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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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More like the next monster since he's sporting a big beard... surprise he has lasted that long usually tna stars dont last long in WWE.


Yeah. Maybe him not being on TV.. really.. has helped? Seems like that would hurt.


Also, anyone else surprised the World Title match was so early on the PPV?

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Duck tape? seriously?


Good spot but use something better than duck tape. Like a rope or handcuffs or something.


Actually duct tape makes more sense than either rope or handcuffs. Its something that makes sense to be available at ringside (especially being dumped out of the toolbox) and its easier than trying to tie up with rope.

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I'm more interested in the expansion of the SES.


I believe the returning guy was Joey Mercury, and one would assume WWE is going to change his name, ala Johnny Nitro to John Morrison. And he's a darn okay worker.


Now just need to add someone else and you have the Four Horsemen, but straight edge.


Punk - Flair

Gallows - Anderson

Mercury - Tully

Serena - JJ Dillon

Darren Young maybe? - the Windham/fourth guy who was never as important.

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The Four Horesmen were actually good though. Gallows isn't that great, Young isn't that great.


Evolution was a lot more like the Horseman than these guys as far as talented guys banding together.


This is more about Punk using weaker minded individuals to further his own gain.


The horsemen were a team all for one and one for all, this is more like CM Punk and his merry band of lackeys.

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I love the straight edge society and all (I'm a sucker for a decent stable) but, shouldn't Gallows have, I dunno, a win or two over someone? I'm not counting rooks and local guys. He's big, supposed to be bad ass, but, can't seem to do anything. That's what I hate. Also, why not let Serena start a run for the Women's belt? At least get some matches in. These things just always baffle me.
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The Four Horesmen were actually good though. Gallows isn't that great, Young isn't that great.


Evolution was a lot more like the Horseman than these guys as far as talented guys banding together.


This is more about Punk using weaker minded individuals to further his own gain.


The horsemen were a team all for one and one for all, this is more like CM Punk and his merry band of lackeys.


Gallows is what 25? He has plenty of time to improve, and I think he will. I agree though that Evolution was alot more like The Horsemen. SES are not really like any faction from the past - well The Ministry I suppose as far as using weaker minded wrestlers to do one persons bidding but even then not a great deal like them.

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I'm not saying Gallows will never improve but by the time Anderson was in the four horeseman he was a world class wrestler, part of one of the top tag teams in the business and a world tag team champion. The horseman was more about bringing together the four absolute best wrestlers (heel) at the time and just flaunting their women and money in everyone's faces while coming together as a unit to make sure they stayed on top keeping the money and women.


Gallows isn't at that level yet and is likely quite a far bit off of it. I would most liken SES to the Ministry in that their mostly lackeys who do Punks bidding and don't wrestle or win for that matter too much.


I like the stable and atleast it keeps them doing something rather than just sitting in developmental or being released.

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Maybe the draft will free up some room for Serena to get involved with the Women's Division. The Smackdown scene has plenty of heels (Layla & Michelle are doing fine) but bugger all babyfaces (Beth... Natalya?) but if you throw a Kelly Kelly or the Bella's on Tuesdays it would give her someone to fight.
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First PPV I've watched for literally years. My thoughts:


Tag Team Gauntlet: Well, the result of this was obvious from the moment the match begun. Not bad for what it was, but how embarassed must the ref have been from having to DQ someone at Extreme Rules. Embarrassed enough to not DQ ShowMiz for the next fall, despite watching the interference. Hart Dynasty to win tomorrow (and it had better be clean, as they've already got a tainted victory)


Hair vs ... er, nothing: Extreme Rules, where every match is extreme. Except this one. And the one before. Is was looking forward to this match, but it didn't quite live up to expectations. Mercury doesn't exactly bring someone with too much legitmacy to the SES. Mysterio needs a heel run.


Strap match: My one wrong predo - and the match most helped by the Special Rules, with the crowd only popping when the strap was used. I'm sure Shad will get a rematch win in theh next couple of weeks - wouldn't be too surprised to see it tonight before a move to RAW. JTG to be gone (again) in a year.


Swagger vs Orton: Was this really the slowest, dullest match ever (okay, not ever, I exaggerate)? Either the feed or my satellite started cutting out on this one, so I fast forwarded over a couple of minutes. Didn't miss anything.


