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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Extended Match Reports: Match reports have been expanded slightly to reference the split between crowd heat and ring action. This helps the player spot where the strengths of a specific match lie.


I recall being shouted down and told I didn't understand the game when I mentioned that would make the game much easier to understand.


Very happy to see it in, and with the Dirt Sheet, it should make the game much more accessable.


Known Habits: All of a worker's habits are now set as either being Known or not. Habits become known if they get referenced in an Internet story (or if the worker fails a drug test). Only known habits are shown in a worker's profile and can be blocked via owner goals; this is more realistic, and also allows "secret" drug users to end up on your roster and cause you trouble in the future.


I hope that isn't an obstacle if the wrestler has been rehabilitated (assuming that at least some will proactively do so).


I know Dixie Carter placed a strong emphasis on ensuring people with known habits were under control, and did suspend/fire people who it later turned out were not.

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Dismayed that Umbrella Orgs didn't make the cut again this year, but the sheer amount of features that was in this last journal entry (and entire journal) has been enough to make up for it.


too many things to mention, but of the ones that caught my eye especially:


  • New Game Tour (Really improves the user-friendliness for new users, which I'm a big advocate of)
  • Mass Relation
  • Under 16 workers (this is soooo handy for the 9000-verse)
  • Conservative-Liberal (really fiending for information on what sort of effects this will have)
  • Mandatory Owner(s)
  • Venue Sizes (if only because I can never remember what sizes correlate to what numbers)
  • Most Falls Applying to more sides than one (I'd love if "falls" could also cover more than just pinfalls, but I suspect not)
  • Show Analysis (For showing current wage expense)
  • Import Filter (Huge thing for me)
  • Quick Angle Edit and Test Angle Commentary
  • Clearer Folders
  • Mask Control (Like Kobe I think it'd be awesome if masks could also alter other stats, but I'll survive if it doesn't)
  • Easier roster control and GUI improvements


And of the Suggestions I never thought we'd see make it into the game:


  • Event Specials
  • Achievements (Achievements and trophies have become such a big deal in the past year I was already plotting my suggestion for the next game if these were overlooked :p)
  • Under 16
  • Shoot Interviews (wonder if it'll generate any details or be intentionally ambiguous?)
  • Known Habits
  • Starting Storylines (this one I'm a huge fan of, even though my ability to create storylines sucks)


I guess the only thing I'm really bummed out about of all the features announced, is that it appears as though females workers will potentially be having even shorter careers, as their sex appeal drops. (I could be misinterpreting it, and maybe it's actually extending their career.. and I really hope I am) If anything, I was hoping for an option to make female careers longer at the expense of realism in a fictional mod.

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With this tough economy I was still not 100% committed about buying a new version (maybe 99%;)), since TEW08 was so good anyway, but after the last journal entry I wish I could pre-order now.


Looking over all of the Journal Entries, I am most happy about the little things that make the game interact quicker (less windows to click through, drag and drop, spreadsheet layouts, better filtering, roster control, etc).


I'm looking forward to Dirt Sheet, Tag Team, Multi Tag Improvements, and pretty much everything. :)


Although there are new stats and variables for modders to add and test out to balance their gameworlds, it SEEMS as if modding will be a bit easier thanks to Mass Edit and and multi-delete. Or..maybe not, I don't know yet.


As someone who never fully mastered the game (like going from Tiny to Global), I definitely am a little anxious (yet curious) about how challenging it will be now, especially with handling superstars, contracts, morale, backstage, gimmicks, user talents, etc.


All of the new features seem to combine to make a better game than TEW08, so I gotta buy it.

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Amazing list. I am pretty much a huge fan of all of them.


I am really happy that I can now find a way for Tommy Cornell to lose a match and Im hoping the "No contest" finish is another way to have a match end w/o having either wrestler lose much momentum and something that a Cornell(like) will agree to.

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I'm hoping massively reduced loading times, greatly improved UI, and massive increase in database size are a given. Those are like the three auto changes in every new sim version. The UI changes have been mentioned a little bit(drag and drop booking, improved information screens). And the database size problems that specialized feds(like an MMA fed or Daredevil Fed) have are alievated by dojos. But no entry about loading times?
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Son of a bitch...


Ya know... when I first read that TEW 2010 was announced I thought, "Okay thats cool, Ill keep playing TEW08 and if I ever actually one day feel like it MAYBE I might get TEW10 at some point in the future,... PERHAPS..."


But now after seeing most of the insanely awesome new features in TEW2010 I know thats gonna be COMPLETELY impossible, As there's no way I can allow this game to exist and not buy it. So there ya go,... Now I gotta get the moolah for this thing... looks like I'm going hungry a few days... and then sleepless for a few months...

