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Sounds good, though I hope it's not to sensitive, like a few losses to someone lower than you and you bring the whole locker room morale down! Its the way the business goes, especially for a Small/Regional company, which I almost exclusively use. Anyway, I have faith that it won't be that bad.
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Morale Overhaul is pretty damn hooge. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting too much excitement when I read the title of it, but the whole thing sounds like it's going to add a lot to games, and works much more realistically.


I especially like how there's a morale popup where you can how everything has contributed to a worker's moods, and what sort of history you'll be dealing with.

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Sounds good, though I hope it's not to sensitive, like a few losses to someone lower than you and you bring the whole locker room morale down! Its the way the business goes, especially for a Small/Regional company, which I almost exclusively use. Anyway, I have faith that it won't be that bad.


Yeah I agree. No doubt there's temperamental dudes in the wrestling business who are a bit of a nightmare to work with, but overall wrestlers are pretty professional with this sort of thing, despite what the dirt sheets might say. It will be interesting to see how this works out. I like the idea of wrestlers having even more personality, and it will be fun to manage some difficult characters, but if guys are constantly having issues about everything it might get a little annoying. I think it's realistic to expect guys to do the job they're getting paid for without too many problems.

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I especially like how there's a morale popup where you can how everything has contributed to a worker's moods, and what sort of history you'll be dealing with.


This. As I was readign the entry, I though to myself "How handy would it be for each worker to have their own incident record?" and then I read that would be in. So yeah.

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This keeps getting better and better! It would be nice if certain incidents would downright cause a worker and friends of said worker to walk out on a company and no-show. Remember the Screwjob? Also, some incidents should so bad that they would cause a lifelong grudge against you. Like what the nWo did to Arn Anderson, Anderson is still said to be upset to Bischoff about it and there's no chance that Eric Bischoff would ever be able to sign Anderson if he were to start a wrestling company today.


I have a question.


How do you know that's not how the feature works? That relationships (good or bad, temporary or permanent) don't result from these kinds of actions? That incidents beyond the 'spreading rumors' and similar, don't happen as a result of ongoing environmental occurrences?


Not picking on you Teemu, it's just I've seen a lot of 'wouldn't it be cool if...' for several features and folks don't even know if that's exactly what the feature includes. This isn't a shallow revamp of a shallow system. The new system has more depth than people are really going to like (I think). There are a lot of folks (especially in the 'I only play real world mods' camp) who play just to play. They're going to be in for a rude awakening (and so will you once you find out just how bad Scott Hall can screw your entire promotion) because they're going to have to manage personalities or suffer the consequences.

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I have a question.


How do you know that's not how the feature works? That relationships (good or bad, temporary or permanent) don't result from these kinds of actions? That incidents beyond the 'spreading rumors' and similar, don't happen as a result of ongoing environmental occurrences?


Not picking on you Teemu, it's just I've seen a lot of 'wouldn't it be cool if...' for several features and folks don't even know if that's exactly what the feature includes. This isn't a shallow revamp of a shallow system. The new system has more depth than people are really going to like (I think). There are a lot of folks (especially in the 'I only play real world mods' camp) who play just to play. They're going to be in for a rude awakening (and so will you once you find out just how bad Scott Hall can screw your entire promotion) because they're going to have to manage personalities or suffer the consequences.

You're right.

But man, oh man, I love the fact that the morale issues are now so in-depth and pushing Scott Hall can really screw up my entire company, I'm so excited. :D

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This keeps getting better and better! It would be nice if certain incidents would downright cause a worker and friends of said worker to walk out on a company and no-show. Remember the Screwjob? Also, some incidents should so bad that they would cause a lifelong grudge against you. Like what the nWo did to Arn Anderson, Anderson is still said to be upset to Bischoff about it and there's no chance that Eric Bischoff would ever be able to sign Anderson if he were to start a wrestling company today.


I would like to see people become bitter beyond the company they are scorned by even if they are signed by another company... ala Bret Hart, and have it continue to reduce their perfomance into the new company. Certain events as you say are so bad they should effect not only one company but the workers view on the whole industry, things like deaths of friends should also have a huge impact on the moral of workers.


I would also like to see owners object to people been hired who are locker room posions in owner goals, but i expect we will see that anyways.


Also.. having consequence's of moral beyond your own promotion opens up all kinds of new tactics... lets say Big Smack Scott for example, you push him to the moon then you take it all away from him, fire a friend or 2, job him to the Gargantuan six or seven times... then you let him go, but why? his populairty is now high enough that TCW want him, but he's a bloody posion... they hire him anyways since the predatory hiring tells them to do so, and bam! and otherwise peaceful company has been sent a tyrant to destroy them from the inside out, its like Vince sending the cancer of the NWO or worse yet... Russo :p


This + Dirty tactics = flawless victory :p

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Will there be like a file or a website or whatever when the game comes out, chronicling the changes in the past year? Because I look at the C-Verse files, and they haven't been updated since '07sh. I like to read the PWH Magazine on the seperate website, but I've read them all now, and they're out of date anyway.


If anyone has any ideas regarding this, please let me know!

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Will there be like a file or a website or whatever when the game comes out, chronicling the changes in the past year? Because I look at the C-Verse files, and they haven't been updated since '07sh. I like to read the PWH Magazine on the seperate website, but I've read them all now, and they're out of date anyway.


If anyone has any ideas regarding this, please let me know!


When the demo is realeased, just read promotion profiles to get the jist.

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#2: User Preferences


Different people choose to play in different ways, and so the new User Preferences has been introduced to maximise your ability to customise the gameplay experience.


