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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Love the latest bit about retirement ages being pushed back if they have a good job with a big company. Tie that into the naritives bit from a few posts back and you have a way to faithfully sim Ric Flair's career in real world mods. And on the C-verse tip, keep guys like Sam Keith and Steve Flash working way way longer than they would otherwise.
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Love the latest bit about retirement ages being pushed back if they have a good job with a big company. Tie that into the naritives bit from a few posts back and you have a way to faithfully sim Ric Flair's career in real world mods. And on the C-verse tip, keep guys like Sam Keith and Steve Flash working way way longer than they would otherwise.


Keith I can see, but Flash? He's never gotten a big break...

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I definitely wanted to say that the smart retirements is a great feature. I have had Ric Flair retire far too soon in real world mods and hopefully this will be well on its way to fixing that.


Now about people having some trouble with the Dirty Tricks, I did want to make a comment about that. It is rather difficult to compare the TEW series of games to another simulation such as Madden (I am not familiar with the other football simulations so this is the best I could come up with.) Madden has an exclusive license with the NFL right now so that they can use the real live people and their likenesses and their names. If they began implementing things like steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs my guess is that the NFL would step in and say that we do not support a game that places even the small emphasis on the steroids and the like and they would find a way to pull their exclusivity agreement and any other agreements that are made, causing Madden not to be able to use the real life names and likenesses.


TEW and the other series of games do not have this issue because greydog software and Adam Ryland do not endorse any particular mod that is made for the game. Instead, we have the Cornellverse, which is a wonderful database that even I sometimes find more enjoyable than the real thing. But you're not going to see Richard Eisen coming up to Adam Ryland and saying you can't use my company or wrestlers for your game because the user has the ability to pull the dirty tricks. The Cornellverse does not have that certain image to maintain within the public eye because it is a fictional universe.

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Hey, after reading the developers journal I'm really enjoying most, if not all, of the new features especially User Talents.


Although, I have a question that I hope maybe Adam himself could answer:


How do users gain more points as the game progresses?


Adam didn't go into detail about that and I'd be curious as to what people think about this feature too.

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#10: Random Deaths


New to TEW2010 will be random deaths; these are occasional surprise events that are separate from the two types that are already in the game (drug-related deaths and natural old-age deaths) and can happen to anyone.


The frequency of these can be set via the Options menu, and includes the ability to completely switch them off, for those of a squeamish disposition.



As a special two-for-the-price-of-one Friday bonus, there is also a second, related addition to the game; gruesome "Kenny' deaths. These are Kenny-from-South-Park style fatalities, a nod to the old EWR series. If this is enabled, some of the above-mentioned random deaths will be of a bizarre nature. This feature can also be turned off via the Options menu.


Sounds good to me. More randomness is something I been hoping for.

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Yes, in TEW08 there was a huge lack of .. stuff like random deaths and random incidents and relationship changes in my opinion. Anything that twists and turns the gameworld and gives a more unique and random experience everytime you play, I like.


I'm sure that Adam stops by here once in a while so here's a question: Even though I'm intriqued to see what next week has in-store for modmakers, my question to Adam is:

(I might aswell create a topic to suggestions..)


How easy are the Screens and Graphics going to be for us to mod?

Last time, and with previous games, the Screens and background images have been somewhat chaotic in terms of edges and colours and with no clear borders around the buttons it was somewhat hard to modify the background screens due to the buttons already being coded into them, as for example you had to know where the buttons are in the game, the buttons weren't separate images that were planted into the background, they were already painted in the background screen. I did 5 different background packs for TEW08 and while now I'm much better at PSP and image editing it took me 13hrs to make the first background pack with 137 images for TEW08. I wish that with TEW2010 we could get either cleaner images that are easier for the community to mod OR the original files with the selections and layers in place which would make image editing a lot faster and a lot easier.

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I'd just like to say that I for one will be using Kenny-style deaths, no question about it :) One of the fluff'ish things I really love about TEW is the News page, and seeing different deaths will definitely make things more interesting (I'll probably turn the frequency right down though).


