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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Hey is it true Batista might be leaving the WWE or has wrestled his final ppv


One can dream.


Though his recent gimmick is by far his best work in the WWE....not that it's saying much.


Overall, i won't be sorry to see roidtista go. He's 40 and (to me) very one dimiensional and uninteresting.


I personally will be happy to see him out of the WWE main event. that's just me though, personal preference for sure.

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Well, i don't think it's a glass ceiling so much as he needs a fresh start.


The E clearly wants to push him, and i love kofi, but man, it's been awhile since i've seen a guy get handed the ball and fumble it as badly as kofi did at the end of the orton fued.


It was, granted, extremely unprofessional of orton to scream "STUPID! STUPID!" at him on that raw where kofi botched the finsh for the second week in a row, but when you add those two raw M/E matches to the disappointing botchy PPV performance the month before, i can see why they put him on hold after orton.


I mean, as much as I criticize WWE's Booking, i really can't argue with them putting a hold on his push when his works was as botchtacular as that last month was.


Dunno if the pressure got to him or what, but he really turned in some spotty performances as that fued was winding down. He needs to go to smackdown not to get out from under some glass ceiling but to get a new fued for himself and recapture what he had during the hieght of the orton fued before his ring work went to crap.


Smackdown's taped nature may also help him assimilate into a higher role on the card. If it was nerves that led to his sloppy ring work on raw, being taped instead of live can only help him overcome that and get comfortable with the spotlight on him. and, if he makes one of the glaring botches he made during finshes on the raw matches, they can edit it out.


Heck, even punk, a much, much better and more consistent worker in ring than kofi, used that perk about what, a month ago according to the rumor sites when he botched the GTS live? yea for tape delay and editing:D!


I remember missing out most of that month. I wasn't exactly a regular viewer of the wwe anymore then. (Still haven't returned to regular viewer status yet) But i always wondererd why they cancelled his push. Can someone give me a detailed explanation on that whole Kofi situation and to what happened back then?

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I remember missing out most of that month. I wasn't exactly a regular viewer of the wwe anymore then. (Still haven't returned to regular viewer status yet) But i always wondererd why they cancelled his push. Can someone give me a detailed explanation on that whole Kofi situation and to what happened back then?


I'll drag up the orton youtube clip when i get home, but it was really that simple. Kofi had a solid month where his ring work went to ****.


Who knows why, but he just looked lost in those last few matches with orton, culminating in the "stupid" incident. a quick run down of it is that randy clearly was going to do the stalk for the punt move, but kofi bounced right up off the interference bump that put him down by dibiase? i think it was ted anyway, could have been cody...


Randy then kinda shoved him down (it was clear kofi wanted to trade punches at the time, and randy was trying to do the finsh) and went for the "stalking" taunt before the RKO. Kofi again bounced right up to trade punches. orton gave him a "are you serious?" look, then gut kicked him and rko'd him.


Rather than pin him, orton jumped up and yelled "STUPID" twice then pinned him. after the three count camera's cought him mouthing "what the blank was that" and shaking his head.


Rumor sites picked up that kofi completely forgot the finish, which was supposed to be, according to the dirt sheets anyway, a punt off the interference to do the always popular "randy kicked me i'm out 2 shows then im back like a house of fire on randy's behind" approved storyline extender :D


Since then, seems like they put him on hold. dunno if wwe was just tired of his ring work for that month and that was the straw that broke the camels back or what, but that pretty much killed that fued dead.

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I'll drag up the orton youtube clip when i get home, but it was really that simple. Kofi had a solid month where his ring work went to ****.


Who knows why, but he just looked lost in those last few matches with orton, culminating in the "stupid" incident. a quick run down of it is that randy clearly was going to do the stalk for the punt move, but kofi bounced right up off the interference bump that put him down by dibiase? i think it was ted anyway, could have been cody...


Randy then kinda shoved him down (it was clear kofi wanted to trade punches at the time, and randy was trying to do the finsh) and went for the "stalking" taunt before the RKO. Kofi again bounced right up to trade punches. orton gave him a "are you serious?" look, then gut kicked him and rko'd him.


Rather than pin him, orton jumped up and yelled "STUPID" twice then pinned him. after the three count camera's cought him mouthing "what the blank was that" and shaking his head.


