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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What ever works for you. I have worked in business most of my life and I call it like I see it. Austin made his own success, his ad-lib at King of the Ring made his own career, Vince only decided to really push him when the dollars rolled in on "Austin 3:16".


I never said Vince McMahon was a lucky idiot, he is a smart businessman; steal the things that worked for everyone else and cram the guy who is making the most money for you down everyone's throats. That's how the wrestling business works. While Vince is very smart at making money, he is certainly ignorant and quite stupid at what fans want to see. People have wanted Cena heel for years, nobody really likes Batista at all, people have wanted Orton face for years, I can go on and on and on. Vince "knows" what people want to see and until another company gives him a sharp kick in the butt, he will never, ever listen to what the people care for.


First you say "cram the guy that makes the most money for you down their throats" then you say people want to see Cena turn heel.


Who are these "people"? Orton face for years? Maybe six months nine months tops and I don't even follow that well. Nobody likes Batista? You mean interent fans? Because the guy has been featured heavily on both shows, main evented pay per views, been the world champion, anchored house show tours and yet I don't remember fans refusing to show up because Batista was there. So who are these fans that hate Batista besides the smarks? If the fan base wanted Orton heel for years why have they spent most of their time LOATHING this guy during his Cena and HHH feuds? Every live show I go to, every t.v show I watch they were booing this guy until roughly six months ago maybe a bit before.


TNA fans wouldn't tune out if RVD, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles and every other top guy except Jeff Jarrett was stuck somewhere? TNA fans don't need a natural disaster to not tune in they do that in droves every week. Rocking a .6 on a Monday night is not condusive to a loyal fanbase. I'd hate to work for you "everything is fine employees sure we've lost 2/3 of our customers in two months but the ones we do have are LOYAL darnit".


I mean you say TNA fans wouldn't not tune in your just ASKING for it right? I mean they went from what like a 1.2, or a 1.9 or whatever it was to a .6 a few weeks ago? Didn't they just now climb back to a 1.0 for the first time in two months?


Anyway yeah TNA is a lot more than a hot angle away from doing something. They had doubled their audience when they first came to Monday nights and they spent the next three months encouraging them to leave. They have zero track record of ever being able to build a brand or a growing audience.


This lowest common denominator you speak of is what most business men call "normal every day people" normal every day people like to tune in and not be completely lost and confused from week to week with turns and swerves and hyped up matches that never happen and guys switching allegiances and what not. They like to know Cena yay, Orton boo, Vince McMahon evil and go from there. This failing model you spoke of has been doing fairly well for them since roughly 2002 and even during the worst global economic melt down in nearly a 100 years Vince is still making money had over fist. So yeah I'm sure any day now the bottom is going to fall out. Airlines, car companies, banks, every "big" business around the world is failing or on the verge of failing even movies are scaling back yet Vince is rolling right through but yeah that model of his is failing yup.


I mean do you have ANY numbers to back up what your saying? If not make some up because right now you're saying Vince who is making more money now than he did during the Attitude era is lacking sound business model.


You're saying that TNA fans are loyal when they've lost TWO THIRDS of their audience from just three months ago. You're saying this mystical "fans" want Orton heel, they want Batista gone and they want Cena heel yet they continue to show up droves and voice other opinions when presented on the live stage.


I think what you mean by "fans" and "people" is you. YOUR loyal to TNA, YOU want Cena heel, YOU don't like Batista, YOU think Vince's model is failing and YOU want Orton face. Thats all well and good but please don't think that YOU are on the pulse of what the world wide wrestling community wants because everything your saying is the complete OPPOSITE of reality.

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First you say "cram the guy that makes the most money for you down their throats" then you say people want to see Cena turn heel.


Who are these "people"? Orton face for years? Maybe six months nine months tops and I don't even follow that well. Nobody likes Batista? You mean interent fans? Because the guy has been featured heavily on both shows, main evented pay per views, been the world champion, anchored house show tours and yet I don't remember fans refusing to show up because Batista was there. So who are these fans that hate Batista besides the smarks? If the fan base wanted Orton heel for years why have they spent most of their time LOATHING this guy during his Cena and HHH feuds? Every live show I go to, every t.v show I watch they were booing this guy until roughly six months ago maybe a bit before.


