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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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If its just using his likeness then why is he bothering to take a shot at TNA? I mean its not like Goldberg was ever in TNA so what good would it do them to sell Goldberg shirts. They can't make any DVD's and any goldberg shirts of figurines would just confuse the fans and likely make very little cash in return for his asking price.


I had heard its a likeness deal as well which makes sense since the WWE can sign him to a legends contract and get figurines, DVD's, shirts maybe another book who knows. If anything just use him to replace some of the talking heads they usually have for DVD's since Flair, Hogan and some others can't be used.


Anyway kinda pointless to take a jab at TNA for not signing you when you've stated your not interested in TNA and they would have zero to gain by paying you for your likeness.


Maybe he did actually want an in ring pay day from TNA and was turned down for cost reasons. I think Goldberg will make an in ring return possibly against Vince or Trips at Summerslam as well as being a GM for a night.

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NXT's rating's down again to a 0.9. Not sure if it actually beat Impact, or if that number's rounded up, but it's still a bummer. Hopefully this decline in ratings doesn't spell the end for my favourite wrestling show. The idea's great, but the execution over the past couple of weeks has faltered I feel. They've taken away the majority of the pro's too soon, and the vagueness of the competition make it hard for folks to get emotionally invested. Hopefully next week's voting will help sort it out a bit.


I definitely agree they took away the pros too soon. I don't want to see a match (singles or tag) that involves all rookies. Ever, let alone three weeks in. I mean, the ending to the tag team match this week was botched so bad I don't even know what was SUPPOSED to happen. You're also right about the vagueness...how do they expect people to get into a competition when they don't even know the rules? What are they even voting on next week? Who leaves? Who goes to Raw/Smackdown!? Who gets to sleep with Tiffani? Are they just going to rank them? How long is this competition going to last? Do you win it just by votes or will there be matches at some point? What does the winner get? What about the rest of the wrestlers? We should know all of these answers already. I love the concept, but the execution...leaves a lot to be desired.

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I definitely agree they took away the pros too soon. I don't want to see a match (singles or tag) that involves all rookies. Ever, let alone three weeks in. I mean, the ending to the tag team match this week was botched so bad I don't even know what was SUPPOSED to happen. You're also right about the vagueness...how do they expect people to get into a competition when they don't even know the rules? What are they even voting on next week? Who leaves? Who goes to Raw/Smackdown!? Who gets to sleep with Tiffani? Are they just going to rank them? How long is this competition going to last? Do you win it just by votes or will there be matches at some point? What does the winner get? What about the rest of the wrestlers? We should know all of these answers already. I love the concept, but the execution...leaves a lot to be desired.


The biggest reason for that show's lack of quality came from the fact it was a Super Show and that they needed the promo time for Wrestlemania hype. Hopefully next week's show will be much better.

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The biggest reason for that show's lack of quality came from the fact it was a Super Show and that they needed the promo time for Wrestlemania hype. Hopefully next week's show will be much better.


I'd say give it two weeks. It wouldn't surprise me if they turn next week's episode into an 'Aftermath of Wrestlemania' type deal.

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NXT's rating's down again to a 0.9. Not sure if it actually beat Impact, or if that number's rounded up, but it's still a bummer. Hopefully this decline in ratings doesn't spell the end for my favourite wrestling show. The idea's great, but the execution over the past couple of weeks has faltered I feel. They've taken away the majority of the pro's too soon, and the vagueness of the competition make it hard for folks to get emotionally invested. Hopefully next week's voting will help sort it out a bit.


I think a big problem for NXT this week was that it was a glorified video package for WM.


To be expected, it is the C show after all, but i found it hard to watch and i'm a fan of the concept.


Throw in that it's in an absolutely atrocious timeslot (lots of good drama TV shows on at 10 on a Tuesday...Justified being an absolute killer one for me) and it's tough to expect people to watch a tag opener and closer with 35 minutes of WM promo's in between.

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Love this conversation...


Just wanted to throw in that, from a cost standpoint, a company is paying two guys to get the same revenue that a really over singles wrestler can give them.


Take the Road Warriors for instance: legendary team, proven draw, headlined shows for JCP, AWA, promotions in Japan...but did they draw twice as much as someone like Flair? or Dusty Rhodes?


Because they made around as much and you had to pay BOTH Hawk and Animal.

