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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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If we're going on promo strength, you'd have to be crazy to think that Balor is better than Reigns. He's about as wooden as it's possible to be with a mic in front of him.


Balor is godly boring to me. No actual character from him. Great wrestler just nothing else. He will fail on the main roster ID think. Small guy with poor mic and no character won't succeed.

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Balor is godly boring to me. No actual character from him. Great wrestler just nothing else. He will fail on the main roster ID think. Small guy with poor mic and no character won't succeed.


I suspect he knows this too, there's rumors out there he's asked not to be called up, just work and help train in NXT.

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Balor is godly boring to me. No actual character from him. Great wrestler just nothing else. He will fail on the main roster ID think. Small guy with poor mic and no character won't succeed.


He might get by on his entrance, which is awesome, but other than that I agree. Great wrestler, but I don't see him ever being a big success on the main roster.

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He might get by on his entrance, which is awesome, but other than that I agree. Great wrestler, but I don't see him ever being a big success on the main roster.


Just like with Roman his charisma isn't on the mic. Balor's charisma is being a character (Demon, Rock and Rolla) while Roman's is being a silent living hot tag of destruction. Neither of them are able to be Cena, The Rock or CM Punk on the mic. Daniel Bryan was able to get by (as a face) due to being an honest and extremely hard to hate person.

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I suspect he knows this too, there's rumors out there he's asked not to be called up, just work and help train in NXT.




Yea that's a well known thing that he doesn't want to be called up. Smart guy. He's not here for the money he wants to legit wrestle. NXT offers him the most success of our what he can do in WWE

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iruleall15" data-cite="iruleall15" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yea that's a well known thing that he doesn't want to be called up. Smart guy. He's not here for the money he wants to legit wrestle. NXT offers him the most success of our what he can do in WWE</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sounds more humble than smart to me, he wants to help train the future of WWE and mold them for their eventual promotion. Works for me, he's got the ability to pull it off.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I suspect he knows this too, there's rumors out there he's asked not to be called up, just work and help train in NXT.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's not actually true</p><p> </p><p> Just political speak to make NXT seem like the place to be as he is the face right now and they're in the process of making it a regular touring entity.</p><p> </p><p> If he was there just to wrestle he would have stayed in Japan where he has infinite creative freedom.</p>
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I mean maybe, I can only go by what he says about the move from Japan, which is that he felt it he had done all he could do there and wanted to try out a new country and organization.


He could be lying about that to be diplomatic i suppose, but he seems like a guy who is very happy being NXT champ and helping younger guys learn.

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<p>Somewhat looking forward to sitting down for Raw tonight, don't watch them live much anymore but with Mania Sunday going to give this one a shot. </p><p> </p><p>

Will WWE be able to put together a decent go home Raw, or will I be playing Xcom2 while half paying attention? your move WWE lol.</p>

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The one guy on everyone's mind lately is Roman Reigns. I hear a lot of negative and I will admit that I am not a huge fan of the guy either but he's really not as bad as many hardcore fans say he is. And it's only the opinion of a minority even though they tend to drown out the Roman supporters with boos at the TV shows lately.


I feel like some of this stems back to Royal Rumble 2015 where a lot of fans were in favor of Daniel Bryan to win. Also, I would've loved to see that too. I took a step back once fans started tweeting to cancel the network after that show. Seriously? Just because our favorite guy didn't win a match?


That's why I feel that this mindset has been corrupting certain fans' perspective of WWE as a whole and feel that only a certain number guys should be pushed and others shouldn't when that isn't realistic. WWE is going to push whoever they want regardless of what we think. It's time to face this fact.


Now, do I like it either? No, but that's when I don't get all butt-hurt and I choose to change the channel or watch a different promotion (like ROH, which is my favorite promotion right now) or maybe just go outside... find another hobby. I just think this skewed closed-minded mentality is really corrupting the hardcore fanbase... and again, it's been like that for some time but it's REALLY coming on strong with Reigns.


He's just one guy and he's not that bad! Seriously. If you're reading this right now and you're one of the fans who despises Roman Reigns... don't give me the "he has no charisma" or "he's cousin's with the Rock" defense. Here are some points to consider:


1)It's clear he's the guy the WWE brass is going with as the next big thing.


B)It's clear Vince wants this guy to succeed.


3)He has a great look and even more, he's NOT corrupted to by the independent scene-style of wrestling. This is obvious why he is super pushed because he's straight from the developmental system and even the coaches say in the behind-the-scenes interviews that he's very "coachable."


I'm just trying to be an objective viewer of what's going on lately and I hope this helps for all the guys who aren't fans of Roman. It's fine, boo him I guess... I'm not saying not to boo him but just clearly stating that maybe if you hate him so much then maybe sit on your hands and don't give him a reaction? I think if you want to make a statement that might do something... that might help with the "he's got no charisma" defense...

