the ol' calculator, and it seems 200 new features divided by 5 weekdays would come out to 40 weeks.


I don't think I could hold out that long.



That would be close to 10 months and the game is due out in the first quarter of 2010 so I doubt that would be the case. :)

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40 weeks of waiting would be awful. :eek:

I already hope for a demo in Dec/Jan :|

Heh. You're probably being a bit too optimistic. I'm hoping to get my hands on the pre-release editor in January-February myself. :) Well, Adam said that he's aiming at January-March, but we'll never know, he always might encounter a programming issue that requires more coding than he was expecting, or something like that, but then again, Adam is known for pretty much always being on schedule.


I have my fingers crossed for a release until March of next year.

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A release by December / January, in my opinion, would probably make for a very buggy game...


I really wish people would stop making wild statements like this, it is unbelievably unhelpful; putting "in my opinion" in the sentence does not make it OK to make stuff up! You have absolutely no factual basis for the above statement because you don't have any idea when I started writing TEW2010.

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Well, Adam said on the first update that there are 200 new features and the Journal will go through "some of them", so I don't think there will be 200 Journal Updates, but I could be wrong, though.


Not saying he'll use the same pattern again. But when 08 was coming out he had 100 entries for the journal. Using that as a baseline, my math has things figured for mid-February for a beta release. Now don't go holding anyone to this. That is merely a ballpark based on past experience. He could have a longer journal planned this time or he could be further along with programming than we suspect. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Maybe we just shouldn't speculate on the date at all, even a little bit, because it's the kind of thing that adjusts people's expectations in such a way that Adam is getting angry email on the second of January because the game isn't out yet.

Exactly. And that is what I meant when I said that December might be a bit too optimistic. Not because Adam couldn't finish the game in December, but because there's always that someone who misreads the speculations as gospel and just ends up being disappointed when December ends and there is no game. You know?

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Look, this is getting really stupid:


1 - Nobody other than me has the faintest idea how long the game has been in production. Therefore you do not know what state the game is in.


2 - The Developer's Journal is NOT tied to the release date. I have no idea how many of the features I will have time to do. I might only get a few in, I might run out.


3 - The release date is not going to be based around any significant date.


It will be sometime in the first three months of 2010, and the date will be announced a few days before. That is the only information that is going to be given. Speculation is unhelpful, and frankly stupid as nobody has enough information to make anything other than a completely random guess. There is no point in filling up this thread with random guesses, so please stop.

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