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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Roadblock Review:


Great - Ambrose vs HHH

Good - Enzo & Cass vs The Revival, Charlotte vs Natalya (except Nattie stupidly letting go of the submission to hit Ric)

Solid - New Day vs League of Nations

OK - Lesnar vs Harper (why was Bray even there?), Jericho vs Swagger, Zayn vs Stardust (Zayn looked too weak against a jobber)


Verdict: Decent for a glorified house show.

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Shane voluntarily left, and gets six figures for one night's work. The poor guy.


One night's work and the raws leading up to it. But still, if he does a good job at WM, I don't really see why his salary should be all that important. It's not like he's the first part-timer to come and collect the big bucks for a one night match and/or a short time deal.

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Roadblock Review:


Great - Ambrose vs HHH

Good - Enzo & Cass vs The Revival, Charlotte vs Natalya (except Nattie stupidly letting go of the submission to hit Ric)

Solid - New Day vs League of Nations

OK - Lesnar vs Harper (why was Bray even there?), Jericho vs Swagger, Zayn vs Stardust (Zayn looked too weak against a jobber)


Verdict: Decent for a glorified house show.


Good lord, I would normally want to hit you for calling Cody a jobber...


...But I can't, because his situation is so bad, I'm agreeing with the declaration...:(

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Good lord, I would normally want to hit you for calling Cody a jobber...


...But I can't, because his situation is so bad, I'm agreeing with the declaration...:(


Should have been Breeze instead and Zayn shouldn't have been dominated for 90% of the match.


I don't think WWE know what they have in Cody. The gimmick itself is good because of Cody's commitment but he's never had any direction beyond extended Stephen Amell and Neville feuds. Adding the Ascension did nothing because they are goofy jobbers.


My idea would be to do a split personality storyline where Cody returns on Raw but shows up as Stardust on Smackdown (and vice versa) in different feuds and thinks he's completely sane. This culminates in a showdown between Cody and Stardust where he's forced to realise he needs helps (Goldust can play a part) and he returns as Cody full time. Obviously, I've put way more thought into it than WWE ever would and I'm not sure the fans would care at this point but it's better than running Stardust into the ground. Cody could be a solid midcarder if they just let him be himself.

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Yea seeing Stardust dominating that match was odd given that Zayn has had triple the TV time (I'm counting NXT because it has a way bigger audience than Superstars and Main Event). I agree with Breeze would have been a good opponent for Zayn because the man has had some TV time but it's more of a jobber to the jobber to the stars role (That was not a typo).
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how can anyone say Roadblock was a glorified house show? Like its underppv, but it was better than a tv card jus super predicatable. House shows do not have Dean Ambrose, Brock Lesnar, Triple H


House Shows do in fact have Dean Ambrose, also the night before Road Block, Brock competed on a house show against Bray and Luke. Also, that's why it's "glorified" It's a house show, but better.

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how can anyone say Roadblock was a glorified house show? Like its underppv, but it was better than a tv card jus super predicatable. House shows do not have Dean Ambrose, Brock Lesnar, Triple H


It was a house show they decided to air on the Network to help build hype toward Wrestlemania. The Beast in the East was the same way.

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Wasn't it just a house show they decided to stick on the Network as a bonus event before Mania? That's why it didn't change anything.


I preferred the feel of it, the stripped back set rather than that overly produced and flashy set they use for Raw/Smackdown/most PPVs, and also the lighting was great. I know they usually want to highlight the crowd to include their reaction etc. but something about having just the ring lit up looked great.


While I did not see the show, from what you are describing it sounds like how shows used to look in the 70's and 80's. I like the whole darken arena, spotlight on the ring look that they used to have back then.

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"Glorified house show" is a bit dismissive to be honest. If you're making a dumb joke or whatever, nbd, but the people actually discussing this show as a "glorified house show" (and I swear I've seen those exact three words about 100 times over the weekend) are wrong if we're breaking it down. That show was hands down better than any Raw in the last year save the one where Roman won the belt.