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It seems that every time I come on here I say the same thing but...


I caught RAW last night and man did it suck. That was a horrible final RAW before Mania.


With TNA being nearly unwatchable now, I really wanted to get into RAW but yeah that is not going to happen. It seems like their whole midcard is just one bland mess. The only ones who are entertaining to me are the New Day.


It is also a little weird seeing Bubba Ray going back to being nothing after having watched him be a great top heel in TNA.


I have not watched Mania in years and I usually regret not seeing it. But that is not happening this year, I look at the card and there is simply nothing that appeals to me (Well maybe the two Diva matches but those appeals to me on a shallow level).

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It seems that every time I come on here I say the same thing but...


I caught RAW last night and man did it suck. That was a horrible final RAW before Mania.


With TNA being nearly unwatchable now, I really wanted to get into RAW but yeah that is not going to happen. It seems like their whole midcard is just one bland mess. The only ones who are entertaining to me are the New Day.


It is also a little weird seeing Bubba Ray going back to being nothing after having watched him be a great top heel in TNA.


I have not watched Mania in years and I usually regret not seeing it. But that is not happening this year, I look at the card and there is simply nothing that appeals to me (Well maybe the two Diva matches but those appeals to me on a shallow level).


Disagree. The problem, as always, was the third hour.


This was the first Raw I watched start to finish in oh....a few months at least. Normally I just read writeups, and check out what seems important on youtube a few days later so I can skip the filler.


This Raw started off hot. The Shane Taker interaction was as good as it could be. I thought the promo was very good, but I wouldn't have given away that shane corner spot. They did what they could with this match hype.


Jericho - Styles was also fine, thought AJ gave a pretty good promo, as did Jericho.


New Day and the Diva's got there fueds across, and ended strong. I even didn't mind Roman's beat down back stage.


The problem, as always started at around 10:15. The ambrose Lesnar promo was also good, I loved how Dean just ignored Brock. it was diffrent, and made the match feel different from other matches on the mania card.


But then we get a random 6 man tag that just went on for forever, dispite a few ok moments, and then the THIRD promo from Hunter for the night with Reigns running in, yet again.


Crowd was completely dead by that point.


If they had shifted the IC title hype earlier in the night, and ended right after the ambrose - lesnar promo, would have been a very good go home show.


Instead, they have to fill that third hour, so we get a crowd killing 6 way tag where the crowd only cares about two guys for the title (Owens and Zayn) and Trips and Reigns for the third freaking time to complete indifference.


TL:DR first two hours = tight, good go home show for mania Third hour = what the heck are you guys doing?


B+ show without the third hour, third hour knocks it down to a C/C+ or so in TEW terms.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iruleall15" data-cite="iruleall15" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yea that's been bugging me. Its been free. How is that not false advertising</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> because it is in fact free to new subscribers?</p><p> </p><p> The fact that it's like that ALL the year long doesn't change the fact that a new sub in April is getting the show for free.</p><p> </p><p> False advertising requires the advertisement be false, not just hypocritical.</p>
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I don't know who is telling JBL to call this boring as drying paint League of Nations group the modern day Four Horsemen, but they need to be fired immediately.





Watched the Hulu version today and was a solid RAW up until that 6 man tag and The third Hunter Promo....I actually fell asleep to the promo because it's the same promo I've watched since 1999....I ama....the gamea....I'm the 14 time champ....this title is all I ever care about....I'm a suit....blah blah blah.


The only thing he didn't do was spit water on the first row of fans. I can't stress this enough that this feud should not have been for the belt. They are too bland together to be truly interesting and throwing the gold in this only diminishes the belt instead of helping the feud. I'm praying that they don't keep ignoring the boos and just embrace that forced turn that needs to happen. I'm convinced that Roman has to let the fans know that he is tired of the criticism and stops caring about them by...turning on someone *DeanAmbrose. Just like his cousin they are going to have to turn him and let him get over as a heel.

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- WWE is reportedly not happy with the crowd's reaction to Eva Marie at Monday's RAW in Brooklyn, NY. On Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer reported that Eva was meant to be a returning babyface and WWE management was not expecting her to get booed out of the building.





Ummmmmm WHAT! Have they not watched an episode of NXT? She gets "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chants until she is gone from the crowd

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Okay so the entire roster come down to join the brawl between Reigns and HHH yet they don't come down to Shane and Taker the feud that effects them directly. My biggest hatred of the rise of the Roman Empire is the use of the rest of the roster as meaningless props. The Uso's make sense sure, Ambrose sure, League of Nations sure but it should have been Roman vs HHH without the roster. Perhaps Roman spears Steph on accident making the feud even more personal and hinting at a turn from both guys. ATM with the injuries and silly booking decisions WWE's Heavyweight division is looking much much worse to TNA's, and after all these years that is surprising.
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