TNA fans wouldn't tune out if RVD, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles and every other top guy except Jeff Jarrett was stuck somewhere? TNA fans don't need a natural disaster to not tune in they do that in droves every week. Rocking a .6 on a Monday night is not condusive to a loyal fanbase. I'd hate to work for you "everything is fine employees sure we've lost 2/3 of our customers in two months but the ones we do have are LOYAL darnit".


I mean you say TNA fans wouldn't not tune in your just ASKING for it right? I mean they went from what like a 1.2, or a 1.9 or whatever it was to a .6 a few weeks ago? Didn't they just now climb back to a 1.0 for the first time in two months?


Anyway yeah TNA is a lot more than a hot angle away from doing something. They had doubled their audience when they first came to Monday nights and they spent the next three months encouraging them to leave. They have zero track record of ever being able to build a brand or a growing audience.


This lowest common denominator you speak of is what most business men call "normal every day people" normal every day people like to tune in and not be completely lost and confused from week to week with turns and swerves and hyped up matches that never happen and guys switching allegiances and what not. They like to know Cena yay, Orton boo, Vince McMahon evil and go from there. This failing model you spoke of has been doing fairly well for them since roughly 2002 and even during the worst global economic melt down in nearly a 100 years Vince is still making money had over fist. So yeah I'm sure any day now the bottom is going to fall out. Airlines, car companies, banks, every "big" business around the world is failing or on the verge of failing even movies are scaling back yet Vince is rolling right through but yeah that model of his is failing yup.


I mean do you have ANY numbers to back up what your saying? If not make some up because right now you're saying Vince who is making more money now than he did during the Attitude era is lacking sound business model.


You're saying that TNA fans are loyal when they've lost TWO THIRDS of their audience from just three months ago. You're saying this mystical "fans" want Orton heel, they want Batista gone and they want Cena heel yet they continue to show up droves and voice other opinions when presented on the live stage.


I think what you mean by "fans" and "people" is you. YOUR loyal to TNA, YOU want Cena heel, YOU don't like Batista, YOU think Vince's model is failing and YOU want Orton face. Thats all well and good but please don't think that YOU are on the pulse of what the world wide wrestling community wants because everything your saying is the complete OPPOSITE of reality.


I was going to jump into this thread, but you hit every nail i was going to hit on the head, with gusto.


Well done Sten, great post.

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I like this Stennick guy. :)


Yep good points Stennick and I am saying this as a TNA fan hehe. Altough you slightly inflated some of the numbers. Batista, Cena and Orton work for the current WWE product and most casuals like them, plus the E's profits have never been this high. If their current formula is a long term succesfull one is another debate and their popularity has wained indeed but I never expect them ,and neither should others, to go out of bussiness due to others becoming sucesfull and I do not want them to go out of bussiness at all.

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Guest Instant Classic
First you say "cram the guy that makes the most money for you down their throats" then you say people want to see Cena turn heel.


Who are these "people"? Orton face for years? Maybe six months nine months tops and I don't even follow that well. Nobody likes Batista? You mean interent fans? Because the guy has been featured heavily on both shows, main evented pay per views, been the world champion, anchored house show tours and yet I don't remember fans refusing to show up because Batista was there. So who are these fans that hate Batista besides the smarks? If the fan base wanted Orton heel for years why have they spent most of their time LOATHING this guy during his Cena and HHH feuds? Every live show I go to, every t.v show I watch they were booing this guy until roughly six months ago maybe a bit before.


TNA fans wouldn't tune out if RVD, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles and every other top guy except Jeff Jarrett was stuck somewhere? TNA fans don't need a natural disaster to not tune in they do that in droves every week. Rocking a .6 on a Monday night is not condusive to a loyal fanbase. I'd hate to work for you "everything is fine employees sure we've lost 2/3 of our customers in two months but the ones we do have are LOYAL darnit".