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Mass Relation: As a time saver, the editor now includes a Mass Relation button; this allows you to input all the members of a family and have the game create all the necessary relationship links.


Yay! The Dynamo Legacy will live on...and be a whole lot easier to establish.


Area Alter Egos: Alter egos can now be set to apply to all promotions within a specific game area. For example, you could have an alter ego that is set to apply to "All Mexican". This saves having to duplicate an alter ego multiple times for every possible promotion.


Now I don't have to do 10+ copies of the same alter ego for different promotions :D Mexico and Japan were real pains in that respect since I had wrestlers who had region-specific alter egos.


All the new features sound great and extremely useful, but the ones above are definitely my top favorites.

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I dunno where to start on today's update: SO MANY features, so very little time.


Well, in no particular order:


Hall Of Records \ Top 10s: Via the promotion profile, you can now view a selection of Top 10s for that company, including lists like Top Matches, Top Attendance Levels, etc, etc.


Love the heck out of this one, can't wait to see this one in action.


Starting Storylines: Via the editor, storylines can be set up that are in place when the game begins. This is useful for mod makers who are creating a database for a specific moment in time.


Like this one too. Curious as to whether that applies to non-player controlled promotions as well. I'd assume not, since I'm pretty sure you can't see the other promotion's storylines, but you never know. And I wouldn't be able to resist a chance to have that much control over my gameworld.


Slow Build: There is a new road agent note called Slow Build that specifies that the workers should pace themselves and gradually work towards a big finish.


Now that's just my game.


Most Falls: The Most Falls match finish can now apply to matches with more than two sides, helping to simulate Scramble matches.




Post-Show Segments: Matches and Angles can now be set as Post Show, which is the same as the existing Pre Show except, obviously, it means they happen after the main event has been done. This is purely for realism.


Missed this one the first time I read the update... as well as the second, third, and fourth. But I finally found it when I was doing the copy-paste for this delightful little post. Yes, I love this one very much as well.


Event Specials: You can now specify things like the creation of special sets or the hiring or musical acts for certain events, in order to give them a special feel.


Really like this one a lot.


Stable Description: Each stable can now have a small text description linked to it to say what it is about; this is the same as how each worker has a profile.


This one's cool too. I'm all for anything that let's my fingers do the talking. Helps to flesh out a gameworld, I think.


Previous EOY: Via the editor, you can now set the winners of previous End Of Year awards from before new games start.


This one's a special one for me. I've wanted this for a while.


Champion Icon: When viewing a roster, anybody who holds a belt in that promotion will be identified via a "title belt" icon that appears next to their name.


Small one, but I like it. Nice touch.


Under 16: Workers can now be added to the game world down to as low as 5 years old. There are checks and blocks in place to stop odd things happening (like them getting married) and so that there stats don't become incredible due to the "extra time" they get in the game world.


Interesting feature. I'm not sure exactly what I could do with a 5 year old in the data, but I imagine this one would allow for some realistic backyard promotions though.


Floating Titles: A fourth level of title has been added, "Floating". This means that the title is not stuck in a specific role, but moves depending on the title's current prestige. This allows a belt to evolve along with whoever holds it, and to play different roles depending on what is needed.


Missed this one too, somehow. Should make my nearly unbeatable tag team champions very happy.


Masks: New to the series, TEW2010 gives the option for workers to be masked. People can be masked or unmasked during the game (including after matches using a new Unmask road agent note), masks can be owned by workers or promotions, workers can have multiple masks in use (to simulate different characters in different promotions), and the prestige of a mask can increase over time.


Hair: Workers have a hair statistic, which keeps track of the length. This is set via the editor, and obviously allows for bald wrestlers. This stat is used in conjunction with a new Shave Head road agent note that allows wrestlers to lose their hair. Once shaved, hair can grow back slowly over time. Wrestlers will also eventually start going naturally bald as they age.


These two seem to go together for me. Love both of them, don't relish the thought of some of my main stars going bald. Hair vs. Mask matches should be a great addition to the gameworld.


Great features, all around, I'd say. Kinda sad to see the journal come to an end, but I guess the game itself will take the sting out of that particular disappointment.



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Love all the new features.


The Workers under 16 bit should be fun. Can do some DDT style shenanigans with a 6 year old girl using a deadman gimmick, heh.


Workers shooting is both terrifying and intriguing. I see that being VERY interesting in-game. Better be careful who you give a live mic to.

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Love all the new features, diffently buying this game the first or second day it's out.


My question is, sorry if i missed it, But for the ALTER-EGOS is there a way to add different photo's to them, instead of always going to character details and changing it.


For example take


MICK FOLEY then there is Cactus Jack, Dude Love, Mankind.


