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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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People really have to learn how to use the spoilers warning as The Final Countdown said not everyone wants to be spoiled me personally dont care as i read them anyway but anyways damn Swagger is the freaking world champ :eek:


This is pretty cool imo too. I can't wait to see what they manage to do with Swagger now.

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Just a quick post to show my great appreciation for posting a spoiler here in plain sight. Thank you ever so much!


Now that it is out there lets discuss. Anyone think that the WWE has finally realised that the main-event scene is stale? Seriously, Sheamus had his overnight push and now Swagger goes from the "oh, is he still there" guy, to the position he is now in. Seems like seat-of-the-pants booking to me...


and for who I think should be a future world champ, I would say;

Drew McIntyre

Dolph Ziggler

DH Smith

Ted Dibiase (I would chose him every day of the week over Cody, to me Cody looks like a 12 year old paperboy...)

Mark Henry (I personally think he deserves it, heck, Khali got it for a while...)

David Otunga


I would also say Shelton, but I think the 'e have killed any chance of the fans buying into that...I hate to say it but I think he will end up much the same as Jake Roberts (minus the demons).

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My personal's:







Matt Hardy and Shelton just because.


And since you are new the way TheOmniWarrior did the spoiler thing is how its done here. Warn that there will be a spoiler and then put it in white text so you need to highlight it to read.


On the spoiler well I rate Swagger above Sheamus and McIntyre and I like surprises so lets see how it goes. Would it have hurt just to give him some build beforehand though?

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This is another one of those cases where you live in a different version of reality than I do.


First, Masters was AWFUL. God AWFUL. In the ring and on the mic. Just a total botchfest.


Secondly, he was nowhere near over. He was given months and months of time with the Masterlock challenge, was put into a program with HBK and Cena off the bat, and yet everytime he talked the crowd completely turned on him. He got X-Pac heat. The only person who was less over than him at the time was Rob Conway.


I have no idea what you were watching if you thought he was 'fairly over'


He wasn't getting booed as a heel. People wanted him off TV.


This is how bad Masters' first run was.


I don't even remember those programs! I recall the Masterlock Randomness, but, I guess I just erased him from my mind.


Also, I'm sure I'm stating the obvious, and, maybe there'll be a swerve to it. But, now that they announced how NXT will be run, is it the easy guess Danielson wins, and challenges Miz for the US strap? I've been assuming that would happen after this run of rookies ended, but, that made it seem more obvious.

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Bill Simmons is awesome. I wish ESPN would let him back on the Adam Carolla Podcast...


I tuned into Dancing with the Stars last night JUST so I could see Adam. Good stuff. Big fan of both guys.


As for Swagger, I'll say the same thing I said with Sheamus: his talent won't matter and how good a move this is will be determined by how it's booked. Sheamus' title run did nothing for him (he's looked better and gotten more over in the feud with Trips than with anything that happened while he had the strap) and if Swagger is booked in the same way - wins over midcarders and nobodies, running away from confrontations, holding onto your belt against big names through flukey count-outs and DQs - this title win won't mean anything either.


I'm hoping they play up his athleticism and wrestling acumen.

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So does anyone NOT think Bryan will win NXT and challenge the Miz for the US title since they made it so clear its not just a World title shot?


I'm not sure, I have yet to see the latest NXT so I am weighing in a touch early, but it would not surprise me if WWE did the old swerve the smarks thing and let one of the other guys (maybe Wade Barrett, Hopefully not Otunga) win but still develop the Miz/Bryan feud to the point where Bryan gets a shot at Miz despite not winning/getting screwed or something.

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Since the swagger spoiler is already blown... (thanks for that one OP by the way...would have been nice to be surprised by that one. :mad:)


I dunno about this one. On the one hand, I'm happy to see the WWE pushing a new guy into the main event, and i like swagger.


On the other hand....where the heck did this come from, momentum wise, WWE?


memorable swagger moments in the last 6 months off the top of my head:


- Squashed evan bourne....like 3 times

- Declared that he would go undefeated till the new year late novemberish...lost a glorified squash match a month or so later, no mention of undefeated boast.

- Won MITB


Now again, not against this push, though i am a jericholic and liked him having the belt for selfish fan reasons :), but it will be interesting to see how they book this.