I mean you say TNA fans wouldn't not tune in your just ASKING for it right? I mean they went from what like a 1.2, or a 1.9 or whatever it was to a .6 a few weeks ago? Didn't they just now climb back to a 1.0 for the first time in two months?


Anyway yeah TNA is a lot more than a hot angle away from doing something. They had doubled their audience when they first came to Monday nights and they spent the next three months encouraging them to leave. They have zero track record of ever being able to build a brand or a growing audience.


This lowest common denominator you speak of is what most business men call "normal every day people" normal every day people like to tune in and not be completely lost and confused from week to week with turns and swerves and hyped up matches that never happen and guys switching allegiances and what not. They like to know Cena yay, Orton boo, Vince McMahon evil and go from there. This failing model you spoke of has been doing fairly well for them since roughly 2002 and even during the worst global economic melt down in nearly a 100 years Vince is still making money had over fist. So yeah I'm sure any day now the bottom is going to fall out. Airlines, car companies, banks, every "big" business around the world is failing or on the verge of failing even movies are scaling back yet Vince is rolling right through but yeah that model of his is failing yup.


I mean do you have ANY numbers to back up what your saying? If not make some up because right now you're saying Vince who is making more money now than he did during the Attitude era is lacking sound business model.


You're saying that TNA fans are loyal when they've lost TWO THIRDS of their audience from just three months ago. You're saying this mystical "fans" want Orton heel, they want Batista gone and they want Cena heel yet they continue to show up droves and voice other opinions when presented on the live stage.


I think what you mean by "fans" and "people" is you. YOUR loyal to TNA, YOU want Cena heel, YOU don't like Batista, YOU think Vince's model is failing and YOU want Orton face. Thats all well and good but please don't think that YOU are on the pulse of what the world wide wrestling community wants because everything your saying is the complete OPPOSITE of reality.


You must be the guy who twists everything to fit his own personal perception.


In regards to Cena as a heel, people have been booing him for years, most notably the male fans, who make up the vast majority of the audience. They want to hate the guy to death because of his gimmick and how he is booked. Cena worked very well as a heel several years ago and could no doubt pull it off a lot better than the Sesame Street crap he does these days. Heck the net marks have begging for it since he first turned face and dropped the rapping.


When I say "crammed down our throats" that's in regards to the same matches with the same people with the same gimmicks, month after month with no regard that something is stale and no longer works from a creative point of view. How many times did we see Cena vs. Orton last year because creative could not think of anything else or even think to elevate someone to their level to work with? They tried with Kofi who in my mind did an excellent job but they killed it off within a couple months for no apparent reason. When the formula is dead, you don't string it up to a tree and put a neon sign up pointing to it to show it off.


In your listing for Batista, you are going by how he is booked by the WWE, you did not list a single thing otherwise. For reference, last year Batista was whining about not being in the spotlight hence his 2 week reign between Jericho's. Also the reason he was given the whiny gimmick when he crashed the Slammys on Carlito. I'm sure it was a punishment for his attitude even though now he dresses like a gay biker. He is a poor worker, an apparent backstage whiner from several sources over several years, horrible on the mic and unappealing to most people over the age of 10. He can't work a decent match with an average wrestler because he himself has stated he does not have the proper training to do so. He botches moves almost as often as Rob Terry does and for someone on his pay grade and his push, that makes no sense. Once again, listing how he is booked by the company in no way reflects his popularity or anything else.


Loathing Orton during his Cena and HHH feuds? I'm wondering if you have ever even watched the WWE before. I only watch shows very sporadically but anytime I saw Orton against Cena the majority of the crowd was cheering for Randy. Are you serious?


No, I don't think TNA fans would tune out by over 1/6 of the audience if half the stars were not present at the show. You also seem to not realize TNA doesn't book people for every taping. Hall, Nash, Waltman, Rhino, and a good dozen others were not at Impact this past week yet the ratings went up. You counter your own point when you say the TNA audience is the die-hard wrestling fan and TNA marks. You contradicted yourself on that one my friend. You ask why I think the ratings wouldn't drop as much then go on to argue in another point that most of it's audience are TNA only fans. You need to pick a side if you want to debate with me because you're all over the place and you sure as heck aren't using any real-life references to back anything up!


