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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I flipped over after TNA went off, but I just don't understand why anyone would enjoy seeing Vince kick Bret in the nuts. Just like I don't understand Bret agreeing to let Vince kick him in the nuts.


I don't think anyone was supposed to enjoy. That was the point. People were supposed to hate it - thereby hating Vince and wanting to see Hart kick his ass. So they can drag this storyline out for a few months.... probably leading to a Vince-Bret Match (sadly).

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Very good show tonight! Bret was sharper than I expected.


I wish Kofi would have won though.


I dont get the building of these guys up and then just crash once they start facing Main Eventers.


Ive also been waiting on a huge name(Undertaker, HBK, HHH, Cena) turn for a very long time with no such luck. Im not sure how long they keep their main 4 attractions doing the same things over and over.


I know some of you may disagree but I think the DX/Hornswoggle skits are priceless. Well other than the little peoples court or whatever that was.

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Former Ring of Honor champion Bryan Danielson wrestled a dark match before tonight's WWE RAW went on the air. Danielson defeated Chavo Guerrero in what was said to be a great match. Danielson is expected to be called up to the main roster very soon.



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Just saw RAW and have to say it was a good show if they keep this up ill be following more religiously again and not just highlights and ppv's.


Agreed Danielson should be called up asap although I think Smackdown would be a better place for him then RAW.


BTW anyone else think Sheamus's music and whole entrance is very underwhelming and that Morgan's Big Boot is much better?


Edit Except the Maryse Bella match ew that was a trainwreck wouldn't they be better served to have them play strip poker? Oh wait lol.

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BTW anyone else think Sheamus's music and whole entrance is very underwhelming and that Morgan's Big Boot is much better?


I hate when within a few months of guys debuting WWE always strip away their entrances a bit. Masters' entrance was amazing when he debuted, now the build up and the pyros are gone, MVP and the inflatable thing, and so on. Sheamus...for no reason they deleted the few seconds at the start of his music that compensated for the actual song not being too dramatic an entrance, for no good reason.


On the note of music...loving Miz's.

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I hate when within a few months of guys debuting WWE always strip away their entrances a bit. Masters' entrance was amazing when he debuted, now the build up and the pyros are gone, MVP and the inflatable thing, and so on. Sheamus...for no reason they deleted the few seconds at the start of his music that compensated for the actual song not being too dramatic an entrance, for no good reason.


On the note of music...loving Miz's.


I think MVP's entrance being cut back on was more to do with turning babyface than anything else. The inflatable things and the elongated music must have been too colourful and awesome for a midcard RAW babyface.


I didn't notice Miz' new music. I think I was too busy marking out in anticipation of the greatest catchphrase in wrestling today... Okay, second best (woo woo woo) but The Miz is AWESOME!


So, have Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart really burried the hatchet or is this setting something up? Will Shawn turn on Bret? Will Bret turn on Shawn? Is everything as simple as it seems?


Tune in next week to find out! Only on the USA Network.


Characters welcome.


P.S. I like the DX/Hornswaggle stuff too. I'm not going to argue it's 'good wrestling' but I enjoy it.

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Really sucks how my cable provider no longer provides WWE programming. I guess I'll have to youtube it. :o


Can't wait to see Bret Hart do something wrestling-related again. Sure wish WWE wasn't PG-rated. His come back could be much better with a higher rating.

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So, have Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart really burried the hatchet or is this setting something up? Will Shawn turn on Bret? Will Bret turn on Shawn? Is everything as simple as it seems?


I think everything's as simple as it seems. If I had to guess, I would say either that was the end of their involvement and they're going to go their seperate ways (HBK chasing 'Taker, Hart fueding with Vince), or they'll team up in some way. How about Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels vs Triple H & Vince McMahon at WrestleMania?

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Thanks to Billy K. & PWInsider.com


After Raw went off the air, Bret Hart's music played as the entire Raw roster (minus DX) and The Hart Dynasty came to the ring to cheer for Bret.


Hart was put on their shoulders and paraded around the ring. The roster returned to the stage, leaving Hart in the ring. Hart took his time going around to ringside fans before waving goodbye and exiting up the ramp.


still fire between dx and hart

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I think everything's as simple as it seems. If I had to guess, I would say either that was the end of their involvement and they're going to go their seperate ways (HBK chasing 'Taker, Hart fueding with Vince), or they'll team up in some way. How about Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels vs Triple H & Vince McMahon at WrestleMania?


I'd much rather see DX vs. Hart Dynasty for the Unified Tag Team Titles in a 2 out of 3 falls match. They've built up the Tag Titles more than well enough for it to be a main attraction at Mania and would more importantly free up Taker to face John Cena.

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At WWE.com they have a small respectfull tribute to Bret at the end of Raw. I don't think this was live (On TV, live, but not on TV is what I mean), because you have Smith and Henry putting him on their shoulder's to wave at the crowd, and lots of good/bad guys mingling..


Kind of like the Flair send off. Only around a minute and a half long, but thought you guys would like to see it. Perhaps it happened right after it went off air?


If this was already said, Sorry. I went there to check out the small sections where he burried the hatchet with HBK, and Vince nailing him in the crotch (that was awesome, lol).

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I think everything's as simple as it seems. If I had to guess, I would say either that was the end of their involvement and they're going to go their seperate ways (HBK chasing 'Taker, Hart fueding with Vince), or they'll team up in some way. How about Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels vs Triple H & Vince McMahon at WrestleMania?


Someone mentioned this idea on a different forum.


Undertaker/Bret Hart vs HBK/Vince. At the end of the match HBK turns on McMahon and screws him. Keeping UT's steak in tact, having the fans get their revenge, and keeping McMahon the bad guy. Sounded like a brilliant idea to me as I was wondering what good could come out of UT/HBK 2.


I didnt want to get into the entire setup to the match(ruin it if it happened) but it all sounded like a well thought out scenario to me.

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