Rumor sites picked up that kofi completely forgot the finish, which was supposed to be, according to the dirt sheets anyway, a punt off the interference to do the always popular "randy kicked me i'm out 2 shows then im back like a house of fire on randy's behind" approved storyline extender :D


Since then, seems like they put him on hold. dunno if wwe was just tired of his ring work for that month and that was the straw that broke the camels back or what, but that pretty much killed that fued dead.


OMG. Orton really needs to do anger management therapy...or leave drugs. :D

As for Kofi...i don't know why some people dig him...i can live pretty well without him.

Thanks for the explanation.

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OMG. Orton really needs to do anger management therapy...or leave drugs. :D

As for Kofi...i don't know why some people dig him...i can live preaty well without him. Thanks for the explanation.


I say anger managment...the funny part is i've always heard that randy's drug of choice is the sticky icky, and as someone who smokes every once in awhile, i've never known it to promote anything like anger.


Unless it's anger based upon no skill moron's care package glitching in MW2...i've gotten pretty fired up for that even blazed :D


Anyone watching the draft btw? i'm stuck at school, love to know whats going on.

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It looks like JR is can really head to TNA. he denied it several times in a tone that implied something like "I will not leave the WWE" and now he clearly changed that tone. here are some things he said on his blog: (source: Wrestling Exposed)


"Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section of his website JRsBarBQ.com with some commentary on a variety of topics. Ross' WWE contract expires at the end of this month and its been widely reported that there is strong interest from TNA Wrestling if Ross and WWE are unable to come to terms. Here are some Q&A highlights of what he said about:


Possibly Going To TNA: "I am a fan of TNA and hope that they become successful and earn better TV ratings. Where I may or may not fit into their plans is TBD. I do have several outside of wrestling options that interest me but I haven't lost my passion for pro wrestling either. I think it is good to have options. If TNA and us begin negotiations in earnest then both parties will actually know what the other wants or needs to make a potential deal work. That time hasn't come."


TNA Hiring A Firm To Analyze Their Audience: "I'm not sure about the consulting matter as I have seen some research projects work well and some waste time and money. I'm not in that loop nor am I informed of the research in which they are doing. If the research was done in Philly then having the ECW brand still have equity doesn't surprise me."


Paul Heyman Going To TNA?: "Paul Heyman doesn't seem interested in getting back into wrestling or so I hear. I guess time will tell. Bottom line is that for the pat 36 years I have been a total team player and don't plan on changing my philosophy any time soon. If I commit to any entity they will get all that I have to offer, in or out of pro wrestling.""

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Man Smackdown got butchered




-- Kelly Kelly To SmackDown!

-- The Big Show To SmackDown!

-- Kofi Kingston To SmackDown!

-- Christian To SmackDown!




-- John Morrison To RAW

-- R-Truth To RAW

-- Edge To RAW

-- Chris Jericho To RAW

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Man Smackdown got butchered




-- Kelly Kelly To SmackDown!

-- The Big Show To SmackDown!

-- Kofi Kingston To SmackDown!

-- Christian To SmackDown!




-- John Morrison To RAW

-- R-Truth To RAW

-- Edge To RAW

-- Chris Jericho To RAW



There's only one thing worse then having a B show moving into a B network. And that thing is a B show moving into a B network with a B roster! Ai Ai Ai!

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Man Smackdown got butchered




-- Kelly Kelly To SmackDown!

-- The Big Show To SmackDown!

-- Kofi Kingston To SmackDown!

-- Christian To SmackDown!




-- John Morrison To RAW

-- R-Truth To RAW

-- Edge To RAW

-- Chris Jericho To RAW


Well, at least I might get to see Kelly Kelly, The Big Show and Christian when I go to a Smackdown house show next week.

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So who are SD's biggest stars right now. Punk, Rey, Taker.....with both Edge and Jericho gone I guess Big Show gets put in there but he seems to be a face for the moment so who's the number two heel on SD now? Swagger I guess and then Cody Rhodes


Cody's still on Raw.


At least until tomorrow afternoon.

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Bad news for Truth & Morrison. They've sort of been stuck under Edge & Jericho's glass ceiling on Smackdown, and now they're still under that, and under Cena, Orton, Triple H, Batista. The new MVP's I'd bet.


As a guy who watches RAW maybe once every couple of months (bad timeslot) but every single Smackdown, this sorta sucks for me. 3 of my favourite guys are off the show. I guess there's going to be some room on top for midcarders to step up to the plate, so I'll wait and see who before being too bummed out.

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