Zero track record for a growing audience? Once again, if you're going to make a statement, please use one that doesn't come from your own head. 7 years ago TNA barely had 100,000 fans. 5 years ago they could barely score a .1 rating. 2 years ago it was an amazing achievement to get a .8 rating with no opposition. Last week they got a .9 with half their show airing the same time as Raw. You and so many others tend to forget the slot TNA is in now is a far cry from Thursday nights and expecting them to go above a 1.0 is absurd. Keeping the ratings they have I think is very successful since they're "no competition" to the WWE and yet with a massive time slot change going against the #1 wrestling company they still managed to keep well over half their audience on a regular basis. I mean heck if you put the WWE of today against the WWF of the Attitude Era, which would you think would dominate? Comparing, WWE has had the same audience since TNA's inception. The revenue may have grown, but the ticket and PPV prices have also just about doubled, and they have a lot more marketing and double the house shows than before. If i doubled my workload I would expect twice the income as well! But just to compare farther, if you go back to the Raw in 2003 where Kane was unmasked, it garnered about the same rating as Raw from two weeks ago, and you can go recheck those numbers on your own because I know I'm right. While comparing the growth of the two is no real comparison, going by how you're trying to word it the WWE is supposedly better for having the same audience for the last decade while TNA's has gone up about 10 times that amount since they opened. I just don't see your logic.


And heck for the record, everyone likes to go off on how TNA supposedly cannot become popular regardless of which megastar they bring in, so exactly why do you think they would lose all their viewership if most of the roster didn't show up?


I'll repeat again, if you're going to try and use sarcastic remarks to what I said and then tell me I need to use reliable sources, would it not make sense for you to not come out with gems of wisdom such as; "what like a 1.2, or a 1.9 or whatever..." You go on a couple paragraphs down trying to verbally tear me down for "not having any numbers" when you yourself don't have a clue what they are and you're using your own biased opinions to make assumptions you don't even know about!


TNA was getting around .9 to 1.1 unopposed on a Thursday night when the only real competition on during that time was CSI which is failing miserably in the ratings. You put that same show against WWE and of course the ratings are going to go down. They dropped about 1/3 which can be expected, but they did score in their average range this week which says a lot. You can go right ahead and check the Nielsen ratings on that one cause unlike you I do my research and I know what I'm talking about.


Yes, the lowest common denominator are the ones who made reality television a smash hit. You take no thought process with no effort and feed it to people who are too lazy to be bothered with thinking. This is the US my friend, of course it's going to be a success because we're the laziest country in the world! Why bother to think about why two wrestlers are feuding over pride and their past history when you can just throw in a C-List guest host, a midget dressed like a leprechaun, and the Bellas & say "well here tonight you two..." Those type of people may make "fast money" but they sure as heck are not loyal fans. Remember back in the day when everyone wore Austin 3:16 shirts to jump on the WWF bandwagon of success? It's the same thing. Once the flavor wears off they'll go find the next thing to leech off of so everyone will think they're cool.


Two thirds? You don't even have any numbers yourself and you're pulling some random amount out of thin air? It amazes me, I don't think anyone actually read your reply to me that said "great going" cause you sure as heck are just guessing. 1/3 is what TNA has lost on average at the most. And heck when they first began it was around the end of the Wrestlemania hype which the sheep flock to every year regardless. Like I said, you can go pull the numbers for yourself. I'm not going to do the work for you when you're trying to criticize me and you don't even know what you're talking about in the first place.