From a cost effectiveness stadnpoint, focusing on midcard names and using the tag division to develop younger guys makes more sense (similar reasoning is why manager aren;t around as much).


It sucks because we'll probably never see a really great tag divsion again in the WWE. But that money is a big driver.



Still, what they would pay both would never probably be the same as they would pay Flair or Rhodes. So there would still be some profit. Even if a Tag get's really over, they never get a ME push while together (at least not nowadays) wich means that what they get paid (combined) will never be the same as ME.

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Still, what they would pay both would never probably be the same as they would pay Flair or Rhodes. So there would still be some profit. Even if a Tag get's really over, they never get a ME push while together (at least not nowadays) wich means that what they get paid (combined) will never be the same as ME.


Ummmm..the interviews I've seen about that time period would say that yes, their combined checks would've been more.


But that was a rare case.


My point is that for what you pay two guys, the return on investment didn't justify it. A solid well-known even semi-main event tag team doesn't draw any more fans thatn a solid well-knwon semi-main event singles guy.


All i'm sayin'


:):D:D:);););):):D:) <---- so no one takes this too seriously

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I hope he comes back to wrestle. Why bother making a lot of noise about using his likeness? Goldberg needs to wrestle. I admit to being a mark for Goldberg so this is what I want to see. I want a Goldberg/Undertaker feud.


Not a huge fan of Goldberg but I agree, his return is pointless unless he gets in the ring. And if he's pushed right...using lots of his WCW run footage...I think he's a draw, too


You could headline a PPV with Goldberg/Cena pretty easily.

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I definitely agree they took away the pros too soon. I don't want to see a match (singles or tag) that involves all rookies. Ever, let alone three weeks in. I mean, the ending to the tag team match this week was botched so bad I don't even know what was SUPPOSED to happen. You're also right about the vagueness...how do they expect people to get into a competition when they don't even know the rules? What are they even voting on next week? Who leaves? Who goes to Raw/Smackdown!? Who gets to sleep with Tiffani? Are they just going to rank them? How long is this competition going to last? Do you win it just by votes or will there be matches at some point? What does the winner get? What about the rest of the wrestlers? We should know all of these answers already. I love the concept, but the execution...leaves a lot to be desired.


There's just no direction. Barrett is a clear heel. Danielson and Sheffield clear faces. The rest of them I have no idea if I'm supposed to like them or not, and most of them suck in the ring. It should have never been this ambiguous "voting." Spend the first several weeks introducing the rookies and letting them interact with the veterans. Have them all work matches, development their face/heel alignment, and develop relationships with the other rookies/pros like they've been doing. Then, close the season out with a single elimination tournament. Winner is guaranteed a contract with the brand of his choice. The losers can be picked up as "free agents." Lots of opportunities in a tournament to build fueds based on costing another worker a match, getting screwed by your pro, etc. That would at least let us know what it is these guys are working towards.


It's too ambiguous between whether or not the winner is the best "wrestler" or the best wrestler. It's kayfabe kinda, but not kinda. Just treat it like any other brand where the wrestlers are trying to win, period.

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Not a huge fan of Goldberg but I agree, his return is pointless unless he gets in the ring. And if he's pushed right...using lots of his WCW run footage...I think he's a draw, too


You could headline a PPV with Goldberg/Cena pretty easily.


Heck yeah you could.


Cena/Goldberg could main event a show.

Goldberg/Batista could be a solid secondary main event.

Goldberg/Taker would be a great "mark out" feud.

Goldberg/Jericho will always have potential because of the WCW stuff.


And how can we live without Goldberg laughing at Edge backstage and saying "You call that a spear?" A Goldberg/Edge feud could have some epic comedy. Goldberg on the announce team for an Edge match, Edge sets up for the spear, Goldberg says "OH NO! Edge is setting up for the Gentle Hug Takedown! It's all over folks!"

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Ummmm..the interviews I've seen about that time period would say that yes, their combined checks would've been more.


But that was a rare case.


My point is that for what you pay two guys, the return on investment didn't justify it. A solid well-known even semi-main event tag team doesn't draw any more fans thatn a solid well-knwon semi-main event singles guy.


All i'm sayin'


:):D:D:);););):):D:) <---- so no one takes this too seriously


Yeah the Road Warriors are the exception to the rules though. They could main event for you and draw. Most tag teams, even over ones, could never do that.

