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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Eric Escobar's been "future endevour'd". Guess feuding with Vickie Guerrero isn't a sure way to the top...


Saw him wrestle Mike Knox at a house show earlier this month.


He didn't -suck-... but let's say, if Knox is getting the face reaction? Nobody cares about you. When The Hart Foundation ambushes you after the match and beats down on you, to cheers? Nobody cares about you.

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Yeah. He just seemed to lack anything to make him stand out in WWE, and while you can argue that WWE likes their wrestlers to look big, strong and atheltic, they also want something on top of that. Escobar just did nothing, as far as I can tell.


He never showed too much in the ring that I saw, but I have to admit that I liked some of the promos I saw him do in FCW. Not great on the mic, but he seemed to have a bit of charisma. I figured the E could take something of a Batista approach with him - protect him a bit in the ring and get him over by association. He needed a mouthpiece manager who could generate some heat. Which is why I liked them pairing him with Vickie - she's a terrible mouthpiece but she does generate heat. The just never managed to transfer any of that to him (not that they tried, either) and it was over for him once they tried the face turn.


I don't really think Escobar had enough to do much for the WWE... But in a way, you could say that same thing of Batista, so....

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Eric Escobar's been "future endevour'd". Guess feuding with Vickie Guerrero isn't a sure way to the top...


Who did Vickie ever take to the top? Edge and Big Show were already well established in the Main Event. Chavo, Neely, Hawkins & Ryder never got anywhere near the top because of her. As for feuding, The Undertaker is about as high up as you can get, and Vickie didn't do anything for him.


Maybe I've missed some amazing feud where Vickie elevated someone from midcard to main event, but I've never seen her as having any associative value.

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Who did Vickie ever take to the top? Edge and Big Show were already well established in the Main Event. Chavo, Neely, Hawkins & Ryder never got anywhere near the top because of her. As for feuding, The Undertaker is about as high up as you can get, and Vickie didn't do anything for him.


Maybe I've missed some amazing feud where Vickie elevated someone from midcard to main event, but I've never seen her as having any associative value.


Sorry, I forgot the [sARCASM] indicators there. Thought they wouldn't be necessary.

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Hogan and Flair in one company and HBK/Undertaker are feuding in the WWE..man what year is this?


Surprised you didn't mention Bret Hart in that. :p


Raw seems good so far, nothing too atrocious to note. Taker/Shawn segment was well executed, part of me got a tad happy when Taker said no, haha.


And lol @ Lawler calling Randy Orton Randy Savage.

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LOL! Thats exactly why people are having a hard time buying it. If they want him to be the champ they should atleast treat him like the champ.


I said this weeks ago...he isn't being pushed as a main event world champion type, so people aren't buying into him.


Once he loses the belt, he's going to be a midcarder almost instantly.

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