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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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now we just need legendary gimmicks. No reason Bruce the Giant should get stale as a giant afterall. Or Undertakers deadman.


Every gimmick goes stale. Every gimmick can be overexposed. To say otherwise would be wrong - unless we returned to EWR's Unique gimmick, where a perfect angle would see a worker reach that hallowed ground that even Hulkamania could never quite crack.

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now we just need legendary gimmicks. No reason Bruce the Giant should get stale as a giant afterall. Or Undertakers deadman.

The Undertakers did though, First they changed up the Deadman gimmick a tad, (ministry) then he had several slightly different American Badass gimmicks before returning to the Deadman. Now the slight variations on the Deadman/ministry and the various slight changes in how he was portrayed as the American Badass weren't really new gimmicks but they were changes that were made because how he was working the gimmick was getting stale.

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The Undertakers did though, First they changed up the Deadman gimmick a tad, (ministry) then he had several slightly different American Badass gimmicks before returning to the Deadman. Now the slight variations on the Deadman/ministry and the various slight changes in how he was portrayed as the American Badass weren't really new gimmicks but they were changes that were made because how he was working the gimmick was getting stale.


Let's see, there was Deadman, Vampire Taker, Living the Gimmick Taker, Biker Taker, Big Evil, Biker Taker Redux, Deadman Again, and the current MMA Taker.

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The Undertakers did though, First they changed up the Deadman gimmick a tad, (ministry) then he had several slightly different American Badass gimmicks before returning to the Deadman. Now the slight variations on the Deadman/ministry and the various slight changes in how he was portrayed as the American Badass weren't really new gimmicks but they were changes that were made because how he was working the gimmick was getting stale.


Monster, Force of Nature, Avenging Angel, Cult Leader, Personification of Evil...


In TEW terms, Taker shifted gimmick a lot without changing character.


How about Austin?


Badass, Redneck, Rebel, Paranoid (briefly) and I'm likely missing more.


Bret Hart?


No Gimmick Needed, Legitimate Athlete, Patriot, Short Tempered...

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I can see that argument. Just seems for someone like Austin he was always a badass rebel redneck. IRL the gimmicks seem less defined and they can have more than just one gimmick. Guess that doesnt really work in tew terms.


The Big Shows "giant/monster" gimmick has changed a lot, but its more of an evolved form. Kane has always been a monster/maniac, but to different degrees.

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I can see that argument. Just seems for someone like Austin he was always a badass rebel redneck. IRL the gimmicks seem less defined and they can have more than just one gimmick. Guess that doesnt really work in tew terms.


As a concept, Austin is a badass redneck who rebels against authority. That said, at different times different aspects of that are played up; for example, against Bret in the double turn he was definitely a Badass, and the rebel aspect came in as he began to feud with Vince.


In TEW terms, the specific gimmick behind the character got stale and they changed it up with a similar gimmick.

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Just want to chime in on the Dirt Sheet feature from a way back. Just realized that it should go a long way to addressing one of my large issues with the series, and that's that feedback or more precisely, the result of your decisions, is VERY delayed compared to, well, very well most other games on the market (and that's largely because of the unique nature of the game.. it'll never be totally unavoidable).


Before a new player could make decisions in his booking, but if he had little knowledge of the mechanics (or what constitutes as "good booking" in general) he wouldn't be able to make a solid link between his decisions and the results, and it may take him many many shows (which could be several hours up to several days or even weeks, depending how he plays the game) before he's got enough data as such, to be able to effectively draw conclusions from it.


The dirt sheet, on paper, should give players a much better sense of feedback of their actions. I think it'll be a real boon for new players, and i may have a better chance of getting guys I know to stick at the game this time around, even :)

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I can't imagine anyone turning The Dirt Sheet off in user preferences. What would be the advantage of not using it? I would think anyone who want's to learn to book better shows should pay very close attention to it. I suppose turning it off would add a harder aspect to the game, but now that I think of it... is 'The Dirt Sheet' cheating in a way? I will be using it all the time, but typing that all out sort of made it sound like a cheat for some reason. :rolleyes:


I just answered my own question and asked another. Odd.

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I can't imagine anyone turning The Dirt Sheet off in user preferences. What would be the advantage of not using it? I would think anyone who want's to learn to book better shows should pay very close attention to it. I suppose turning it off would add a harder aspect to the game, but now that I think of it... is 'The Dirt Sheet' cheating in a way? I will be using it all the time, but typing that all out sort of made it sound like a cheat for some reason. :rolleyes:


I just answered my own question and asked another. Odd.


I wouldn't consider it a cheat at all. The dirt sheet, as far as I see it, simply provides the user with information. Now, if this was a trivia game, then yes that would be a cheat, but for TEW finding out the information isn't where the challenge should be; the challenge is in what you then choose to do with that information within the confines of your promotion, and how to balance your decisions.