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Ummmm..the interviews I've seen about that time period would say that yes, their combined checks would've been more.


But that was a rare case.


My point is that for what you pay two guys, the return on investment didn't justify it. A solid well-known even semi-main event tag team doesn't draw any more fans thatn a solid well-knwon semi-main event singles guy.


All i'm sayin'


:):D:D:);););):):D:) <---- so no one takes this too seriously


I see this post as an insult to my person, wich means i will now kill myself as my heart is broken... Oh...the pain!!!! :eek:



:):D:D:);););):):D:):p:D:o:cool::):p:D:):D:p;):D:D:D:D:D:D <---- so no one takes this too seriously.



Edit: Before i kill myself i had an epiphany and ran back here to edit this post. I forgot to say that i didn't explain myself well. I ment that nowadays a good team would never get a bigger pay check (with both guys income combined) then a ME. So, it would not be so unprofitable to bet on a certain high level of teams. (but not only ME teams, of course)

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I think the Goldberg thing might require to do like a year run and end at WM. The guy doesn't need the money (unlike Flair who keeps wrestling to pay all his ex's), he recently said he doesnt want to keep wrestling his tights as an old man, and he has also done a good job of distancing himself from the business and be successful which is hard to do.


However I def. see this more as an outside the ring business deal than a "lets bring Goldberg in so he can be a top draw again" deal. I say that for a few reasons,


- First is TNA. Goldberg doesn't like them. It isn't just because of Hogan but both Goldberg and Lesnar publicly stated they were upset TNA kept using their names to tease big signings (which did over and over and over) and as we all know Hogan teased bringing him in which Goldberg said they never even negotiated.


- That first point was Goldberg being personal with TNA, second is WWE's "battle" with TNA. While Goldberg didn't want to go to TNA now that doesn't mean they wont throw money at him in the future which would draw more hype for TNA and let them sell ALOT of merchandise which WWE could be selling.


- Merchandise and DVD. This of course benefits both sides. Goldberg can make a lot more money of merchandise than with TNA so it only makes sense for him. They can bring Goldberg in ring for a year, give him a title run like before (theres two titles so no one else is getting hurt) then when he is done put out a DVD including his WCW run which would sell especially now that he would have more WWE footage and it would actually be a good one to watch. Also think of a post career book. Of course then WWE can still sell their Who's Next shirts and all that even after he's gone giving both money for longer.


- Post Wrestling. Goldberg does appearances but WWE can give him more opportunities (heck he could come to AXXESS every year) making more money. Also, a movie. WWE has been getting into them and Goldberg would fit for a good role (doesnt even have to be the star) and because he's already had success outside of wrestling promoting things like that would be easier, I mean my Dad even likes him b/c of his car shows and car collection but has no clue who Cena is.


- Finally HOF. This ties into Post Wrestling but as people have said WWE is lacking "big" names for the HOF because lets face it, there have only been so many big names in the 20 years of mainstream wrestling. yes there are still good old worthy guys, but not alot of them appeal to the general WWE audience. If Goldberg did his year (or just over) run like I said winning the title he would then be a two time WWE champion and one time WCW champion and have the streak and all that and lets face it there have been less deserving people get into the HOF.


-Sting. This one is REALLY iffy I don't expect this to fully happen but at least listen. Sting has disliked WWE is without a doubt the biggest star of the era that has never worked for WWE. If they treat a former WCW guy like Goldberg well it might help Sting do something with WWE after he retires and is done with TNA even if it is only to do a book, movie, and HOF thing. Afterall, if Goldberg can make all that money without doing much work, why woulnd't Sting at least think about it? Goldberg isn't the golden thing that would make this happen but it sure as hell doens't hurt.


Overall seems like a great business decision that didn't capitalize on before but I agree he has to return to the ring (even if only wrestling at PPV's) or he wont have the momentum to just sell merchandise.

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I think the Goldberg thing might require to do like a year run and end at WM. The guy doesn't need the money (unlike Flair who keeps wrestling to pay all his ex's), he recently said he doesnt want to keep wrestling his tights as an old man, and he has also done a good job of distancing himself from the business and be successful which is hard to do.