More assumptions. I don't care about face or heel. If the character is interesting I am a fan. I don't care if Cena is heel or Orton is face. If they're boring I don't pay attention to them, it's as simple as that. I've been over the "cheer for this guy and boo that guy" mentality for years. I'm a firm believer that the next step in the evolution of pro-wrestling is to just make the gimmick, have the wrestler act it out, and let the fans decide. No pumping out cheap shots for heel heat and no sucking up or playing goody two-shows for cheers. Stone Cold and The Rock were the pioneers for this concept. 12 years ago people were smart enough to realize it and today people are even more intelligent. We cheer who we want and we boo who we want based off the gimmick and character, at least the smart ones do.


I highly suggest you go back and do your homework before trying to discuss anything with me. You spent your entire reply chastising me for "not having the facts" when you spent all your energy guessing and estimating and assuming. You brought zero facts into this and embarrassed the heck out of yourself for your efforts. You can look up the Nielsen numbers at any time you wish, and if you expect any more replies from me I expect you to actually use at least one fact in your wall of text.

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Just wondering where you got that 0.1 from? And please a more friendly tone from both of you keep it civil. Instant you are right in some points but are too influenced by the IWC and your own opinions in some cases. Stennick you are inflating some of your figures and not giving them context but are right in the most of it as you are looking at it from the E's and the casual fans point of view which is the target audience.
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Guest Instant Classic
Just wondering where you got that 0.1 from? And please a more friendly tone from both of you keep it civil. Instant you are right in some points but are too influenced by the IWC and your own opinions in some cases. Stennick you are inflating some of your figures and not giving them context.


I cannot remember what station it was on at the time because I don't even think I get it anymore, but it was from when TNA was on in the mid afternoon about4-5 years ago. Maybe it was an ESPN channel? It was their first national timeslot after the weekly PPV ended.


I keep things civil when treated the same. Someone telling me to use facts and back myself up when they repeatedly do the opposite and then make up their own numbers? Nah, no reason to be. If they can't back up their comments they shouldn't be involved in the discussion to begin with. Most of my opinions are backed up with facts, those that aren't were not used to further my points.

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Anyone have a source for the ratings they got at that time as I have looked around and could not find any. The only one I know of is this one and it goes back as far as 2005




Edit: Just found wiki saying they had an average of 0.2 on Fox Sports. But given that they started with an average of around 0.7 their first year on Spike and averaged around 1.0 their last thursday year they have had some growth. Just not a lot.

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Guest Instant Classic
Fox Sports Net.


Yes! Thank you.


I don't know why, but I have always had a knack for remembering things like numbers and matches and what have you. I can remember ratings or at least averages and I can recall most things over the last 15-20 years except for 1999 and 2000.


Guess I kind of didn't have room for a television station left in my head. :D

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Guest Instant Classic
Anyone have a source for the ratings they got at that time as I have looked around and could not find any. The only one I know of is this one and it goes back as far as 2005




Edit: Just found wiki saying they had an average of 0.2 on Fox Sports. But given that they started with an average of around 0.7 their first year on Spike and averaged around 1.0 their last thursday year they have had some growth. Just not a lot.


Just looked up on there. Guess I was wrong. Turns out during the time Kane lost his mask the WWE was getting a slightly better average than they are right now.


I wish sites kept better ratings histories.

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Guest Instant Classic
Just look up the ratings they got during the monday night era and have a laugh. Conversely financially they are stronger then at that time and stronger then ever.




For much of 99 and 00 they where averging in the high 5's and low 6 now they are down to low 3.


I know they air in more places now, not sure what kind of impact that has. They also pay wrestlers a lot less than before, not too sure on how that figures in as well. I remember when Psicosis was released from WWE he was only making about $1,500 a week.


Does seem kind of odd though that paychecks are down but revenue is way up, I'm hoping the workers get compensation through merchandise and such on that.

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I know they air in more places now, not sure what kind of impact that has. They also pay wrestlers a lot less than before, not too sure on how that figures in as well. I remember when Psicosis was released from WWE he was only making about $1,500 a week.


Does seem kind of odd though that paychecks are down but revenue is way up, I'm hoping the workers get compensation through merchandise and such on that.