Just pointing out that in TEW terms, they just gave a guy in the upper midcard at best with D+ momentum a monster win and a title reign....hopefully they book those better than I do :D


Swagger, to me, is a great in ring guy, but he just doesn't connect with the live crowd in promo's so far. We'll see if he has worked on that....if he hasen't and this is booked soft, it's sheamus 2.0

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Since the swagger spoiler is already blown... (thanks for that one OP by the way...would have been nice to be surprised by that one. :mad:)


I dunno about this one. On the one hand, I'm happy to see the WWE pushing a new guy into the main event, and i like swagger.


On the other hand....where the heck did this come from, momentum wise, WWE?


memorable swagger moments in the last 6 months off the top of my head:


- Squashed evan bourne....like 3 times

- Declared that he would go undefeated till the new year late novemberish...lost a glorified squash match a month or so later, no mention of undefeated boast.

- Won MITB


Now again, not against this push, though i am a jericholic and liked him having the belt for selfish fan reasons :), but it will be interesting to see how they book this.


Just pointing out that in TEW terms, they just gave a guy in the upper midcard at best with D+ momentum a monster win and a title reign....hopefully they book those better than I do :D


Swagger, to me, is a great in ring guy, but he just doesn't connect with the live crowd in promo's so far. We'll see if he has worked on that....if he hasen't and this is booked soft, it's sheamus 2.0


I do agree with you on the sudden push of Swagger but it was also compare to C.M. Punk's first rise as World Heavyweight Champion and this could possibly spark Smackdown's ratings if everyone remembers how Punk you'll see what I'm talking about.

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I forgot Shad on my list I think

Good size

Well enough in the ring IMO better than Cena/Tista. AND (SPOILER)


Hes turning heel on Smackdown!


Shad is abysmal. Seriously. He looks lost in the ring and seems to play out a rehearsed two/three move spot over and over. Next time Cryme Tyme are on, watch them carefully, notice how JTG does 90% of the work. They do their best to cover it up, all Shad tends to do is the 'face with fury' tag-in, clotheslining the heels a few times after they did their best to prevent JTG having the tag. Same thing every match.


He's really really bad. Not even mediocre.


I'm not a huge fan of Swagger winning the belt this way, personally I'd have rathered Edge won at Mania and Christian won the MITB, setting up a little feud where Christian turns heel cashing in on his brother. But alas, we have nothing. Where does Swagger go from here?

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Thought: Daniel Bryan wins NXT, challenges Miz for US title.


They're clearly trying to build a... what are we calling them, "Program?" between the two of them, and throwing any of the NXT 8 into the WHC chase seems silly.


That was probably obvious though.

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Shad is abysmal. Seriously. He looks lost in the ring and seems to play out a rehearsed two/three move spot over and over. Next time Cryme Tyme are on, watch them carefully, notice how JTG does 90% of the work. They do their best to cover it up, all Shad tends to do is the 'face with fury' tag-in, clotheslining the heels a few times after they did their best to prevent JTG having the tag. Same thing every match.


He's really really bad. Not even mediocre.


I'm not a huge fan of Swagger winning the belt this way, personally I'd have rathered Edge won at Mania and Christian won the MITB, setting up a little feud where Christian turns heel cashing in on his brother. But alas, we have nothing. Where does Swagger go from here?


Gabbo a gentle reminder don't quote spoilers that have been posted in white per the "rules"

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This is another one of those cases where you live in a different version of reality than I do.


First, Masters was AWFUL. God AWFUL. In the ring and on the mic. Just a total botchfest.


Secondly, he was nowhere near over. He was given months and months of time with the Masterlock challenge, was put into a program with HBK and Cena off the bat, and yet everytime he talked the crowd completely turned on him. He got X-Pac heat. The only person who was less over than him at the time was Rob Conway.


I have no idea what you were watching if you thought he was 'fairly over'


He wasn't getting booed as a heel. People wanted him off TV.


I only ever saw him botch that hammer that killed Steven Richards. Beyond that, *shrug*


Maybe I am living in an alternate world, because I clearly remember him getting heat and his Full Nelson getting over as unbeatable... and then he was fed to Cena and kind of fizzled out after that.

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