However I def. see this more as an outside the ring business deal than a "lets bring Goldberg in so he can be a top draw again" deal. I say that for a few reasons,


- First is TNA. Goldberg doesn't like them. It isn't just because of Hogan but both Goldberg and Lesnar publicly stated they were upset TNA kept using their names to tease big signings (which did over and over and over) and as we all know Hogan teased bringing him in which Goldberg said they never even negotiated.


- That first point was Goldberg being personal with TNA, second is WWE's "battle" with TNA. While Goldberg didn't want to go to TNA now that doesn't mean they wont throw money at him in the future which would draw more hype for TNA and let them sell ALOT of merchandise which WWE could be selling.


- Merchandise and DVD. This of course benefits both sides. Goldberg can make a lot more money of merchandise than with TNA so it only makes sense for him. They can bring Goldberg in ring for a year, give him a title run like before (theres two titles so no one else is getting hurt) then when he is done put out a DVD including his WCW run which would sell especially now that he would have more WWE footage and it would actually be a good one to watch. Also think of a post career book. Of course then WWE can still sell their Who's Next shirts and all that even after he's gone giving both money for longer.


- Post Wrestling. Goldberg does appearances but WWE can give him more opportunities (heck he could come to AXXESS every year) making more money. Also, a movie. WWE has been getting into them and Goldberg would fit for a good role (doesnt even have to be the star) and because he's already had success outside of wrestling promoting things like that would be easier, I mean my Dad even likes him b/c of his car shows and car collection but has no clue who Cena is.


- Finally HOF. This ties into Post Wrestling but as people have said WWE is lacking "big" names for the HOF because lets face it, there have only been so many big names in the 20 years of mainstream wrestling. yes there are still good old worthy guys, but not alot of them appeal to the general WWE audience. If Goldberg did his year (or just over) run like I said winning the title he would then be a two time WWE champion and one time WCW champion and have the streak and all that and lets face it there have been less deserving people get into the HOF.


-Sting. This one is REALLY iffy I don't expect this to fully happen but at least listen. Sting has disliked WWE is without a doubt the biggest star of the era that has never worked for WWE. If they treat a former WCW guy like Goldberg well it might help Sting do something with WWE after he retires and is done with TNA even if it is only to do a book, movie, and HOF thing. Afterall, if Goldberg can make all that money without doing much work, why woulnd't Sting at least think about it? Goldberg isn't the golden thing that would make this happen but it sure as hell doens't hurt.


Overall seems like a great business decision that didn't capitalize on before but I agree he has to return to the ring (even if only wrestling at PPV's) or he wont have the momentum to just sell merchandise.


There isn't much to add here, as you brilliantly explained yourself, but i have to say that maybe the Sting part isn't that much iffy as some may think.

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I think Goldberg has so much left to offer the business. His run with the E was so disappointing. I can not believe we never got Goldberg vs Austin.


I usually agree with you on most things about wrestling justtxyank, but holy cow could I not disagree with this more :p


Even during his prime I thought Goldberg had very little to offer, difference is now he is older, less motivated (not that he ever seemed to be into wrestling to begin with) and has no momentum behind him.


I think signing him for a merchandise deal makes sense as WWE could probably make some money off the WCW nostalgia, and as was mentioned I could see him be used in a Bret Hart style mini-run but of all the former WCW people I would like to see in WWE now Goldberg ranks about 129 on the list. Bring in La Parka or give us a 3 Count reunion first.

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I usually agree with you on most things about wrestling justtxyank, but holy cow could I not disagree with this more :p


Even during his prime I thought Goldberg had very little to offer, difference is now he is older, less motivated (not that he ever seemed to be into wrestling to begin with) and has no momentum behind him.


I think signing him for a merchandise deal makes sense as WWE could probably make some money off the WCW nostalgia, and as was mentioned I could see him be used in a Bret Hart style mini-run but of all the former WCW people I would like to see in WWE now Goldberg ranks about 129 on the list. Bring in La Parka or give us a 3 Count reunion first.


Man I loved La Parka.

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Yep it makes more sense for Goldberg to sign with the E and as Jester pointed out there is a bigger chance he will be used well there. In the TNA thread I made clear what I thought about him possibly in TNA. In short it was that he could be an asset but that he would have to be handled exactly right or it wouldn't work which would make it too big a risk given his cost.
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There isn't much to add here, as you brilliantly explained yourself, but i have to say that maybe the Sting part isn't that much iffy as some may think.