I mean a house show is not televised and nothing that happens actually "matters" for story. The very fact that the show WAS televised and the event DID impact current story lines (at least to a point) it's not really a house show at all. It might have originally been scheduled as a house show but it isn't one now. If the show had no impact whatsoever on current storylines and also didn't get promoted heavily all over TV, then it's a glorified house show. Since it was hyped properly all over TV -and had a better main event build than half the PPVs this year- It's actually closer to a major show. It was clearly booked a bit stronger than your average Raw, which is your flagship show.


That said, us arguing about this minutiae really accomplishes nothing. People can call a show whatever they want if they are joking or not. Who gives a crap? "Glorified house shows" or not, I'm all for more of these things popping up over the course of the year.


I thought it was a good show. I thought the Ambrose match was awesome and did good things for his character. Obviously, HHH had to go over but I think they did a pretty good job of featuring Dean through a loss. I think that match helped his character not hurt it.


Now Bray Wyatt?? His character continues to suffer week after week and I don't get why.

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About Wyatt...


"Dave Meltzer of WrestlingObserver.com reported on Sunday night that it turns out Bray is working with a back injury right now. Meltzer says Bray's back is in really bad shape, so WWE made the decision to stop him from taking bumps for the time being. This adds to the list of injuries Bray has sustained since his NXT days, including a pectoral injury that required surgery and several nagging injuries."


Maybe they're worried that they'll give him a main event run, only to go down injured?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="petecrimson00" data-cite="petecrimson00" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>midcard then > midcard now</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This was Batista as World Champ and Booker at his WWE height of popularity.</p>
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So I guess Neville snapped his Ankle/ Shin last night, makes Jericho's show down with Robertson make a little more sense, Robertson missed the pin audible, so Jericho did something off the wall to get a DQ/ some sort of stoppage for Neville.


Deadspin got some good audio on it, basically Jericho was pissed that Robertson didn't hear Neville and Jericho tell him he was hurt and go for the quick finish, and Robertson didn't count the roll up (I thought it looked weird live, like it was a 3 count.)


Makes sense for why Jericho would demand the mic for what I thought was a odd promo, and AJ seemed kinda like "ok, I'm winging this" on the way down to the ring. Bet Jericho was supposed to beat on Neville post match to have AJ come make a save, not cut a promo.



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About Wyatt...


"Dave Meltzer of WrestlingObserver.com reported on Sunday night that it turns out Bray is working with a back injury right now. Meltzer says Bray's back is in really bad shape, so WWE made the decision to stop him from taking bumps for the time being. This adds to the list of injuries Bray has sustained since his NXT days, including a pectoral injury that required surgery and several nagging injuries."


Maybe they're worried that they'll give him a main event run, only to go down injured?


If wwe gave guys less of a nuts schedule they wouldnt be hurt so much. They need to give guys another day off each week. Have specific guys have off a specific day of the week while still running the same amount of shows.

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WWE is reaping what they sow. You run guys into the ground like Chinese factory workers, don't be shocked when they start falling apart one by one.


Now is the time for them to consider different ways to utilize talent so that everyone gets a break. They can adopt TNA's method of giving half the roster off certain months, then rotate. Not rocket science if TNA has figured it out...

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WWE is reaping what they sow. You run guys into the ground like Chinese factory workers, don't be shocked when they start falling apart one by one.


Now is the time for them to consider different ways to utilize talent so that everyone gets a break. They can adopt TNA's method of giving half the roster off certain months, then rotate. Not rocket science if TNA has figured it out...


TNA has taped shows, it's much easier for them to give guys time off. It's one of the main reasons veterans were picking TNA, and one of the reasons the rumor mills say guys like Joe, Balor, and Austin Ares are going to NXT, and at least in Joe and Balor's case, rumor has it they have asked specifically NOT to be called up, and just to train the guys going through NXT.


That said, I'd love to see them actually give two poops about the roster and rotate guys in and out. They'll never do it though, Vince wants those sweet, sweet, house shows and so guys will stay on the road 250+ days a year killing themselves.

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