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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What the hell was with Cole's orgasmic spasming when talking about Otunga just before the 90th time they aired that hype clip of his?


It was creeping me the hell out. Less than a police taped Orlando Jordan.

Maybe it's because Otunga seems to be kinda-sorta feuding with Michael Cole's least favorite person in the universe, that uncharismatic, boring nerd named Daniel Bryan.


So is Swagger a Raw or SD guy? I'm still confused about that:confused:

Maybe they won't bother clarifying it until after the draft.

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Maybe it's because Otunga seems to be kinda-sorta feuding with Michael Cole's least favorite person in the universe, that uncharismatic, boring nerd named Daniel Bryan.



Maybe they won't bother clarifying it until after the draft.


I know they won't, just because the entire world wants it. But, I'd like Bryan to win, and, when Cole has to congratulate him, Bryan takes him down and gives him the good old elbow to the head combo.

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I know they won't, just because the entire world wants it. But, I'd like Bryan to win, and, when Cole has to congratulate him, Bryan takes him down and gives him the good old elbow to the head combo.

I really wish you hadn't said that. Because now, I'm going to keep envisioning Danielson giving Cole the MMA elbows, and everything he actually does on NXT will seem boring by comparison. :D

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Maybe they won't bother clarifying it until after the draft.


Or maybe Vince McMahon has decided the brand split is no longer financially sustainable, or it's not making him money. Definitely something to do with financial reasons.


The trend seems to be the brand split is slowly being dissolved. It's being somewhat ignored by Main Eventers. Remember when Batista was supposed to be a SD guy, and how big of a deal that was? Well, looks what's happened. He didn't do much on his at SD, but implicitly moved back to RAW when he won the WWE Title again.

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The only problem I'd see with that, is that this time of year (moreso the lead up to WM) the brand split is really loose.


I don't see them dissolving the split, just because they have so many people who aren't used already, that'll just annihilate 30% or the roster.


But, with HBK gone, Batista possibly taking time off, and everything, I wouldn't say it's completely out of the question.

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The problem is mainly of roster and staleness. A hard split means they have a harder switching people around. A soft split is meaningless because it's only a split in name only. Also, WWE did the brand split, not because they thought it was good idea (they claim they did it because they thought it was good idea, but I don't drink their Kool-Aid, and neither should anyone else), but because they had a huge roster. They pretty fired everyone from WCW now, except Chavo Guerrero.


It's gone now, the WCW and ECW guys are pretty much gone, the original reason for the brand split isn't there anymore. If WWE does anymore roster cuts (and they likely are), then they have to get rid of the brand split.

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Well, to be fair, Chavo is the only WCW/ECW guy left, period. With Dreamer's departure.


I still see a point to it, as the roster is still very large. If they end it, then, whoever wins NXT really has no place on the roster, and we'll end up losing the Yoshi Tatsu's, Zack Ryder's etc.


Not that they're using them anyway, but, still.

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Sheamus' feud with Trips is going to do 10x more for his career then the title run did. Can we all get past the "he's being pushed down the card" thing?


But...but pete, doesn't losing one match to an established M/E equal a complete squash of a push?!?!


I'm...i'm so confused....A guy can lose a match and still be getting a push.... what sort of world do we live in:eek:


All kidding aside about the "pushed down the card" thing, I agree. This will do way more for shemus, although i think (barring a complete fumble by him or WWE creative from this point forward) The title run was useful to quickly make him a guy who was legit to fued with hunter.


The title run wasn't about the title for shemus, it was about making him legit enough in a short amount of time to start booking him in fueds with guys like hunter, plain and simple.

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The problem is mainly of roster and staleness. A hard split means they have a harder switching people around. A soft split is meaningless because it's only a split in name only. Also, WWE did the brand split, not because they thought it was good idea (they claim they did it because they thought it was good idea, but I don't drink their Kool-Aid, and neither should anyone else), but because they had a huge roster. They pretty fired everyone from WCW now, except Chavo Guerrero.


It's gone now, the WCW and ECW guys are pretty much gone, the original reason for the brand split isn't there anymore. If WWE does anymore roster cuts (and they likely are), then they have to get rid of the brand split.


Actually, they are still doing the brand split so they can have two sets of house shows that both have World champions on them.

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Actually, they are still doing the brand split so they can have two sets of house shows that both have World champions on them.


For now, yes. But Jack Swagger won the SD main event title while on RAW, while Batista won the RAW main event while on SD. What does that tell you on how strongly the feel about having a true brand split? If they keep this up, they will only have a brand split in name only.

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For now, yes. But Jack Swagger won the SD main event title while on RAW, while Batista won the RAW main event while on SD. What does that tell you on how strongly the feel about having a true brand split? If they keep this up, they will only have a brand split in name only.


I think it is in name only now. Guys freely jump back and forth so much now a days. I think they would be off going one way or another. I liked it when this first went down and they treated them like two separate promotions.

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