Yep it makes more sense for Goldberg to sign with the E and as Jester pointed out there is a bigger chance he will be used well there. In the TNA thread I made clear what I thought about him possibly in TNA. In short it was that he could be an asset but that he would have to be handled exactly right or it wouldn't work which would make it too big a risk given his cost.


thanks :)


A year of Goldberg would be overkill for me. I loved his streak, but without it he doesn't do it for me. A three month arc like they're doing with Bret (only more physical) could be nice though. I'd enjoy that.


Even something like this would but I def. think he has to make an in ring return. If this is a pure merchandise deal and WWE put a "Who's next!?" shirt on WWE.com tomorrow would people really buy it? Compare that to having him spear Edge at a PPV after a title defense (if he wins) in two months, THEN, put the shirt online the next day. I think both sides are smart enough business wise to figure that out.

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Completly random change of topic, what's everyones top three matchs they are looking forward to besides the obvious HBK Taker Rematch?


I think mine are, in order...


Punk vs. Rey


This fued went to "why would they even fight" to absolutely epic in about 3 weeks of promos. Great, Great tie in with Punk going all creepy on Rey's family and making it personal.


I'm also just really looking forward to the match on an in ring level. Both guys can really go, and i hope they give this match a long time slot on the card. I think this has the potential to steal the show, out of the Non- ME matches


MITB - always a fun spot fest, and i get to pull for my dark horse who will never win, shelton benjermin. I'm also a big ziggler fan, love to see them pull the swerve and let dolph have it (even though he's kinda stalled at the moment, due to that whole...unpleasantness with rey and such.)


I'm hoping christian takes this one and goes after edge, love to see those two back in the same ring. please oh please, no drew...even though they've been pushing that heavy.


Cena Vs Batista - i'm not a fan of either guy, to be honest, but both have a rep of raising thier games at WM and can put on a good match.


What's everyone else's take?

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Yep it makes more sense for Goldberg to sign with the E and as Jester pointed out there is a bigger chance he will be used well there. In the TNA thread I made clear what I thought about him possibly in TNA. In short it was that he could be an asset but that he would have to be handled exactly right or it wouldn't work which would make it too big a risk given his cost.


Frankly...i think Goldberg is over rated...way over rated. I can't see him doing something that would be that worth of watching and i defnitely can't see him headlining on WWE. I'm not saying it's not doable, i'm just saying i wouldn't be interested in watching it. Wich doesn't mean i wouldn't mind seeing him there for a run, but not as a headliner. I wouldn't mind seeing the guy back, as he would still be useful, but i think he's over rated. As someone already said, there are a lot of former WCW guys i'd rather see beeing signed first. But i won't go as far as sayign he's my "129" pick. :D But that's just my opinion.

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Jim Ross commented on it in his latest blog, I'm not going to post or link since its not ground breaking but he basically said how both sides are smart and realize it could be business and why it isn't about Goldberg returning to the ring as much as merchandsing, WM is in Atlanta next year so its possible he could do a final run up to that.


As far as matches for Wm,


Punk vs. Rey is good if Punk wins, lets face it Rey is getting older Punk has gotten over as a face and heel and can carry the company for years and I think a big WM singles win will help him.


MITB- doesnt really excite me because i dont see any of the wrestlers in it potential World title HOF superstar. Will it be an entertaining match? Most probably. It seems Swagger/Christian/McIntyre will win based on pushes. What bothers me about this match is how its the total midcarder show. Shouldn't Triple H, Sheamus, Punk, Rey want to be in this match? It's a fun idea and I get its used to elevate people but with how poorly the qualifying squash matches were and the lack of a break out star (before anyone says Christian he has been "breaking out" for years and WWE seems pretty darn content not to make him a Main Eventer) it just doesnt excite me. Also while Benjamin, Bourne, Hardy, and Kingston are in it for the athletic purposes, having Kane in this match (again) kinda bums me out.


Edit I do think it would be cool if they announced a stipulation that would be in the WM MITB You can't have been a former World champion. I think it would kayfabe explain why ME's don't care about being in it and I think it would do a good job emphasizing how big of a push/opportunity it is.


so the three matches in no order excluding HBk/taker

- Punk vs. Rey

- Jericho vs. Edge (hope feud contineus after Mania)

- Orton three way- reason being i am curious to see how it goes as I feel they could book it alot of ways

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