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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I guess Deathmatches are for people who found they like a vicious TLC or street fight or that kind of thing, and since that audience exists the deathmatch exists. I agree though I wouldn't want to see them go too popular, that'd be over the top, but I think them have a niche is fine.



I love me a good violent wrestling match with buckets of blood and tons of violent spots. Stairs, tables, chairs, ladders, ringbells, whatever is at their "disposal".


However I want it to be an escolation of a feud. Two men can't stand each other to the point they want to put each other through as much hell as possible so they colllide in a cage match or a TLC match or an I Quite match. I want it to be a natural escolation of a story not just a "on tonights card we open up with two guys who have never met each other in a lighttube match"


Also I'm not a fan of the bringing a shopping card full of trash cans and a bunch of other lame stuff like kitchen sinks or cookoo clocks down to ringside. I prefer my hardcore matches to use the envirement around them. Use the steel steps, use the concrete floor, use the guard rails, use the ramp, heck even ladders or tables that are "under" the ring are ok by me. Use a ring bell but don't bring a shopping cart with a bunch of "plunder" to the ring such as cookie sheets and things like that. I like my hardcore matches more realistic by using the natural envirement around them rather than silly props.

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Hardcore wrestling is pretty silly really. If a guy can get beat over the head with light tubes and throw through tables and hung up by hooks and electricuted. How would a DDT or a piledriver be enough to pin this guy. No normal wrestling hold is going to beat a guy that can get up from being electricuted and put through flaming tables it makes zero sense. That guy would be able to walk into a "real" match and win without a blink.


I absolutely loathe "death matches" and I'm glad they stay on the outer fringes of the business.


See to me it really depends on how the match is worked. In FMW for example they had a lot of the garbage and weapons but they still kept moves strong. The Fire Thunder Powerbomb would still be used to put guys away, it may have to be used a couple of times but it was still a strong finisher. The hardcore stuff was kind of a way of wearing the opponent down as strange as that sounds and beating him up so bad that when the finisher is hit, he won't be able to get out of it. I can see the argument against the style, but the people making that argument are usually the ones who have little problem believing that referees are all blind all the time and title belts are the most powerful weapon on the face of the earth.


Also the most violent matches were saved for big shows with streetfight type and barbedwire type matches being their main garbage matches while they toured.


Linsolv's comment about bringing a gun is something I have often thought. When you have guys openly using ridiculously dangerous weapons it gets to the point where you wonder why they don't just bring firearms into it. Pretty sure one of the hardcore midgets pulled a gun on Jeff Jarrett during the early days of TNA.

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just a quick update on bryan danielson hes posting videos of bryan danielson on his wwe twitter account



he will be back as bryan danielson :D


from joey styles


"Wow! There are almost 2,000 videos on youtube featuring Bryan Danielson. http://ow.ly/1K6Im . Where will Bryan Danielson wrestle next?"


seems like a hint to me

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just a quick update on bryan danielson hes posting videos of bryan danielson on his wwe twitter account



he will be back as bryan danielson :D


from joey styles


"Wow! There are almost 2,000 videos on youtube featuring Bryan Danielson. http://ow.ly/1K6Im . Where will Bryan Danielson wrestle next?"


seems like a hint to me


Well, given the exit interview on NXT, it was certain he was going to come back.


Vince ain't stupid, he knows BRyan has a built in fan base and doesn't need to win NXT. I think it's a smart move to let someone else who needs a pop win that and get a title shot at a PPV.


I fully expect that shot to be Vs. Bryan, because that's how i'd book it in TEW :D


have him beat MiZ this week for the US title, which Miz doesn't need anyway, through some crazy substation by Bret.


Hopefully, they will then have the hart Dynasty retain at OVer the Limit (though i'm split on that. I think they like the belts on the hart's, but since the belt pretty much = a way around the brand restriction without the effort of a storyline excuse, it's got to be tempting to have two great promo guys with them in Miz and Jericho)


But i'm going to say the Hart's retain, and Miz then goes after his US title, leading to a fued that holds Bryan over until NXT is done.