International revenue is a big part of their increase in revenue also other ventures as licensing, merchandise and online with their video library etc plus increased corporate efficiency. Also making stuff more expensive so a loyal fanbase buys it anyways helps.

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Guest Instant Classic
International revenue is a big part of their increase in revenue also other ventures as licensing, merchandise and online with their video library etc plus increased corporate efficiency. Also making stuff more expensive so a loyal fanbase buys it anyways helps.




Also kind of like how everything went up in price when gas was so expensive, but even though it dropped about 40% the price of everything is still going up.

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Just wondering where you got that 0.1 from? And please a more friendly tone from both of you keep it civil. Instant you are right in some points but are too influenced by the IWC and your own opinions in some cases. Stennick you are inflating some of your figures and not giving them context but are right in the most of it as you are looking at it from the E's and the casual fans point of view which is the target audience.


I haven't inflated my numbers they just sound crazy.


October of 2005 Impact had a .8 rating


January 4th they got a 1.5 rating


March 8th they got a 1.0 rating


In April it sunk to a .6 rating. If you take the highest a 1.5 in Jan and the lowest in April .6 they lost 2/3 of their viewers in four months. His point was that TNA wouldn't lose 1/6 of their viewers if there was a natural disaster problem. My point was they lost 2/3 WITHOUT a natural disaster. So in theory TNA's booking could be argued to be FOUR times as bad as any natural disaster. I keed I keed.


At any rate my numbers aren't infalted I wish they were but I said they lost two thirds of their viewers and they did.


As far as everything else I could disect it but right now I'm not motivated to. The important this is they had a 1.5 and it dropped to a .6. Which is just under a 2/3's drop in viewership. Sure their ratings were up this week but as he pointed out over and over again the WWE lost a 6th of those viewers some of them found their way over to TNA for the week.


So yeah the numbers are spot on I'm a stickler for factual numbers and mine are just that factual.


So they weren't rocking .2's five years ago they were getting .8's five years ago and drawing just over 1.0's up until their move to Monday nights.


So yeah you'd think the numbers were inflated or I was just generalizing but there is no getting around 1.5 to a .6 is a 2/3 loss in viewership unless my math is wrong. Its not like they lost these viewers of the course of several years IE the WWE they lost 2/3's of their viewing audience in three months thats unfathomable even for them.

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The WWE is regarded by the casual fan (you know, that fan that television makes most of it's money out of) as pro wrestling. Go up to a random person on the street and say TNA. I've actually done it on a night out (admittedly in the UK) and had around 30 blank faces.


If Vince "puts his gloves on" then people will go "hey there is an another wrestling company!". By treating TNA like a low-end cult company they become a low-end cult company. That is the media swing. If Vince wanted to he could have some WWE star overdose, and I bet the effect would be worse on TNA then the WWE. Speculation of course, but WWE has the size and reputation to weather the storm, the damage to the image of pro wrestling would sink a lot of indy promotion's and effect the TNA fan base at the root of where it is growing.


And according to (Crap, early morning, a news source, somebody google it) the area's TNA are gaining in are the male demographic from 13-39. Isn't that the exact same demographic WWE has decided it doesn't need to appeal to because it can make more money off kids? TNA's problem is that the WWE is so large there isn't really many places they can go. They are pulling solid figures on Monday nights, that's fine, they have that male demographic. But can they really pull off the Huge PPV experiences like Wrestlemania that attract worldwide attention? I am a fan of what TNA is trying to do. But when I watch Slammiversary with a friend I am not getting anything near the level of Wrestlemania. Or is it Bound For Glory that is supposed to be the No #1 TNA PPV? Please don't try to use this against me in your reply because it's early morning and I am rushing, I have places to go.


The WWE has the experience and it has the size. If TNA were to jump to a 2. something in the ratings then the WWE still has the time to adapt to draw in the TNA fans before a full-scale TNA war erupts. The WWE are lazy with programming because it's cheap and very profitable. But don't think they know how adapt. Don't think that the WWE product you claim will lead to their downfall will change before TNA will be anywhere near on the same level in rating's and PPV buys.

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