Each player in the game has access to their own User Preferences screen, from which they can enable or disable any of the fourteen choices. Below are eleven of the fourteen (the remaining three refer to features yet to be announced, and so will be discussed at a later date):


- Show all stats as grades rather than number (see note 1 below)

- Owner goals are turned on

- Penalties for small rosters are turned on

- Penalties for repetitive booking are turned on

- "Perfect Show Theory" is turned on

- Characters can become stale over time

- Worker morale effects are turned on

- Momentum effects are turned on

- Time limits on negotiations are turned on

- Advance bookings cannot be deleted

- Industry and economy effects are turned on


Any of these features can be turned on or off at any point during the game. These features only apply to situations directly related to the player in question; for example, if you turn off the industry and economy effects it means that you will not see workers looking for more money during "boom periods" when they are negotiating with you - however, it will still apply to AI promotions. This is because in multiplayer games, users can have contradictory preferences (i.e. one player can have the effects turned on while another has them turned off).

Those of you that are scared that added difficulty with these new morale settings will cause a backlash in the fanbase: this is where the beauty of the User Preferences comes into play. It is sheer brilliance, honestly.

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I have a question. I've heard about owners goals being like 'keep this guy at certain momentum and such' but what about 'hire this person'. I mean that would be awesome in turns of the morale things and the booking skill stat.


E.g. Lets say the hogan take over was actual an epic fail becuase hogan has a low booking/buisness skill and says 'hire Brutus Beefcake and Brian Knobbs' then it turn out they are poisons. You have to keep them to make the boss happy and THEN he says 'there momentum must not drop under B+' now you have to keep and utlize them in a way where they get over. The locker room would be in shambles and you'd have to work around.


So is the bosses asking to hire specific people already in the game? Cause if so...this could be the beginning of a beautiful C-verse mod!

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I have a question. I've heard about owners goals being like 'keep this guy at certain momentum and such' but what about 'hire this person'. I mean that would be awesome in turns of the morale things and the booking skill stat.


E.g. Lets say the hogan take over was actual an epic fail becuase hogan has a low booking/buisness skill and says 'hire Brutus Beefcake and Brian Knobbs' then it turn out they are poisons. You have to keep them to make the boss happy and THEN he says 'there momentum must not drop under B+' now you have to keep and utlize them in a way where they get over. The locker room would be in shambles and you'd have to work around.


So is the bosses asking to hire specific people already in the game? Cause if so...this could be the beginning of a beautiful C-verse mod!


Your example is lame though. Beefcake and the Nasty boys were employed at WCW, but they never went above the midcard(Except for Beefcakes initial heel turn) and were never anything higher than a D- momentum, nor did they ever get over or get booked in such a manner. Hogan only attempts to get his friends jobs, not attempt to get them over and featured. Also you've never seen Hogan book anything but his own angles, so you can't say he's bad.


However I like the idea of an owner suggesting people to hire.

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I have a question. I've heard about owners goals being like 'keep this guy at certain momentum and such' but what about 'hire this person'. I mean that would be awesome in turns of the morale things and the booking skill stat.


This could be cool considering owner goals are all for the long-term. A short-term goal that you have to complete within a few weeks would be very cool. As opposed to the 12 or 24 months that most goals (depending on priority) are.

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Your example is lame though. Beefcake and the Nasty boys were employed at WCW, but they never went above the midcard(Except for Beefcakes initial heel turn) and were never anything higher than a D- momentum, nor did they ever get over or get booked in such a manner. Hogan only attempts to get his friends jobs, not attempt to get them over and featured. Also you've never seen Hogan book anything but his own angles, so you can't say he's bad.


However I like the idea of an owner suggesting people to hire.


That's why I used the hypothetical indicator 'let's say' meaning your saying my example is 'lame' because of the legtimacy of my claims due to history. I never once said this is going to happen or this has happened in the past. I said it was a possible, hypothetical idea to explain how a system could be furthered.


In conclusion, the only thing that is 'lame' is your understanding.


This could be cool considering owner goals are all for the long-term. A short-term goal that you have to complete within a few weeks would be very cool. As opposed to the 12 or 24 months that most goals (depending on priority) are.


Also that isn't what I was getting at but could really be a good idea!! Say you've been doing badly for the company. Owner Goal appears: Get a B graded show. (1 month, critical)


Dont get it fired! That would be welllllll stressful!

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I hope morale ties into dirty tactics.


F. Higa(How am I supposed to remember that name offhand?), I want you to go into the 5SSW supreme locker room and make Yuma Maruya's life a living hell. In exchange, he's some extra cash. If you get her to leave the fed then there's a bonus for you.

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Your example is lame though. Beefcake and the Nasty boys were employed at WCW, but they never went above the midcard(Except for Beefcakes initial heel turn) and were never anything higher than a D- momentum, nor did they ever get over or get booked in such a manner. Hogan only attempts to get his friends jobs, not attempt to get them over and featured. Also you've never seen Hogan book anything but his own angles, so you can't say he's bad.


However I like the idea of an owner suggesting people to hire.


Not true, exactly. Beefcake (as the Butcher) was booked to be the masked man that took out Hogan with a crowbar and faced him in the main event of Starrcade. That's a pretty prestigious, unwarranted booking.

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The new worker rewards sound nice. I personally can't wait to send someone on a five month long vacation, then get struck with bad luck and have some of my other top stars injured and having to tough it up until the guy on vacation comes back. Sweet. :p




I like this. I often have storylines where guys get 'taken out' for a couple of weeks, and it would be nice to send them on a nice vacation as opposed to watching them get irritated that I'm not using them.

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Am I the only one who looks at all these recent new features announced and gets this uncontrollable urge to really just run a company really, really horribly? Push the wrong guys, sink the locker room morale, burn money by giving it away to the locker room cancers.. the works. I just want to see how long it takes for me to completely run WCW to the ground. :p
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