You probley have Otunga win, since he already keyfabe "hates" Danielson.


Then have Otunga go after Danielson because he resents him being a champ despite failing on NXT and you tie NXT in nicely with both their in ital main roster pushes.


That's what I'd do anyway....

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Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


The winner of the inaugural season of NXT had already been determined several weeks ago as plans called for Daniel Bryan to win the competition, which has been described as a hybrid between reality television and WWE's scripted live event shows.


The plan several weeks ago was that when Bryan won the competition, he would face The Miz for his U.S. title on the first pay-per-view event following the conclusion of the season.


The rumor at RAW on Monday was that the new current plan is to have the NXT Rookie move to RAW under the name Bryan Danielson and team with someone (possibly John Morrison) to face Chris Jericho and The Miz. Of course, they could also still do The Miz vs. Bryan Danielson for the U.S. title as well and that would appear likely that we'll have a title change. Stay tuned as there are two ways in which this could go and both have been talked about backstage.


The first season of NXT was initially pegged to conclude on Jun. 8, with a new cast for a second season announced the following week. It remains unclear at this point how much longer the ongoing season will continue. Should WWE go through with a second season, it would likely conclude at the end of September since the show will at least end on Syfy at that point.


good to know

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Wow. Talk about the epitome of dirt sheets. "Hey this was the plan but it changed and now it could be any one of many different options"


It has a very simple translation. "We have NO IDEA about anything, and are just making up ideas."


Also, the idea that Bret didn't even know he was booked is laughable.

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Wow. Talk about the epitome of dirt sheets. "Hey this was the plan but it changed and now it could be any one of many different options"


It has a very simple translation. "We have NO IDEA about anything, and are just making up ideas."


Also, the idea that Bret didn't even know he was booked is laughable.


Prepare to laugh




He twitter'd or something that his son Blade (who'd better become a wrestler along with his cousin Oje Hart or I'll beat him up) had to tell him about the match.

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Prepare to laugh




He twitter'd or something that his son Blade (who'd better become a wrestler along with his cousin Oje Hart or I'll beat him up) had to tell him about the match.


Was it Blade or Dallas that was all set to be trained by Storm and then flaked and never showed up?

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I couldn't tell you, both I wouldn't hold it against either of them. I mean I the pressure of being the son of a 3rd generation worker must be immense. Maybe you love wrestling but it's not what you're made out for, and maybe you know that...but then everyone you talk says "hey...do wrestling". Talk about pressure.


But by the same token...Do wrestling! haha The potential overness for those kids is outstanding.


Just a fun fact for y'all: Kevin Nash has a kid in his late teens who is as tall as his old man. Scott Hall...also has a kid in his late teens who is as tall his old man. And that's from the mouth of Big Sexay himself.


Although Nash's kid apparently isn't too into wrestling. Damn it.



But could you imagine it...Outsiders V2? I can smell the money!

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Hopefully, they will then have the hart Dynasty retain at OVer the Limit (though i'm split on that. I think they like the belts on the hart's, but since the belt pretty much = a way around the brand restriction without the effort of a storyline excuse, it's got to be tempting to have two great promo guys with them in Miz and Jericho)


Jericho and Miz needs the belts as a way to go to Smackdown so they can mess with Big Show, that's the whole purpose of their alliance. I see no way for the Hart Dynasty to retain.

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If Kayfabe wasn't dead, this would have killed it...

(Not really a spoiler but just incase)


Partial source: F4Wonline.com target=_blank>F4Wonline.com


- WWE's production crew made a big technical error before the SmackDown tapings this past Tuesday night in Buffalo at the HSBC Arena. While fans were waiting to get in the arena, a TV with no audio in the front lobby was on and it was showing the WWE crew rehearsing for the show. Fans saw Teddy Long & Kofi Kingston rehearsing their segment, the Divas rehearsing their match and Jack Swagger practicing for his segment. The WWE stars prepared for the show until the doors opened for fans to come into the arena.



