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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Random deaths could be a double edged sword. It's certainly realistic but I can see some floks getting all annoyed because they have the rotten luck of having the midcarder they are trying to push up to world champion keep dying on them.


That said the comical, Kenny-style deaths could be interesting. I'll be curious to see if Adam can top Hollywood Mogul on them. It would be tough to beat actors getting crushed by giant mirrors and overstacked piles of money.

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The deaths feature is an awesome addition, i think it's my new favourite so far along with the sleazy promotional war tactics:D This games going to be soo fun and realistic, can't wait already after just hearing the features announced thus far
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Do all the Dirty Tricks have to be sleazy though? I know that on the surface it seems that way, but lately I've been thinking that some of them might just be cool little things for a stable to do. My super-cool heel stable for example would like nothing better than to openly mock the competition.


Is that really so wrong?



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So much is going to into things that make TEW more real. National Trends, Random Deaths, Dirty Tricks, Smart Retirement... I really do love it all, but I have to say that User Preferances is probably my favorite. Even thought I normally leave everything as is, with only a few little tweaks, the fact that I can change so much makes the game more fun, simply because there is the rare occasion that I do change something.


Waiting for 2010 is going to be h*ll, and we only have 10 posts in the Dev Journal so far!

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Random deaths could be a double edged sword. It's certainly realistic but I can see some floks getting all annoyed because they have the rotten luck of having the midcarder they are trying to push up to world champion keep dying on them.


I see morons whining about it on the next version of TEW's thread because it ruined their slavish attempts to completely copy the Attitude Era in every way. Then they'll be reminded that it's optional, but will continue to complain.

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That said the comical, Kenny-style deaths could be interesting. I'll be curious to see if Adam can top Hollywood Mogul on them. It would be tough to beat actors getting crushed by giant mirrors and overstacked piles of money.


Giant Redwood died today during a riot which followed a USPW event. Fans and promoter alike, outraged by Redwood's inability to put on a match garnering a rating of E+ or higher, reportedly threw him into a woodchipper. One bystander was on hand to say "Dramatic irony, amirite?"


Jay Chord died today due to an allergic reaction brought on by being a total douche to everyone, all the time. Jean Cattley was unavailable for comment.


Tommy Cornell died today in a surprise attack by Swarm, the **** (German political party, rhymes with Potsi) made of bees.

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How the **** are you pronouncing ****!? :p


Nine times out of ten, the second * is silent.


Now that I've had some time to think about it, I think I'll play the game with the random deaths thing set to low. You kinda have to have it happen, for the sake of realism and all, but I'd hate to see it get out of hand.


The Kenny Deaths could be fun, but for some reason it feels a little bit gimmicky for my tastes.


We'll see though.



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I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of Swarm, the **** made of bees.




Didn't they have a version of this character on the old Spiderman And His Amazing Friends animated series in the 80's where Swarm went without the purple cloak and just had the all-bee body? And instead of being a Not-sea scientist he was an alien creature who became manifest when a swarm of bees gathered around a fallen meteorite? The basic concept of this guy seems so familiar.

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Didn't they have a version of this character on the old Spiderman And His Amazing Friends animated series in the 80's where Swarm went without the purple cloak and just had the all-bee body? And instead of being a Not-sea scientist he was an alien creature who became manifest when a swarm of bees gathered around a fallen meteorite? The basic concept of this guy seems so familiar.


I can't believe I'm about to say this, but...


No. You're thinking of a different supervillain made entirely of bees called Swarm.

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No more "Giant Redwood" champions in MAW or CZCW.


No more Fox Mask and Ultimate Phoenix in USPW.


No more crappy sports entertainment wrestlers in 4C :D


This is a nice new feature and even if things are not preset in the default data, I know I'd be making a few tweaks, so that I wont end up rolling my eyes in disbelief at some of the CPU rosters. Far too often I see MAW moving away from the idea that it's a promotion that is about developing young talent, so I would pre-set them to not hire anyone over 30.


As another example, USPW I would preset to not hire anyone with the style of Psychopath, Cruiserweight, Luchador, Super Junior, Technician or MMA Crossover.

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Hiring rules are fun, I've been really enjoying testing the Cornellvers1997 with them and seeing companies hire the kinds of workers I want them to. In fact, there are so many features geared towards making companies behave as you would expect them to that mod makers should be delighted with the level of control they can have, even long after a game has begun. I know I am. :)
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