And mod maker week next week? It's one of the rare times I wish I didn't have a weekend! Definitely gonna have my eyes peeled


Hey, after reading the developers journal I'm really enjoying most, if not all, of the new features especially User Talents.


Adam didn't go into detail about that and I'd be curious as to what people think about this feature too.


I think it's a great idea.. the leveling up aspect of it really appeals to me, and I love having any extra incentive to keep playing "just one more turn" outside of the typical promotion stuff

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Another nice little feature. I'll be keeping it turned on, as I like having to traverse odd little obstacles. Challenges. I dig it.


'Mod Maker Week' doesn't thrill me, but I'm sure there's a few folks who will be anxiously awaiting it like a 5-day Christmas, so rock on.

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Yes, in TEW08 there was a huge lack of .. stuff like random deaths and random incidents and relationship changes in my opinion. Anything that twists and turns the gameworld and gives a more unique and random experience everytime you play, I like.


I'm sure that Adam stops by here once in a while so here's a question: Even though I'm intriqued to see what next week has in-store for modmakers, my question to Adam is:

(I might aswell create a topic to suggestions..)


How easy are the Screens and Graphics going to be for us to mod?

Last time, and with previous games, the Screens and background images have been somewhat chaotic in terms of edges and colours and with no clear borders around the buttons it was somewhat hard to modify the background screens due to the buttons already being coded into them, as for example you had to know where the buttons are in the game, the buttons weren't separate images that were planted into the background, they were already painted in the background screen. I did 5 different background packs for TEW08 and while now I'm much better at PSP and image editing it took me 13hrs to make the first background pack with 137 images for TEW08. I wish that with TEW2010 we could get either cleaner images that are easier for the community to mod OR the original files with the selections and layers in place which would make image editing a lot faster and a lot easier.


You do know there is an option to increase the creation of worker relations Fin?


And on topic.


Oh my god they killed Cornell! ...... You Bastards!

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Hey, after reading the developers journal I'm really enjoying most, if not all, of the new features especially User Talents.


Although, I have a question that I hope maybe Adam himself could answer:


How do users gain more points as the game progresses?


Adam didn't go into detail about that and I'd be curious as to what people think about this feature too.


The player will slowly gain more points as he progresses through the game, which he can then spend on improving categories.


It's right there in the last line of the entry.

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Well, I'm looking forward to 'Mod-Maker's Week" anyway.


I have a bad feeling I'm one of those squeamish few Adam mentioned who might keep this one turned off. I like the feature, but I'd like it a little better if I were able to click a worker or two immune to it. I mean, let's face it: if Sammy Bach dies, it's game over. No reason to even click 'Next Day', ya know?


That Gruesome 'Kenny" croakage thing though sounds pretty cool... Might have to take that thing for a ride.



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I like this feature a lot. I was actually just thinking while playing TEW08, "if Erik Strong gets into a car accident on the way to the Rip Chord Invitational... I am screwed." :( Now it could actually happen! :eek:


Yes, in TEW08 there was a huge lack of .. stuff like random deaths and random incidents and relationship changes in my opinion. Anything that twists and turns the gameworld and gives a more unique and random experience everytime you play, I like.


I agree completely. The random incidents in TEW08 have always annoyed me. I could play two full years and only have about five random incidents happen. I guess that's the point of them being random but I'd still like to see more "stuff" happening. I'm hoping thats been tweaked as well.


I like the feature, but I'd like it a little better if I were able to click a worker or two immune to it. I mean, let's face it: if Sammy Bach dies, it's game over. No reason to even click 'Next Day', ya know?




I wonder if Vince felt the same way when Owen plummeted to his death? Oh wait, the show went on...

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While today's entry is somewhat interesting (and good to hear a bit of EWR-style humour being put back into the game) I'm most interested in next week's stuff. Since I have a huge real-life database me and my friends update each year (and don't release because we're well aware that it isn't perfect) anything that makes the job less tedious is a good thing.
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My question is that is the ability to turn the random deaths off considered the second unannounced User Preference option?


I very much like the Random Deaths, as morbid as that may be. Also, the Kenny aspect will probably bring back that EWR style humour that I used to enjoy a lot.



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