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Jericho and Miz needs the belts as a way to go to Smackdown so they can mess with Big Show, that's the whole purpose of their alliance. I see no way for the Hart Dynasty to retain.



Since when has the brand split ment anything when a storyline means someone has to be on both shows?


For instance, Batista didn't need the tag titles to show up on raw for a solid month and a half before he was officially made a raw superstar.


I agree that a a Jericho/Miz win is far more likely, but I don't really think failure to get ahold of the tag titles means they can't screw with big show.


In fact, you could have big show cost them the match and do some creative booking things to get them over there storyline wise.


Most likely they will beat the hart's, but i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility the story will go a different way.

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Since when has the brand split ment anything when a storyline means someone has to be on both shows?


For instance, Batista didn't need the tag titles to show up on raw for a solid month and a half before he was officially made a raw superstar.


I agree that a a Jericho/Miz win is far more likely, but I don't really think failure to get ahold of the tag titles means they can't screw with big show.


In fact, you could have big show cost them the match and do some creative booking things to get them over there storyline wise.


Most likely they will beat the hart's, but i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility the story will go a different way.


I agree with you in principle, but Miz and Jericho kayfabe being unable to go to Smackdown and mess with Big Show is the whole reason for them teaming up. Miz said directly "but Big Show is on Smackdown and we're both on RAW, so there's nothing we can do about it" to which Jericho replied that he "had a plan" or something like that - so, to me at least, it's pretty clear that the plan is for them to become unified tag champs so they can go on both brands as they please.


Also, the Batista thing can be kayfabe explained by him being Vince McMahon's henchman and thus allowed greater freedom than most (though it of course does not explain why people like Undertaker and Shawn Michaels also did it).

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I agree with you in principle, but Miz and Jericho kayfabe being unable to go to Smackdown and mess with Big Show is the whole reason for them teaming up. Miz said directly "but Big Show is on Smackdown and we're both on RAW, so there's nothing we can do about it" to which Jericho replied that he "had a plan" or something like that - so, to me at least, it's pretty clear that the plan is for them to become unified tag champs so they can go on both brands as they please.


Also, the Batista thing can be kayfabe explained by him being Vince McMahon's henchman and thus allowed greater freedom than most (though it of course does not explain why people like Undertaker and Shawn Michaels also did it).


Oh that's defiantly the plan in the storyline, I'm just not convinced it will go how two heels want it to go.


We shall see, though as i said i agree that it's more likely the hart's take one for the team and put miz and jericho over.

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The Batista thing was lapshaded by the tag titles. He held the RAW title, he can go on RAW. Then we start getting into thinking with portals, as he's allowed to like... troll Cena thanks to his rematch clause, and he gets drafted.


As for 'Taker, he's supposed to be some kind of undead monster. What's little old Vincent Kennedy gonna do? And I thought the whole thing with Michaels was that, storyline-wise, he snuck in.


So, you see, I can make sense of this crap. It's just, you gotta be willing to play by their rules at all costs. :p

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I was watching the Eddie Guerrero DVDs the other day and there was a short chunk of a clip I dont remember.

Eddie was between Taker and Edge in the ring.

Anyone remember what that was all about?

Also, on a sidenote, batista lies through his teeth lol


Batista: Im usually the guy that everyone comes to for moral support

Backstage fighting + getting divas fired = Locker Room Leader?

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I was watching the Eddie Guerrero DVDs the other day and there was a short chunk of a clip I dont remember.

Eddie was between Taker and Edge in the ring.

Anyone remember what that was all about?

Also, on a sidenote, batista lies through his teeth lol


Batista: Im usually the guy that everyone comes to for moral support

Backstage fighting + getting divas fired = Locker Room Leader?


Guess it depends on how you see "moral support" or "leader"... Batista supposedly isn't too far behind Triple H, Cena, HBK, and Taker for backstage influence with Vince. If he does indeed have a fair bit of pull, he wouldn't be a bad person to go to if that's what you're looking for...

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