Is there a way to have the pics with the certain Alter-Ego like say i sign Mick Foley but i want him to play as Mankind, would i have to change his name and pic, or could i just pick the Alter-Ego that I Want..


Yes, this is in TEW08 already. Each Alter Ego has its own pic and bio, as well as default move set and gimmick. Also included is a stat for "probability of use by AI". Alter Egos can be set to a specific promotion, or "none", like tag teams, which allow the AE to be used by any promotion.

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Quick question...


... workers can have multiple masks in use (to simulate different characters in different promotions)


Can they have different characters in the SAME promotion? Guessing not, but would be awesome if they could.

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Love all the new features.


The Workers under 16 bit should be fun. Can do some DDT style shenanigans with a 6 year old girl using a deadman gimmick, heh.


Workers shooting is both terrifying and intriguing. I see that being VERY interesting in-game. Better be careful who you give a live mic to.


Can the workers under 16 be active wrestlers?

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Quick question...




Can they have different characters in the SAME promotion? Guessing not, but would be awesome if they could.


I dont see why not...i am thinking about Christopher Daniels being himself and suicide for a while, and also previously being Curryman.


But confirmation from Adam or someone on the Dev team would be good.

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I dont see why not...i am thinking about Christopher Daniels being himself and suicide for a while, and also previously being Curryman.


But confirmation from Adam or someone on the Dev team would be good.


You can't have multiple characters in the same promotion at the same time... if you want someone to play different characters then you have to change them yourself. :)

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Can the workers under 16 be active wrestlers?


That's something I've been wondering about myself. Only thing I could think of would be for backyard promotions and whatnot, or perhaps that championship I've heard about - the belt that's been won by everything from schoolchildren to a dog, as I recall. Beyond that, I'm not sure what the Under 16 crowd has to offer that wasn't covered by the New Workers feature previously. I'm sure there's something though.



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Have to say that I have been suprised with the amount of updates, I think that even though I have purchased every game made by Adam, this is the first time that a follow up has felt as if it has REALLY deserved to be so (I hope!), as others have felt like patches (as its all the same engine.) So have to say I am really looking forward to this, MASSIVE thumbs up to Adam for really listening to all feedback etc! There is too much to comment on to nail down what I feel is the best "update" ;) Have to say my ONLY dissapointment is no monthly rankings (like in Pro Wrestling Illustrated), but hey Adam cant put everything in always otherwise they cant release any more TEW's! REALLY looking forward to this one, more than any others before!
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That's something I've been wondering about myself. Only thing I could think of would be for backyard promotions and whatnot, or perhaps that championship I've heard about - the belt that's been won by everything from schoolchildren to a dog, as I recall. Beyond that, I'm not sure what the Under 16 crowd has to offer that wasn't covered by the New Workers feature previously. I'm sure there's something though.




There are a significant number of workers who have debuted on the indy scene before turning 16. Rey Mysterio, Chris Candido and Jimmy Jacobs amongst them. I am assuming this is for them, though I am not sure why the age is being set so young but I doubt it has anything to do with the DDT heavymetalweight belt. The schoolchildren weren't regulars or anything so I don't see anyone putting them in a mod.

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There are a significant number of workers who have debuted on the indy scene before turning 16. Rey Mysterio, Chris Candido and Jimmy Jacobs amongst them. I am assuming this is for them, though I am not sure why the age is being set so young


I guess if you're going to develop a feature that gets around the stuff which should only happen to people over 16, you may as well set the minimum age low, if only to avoid the inevitable "can you lower the age from xx to xx? because this guy in this promotion actually debuted back in this year and right now I can't replicate it".


While I can't think of any need for five year olds in my fictional database, I do have a number of workers that should be around ten or so.. atm I've just been faking it, but it never quite sits right.


Actually I just had a brain jolt and remembered that Japan did or does have a "promotion" which is all pre-teen girls "wrestling". I think it was called Ice Ribbon or something. I also recall a small-time cult japanese promotion which had a really young girl as a creepy goth manager

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That's something I've been wondering about myself. Only thing I could think of would be for backyard promotions and whatnot, or perhaps that championship I've heard about - the belt that's been won by everything from schoolchildren to a dog, as I recall. Beyond that, I'm not sure what the Under 16 crowd has to offer that wasn't covered by the New Workers feature previously. I'm sure there's something though.



My understanding is that you will see them in the game world instead of just magically appearing one day.


For instance.. You have Sean McFly & Victoria Stones child Lucy Stone-Mcfly currently aged 8(ish) who people have high hopes for just because of the pedigree. In the old game she magically appears one day and you can use her.


The new system would mean that you could keep an eye on the girl and know when she might finally debut.


And if you can use them when they are young, they could be used in feuds (divorce angle??)

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