Street Fight: Predicting against Triple H is always dangerous, but the opening segment gave him an excuse to lose. Whenever he's back he'll defeat Sheamus, and then probably get a Title run (assuming he doesn't just win it off Sheamus). Perfectly good Street Fight.


Women's match: With Mickie gone Beth makes the obvious champion. Highlight of the match - ironing board jokes. Until Cole took it too far when Michelle tried to use the iron. And why the hell did Vickie hand onto the plug?


Steel Cage: They let Jericho have too many near escapes, that seemed to slow down the momentum of the match. I see Edge moving over to RAW after this one.


Last Man Standing: Well, there was hate for Cena, but he by far and away got the biggest pop of the night - and Batista got the loudest heel heat. Sorry, for anyone thinking these two shouldn't be in the Main Event, they're wrong. The industry's about money, not talent. Slow at the beginning (what was with testing the ten count early in situations they would have never even tried a pin in a normal match?), but it actually got going well towards the end. The finish made more sense than handcuffs, although Cena's ability to tear to duct tape slowed the end down a little too much.


Overall, not bad - but considering there were four WrestleMania rematches, perhaps "average" was not the result that WWE should have been aiming for. Although maybe that was the overuse of gimmick matches, something I've never liked.


And I didn't realise how good a colour commentator Matt Striker was, but he was form last night. And it's nice to see that WWE's tag team division is as strong as ever.


So, draft predicitons - some women to move around. Edge and Shad to RAW, Swagger to Smackdown, along with one of Legacy. Perhaps Kofi too - he's hit a glass ceiling on RAW.

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Well, i don't think it's a glass ceiling so much as he needs a fresh start.


The E clearly wants to push him, and i love kofi, but man, it's been awhile since i've seen a guy get handed the ball and fumble it as badly as kofi did at the end of the orton fued.


It was, granted, extremely unprofessional of orton to scream "STUPID! STUPID!" at him on that raw where kofi botched the finsh for the second week in a row, but when you add those two raw M/E matches to the disappointing botchy PPV performance the month before, i can see why they put him on hold after orton.


I mean, as much as I criticize WWE's Booking, i really can't argue with them putting a hold on his push when his works was as botchtacular as that last month was.


Dunno if the pressure got to him or what, but he really turned in some spotty performances as that fued was winding down. He needs to go to smackdown not to get out from under some glass ceiling but to get a new fued for himself and recapture what he had during the hieght of the orton fued before his ring work went to crap.


Smackdown's taped nature may also help him assimilate into a higher role on the card. If it was nerves that led to his sloppy ring work on raw, being taped instead of live can only help him overcome that and get comfortable with the spotlight on him. and, if he makes one of the glaring botches he made during finshes on the raw matches, they can edit it out.


Heck, even punk, a much, much better and more consistent worker in ring than kofi, used that perk about what, a month ago according to the rumor sites when he botched the GTS live? yea for tape delay and editing:D!

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Actually duct tape makes more sense than either rope or handcuffs. Its something that makes sense to be available at ringside (especially being dumped out of the toolbox) and its easier than trying to tie up with rope.


I suppose it does, but you could have just said that Cena planted something there with that finish in mind.


My problem with duct tape is that it looked like Batista could break the tape fairly easily.

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Swagger vs Orton: Was this really the slowest, dullest match ever (okay, not ever, I exaggerate)? Either the feed or my satellite started cutting out on this one, so I fast forwarded over a couple of minutes. Didn't miss anything


I personally enjoyed it. It made sense to go with the story of swagger wanting it in the ring and Orton outside, could maybe have done more with it but still it was good for where it was on the card, and a lot of what the announcers said about swagger combined with his win really furthered him; the stuff about him taking too much time, taking himself too seriously, having lost recently but doing it when it counts...I dig that.


In fact the commentary as a whole I enjoyed more than I have in a while lol, when there's three of them it's much better than any combination of two.

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I thought it was yet another good, high level match by swagger. He's certainly rewarded their faith in him in-ring wise. Needs to work on his promo's, but i like him as champ so far. hope they give him a few more PPV's before giving it back to another guy ( most likely orton, as it's looking now)


Still not sold completely, but he's getting there with me. Way more than drew or shemus did in there "Lets push the new guys" mandate.

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