In my opinion this levels the playing field, and makes the dirt sheet a good equalizer. Because as I see it, in the past there was those that had lots of experience and knowledge of the game's mechanics, and then there were those who didn't. Now gaining experience and knowledge of TEW's mechanics is not a simple thing compared to other games, nor do I believe it's where the fun of the game lies (although some may be quick to disagree). This way everyone should be able to get into the heart of TEW and have an idea what they're doing, regardless of what their seniority with Adam Rylands games is. And still, even with all this information readily at hand, they still won't be able to pull off perfect shows week after week because the gameworld will always give you curveballs and require you to make concessions and juggle priorities.

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Theres clearly divisions of people who play TEW. I feel there are those who play(and I believe majority of these are c-verse only players) who play simply for a difficult challenge of a game, and there are others(I believe these are largely real world players), who play for realism and to re-live or re-write history. I think those divisons explain why it seems different groups like and dislike different features inclusion in the game. The option to turn them off and on though really makes debate about it all pretty pointless though unless your just incredibly selfish. Everyone should be glad Adam has taken both of these types of players into account this year without slighting either.
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Theres clearly divisions of people who play TEW. I feel there are those who play(and I believe majority of these are c-verse only players) who play simply for a difficult challenge of a game, and there are others(I believe these are largely real world players), who play for realism and to re-live or re-write history. I think those divisons explain why it seems different groups like and dislike different features inclusion in the game. The option to turn them off and on though really makes debate about it all pretty pointless though unless your just incredibly selfish. Everyone should be glad Adam has taken both of these types of players into account this year without slighting either.


Yeah, in my opinion the more stuff that we can turn on/off, the better, of course. What's greater than to have a freedom of designing the game, customising the gaming experience for yourself, picking the things one wants to have in it. :cool:

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Theres clearly divisions of people who play TEW. I feel there are those who play(and I believe majority of these are c-verse only players) who play simply for a difficult challenge of a game, and there are others(I believe these are largely real world players), who play for realism and to re-live or re-write history. I think those divisons explain why it seems different groups like and dislike different features inclusion in the game. The option to turn them off and on though really makes debate about it all pretty pointless though unless your just incredibly selfish. Everyone should be glad Adam has taken both of these types of players into account this year without slighting either.


Oh, I don't disagree with that at all (although I would probably further define it as being people who enjoy the entire enchilada of managing a promotion, and people who ultimately just want to book).


When I say finding out information isn't where the challenge should be, I didn't mean it to come off as denying certain sects of play styles. I was more referring to information that is already known by elder players through forum discussion (ie. perfect show theory) or readily available but might be hard to assimilate efficiently (eg. comparing the skill levels of your workers). These sorts of things don't seem to be intentional challenges built into the game for difficulty, so it's with that I say that the real challenge of TEW lies elsewhere (as in, the intentionally designed challenge of running and booking a promotion once you have some information to run with).


Course, all that said, I do recall someone once telling me that they enjoy writing everything out in a spreadsheet to track things because it gave them a huge sense of accomplishment, so I guess there are also those who laugh at what I just said and enjoy extracurricular information hunting :)


Oh yeah, Quick Negotiate is handy as well.

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I remember when the TEW08 Dev Journal was going on and the booking screen was overhauled to make it less clicks overall. I get very excited when a new feature makes it so there's less clicking. For those Vista / Windows 7 users (Windows 7 here) this helps a lot, unless you're not using the 'Aero' desktop. When opening and closing windows (like Worker Profiles) it always takes just a little more time than usual because of the way windows are opened and closed in that 'Aero' theme. I suppose I could turn it off and I'd get that 1-second reaction as opposed to the 2-second reaction. But what's the point in having Vista / Win 7 if it doesn't look pretty? :rolleyes:
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Handy little feature that saves a few clicks. I know there's always a few people that I always seem to hire and so I've got their stats memorized and don't need to "think about it" so to speak.


I don't know. Quick Negotiate just screams "lesser feature" to me. I can't say I will or won't use this. However, it doesn't tend to be a place where the extra clicks concern me. I have my folks I hire a lot too but not to the point I have their stats memorized like you do. Vanilla and chocolate I guess.

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Would be nice if quick negotiate could say "send offers to all locker room leaders", "send offers to anyone with Star Quality of B+ or above", "Send offers to anyone with B+ sex appeal", etc.

Yes, but you can almost do that now by simply filtering the workers by Star Quality, for example, and then just hit the quick negotiate button with the filtered list of workers. By sending an offer to ALL workers with above B sex appeal, there's a risk of getting a lot of contract negotiations with workers you really don't want and have to do a lot clicking. Again.

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